Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legends of the Dark Knight- The Sailor Moon Crossover: MST'd ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Deep in the bowels of Castle Doomstadt, a cloaked figure rejoices in the completion of his latest diabolical scheme...

Mysterious Figure: "At last it is complete! Total and complete dominion is almost within my grasp! All I need now are some test subjects..."

The mysterious figure's monologue is interrupted by the sounding of an alarm and the sudden flashing of many red lights on his control panel. Somewhat irritated at being interrupted before he could get a really good rant going (followed by an extended fit of maniacal laughter of course...), the figure stalks over to the terminal, muttering to himself. As he looks down at the flashing readings, all irritation vanishes.

Mysterious Figure: "What's this...intruders in the Castle? And, unless my instruments are lying to me, they possess Avatar level abilities...Interesting. They may prove to be the perfect guinea pigs for my latest creation. I must go and greet my uninvited, but most welcome, guests..."

Meanwhile, in the castle entryway, three figures enter. The first one was male, his form mostly covered by a travel-stained purple cloak, a well worn backpack hung over his left shoulder with a parasol slung between the straps. On his forehead was the Chinese character 'Wu,' and in his hands he held a map upside down. Following a bit nervously behind him were two nekojins. One was dressed in a white and blue fuku, her cat-like ears and tail tabby-striped. She constantly glanced nervously around her before addressing the boy ahead of her.

Nervous Nekojin: "Ummmm...Deso? Are you SURE this is the way to the Tendo Dojo?"

Deso: "Of course. Don't worry so much, Rosy-chan: I'm sure the Dojo is around here somewhere..."

Rosy: "I don't know...What do you think, Serenity?" she asked, addressing the other nekojin, whose outfit was so transparent it was practically see-through. Her hair, ears, and tail were jet black.

Serenity (shrug): "Deso always seems to find his way there eventually. As long as my Chaos-chan is there when we arrive, I'm happy. He WILL be there, won't he, Deso? I don't want to give him a chance to weasel out of our contract."

Deso: "Daijobu Seren, Kasumi is throwing a dinner party for all those who were involved in the battle against the Purple Helmeted Terror. He HAS to be there."

Serenity (ecchi grin): "And after the party, Chaos and I can do a little of this...and a little of that...and..." *drool*

Deso (shaking his finger and frowning disapprovingly): "Seren, remember our agreement. When we're around Rosy, you have to curb your ecchi tendencies. She's a pure-hearted girl and doesn't deal with hentai well..."

Rosy: "Yeah!"

Serenity (pouting): "Oh...alright."

Further conversation is interrupted as a sudden cloud of black smoke billows forth before them. It quickly dissipates, revealing an armoured figure cloaked in green.

Mysterious Figure: "Well, it seems that you have a lot of courage to enter my domain."

The three wanderers exchange blank looks.

Rosy: "Ummmmm...Just who are you?"

Mysterious Figure (somewhat taken aback): "I am Dr. Victor Von Doom, Lord of this castle."

Deso: "Great! Just the man we wanted to see. My names's Desolation, and these are Rosy the Cat and Serenity Darkness. Could you tell me where I could find the Tendo Dojo?" Desolation walks up to Doom and shows him his map.

Doom: "What the...?! This is a map of Tokyo!"

Deso: "Well, of course! The Dojo's got to be around here somewhere..."

Doom: "But...this is Latveria."

Deso (eyebrow twitch and sweatdrop): "Latveria?...Very well then." *Desolation takes back his map and walks back to where Rosy and Serenity were standing.*

Deso (taking many maps out of his backpack and spreading them out on the floor): "Hmmmm...maybe we took a wrong turn after Gaghiel attacked in Hokkaido..."

Rosy: "No...I think we should have taken that left at the Silk Doll...And if that's Dr. Doom, then we must have wandered into the Marvel universe! Ne, Deso, do you think the Fantastic Four is gonna show up? Or Spider-Man? I like Spider-Man; he's COOL!!! (stops as she notices her fellow avatars giving her weird looks...) ...Well, he is..."

Serenity: "No, I think we got chased off course by that rolling not-so-Gentle Uterus." *glares at Deso*

Deso (sweatdrop): "That wasn't my fault! Blame the Author!"

