Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legends of the Dark Knight- The Sailor Moon Crossover: MST'd ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
*Dr. Victor VonDoom gazed contentedly out of the east tower of his fortress home. So far, everything was going to plan. Those hapless avatar guinea pigs he had captured had viewed the first half of his creation, and would soon fall under his power. ...After that, it would only be a matter of time before his invincible avatar army conquered all of the Aniverse.

Further research of his test subjects had revealed that they had connections to a large group of powerful avatars known as the "Fanboys!" odd name, well as many other otaku.

Yes...the Aniverse would soon be his...

Everything was perfect. Even the day. The sun was shining down on his kingdom, the peasants were repressed and toiling, the castle was being rocked by a massive explosion...


Doom rushed to his control room, his gaze scanning the many screens, searching or where the enemy attack was coming from. Who could it be? The Avengers? The Fantastic Four? The IRS?

...What the-?! It wasn't an attack at all! The reading showed that the explosion originated in the Fanfiction Theater.

Doom was almost toppled off of his feet as another explosion rocked the castle. What in the world were those idiots doing?!*

*Our scene changes abruptly to the inner bowels of Castle Doomstat. Please feel free to use the complimentary Motion-Sickness Bags if you experience any queasiness. We thank you.*

Deso (leveling his parasol): "Ok Rosy, one more time!"

Rosy (gathering her battle aura): "Smite of the falling donkey, EEYORE CRUSHING PRESS!!!"

*Deso charges the door as an enormous concrete donkey flies from Rosy's hands, both of them striking the door simultaneously. The tremendous impact knocked Rosy from her feet, the entire Castle shuddering from the momentous force, shards of concrete flying like shrapnel. As the dust settled, Rosy sighed in resignation upon seeing a very much intact door. Her sigh turned into a gasp as her gazed dropped a little and saw Deso lying swirly-eyed beneath her Crushing Press.*

Rosy (running up): "Deso!! Daijobu?!"

Deso (coming to his senses and shifting out of the rubble): *sighs* "Hai hai. Happens all the time..."

*The two walk up to inspect the door, a slight discoloring being the only evidence of damage.*

Serenity (off to the side, reclining by the concession stand): "I told you it wouldn't work. If my claws can't scratch it, it can't be broken."

Deso (wandering over and sits next to her dejectedly): "Gundanium. Why do they always build these theaters out of Gundanium?"

Rosy (walking over and patting his shoulder): "There there; we'll get out of here somehow. ...By the way Deso, I've been wondering about something..."

Deso: "Oh?"

Rosy: "Well, I've noticed that a number of the other 'Fanboys!' have appeared in this MST. How did you arrange to get permission?"

Deso (shrug): "I made a deal with the Author."

*Cue Rampaging Ego of His Lordship Chaos*

Ego: "FEED ME!!!"

Deso: "Now now, we're still in the Intro bit. You can't devour me until we're in the fic proper. Now shoo. Go on. Shoo."

*The Ego slumpes off, casting hurt looks over it's shoulder*

Serenity: "That's the 2nd biggest Ego I've ever seen."

Rosy (blink): "Then what was the largest?"

*Cue Doom appearing on the monitor*

Doom: "What are you idiots doing?! That last explosion collapsed the entire North Wing!!!"

Serenity (polishing her claws): "His."

Doom (somewhat taken aback): "What?"

Serenity (sweet smile): "Never mind."

Deso (belabored sigh): "I guess this means you've got yet another installment of this monstrosity of yours to inflict on us?"

Doom: "Ah, you say that now. Indeed, your wills are strong. But you will succumb to my brilliance eventually. We are only at the halfway mark!"

Deso (;.;): "Someone kill me now..."

Rosy: "Ummm...Deso? We can't. You're immortal, remember?"

Deso: "Damned immortality...Death!!! Why have you forsaken me?!?"

Doom: "Enough of this idle chatter! Prepare to become my willing slaves!"

Serenity (snorts): "Yeah, right..."

*cue the fic*

Legends of the Dark Knight
The Sailor Moon Crossover

Deso (singing): "This is the fic that doesn't end. It just goes on and on my friend! Three otaku, started reading it not knowing what it was, but they'll continue MSTing it forever just because this is the fic that doesn't end..."

Rosy (joining in): "With feeling!"

All three (singing): "This is the fic that doesn't end. It just goes on and on my friend! Three otaku, started reading it not knowing what it was, but they'll continue MSTing it forever just because this is the fic that doesn't end..."

Episode 3
A missing Scout

Deso: "Ah...She would be the lucky one, then. The others have to be in this fic."

