Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 15

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 15:

Mars de-henshinned. "Well, they were rude." She claimed, crossing her arms angrily across her chest.

Usagi nodded a little. "I didn't know we had a new enemy. And we can't even defeat this one. I want to know who those two senshi are, and if there are more of them." She said quietly.

"Their powers truly exceed ours. They're much stronger, and they know it." Ami points out.

"Sooooo, we should watch out?" Minako asks. Mako nods.

"Girls!" a voice squeels. The desperate panting of someone running could be heard. Slowly, Ramya and Altair appeared from the stairs.

"Nani? What is it?" Usagi asks quickly.

"You didn't see the scores that were posted?" Altair asks.

"Usagi-chan, you got a B. Same with Altair." Ramya adds.

"What'd you get, Ramya-chan?" Rei asks, not believing that Usagi got a B.

"A, but that's beside the point. Usagi-chan passed a test!" Ramya says excitedly. Usagi jumps around, along with Ramya. Altair giggled at this sight. Celeste and Aisu walk up to the group.

"So, what's the celebration for?" the 18 year old giggles.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you guys this happy in forever." Aisu adds.

"Usagi got a B on her English exam." Ami states.

"Wow! Good going Usagi-chan!" Celeste and Aisu exclaim in unision.

"Since when did you two start hanging around each other?" Altair asks curiously.

"Aisu-chan is helping me with my mythology. And some other subjects." Celeste replies, as if she were thinking up of an explanation as she went along.

"But, you get A's in every class." Ramya states. Celeste glances at Aisu wearily.

"Nevermind that. Ramya-chan, want to come see a movie with us tonight?" Aisu asks.

"Uhm, sure. Why not?" Ramya replies, not knowing what was going on.

"Great, meet you at the fountain in the park, the one made out of crystal, at, uhm, about nine o'clock." Celeste says. Ramya nods as Celeste and Aisu walk off.

~*~*~That Night, at the park~*~*~

Ramya glances at her watch, her small fire red lips in a pout. "They're late." She mutters. A star shaped brooch emitted from the crystalline statue, a tigers eye gem placed in the middle. That was odd. A brooch emitting from a statue? With her favorite gem on it? She reached out her hand and grabbed the brooch that floated in front of her. She was encased in a crystalline object, her eyes closed. ~What's going on? How come I can't move, or open my eyes? Did I die?~ she thought to herself.

She awoke half an hour later to a girl with blonde hair. The girl's hair had pink highlights all over it. How come she looked so familiar? Another girl was next to her. She also had blonde hair, except there was a single white highlight down the right side of this young woman's head. Both were in belly bearing shirts and pleated skirts. Although the colors of them were different.

"And, she's back." The girl with pink highlights in her hair jokes.

"Welcome back, Star Crystal." The other one adds.

"Nani?" Ramya questions. She looks down at her body to see the same suit those girls were wearing, except her shirt was fully white, other than the grey collar. Her skirt was white with a silver stripe at the bottom, and her shoes were go go boots, silver in color. Her hair wasn't flowing down as it had usually been. Instead, it was held in a tight braid. Memories flooded her head. She remembered it all. Celeste, her best friend, maybe closer than that. And Aisu, her favorite advisor, other than another one. What was the other girl's name? Star Ocean. Yes, that was her senshi name. But princess name. No, that slipped her mind.

"Lightning, Ice, long time no see." She says, her voice tired and breathless.

"I'd have to say, yours was the best awakening yet." Star Ice laughs.

"Yes, so good, that I've come to enjoy the show." A young man with light blue hair states. "I'm Bavol, the lead general of Queen Lana's minions. And, you are my victims."

"Not if we can help it." Star Lightning interrupts. "You may be cute, but we don't fall for that."

"Crystal Shards!" Star Crystal screams. She's once again encased in a crystalline tomb, which breaks apart and swarms towards Bavol. The shards were easily blown away, however, by his small wind attack.

"Crescent Lightning!"

"Ice Shower!"

Bavol couldn't stand this. Three girls against one man? He was outnumbered, and Lana wouldn't want her best general to get harmed, now would she. The three girls were foreced to look away as a strong gust of wind blasted at them. Bavol then made his get away.