Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ MeiMei Myou (Dark Destiny) ❯ What she saw ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

MeiMei Myou…(Dark Destiny)

An A/U fic by the Plum Blossom Cat

Authors Note and Disclaimer:

First let me start by saying that Sailor Moon is one of my favorite Anime/ Manga series so do not flame me after reading this. This story is rated R-NC17 for language, violence and sexual situations of various degrees. This story is not recommended for Usagi and Chibi-Usa fans. Seriously…If Usagi and Chibi Usa are your favorite characters I mean don't hate me for writing this, I LOVE Usagi, (I act like her most of the time lol) it's just I was in a really dark mood when I began writing this.

Due to the length of this fic, it has been broken own into three acts.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon or any of the song lyrics within.

Proceed with caution for this fic is hella dark

Dedicated to Ouhi Neferititi

Prologue: Fairytale Premonition

Shinto Priestess Hino Rei knelt in front of the scared fire in the prayer chamber of the Higawa shrine. Recently strange visions began invading her dreams disturbing her. At first she racked it up to guilt for betraying Usagi but her disdain for the moon princess quickly dismissed that notion as well as a long passionate night with Mamoru.

Rei closed her eyes and began to chant softly before the fire. The flames danced wildly tendrils of an evil presence brushed against her mind causing flashes of a different future to flutter in her mind.

"Nani…" she began to say when a sudden blast of wind burst into the chamber causing the fire to dance violently before dying out As everything calmed down, a single black raven's feather drifted down and landed on the dying embers of the fire pit.

"This isn't a good thing," Rei murmured softly to herself as she watched the black plume waiver on the embers.


"Has the Master sent word yet?" a woman spoke softly

The man nodded his head," Yes, Lord Taka said to proceed as planned with our assignment"

"Good, tomorrow we begin to write our destiny and erase that of the new silver millennium," the man smirked sinisterly.

"Yes sire," the woman smirked. "We will change destiny with the "help" of Neherenia and Neo Tokyo will be ours to rule," the woman laughed softly.

The two plotted unaware of the pair of violet eyes watching them from the darkness. "Oh I don't think so my dear auntie. I will make the world Mine!" a small childish voice spoke softly.


Chapter one: What she saw

Usagi sighed softly as she looked at her watch. She and Mamoru had planned to go out to dinner then catch a movie after wards. She was slightly upset that he was going on an hour late so she headed over to the nearest phone booth and called his house. Unfortunately all she got was his answering machine. "He forgot again," she sighed stepping out of the booth and heading for the Crown arcade.

"Hey Usagi," Motoki called from behind the counter. "Why so down?"

"Mamo-chan forgot another date," she sighed sitting down at the counter and propping her head on her hands. "I'm really starting to worry about him Motoki-San," she sighed looking up at the young man with dark blonde hair.

Motoki raised an eyebrow and leaned on the counter in front of Usagi. "What are you worried about?"

Usagi sat up and opened her mouth to voice her concerns but the sound of the door chime distracted the two.

"Konbanwa Motoki-kun," two familiar voices said at the same time.

"Konbanwa Ami-chan and Makoto-chan," Motoki replied. "By any chance do either of you know what's up with Mamoru?" he asked.

The two girls looked at each other then back at Motoki when they realized that Usagi was sitting at the counter sulking a little. "Mamoru forget another date?" Makoto asked.

"Hai," Usagi nodded sadly drawing imaginary pictures on the counter tip with her finger. "We were supposed to go to dinner then catch a movie. I waited for him where he told me to for almost an hour but he never showed up so I went to call him and only got his answering machine," she sighed sadly.

Ami sat down beside Usagi and placed an arm around her shoulders. "Are you okay?" she asked concerned for her friend.

"I'm fine," Usagi sighed.

"I have an idea," Makoto spoke. "Why don't we get all the girls together and go out to the show then get a pizza or something afterwards. You know, a girls night out?"