Luna couldn't believe her eyes, the warehouse that Sailor Mercury entered was now a horrible inferno after a brutal explosion, Alfred had to hold her when she tried to go after her.


She said before she started to cry,

Serenity: "I didn't know cats could cry!"

Rosy (sniffling) "I know neko-jins can." *Screams out to the all-seeing author* "WAAAAAAAH!!! I WANNA GO TO CHAOS' PARTY!!!" *back to sniffling* "I just KNOW Kakyajun¹s eaten all of the cheeseballs by now..."

the firemen arrived and one of them handed Alfred the only thing they could find that belonged to Sailor Mercury, it was her burned tiara.

Rosy: "What the...? Only Sailor Moon's tiara comes off!"

Deso: "Not according to SOME fics I've seen...A lot more comes off than just the tiara..."

Serenity: "Well, yeah; apparently there is some magic zipper on the back of the suit, according to some bad hentai I read..."

Rosy (to Deso): "ECCHI, ECCHI HENTAI AUTHORS!!! ...Wait, that's redundant..."

-I'm sorry Alfred, this is the only thinng we found in there, she was probably to close to the explosives


Rosy: "How did the firemen know that Alfred had anything to do with Sailor Mercury? For that matter, how did they know to look for anything of hers in the fire?"

Deso: "Logic and continuity from THIS guy? Rosy, I think you're overestimating him."

Alfred and Luna returned to the manor, it was 7 :00am

Serenity: "I thought it was only midnight when they got to the warehouse; how can seven hours pass by so quickly?"

Rosy: "Remember, time has no meaning to this author." *turns to Deso* "Are we certain that this is the real Doctor Doom? I thought he was supposed to be smart! Like, Mr. Fantastic-type smart!"

and everyone was up, Serena asked them if they knew about Sailor Mercury.

Deso: "Serena? Up at 7:00 am?"

Rosy: "Is it possible???"

-Miss I think you better sit down first..

-What ? What is going on here ?

-Maybe this letter can explain some thinngs.

Deso (reading letter): "Everyone, I can't take being in this fic any more. I've decided to blow myself up, and end it all..."

Rosy: "Go Ami-chan!!!"

Serena opened the envelope and began to read the letter Ami lefted for her

Deso: "I know Ami loves writing, but this is taking it a little too far, don't you think?"

Serenity: "NO!! Now there are Lefting Letters??? This is not right!"

Rosy (=O_o;=): "Not to mention the fact that lefted isn¹t even a word!"

Serena :

If you are reading this letter, it means that I failed in catching the Joker and the others and I may be dead,

Rosy (as Ami): "Because they fell on me and squashed me..."

but there are a few things I wanted you to know, you were the best friend anyone could ever have, when I arrived to Juban High

Serenity: "Wait, weren't they only fourteen when the story began? They should still have been at Crossroads! Is this, like, two years later or something?"

Rosy: "Nah. Remember, the author is so demented that he had Bruce, of all people, recruiting fourteen-year-olds for a college. Pay as little attention to the continuity as he does, and you'll have fewer brain-farts."

you were the only one who accepted me as a friend and since then you and the others protected me against

Deso: "I can see Ami was failing Writer's Craft. This has got to be the longest run-on sentece I've ever seen."

Rosy (shocked): "Ami-chan failing a class?! Is that possible?!"

those who wanted to hurt me, then as a Sailor Scout you were a wonderful leader and you saved me several times and so did everyone else, I'm sorry for trying to do this on my own but I had to.- Mina was hurt and it was my fault, therefore I had to do this for her, you can find a written copy of my investigations in my room, please stop the Joker and the others for Mina.- Take care and please don¹t fight with Rei anymore....

Serenity: "Asking Serena not to fight with Rei?? What is wrong with this girl?!"

Rosy (to Sere): "As shown by how little he knows about the Robins, Victor knows diddlly-squat about continuity."

A hug

Rosy: *sniffle* "Yes, I could use one...This fic is SCARY!!! WAAAAAAH!!!"


After that she dropped the letter and looked at Luna straight in the eyes.

-Luna, what does this mean, where is Amii ?

She couldn't answer her, she only dropped the burned tiara of Sailor Mercury on the table and runned out of the room with tears on her eyes.

Rosy (as the Scouts): "Sailor Mercury is a TIARA?!?"

Serenity: "Oh my! It's that tiara again..."

Rosy (sweatdrop!): "Not ONE word...!"

-Miss Anderson tried to stop the Joker aand the others but unfortunately she walked into a trap and the warehouse exploded,

Deso: "Define 'exploding...'"

this is the only thing the fireman were able to find that belonged to her.