Doom (thinking to himself): 'Who ARE these people?! Oh well, they ARE avatars; might as well test my new creation...'

Doom (out loud): "I was wondering if you could do me a favor: could you take 5 steps backwards, please?"

Desolation, Rosy, and Serenity exchanged slightly bewildered glances.

Rosy: "Well...we ARE guests in his home...And we're avatars. He can't really hurt us... (sweatdrops as Deso gives her an incredulous look) Okay, he CAN hurt us, but it's not like it would be anything permanent..."

Deso: "I really don't see any harm..."

Serenity (shrug): "Why not?"

And so our three intrepid adventurers took precisely 5 steps backwards.

Deso: "Like this?"

Doom: "Perfect. Now just hold still..." Doom raised his left gauntlet and pressed a hidden button on the wall, dropping the three into a concealed shaft which opened up beneath them.

Doom (shaking his helmeted head and laughing): "Sometimes it's just too easy..."

A while later, Desolation became aware of of a hand shaking his shoulder and a voice calling his name...

Rosy: "Deso. Deso, wake up!"

Deso (groggily getting up into a sitting position): "What happened?"

Serenity: "That bastard Doom dropped us in here, that's what happened!"

Rosy: "You landed face-first..."

Deso (rolling eyes): "Of course...Damned gravity."

Rosy: "...And we, of course, being nekojins, landed on our feet..."

Serenity: "...And on your head."

Deso(rubbing his head): "So THAT'S why it's so sore. You've got to stop wearing those stiletto heels, Seren-chan."

Serenity (sticking out her tongue): "Bbbuda."

Deso: "So where ARE we anyways?"

*Deso slowly got up and gazed around the room. It would appear that they had been dropped into a movie theatre of some sort. Glancing at the ceiling, Deso saw that the chute that had dropped them in had resealed itself, allowing for no escape that way.*

Serenity: "While Rosy was trying to revive you, I had a look around. All of the doors are locked tight, and my claws couldn't even make a scratch in them. It would seem that we're stuck in hear for a while."

Deso: "But why drop us in here?"

*As if on cue, the screen of the theatre activated, displaying a picture of their host reclining upon his throne.*

Doom: "Ah, all awake I see? Good. Now I can begin the experiment."

Rosy (nervously): "Exactly what do you mean by 'experiment'?"

Doom: "I have written the greatest collection of Sailor Moon fan fiction ever created! After you have witnessed its greatness, you will become my willing servants, physical extensions of my will. You will go out and recruit others, bringing them back here to witness my greatness. Together, we will build an invincible army of otaku avatars, and then, I shall conquer the aniverse!"

Deso (aside to the others): "I think he's a couple of bolts short of being riveted."

Doom (blasting Deso with energy from his gauntlets): "SILENCE!!!"

Deso (flying back though the air to crunch into the back wall): @.@ "Itai..."

Rosy (blinking in confusion): "Exactly how did he blast Deso through the screen? Is it like the technicolor cheese-wedge screen in 'This Island Earth'?"

Serenity: "This is Deso, remember? The smites just find a way. ...And why were you watching 'This Island Earth'?"

Rosy: "I was watching MST3K the movie...I like Brak...! (=^^;=)"

Serenity (rolling her eyes): "Riiight..."

Doom: "And now, take the first step towards becoming my slaves...I give you Part 1 of my fanfic!"

*cue the fic...*

Legends of the Dark Knight
The Sailor Moon Crossover
by Victor VonDoom
MST'd by the Lost Fanboy Desolation, Rosy the Cat, and Serenity Darkness
Episode 1
A deadly laugh

Serena and Ami were leaving Juban High school after a normal day of school, as usual Serena was crying because she failed in a math test.

-Come on Serena is not the end of the wworld, besides if you study hard you will get a better grades.

Ami said.

Suddenly Serena stopped to read a sign on the wall.

Deso (as sign): "You are in a horribly wrong cross-over. Flee now and no one will be hurt"

Rosy: "Yeah, especially our fragile young Otaku minds..."

-Look Ami, millionaire Bruce Wayne willl be here tomorrow for the opening of his new mall, you want to come with me ?

-But I have to study I'm only two chaptters ahead from the rest of the class and..

-Come on Ami give it a rest once and a while.

