Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 28

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 29:

"She's so, perky." Star Wind whispered quietly to Star Ice.

Star Ice nodded. "I know. Hard to believe she was so unhappy a few hours ago."

"Hey guys, what's that up ahead?" Star Crystal called back behind her. She pointed ahead at the tall dark image of someone floating in mid-air.

Star Ice looked up. "Hime! Look out!" She ran forward and pushed Star Crystal away from the large ball of fire that had been zooming towards her.

"Domo arigatou, Ice." Star Crystal got up and brushed the snow from her fuku.

Star Thunder sighed and pulled her arms up into the air and stretched them out. "Well, whomever sent that fireball is long gone. I don't see that shadow anymore."

Star Crystal looked up. Thunder was right, whomever it was, wasn't there any longer. "Let's hurry."

Star Ice brushed herself off and followed Crystal, as she picked her way around the snowy mountain terrain.

Before they made it very far, though, Cassie appeared in front of them. "Hahahahahaa! Well, if it isn't the lil elemental goddesses. Seems you gals are late. I've ben waiting for you."

Star Ice steps in front of Star Crystal. "Take the others, and get out of here, I'll be fine. Once I finish off this one, I'll rejoin you guys." She hissed back.

Star Crystal shook her head. "I'm not leaving you."

"Go, now!" Star Ice glared back at her leader. Star Crystal reluctantly lead the others away.

"Hmpf. How heroic of you. It should seem that you won't rejoin your precious group anytime soon." Cassie surrounded Star Ice with a dome of fire, trapping her.


"It should seem I was more of a bother than help. Good luck." Star Ice's soft, menacing voice ringed through the others ears.

"What was that?" Crystal yelped.

"Ice failed to beat the one enemy, but she's not dead. Merely sending us her gratitude and luck." Star Thunder states softly.

"I knew I shouldn't have left her."

Star Ocean put a hand on Crystal's shoulder. "It'll be fine. We'll all make it there together."


Aisu was lead into the throne room, her mouth covered by a blue piece of cloth. She wore a dark blue dress with a white dragon at the bottom. Her ice blue heels clicked against the marble as she was thrown onto the throne with her symbol on it.

"Very well done, Cassie. It seems you are one of my more loyal generals." Lana smiled as she looked over Aisu and Celeste. "Only four more left."


"Now which way?" Star Crystal observed the two directions they could go.

"It seems we've encountered a fork in the road. According to my compact computer, we should go left." Thunder points down the left fork and the girls started walking that way.

Two forms appeared in the darkness. "Hm, Kepa, what do you think?"

"I don't know Hoshi. Which one do you think'll come after us?"

"A mystery to me."

Star Fire stepped forward. "Wrong way, Tryphena! Hime, minna, go down the other fork, fast, I'll rid us of these scum." A red flame whip appeared in her hands. "Fire. . . ."

Star Crystal frowned. "Demo. . ." Before she could finish her refuse, Star Wind and Ocean grabbed her and pulled er away, both were following Star Thunder.

"Slash!" Star Fire finished and sent the flames flying towards Kepa and Hoshi. A rock wall penetrated the fire and surrounded Star Fire.


"I don't want any of you to leave me. Not like Ice and Fire did." Star Crystal's eyes glazed menacingly over the other three.

"We can't abide by that, hime. We're supposed to protect you with our lives." Star Wind sighed.

"And that's exactly what we're going to do." Star Ocean added.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you guys any longer than I had. It's been fun. Best of luck." Star Fire's african accent hummed softly to their ears.

"Seems Fire has been captured as well. We need to go straight. It seems the portal is somewhere near here."

Star Crystal's lip quivered. "Mina-san, let's rest here for a moment." She sat on the ground and clasped her hands over her face.

Star Wind glanced at the other two, of whom nodded and sat down near Crystal.

"I'm not strong enough. I don't have the power to beat her alone." Star Crystal sobbed. "It's no use, let's turn back now. Before we lose anyone else. I don't have the power to beat her yet, so let's not put their sacrifices in vain."

"Hime, don't speak like that. You know you have the power. You just have to believe." Star Wind stated reassurringly.