-NO ! ! ! ! IT CAN'T BE NOT HER ! ! !

Deso: "So then Serena WANTS it to be Ami? And why can't it not be her, Serena? You seem to know alot about this for an INNOCENT person..."

Rosy: "I think she means it in the sense that Ami 'can't' have been the one to die."

NOT AMI ! ! !

Rosy (to Deso): "See?"

Serenity: "Yes, Ami's pregnant!!! She finally laid Mayhem without him combusting!"

Rosy: "Sere, where did you get the idea that Ami is pregnant?"

Sere: "Um, she didn't die; it was just Mayhem exploding in the warehouse again!" *nodnods*

[We interrupt this MSTing to bring you a "Rosy's Author's note." Enjoy!]

Rosy (sweatdrop!): "For those of you unfortunate enough not to know what Sere-chan's talking about, in the series, 'Curse of the Fanboys!,' Lord Mayhem, one of the self-inserted characters, is Ami-chan's boyfriend, and he has a faulty dating chromosome, which causes him to spontaneously combust whenever he or Ami gets...frisky..."

[We return you to the MST. Laugh away!]

Hearing the screams the Rei

Deso: "As opposed to just any old Rei?"

and the others arrived and they were shocked when they heard the sad news, especially Bruce.

Deso (double-jolting Bruce with a taser): "Just die, you! That way the fic will end!"

Rosy (to Deso): "No, it'll just mean that Dick will have to be Batman...The horror!!!"

Deso (to Rosy): "Then we'll just kill them both; no big loss..."

Rosy (to Deso): "Then who will protect Gotham? Alfred?"

Deso: "Who knows? Better yet, who cares? At least the fic will be over."

Rosy (pondering the situation): "I suppose Bat-Girl and Superman could patrol the city..."

-Alfred, why in the world did you alloweed her to do something like that ?

-I'm sorry master Bruce, I tried to warnn her but she didn't cared, she said that it was something she had to do and that if I try to stop her she will use her powers against me.

Serenity (as Alfred): "But I will say this: it was pretty damn good, sir."

Rosy: =>_<;=

Meanwhile Serena runned to her room and started to cry uncontrollably, Rei tried to calm her but she was unsuccessful, if there was one Sailor Scout that Serena cared the most for that was Sailor Mercury, she was the second scout found by her and Luna, their friendship continued for a long time even when the rest of the scouts were found both Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury were the closest ones.- Bruce Wayne was also hurt, he felt the same way he felted when the first Robin

Rosy: "Continuity alert!!! Joker killed the second Robin, not the first! If he did, we wouldn't have Nightwing in the comics, and Sere wouldn't have been able to make all of those 'Dick' jokes in chapter one!"

died in the hands of the Joker, unable to do something, and after seeing the reaction of Serena he understanded how strong was the friendship between both of them.


-Serena, please you have to eat somethinng, how do you plan to fight the Joker and the others if you don't eat ?

Deso: "Maybe she'll be hungry enough to devour them..."

Rosy: "Serena the Cannibal? ...Eew...Don't give the author ideas, Deso!"

Serenity (as Artemis): "Or maybe she'll have a klutz-attack and trip the Joker and his henchmen!"

Rei was concerned, since the day Ami died, Serena stopped eating, no matter who told her to.

Rosy: "Serena? Not eating?! Oh no! THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!!!"

Serenity: "The world really is coming to an end: Rei is concered about Serena for a change..."

Deso: "That's odd...normally she doesn't STOP eating, no matter who tells her to..."

-Please Rei leave me alone.

Lita entered the room and tried to talk to her.

Deso: "But failed because she had forgotten how to speak...Being in this fic has obviously damaged her brain; I know reading it has damaged mine."

Rosy (glazed expression): "Huh? What's a brain?"

-Serena, Ami wouldn't like to see you liike this, please you have to eat something.

Serena tried to stand up to leave the room but Lita had to catch her when she fainted.

-Serena ! ! Answer me please ! ! !

Deso: "Ack! This fic has drained Serena's brain, too!! ...Not much of a challenge there, admittedly..."

Rosy (as Serena¹s answering machine): "Hi, you've reached the brain of Serena Tsukino, or Tsukino Usagi; if you're a youma, daimon, or any other type of evil, icky thing, hang up now. If you are the author, I am going to kill you! For anybody else, just leave your message and phone number after the beep!" *beep!*

But Serena was someplace else, she found herself on a white palace, she started to walk when she heard a voice behind her.

-My beautiful Princess, how nice to see you again.

Serenity: "But I thought Darien was still back in Tokyo!"

Rosy: *shrugs*

-Queen Serenity ! !