Finally the blue haired girl accepted the invitation.- After that both went home and the next day after school Ami and Serena along with their friends Rei, Lita and Mina went to the mall to see the opening, Mr. Wayne gave a very impressive speech after which he opened the doors of the place, suddenly Ami felt a hand on her shoulder, it was an old man wearing a suite and glasses.

-May I help you ?


Asked the supprised girl

-Yes miss, I'm Alfred, Mr. Wayne's butller, my master wants to see you.

-Me ?

-Yes, would you please come with me ?

Rosy: "NO! You're a stranger!"

Deso: "Alfred's hitting on teenage girls now; wait until Mayhem finds out about this..."

Rosy: "Dang old British guys!"

She walked with the man while Serena and the others followed her closely, finally they got to the area were Bruce Wayne was waiting for her.

Havoc: "Hotcha!!! Naughty tentacle time!"

Deso: "HAVOC!!!! Where'd you come from? And it'd better not be-!"

Rosy: "Havoc, this is our MST; go riff a lemon!"

Serenity: "Havoc!!! Get outta here!!" *punts havoc into orbit again*

-Master Bruce, Miss Anderson is here.

-Thank you Alfred, Hi Miss Anderson, I'm Bruce Wayne.

-Glad to meet you Mr. Wayne but please call me Ami.

-Glad to meet you Ami, and call me Brucce, I have heard a lot about you, they say that you are the best student in town, is that true ?

Rosy: "Gee, with all those years of training himself, you'd think Bruce would have better grammar skills..."

Deso: "Me Bruce. Bruce speak good..."

She blushed before answering.


-I have an offer to make,

Deso: "Run Ami!!! Run!!!!!"

Serenity (as Bruce): "I'm here to make you an offer you can't refuse...Yes, an offer you can¹t be my sex slave...MWHAHAHAA!!!"

Rosy (to Deso): "Deso, Ser is freaking me out...Not to mention she's making this ecchi, even though we agreed that this would be compleatly not-ecchi!"

Serenity (To Rosy): "You said the story wouldnt be ecchi; you didnt say anything about the responses. 'Sides, you know me, Rosy, come on..."

I like to help students like you by offering them scholarships in Gotham University, I want you to...

Suddenly a security guard appeared with Serena and the others,

-Sorry to bother you Mr. Wayne, but I ffound this girls trying to sneak in.

Deso: "Guard speak good too."

Rosy (as Guard): "Hi, my name is Guard! Durr..."

-I told you to ask the guard but nooo yyou wanted to sneak in, I don't know why do I agree with you sometimes, Serena ! !

-But you didn¹t wanted to ask him did yyou Rei? !

Answered Serena

-I¹m sorry Mr. Wayne, this is not the nnormal behavior of my friends.

Rosy (as Ami): "...Normally they would be hitting on you."

Deso: "I say we just hit him...PERIOD."

Serenity: "I'd prefer it if we just kill the author now."

-Don't worry Ami, Guard let them go.

-Yes sir.

-Now Ami, I was about to ask if you wannt to come with me to Gotham for a week to check college and see if you like it, so I can give you a scholarship, you can bring your friends if you like to.

Rosy: "Umm, Bruce, you do realize that you're talking to a bunch of 14-year-olds, right?"

-But I have to go to school and..

Serenity: "And I'll miss all the fun orgies with the computer club!"

Rosy (to Deso): "DESO!!! SHE'S BEING ECCHI AGAIN!!!"

Serenity (to Rosy): "I'm always Ecchi!"

-Don't worry about that, I already hireed a special teacher so neither you or your friends will stand behind your classmates in school.

Rosy (as Ami): "Why, thank you Mr. Wayne; I never liked having to stand downwind of my classmates either...They literally stink!"

With that Ami accepted.

-OK Ami then I will see you and your frriends tomorrow in the airport, Alfred will pick you up at 7 :00 am

The girls were happy, they were going on a week trip with one of the worlds richest men, the next day Alfred picked the girls and then he headed towards the airport where Bruce was waiting for them.

-Hi girls, welcome.

-Which flight is ours ?

Asked Mina

With a smile on his face Alfred answered :

-None miss, Mr. Wayne flies in his own jet, please follow me.