"I only have one measely attack, Wind! I don't even have a scepter like Sailor Moon does. Now answer the question, how does one pathetic senshi beat a queen of evil that has her comrades trapped and the original senshi dead." Star Crystal's eyes closed. As she closed them, though, an image of herself appeared. The image smiled and a weapon floated in front of her. The image disappeared with the weapon floating in mid-air. It floated closer to her to reveal itself as a tall sceptor. The symbol of each of her senshi decorated the opal orb. This was the staff she had when henshinning.

"Hime! Where'd you get that?!" Star Wind's voice broke her out of her mind.

Star Crystal glanced down at the staff next to herself. "I've had it all along." Came her hoarse response.

The other three gave her a slightly questioning look, but shrugged it off.

"Allright, let's get going." Star Crystal stood, her silver staff set firmly in her hands, the opal glowing.

Kyoko smirked as she appeared before them. "Hmpf. It seems you have your staff now, hime dearest. Now, let's see you try and defeat me."

"Not today!" Star Wind states angrily. She glances back at the other three. "Out of here now!"

Star Crystal nodded reluctantly and rann off in the direction Star Thunder directed her in. Star Ocean and Star Thunder were close at her heels.

"You know, we already have three others. It seems you want to be next, hm? Fine. So be it." Kyoko let out a haghty laugh.

"Kaze ni nari tai!" Star Wind yelled as she closed her eyes. Sharp, painful gusts of wind flew from behind her as she disappeared along with them.

Kyoko laughed as she dodged the sharp pangs of wind. "You need to do better than that, hun." As Star Wind reappeared, a full length mirror slammed into her, causing her to fall unconscious. Kyoko grabbed her and slung her over her shoulder.


"Thanks for being so kind. I know you'll waste Lana for good!" Star Wind's gentle and innocent voice whisped with a gust of wind past them.

Star Crystal choked out a soft sob as she continued walking forward.

"Almost there, hime. It should be another mile or two ahead." Star Thunder stated. Dara and Takoda floated from the sky to land in front of them.

"What do you want?" Star Ocean asked angrily. Star Thunder sighed and walked forward.

"I'm next." She whispered mournfully.

Ocean and Crystal gave her a somewhat questioning glance.

"Don't turn, it's a mile or two ahead. Stay true." Star Thunder glared at Dara and Takoda. "Supreme. . . ."

Star Crystal and Star Ocean nodded and rushed off.

"She's strong, she'll be fine." Star Ocean stated reassuringly.

"Thunder…." Star Thunder stood tall her eyes closed. Long hair flying upwards violently.

Takoda smiled. "Don't think it'll work."


Dara moved out of the way quickly. Takoda floated up, and managed to avoid most of the attack.


Dara appeared behind Star Thunder and knocked her on the head, sending her unconscious.


"Remember, mile ahead, don't turn. Then we'll be together again." Star Thunder's voice filled the air around the two senshi.

"Hime, who do you love more? Yaten, or Celeste?" Star Ocean asked softly.

"You can't compare love and friendship. They are of equal meaning to me." Star Crystal left the question unanswered.

Star Ocean rolled her eyes.

"Tell me, Solange, have you ever fallen in love?" Star Crystal's eyes were hazed over, and she looked as if she were in a trance.

"Yes. I have been. Demo, he left me." Star Ocean squinted her eyes to see two figures forming up ahead.

"Heh, Solange-ko, nice to see you here!" One called out.

"Look familiar do we? Eh, Solange-chan, why didn't you show up Friday? I was waiting." Both men laughed.

"Kai? Bavol. . .?" Star Ocean whispered softly. She turned to Crystal. "It should be just ahead, I'll catch up, don't worry about me." She ran up to meet the two men.

"So, why didn't you show?" Bavol asked menacingly.

"Afraid you had other plans?" Kai laughed.

"Sorry, but it's time I rid myself of you both." Star Ocean smiled softly. "Ocean tidal waves. . . ."

Star Crystal ran past, as Ocean had instructed her.

"Crash!" Star Occean sent the attack towards the two.

With a sweep of his hand, a gust of wind pushed the attack away from Bavol.

Kai countered the attack with his own dark waves. Star Ocean was now trapped in a dome of water and wind.


"Sorry I lied. I didn't mean any harm. I really did figure we'd all make it together. Demo, best of luck. Do it for the ones you love, for Kouseki." Star Ocean's voice floated over as a whisper as Star Crystal reached the portal.

Star Crystal let out a deep breath and stepped through the portal silently.