Serenity: "Wait, how did she get here? Does this mean Serena's dead again?"

Rosy (to Sere): "She'd better NOT be...But it does answer your question."

Serenity (with whip): "That's right, Serena; CALL ME QUEEN!"

Rosy (glomping Deso, looking towards Sere, terrified): *whisper* "Kowai!"


Rosy (As Serena): "JO'O-SAMA JO'O-SAMA!!!"

-I know that you are having a hard time now my dear.

-Mina was beated up badly and she doesn¹¹t remember anything, Ami felt responsible for it and got killed trying to catch those who hurt her.

Rosy (gagging!): "ACK!!! *coughing* Sorry, gagged on my popcorn..."

Serenity (pats Rosy on the back): "Hey, did Pesti drop by with popcorn while I was asleep, Deso?" (All the popcorn they had brought in had already been eaten, along with Rosy's cheeseballs)

Rosy (looks incredulously): "You mean you actually GOT some SLEEP?!" *hands Sere the popcorn bowl* "And no, Pesti wasn't here; I've got a microwave in my subspace pocket."

Queen Serenity walked towards her and started to talk while she hugged her.

-My love, you have to be brave, being thhe Princess of the Moon is not an easy task, but you have to believe in yourself in order to succeed, no matter how hard or painful things are, remember believe in yourself....

Rosy (=OO;=): "Sounding a bit incestuous, aren't we, Your Majesty?"

Serenity (To Rosy): "You know the saying, Rosy: incest is best put your mother to the test."

Rosy (sweatdrop!): "Sere, I think you're developing a Minako complex; it's necessity is the mother of invention!"

Serenity (remembering a previous passage): "'-Serena, Ami wouldn't like to see you like this;' yeah, she'd rather see you in that see-through negligee she bought you last week!"

Deso (to Seren): "Ano..."

Sere: I want to see her in that...

Rosy: "AACK!!!"

Serenity (to Deso) "Rosy gave me the idea!

Rosy (to Deso): "I DID NOT!!!"

Serenity: *smiles and pulls out a typewriter to start writing her incest-filled story.*

Deso (in shock): "Rosy-chan!!!"

Serenity (To Rosy): "You said Queen Serentiy was being Insestious! Just like Tenko-chan and the Havocs!"

Rosy (=~_~;;;=): "Yes...I did...But only in that part of the story, and it did sound that way! IT'S THE AUTHOR, I TELL YOU!!!"

Deso: "Blame the author."

Serenity: "Smite the author."

Rosy: "Just kill the author!"

[We interupt this MSTing to bring you a "Rosy's Author's note." Enjoy!]

Rosy (sweatdrop!): "For those of you unfortunate enough not to know what Sere-chan's talking about, yet again: Havoc is also known as Lord Havoc, the Hentanno, who is the resident pervert in the Fanboys! series. He also (until recently) was a regular poster on the ASMR message board, where Tenko-chan was his on-board sister."

[We return you to the MST.]

Suddenly a bright light covered the place forcing Serena to close her eyes, when she opened them again she found herself in a hospital bed, she turned around and saw Rei sleeping in

Serenity: "...Her arms. Rule #3; it needs no excuses."

a chair, she couldn't believe it, since the day she found out that Rei was Sailor Mars she never thought she could show any feelings for her,

Serenity: "She always thought Rei would never return her love, and now this...Hotcha!"

especially with their continuous fight, but this time she looked real concerned about her health.- Serena screamed in pain when she tried to sit and she felted the needle she had connected on her arm to inject serum, Rei awoke and rushed to help her.

Serenity: "...Out of her bra."

Rosy: "For the last time, Sere: THIS IS NOT A LEMON!"

Deso: "I'm starting to have doubts about that myself..."

-Why do I have this thing on me ?

-Because, meatball head, you stopped eatting and you nearly killed yourself,

Serenity: "Oh, God, Serena almost died! *snaps her fingers* Rats! Oh well, there's still one more thing yet. *pulls out kryptonite* No, wait, that's Superman's weakness...Hmm, where is that stuff I can kill the author with...?"

Rosy: "I dunno, but, if you find it, I'll hold him down while you snuff him!"

if you haven¹t noticed you are on the emergency room of Gotham's Central Hospital, you fainted when you tried to left the room and Lita was unable to wake you up, Alfred called an ambulance and the paramedics said that you were dying because your body didn't had any energy sources, hopefully they putted that needle on you to save your butt.

-Rei, why did you stayed with me ?

-uh...well...I...uh...well...the others had to continue the investigation and...

-And you consider me your friend ?