-His own plane ?Whoa !

Added Lita

In a few minutes everything was settled and the five girls where in the air flying towards Gotham city.- Once there a limousine was waiting for them, as usual Serena messed everything.

-Here Mr. Wayne let me get you a cab.

Rei putted her hand in Serena¹s mouth, while excusing her to Bruce.

Rosy (as Rei): "Okay, Serena, let's play 'Gator Golf' with your mouth
again! Get me my putter!"

Deso: "It's a par 5, she needs to make this shot for a birdie..."

-Sorry Mr. Wayne she is a little clumsyy once and a while.

Deso (feigned shock): "No!"

Serenity: "Once in a while?"

Rosy: "Hasn't this guy EVER heard of comas?"

-Don¹t worry Rei, this is my car.

The girls were really impressed when they saw the luxury of Bruce Wayne's life.- In a matter of minutes they arrived to Wayne's Manor, there Bruce's sidekick Dick Grayson was waiting for them, he was impressed withMina's beauty.

-Bruce, you told me that you were goingg to bring one of the best students in Japan but you never told me that you were going to bring someone so beautiful.

Mina blushed in a way that she looked like a fire truck.

Rosy: "You mean she got as big as one, or she turned red?"

Serenity (to Rosy): "I don't know, it doesn't say..."

-Well...he he...the genius is over therre -she said pointing at Ami- but
thanks for the complement.

Deso: "Oh yeah? If she's so smart, what is she doing in THIS fic?"

Rosy: "Contractual obligations."

Deso: "Damn those contracts..."

Serenity: "Yes, you would know about those, Lost Boy, wouldn't you? It's a surprise you showed up in time to start this..."

He walked towards Ami and taking her right hand he kissed it softly.- Ami blushed at the sudden display of respect and answered as best as she could.

-Well thanks for the warm welcome Mr. ??

-Grayson, Dick Grayson , but don't calll me mister that is for Bruce, call me Dick, OK ?

Deso: "'re a dick."

Serenity (As ami): "OH YES DICK...I love your name, DICK...It makes me so horny!"

Rosy (=>_<;=): "Okay, Ser, I¹m just gonna ignore that..."

-OK Dick-she said smiling-Bruce told uss a lot about you, it would be interesting to play some chess with you.

Deso: "Is THAT what they're calling it these days..."

Serenity: "Ecchi."

Deso: "Like you're one to talk."

-Hope so, tell me who are your charmingg friends over here ?

-Oh. Sorry, they are Serena, Mina, Litaa and Rei- she said pointing at each of them

Deso (as Dick): "No, I said your CHARMING friends..."

- Bruce invited us to stay here for a wweek so I hope that we can get along.

Deso (singing Slayers opening): "Get along, TRY AGAIN!"

-Sure. Alfred, please show the girls thheir rooms and help them unpack.

-Yes master Dick.

Serenity: "Master...Bater?? Hey, where did that come from...? Damn, I've been alone too long..." (cries)"

Deso (>.<): "Oh, I'm not even going there!!"

When Mina was about to leave Dick holded her arm.

-So, Mina how about going out with me ttonight ?

Rosy: "RICHARD GRAYSON!!! Cheating on Barbra, aren't we?!?"

Deso: "What do you expect? He's a dick."

-Well, sure.

Later that night Bruce, Dick and the five girls went to a reception in Gotham University in which Bruce was going to talk about his plans for that institution, meanwhile two figures talked in a deserted building in the center of the city.

Deso: "If there are two people in it, it's not really deserted, is it?"

Rosy: ""

-Well Joker what is your plan ?

-ha ha ha ha easy Scarecrow, we¹re goinng to strike on Gotham University in a few minutes, now come along ha ha ha ha ha ! ! ! !

Deso: "Jinai he ain't."

Rosy: "Well, ol¹ Vicky certainly never heard Mark Hammel as the Joker...Now THAT is freaky!"

Then both men got on board of a green and purple vehicle, other three cars of the same colors followed them with armed men inside, in the Auditorium of

Serenity: "Are they trying to be sneaky? 'Cause those colors ain't workin'."

Gotham University the party was at it¹s best and the girls were having the time of their lives, especially Mina who was dancing with Dick.

Deso: "I say we arrest him for breaking the laws of grammer."

