Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Lost and Found ❯ The Locket ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey Guys I was just looking at a few pictures of the inner and outer senshi and I was just thinking what if - and - were sister? So I wrote about it! Enjoy.

Note: The "sisters" are American, and I made up the names
Note2: I'm hyper! ::giggles::

Lost and Found


It was a warm and sunny summer day in June. Michiru, Hotaru, Satsuna and I all sat out side on the grass drinking a nice cool glass of lemonade. I sighed slowly as a laid down unto the soft, thick, green grass.

I lay there for a while, listening to the other three's laughter and convocation, they were my family…


I sighed again.

Family, I had a family once, so long ago.

A mother, father, two brothers and three sisters.

I never told anyone of my past, I was scared…

I stood up slowly dusting of my jeans and t-shirt, "I'm going inside for awhile." I said and walked to the porch and into the house.

I looked around the my home, we moved here almost a month ago, we moved out of that tiny apartment and into a beautiful two storage house.

I walked upstairs and into the room Michiru and I shared, and to the closet. I took a medium sized white box out of its small hiding place. Sitting on the floor, I opened it.

The first item I saw was a gold locket I picked it up, on one side was a name: Celina.

Celina, was my baby sister, she was nearly four and I was six when we were separated.

I opened the locket, inside was a picture of a smiling, cubby, blonde, two year old girl.

I shut my eyes holding the locket to my chest.

Opening it, I laid the locket down unto my lap and I began shifting through photos of my family.

I stopped at a picture of my sister Celina and I, this was just a week before she was taken. She was wearing a beautiful fluffy white and pink dress, and believe it or not I was wearing a blue and yellow dress, not quite as fluffy.

On the bottom of the picture, in my mothers' handwriting was: Easter Sunday, Derora and Celina.

Derora, that was my name. Doesn't fit me now but I ran all over the place 'Like rushing water.' My mother always said. So, my name was Derora Running water.

My sister was as beautiful as a full moon, 'She has a face as big as one.' My dad always said about her, which got him a bonk on the head from my mother. Therefor, her name was Celina.

Hearing the girls come in I quickly gather the pictures, putting the locket around my neck and inside of my shirt, and putting the picture inside of the box and back into the closet.

I walk downstairs with my mind still on, Celina…


So? I know it was rushed. I'll take it down and edit it sometime. But I don't have a disk right now and I'm on a different computer so I can't save it.
