Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Lost and Found ❯ You are here, now you cant go ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The income crackled for a few seconds then the captains voice came over it.

"Welcome to the Bahamas! We are now landing and hope you stay will be a pleasant one."

I nudged Usagi, who was and her head was on my shoulder. "Wake up, we're here."

She mumbled lightly, rubbing her eyes. "We are."

Mamoru moved a few stray pieces of hair from her eyes. "Yes we are."

People began getting up and getting their things from the overhead compartments.

"Here's you bag Ruka-papa." Hotarua handed Haruka her blue sports bag. She got up and hugged the child. "Thanks, dear."


Airport lobby


"Is that them?"

"No, Amber they have red hair."

"How about them?"

"Alicia don't you start."

"Hush Justin!"

"Make me!"

Deon rolled his eyes moving the two bequests of roses from one hand to the other.

Ambers hands were shaking as she held the signed, Celina & Derora, in her hands. "Where are they? D-did they miss the plane?"

"Hey look…" Justin stepped forward out of line from his sisters and brother. They all looked his way, and saw what he saw. Two blonde girls stepped out; one had short, sandy blonde hair the other had bright winter blonde hair that was in two pigtails with a bun on each one.

"Oh my God, is it them?"

Alicia's question was answered as they slowly made their was to them, their eyes locked with theirs.


I looked up to see Haruka's bottom lips quickening, I was trying my own best not to cry. I knew if she cried I would too. We walked slowly to the two boys and two girls. When we were right in front of each other Haruka was the first one to talk.

"Deon? A-Amber? Justin? Alicia?"

They nodded, all were crying.

Deon, even through the last time I saw him I was two, he still looked the same. His sandy blonde hair was past his ears and came to his eyes almost covering them. He was muscular, and around Harukas height a little taller.