Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ long time apart ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
I do not own any of these characters
So don't sue me
This is my first fanfic so this chapter might suck
Let's get the story started
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Serena was waiting in seat for the announcer to call her light #.
*Flash back *
Serena was running from the hospital to Rei's temple with great news. Before she entered Rei's room when she heard all of the senshi's saying," we should kick Serena off this team she's always late, scared, dum and clumsy. Suddenly Serena opened the door. Everyone was silent except for Rei who said, "We all decided to kick you off this team now hand over your communicator, brooch, and the other things." Serena gave them everything except her crystal, which they can not take away from her. After that she looked at Darien who was just sitting there, but he just looked away. So she threw their engagement ring and threw it next to the other stuff. Then she left without telling them that she was 1 month pregnant. After that she packed her things and Luna's and left to go to California.
*End of Flashback*
When the announcer called her flight number she left for her flight.
Finally she got to California looking for her friend there. When she saw her friend sasmi, they both went to sasmi's house for dinner.
*1 year later*
Darien is on a mission to find his love Serena. Both of them are in Visalia, CA. Serena now has a mansion (most people think it's a castle) and her 11 month baby and of course Luna in her human form.
When Darien was passing Serena's house looking for Serena he saw a lady with a crescent moon on her forehead. He ran to the door and knocked ten times until Serena answered the door. She couldn't believe that she would ever see him again. Darien she whispered to herself. 5 minutes past before Serena let Darien in. they just stood there until they both heard Miaka. Miaka was their daughter. Serena went up stares to get Miaka down stares. Then Serena asked, " why did u knock 10 times "? I don't know I guss I was excited to see who lives here I guss. They talked forever until it started to rain and a storm was coming. Serena asked if Darien had a place to stay, he lied and said no. So Serena offered him a place to stay. Then when they were about to go to sleep she remembered that she only had one room temperlery. Serena then said oh well he is my ex- fiancé I guss were going to sleep together. She didn't really want to sleep with Darien, but Darien did! (What will happen that night if u want to find out review me)
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That's all for now, please review this is my first fanfic, remember I need at least 3 reviews to write the next chapter (and it will be a better one) but while u are reviewing me I'm writing the next chapter on lined paper. OH!!! If u review me I'll put your name in my story!!! K