Usagi instantly cheered up and smiled at her friends then hugged Makoto. "That's a great idea!"

"Then it's settled," Ami smiled. "I'll go call the others," she said hopping off the stool and running off to contact the other girls.

"Thanks you two," Usagi smiled.

A few minuets later, Ami returned to the counter slightly puzzled but still smiling. "Well I was able to get in touch with all the others, except Rei," she admitted.

Usagi and Makoto raised an eyebrow and looked at Ami. "That's strange. Rei is almost always home around this time."

"I know, but her grandfather said she went out about an hour ago."

"So who all is coming?" Usagi asked.

"Minako, Setsuna, Micheru, and Haruka are coming. Hotaru is at your house having a sleepover with Chibi-Usa and Momo-chan." Ami replied earning a shrug from the other two girls as they and waited for he others to arrive.

Almost instantly, the other four Senshi entered the arcade chatting happily about different things. "Konbanwa Koneko chan," Haruka smiled greeting Usagi. The girls chatted decided which movie to see then bid Motoki a good evening. After all the girls left, a frown of concern crossed his face and he picked up his phone and dialed Mamoru's phone number from memory.


Mamoru slept peacefully wrapped warmly in the bliss of having made love. So deep in his haze he didn't realize that the phone was ringing. Rei picked her head up Mamoru's shoulder glancing at the ringing phone. "Should I get that Mamo-chan?" she asked softly tracing her fingers along his chest Mamoru murmured softly and hugged Rei close to him as an indication to just ignore it.

Rei shrugged and ignored the phone resting her head on his shoulder. "It was probably that baka odango atama," she murmured softly drifting off to sleep.

At that moment, the answering machine clicked on "Moshi, moshi, you have reached Chiba Mamoru. I am not in right now so leave a message at the tone." The machine droned before sounding a soft beep. "Hey Mamo-kun, just thought you should know Usagi-chan was looking for you…talk to ya tomorrow, nite."

At that message, Mamoru opened his eyes and looked at Rei, who had fallen asleep. He never got around to telling Usagi that he and Rei had gotten back together. He considered waking Rei up and sending her home figuring that Usagi would probably come by. He brushed a strand of raven hair off of Rei's face earning a pleased sigh from the girl, no woman in his arms. "To hell with destiny," Mamoru murmured softly and pulled her even closer.


For a little while, Usagi forgot about the fact that Mamoru stood her up again thanks to her friends. After they left the movie, they went back to Crown for pizza where they ran into Naru and Guiro. Usagi sighed sadly when she realized that they were there on a date and sighed softly.

"Hey Ami, I think I am going to call it the night," Usagi sighed softly stuffing her hands into her jacket pocket.

Makoto raised an eyebrow concerned that Usagi was passing up the chance to stuff herself with pepperoni pizza. "Are you feeling all right?" she asked.

"I'm fine," Usagi smiled. "Besides I figure if I go to bed early I won't be late for our meeting tomorrow. We're still meeting at your place, right?"

"Yeah," Makoto smiled. "Don't forget we meet after school."

Usagi nodded with a smile and headed off. Instead of heading straight home, she detoured slightly heading towards Mamoru's apartment. As she entered the building she fished her keys out of her pocket. The lock silently turned admitting the young woman to the moonlit apartment. The second she stepped inside, a deep sinking feeling met her. Usagi opened her mouth to call out his name, but froze when she saw two glasses, one with red lipstick along the rim sitting on the coffee table.

Usagi slipped off her shoes but held them in her feeling she would need them close by and walked further into the apartment silently closing the door behind her. As she walked further into the apartment, the feeling of dread grew stronger as she got closer to the closed bedroom door. Slowly she turned the doorknob and opened the door enough to peek inside.

"Shimatta," Usagi silently cursed at the sight she saw through the partially open door. "Iie, I must be seeing things," she whispered frantically closing her eyes for a second then reopening them.