Rosy: "I second the motion!"

-So Mina, are you a genius like Ami ?

-Well, uh well... not as much as she iss but a littl...

He interrupted her by taking her chin and

Serenity: "Please tell me he's gonna lick her! Licking's so much better than kissing, isn't it Deso?" (licks Deso)

Deso (Blushes): "Ano..."

when he was about to kiss her a mad laugh was heard

Serenity: "Damn!"

Deso (laughing madly): "Aha ha ha ha!!! We're never gonna get out of this fic! NEVER!!! Aha ha ha ha!!!"

Rosy (slapping Deso): "Get ahold of yourself."

Deso: "Thanks, I needed that."

-HA HA HA HA ! ! ! Well, well, well a pparty and we weren¹t invited...

At the sight of the Joker, Bruce made a sing to Dick who lefted Mina

Serenity: "Is he doing what I think he's doing?"

Deso: "Yep. Notice the fist-through-jello sound-effects..."

and she recived a sing herself from Serena,

Rosy: "Why is everyone singing all of a sudden?"

Deso, Serenity (singing): "Because if you're singing, you can't hear the fic!"

Bruce and Dick lefted the building using a back door

Deso (O.o): "Did that line sound just plain WRONG to anyone else?"

Serenity (as Bruce, fisting the building): "Who's your Daddy!? Who's your Daddy!?"

Rosy (closing eyes and plugging ears): "No, I don't see anything. Nope, there's nothing behind me..."

and headed towards the place where Alfred was waiting for them with their car.

-Emergency Alfred..

Both men entered the car and seconds later Batman and Robin where on their way back to the auditorium, at the same time the five girls with their two cats where in the other side of the building.

-Girls you have to transform and stop tthat mad man

Deso (as Serena): "Yes, let's transform and stop that mad man, Victor Von Doom, the maniac who wrote this fic!"

Serenity: "Yeah, Naked Senshi Flashes! ...Wait, these are the scouts! ...Damn...they're not as good."

-Sure thing Luna

Answered Serena






Seconds later the five Sailor Scouts where on their way back to the Auditorium where the Joker was stealing the property of the guests when suddenly he heard a voice that supprised him


-uuuhhhh what is this five girls ? ha, ha, ha ! ! ! You better go back with your mom's before I...


Rosy: "Since when does Batman shout challenges before going into battle?"

Deso: "Apparently Serena is having a bad influence on him."

Serenity: "A very bad influence."

-Batman ! ! ! ! GET THEM ! ! !

shouted the Joker

Deso: "Why is the Joker ordering Batman to attack his own henchmen?"

Serenity (shrugging): "It makes about as much sense as the rest of this fic."

Rosy: "True."

In seconds, ten men entered the place and runned towards Batman and Robin who started a cruel fight, meanwhile Sailor Moon and the others moved towards the Scarecrow who was ready for them.


Shouted Sailor Mercury

Deso: "You heard her! Stop this fic right here!"

-Who is going to stop me ? You ?

Taking a little skull from his suite

Rosy: "If it's in his hotel room, how did he get it? He must be faster than he looks."

he fired a black gas to Sailor Mercury's face, the blue haired girl started to cough and then when she reacted she started to feel the effects of the Scarecrow¹s fear gas, the auditorium was no more, she found herself back in Juban High as Ami and she was

Serenity: "Oh wow, she's naked!!! (starts taking pictures) Wow, Mayhem would love this! Don't you think so, Deso?"

(Mayhem explodes in background)

Deso: "Yup."

failing in every test she had, she saw Serena and the others but when she tried to talk to them they ignored her, she clutched against the wall and started to cry.

Deso (tears running down his cheeks): "Join the club."

Sailor Moon and the others were feeling the effects of the was as well, Serena found herself fighting against Tuxedo Mask, Rei saw the Cherry Hill Temple on fire and her Grandfather dying inside, Mina saw horrible bruises on her face, Lita saw her old boyfriend telling her that he hated her.

Robin noticed the situation and rushed to aid them wearing a gas mask, but before he could get to them the Scarecrow took Sailor Venus hostage.


Serenity: (starts singing the Beauty and the Beast song)

To be continued....

Deso, Rosy, & Serenity: "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"