Serenity (as Rei): "No, stupid, I consider you my lover..."

Rosy: "Sere no hentai!"

Deso: "No need to state the obvious, Rosy-chan..."

-*sigh* Yes I consider you a friend and I care about you OK ?

Serenity: *passes out*

Rosy: "Oh, no you don't! You're not getting out of this that easily, Sere-chan!" *dumps bucket of water on Sere*

Serenity (bolts awake): "C-c-c-c-COLD!!!"

Serena smiled, finally Rei accepted her as a real friend.- An hour later Serena was released from the hospital and after stopping on a restaurant where Serena eated like she used to do they returned to the manor.

Serenity: "She ate her way to the manor?"

Rosy: "I don't think so, but wouldn¹t it be interesting if she did? Not to mention unhealthy."

- Someplace else two feminine figures whhere talking, one was 14 or 15 years old, the other was in her early twenties.

-I think I should call them and tell theem what's happening.

The young one took a communication device that looked like a calculator and that had a miniscreen on it, she tapped on one of the keys but before she could do anything else the other one took it from her.

-What are you trying to do ? the surprisse factor is our best weapon here.

-But they have to know that I...

Serenity (gagging on milk): "It's Ami!!! And she IS pregnant! Oh my God!"

Rosy (As Ami): "-Am alive, and working for the CIA to get rid of that STUPID, STUPID DOCTOR DOOM!!!"


Rosy (=OoO=): "Setsuna...? Yelling...? Good lord, the world IS comming to an end!"

Meanwhile in the Bat-cave Batman and the others were in the search of the Joker and the rest of the villains,

Deso: "Why do they keep searching the Batcave for people who obviously aren't there? Bats' Detective skills seem to be a teeny bit overrated."

Rosy: "More like Vicky is of the opinion that 'if it can't be found in the Batcave or by the equipment there, it's unfindable.'"

suddenly an alarm sounded and Batman pressed a button which showed in the screen a map that had a light over the location were the Joker or one of the thugs were, at the same time a beep sound was heard and Rei took her communicator out from her pocket.

-huh ? My communicator started to beep, something is weird...

Then Batman changed the image on the screen and a picture of the Joker along with pictures of The Riddler and The Scarecrow were shown, when Mina saw this pictures, dozens of images started to appear in her mind, she saw them laughing at her then hitting her, it was a horrible carrousel of images, in the end a flash of light ended it and she falled to the ground unconscious.- An hour later she regained consciousness.


Serenity: "Dude, Mina, didn¹t you hear? Ami's not dead, she's just pregnant! Sorry Mina; you're a bit too late."

Rosy (as Mina): "Really? Darn! I wanted to help her pick out baby booties!"

-Mina ! ! You got your memory back !

-Serena you must tell Ami that if she reeceives a call telling her where the joker and the others are,she will walk into a trap and...

Serenity (as Mina): "Mayhem will be waiting there to take her away from us forever!"'s too late...Ami died three ddays ago...she falled in the trap..


Serena hugged her when she started to cry.

The next day Batman, Robin and the Sailor Scouts moved to the place where the Joker and the other villains where hiding, they entered the place and the battle started, Batman and Robin started to battle the Joker's henchmen while the Sailor Scouts battled the Scarecrow and the Riddler, Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus started to fight the Riddler and his men while Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter were battling the Scarecrow, suddenly one of the Joker's henchmen hitted Sailor Jupiter in the back with a steel piece of pipe knocking her out, then he went after Sailor Moon and after holding her from behind he putted a gas mask.


Rosy (to Scarecrow): "Fear gass can't be leathal, and, if you want to kill people, why did you say you wanted to put them into Arkham?"

He took his skull out of his costume, but when he was about to use it two figures appeared in a window nearby.


Serena was speechless when she turned around, there were two figures, one was a woman in her early twenties dressed in a Batman outfit, but what impressed her the most was the other girl who was with her.

Serenity: "Well, we know it wasn't the Outer Scouts: neither one of them wear a Batman outfit; maybe it's Sailor Saturn??? No...too far ahead..."

Rosy: "It's Bat-Girl. Obviously pre-paralized-by-a-gunshot-by-the-Joker, and it's the cartoon's continuity...what little of it there is...So it's Barbara Gordon as Bat-Girl, not the new practically-mute Bat-Girl."

-I can't believe it.....

Rosy (=OO=): "Victor actually DIDN'T kill anybody?!? That only ever happened in his Rug-Rats crossover, and maybe his He-Man one!"

To be continued......

Deso, Rosy, and Serenity: "KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!""

Rosy: "Where are the Fantastic Four or Avengers when ya need em?!?"