Sure enough, what she saw was not a dream. Lying in the bed together was her boyfriend…her destined love and her so called friend Rei sleeping in each others arms…in the nude.

Silently Usagi walked out of the apartment closing the door behind her. Numbly she slipped her shoes back on and made her way back home. Still in shock after arriving home, Usagi just laid down on her bed, not bothering to change clothes. She squeezed her eyes shut feeling the burn of tears when the cold truth settled down on her…

The Future she was shown will never come to exist


"Hmm, it looks like the first step has already been taken care of for us," a dark skinned woman spoke with a slight laugh in her voice. The woman's deep brown eyes sparkled with mirth.

"So what's our next step, Karasu?" Oshiiko asked watching along side her teacher/ keeper/ mother figure.

"We wait," a new female voice spoke from the darkened corner of the room causing Karasu and Oshiiko to quickly turn and kneel.

"My Queen," they spoke in unison.

From the shadows rose a stately woman with a cascading wealth of wavy raven black hair that reached the black marble tile floor. Queen Neherenia smirked looking at two of her loyal subjects before her. "Karasu, I have a task for you,"

"Yes my queen, I shall do as you command."

"I have seen the dreams of the sailor senshi with the help of someone special and I have seen their past lives…" Neherenia began. "I want you to resurrect the four names on this list, no questions asked," she finished skipping the rest of her discovery and handed Karasu a slip with a list of names on it. "Your task is to resurrect those on this list making sure they keep the rest of the senshi occupied."

"As you wish My Queen, I'll see to the elimination of the sailor senshi…" Karasu bowed taking the list and prepared to teleport to her chambers.

"Iie, No deaths! I though I made that clear Karasu, that the scouts as supposed to live to see the future," Neherenia softly snapped. "I just want the scouts occupied while I accomplish my task. Is that understood? It is very important to the future that they all live…No Deaths!"

Karasu bowed and grumbled softly under her breath, "Yes Ouhi-sama. No deaths" she replied. "Except yours when your usefulness is worn out." She added softly under her breath as she disappeared.

Oshiiko raised an eyebrow hearing what Karasu said before disappearing and shrugged her shoulders. "What about me, Neherenia-Ouhi?" Oshiiko asked softly feigning innocence.

Neherenia held up her hand changing the image on the mirror to show Usagi and Chibi Usa. "When the time comes, you and Yuukon will bring them to me… Unharmed. Is that understood?"

Oshiiko nodded her head and turned to watch the mirror some more smiling at the little pink haired girl.


The next morning, Usagi managed to push aside the scene she stumbled across last night convincing herself that it was all a dream but still deep down she knew what she saw. She quickly showered and dressed in her school uniform then headed downstairs.

"Usagi-chan aren't you going to eat?" Chibi Usa asked seeing her mother walk past the kitchen and straight to the front door. 'Are you feeling okay?"

Usagi looked up at the cute little pink haired girl with a forced smile. "I'm fine Small Lady," she said with forced cheerfulness. "I just remembered that I promised Naru-chan I would walk with her today."

Chibi Usa sighed softly as she watched Usagi put on her shoes. She knew that there something wasn't right. "Um, we're still going to the arcade after school today, right?" she asked.

"We're meeting at Makato's today after school, remember?" Hotaru spoke up from behind Chibi Usa.

Chibi Usa sweatdropped remembering. "Oh, I forgot,"

Usagi smiled slightly and kissed Chibi Usa on the forehead then picked up her book bag and umbrella. "See you later," she sighed before heading out into the rainy morning.

As she walked, Usagi found herself in front of Mamoru's apartment. She stood across the street watching as Her Mamo-chan kissed Rei Hino. Her knuckles whitened as she gripped the handle of her umbrella tightly. A mixture of emotions ran through her mind ranging from rage to utter despair as she watched the two kiss as if they had been lovers in the past and present instead of she and Mamoru. So distracted by her emotions, Usagi bit the inside of her lip so hard that she drew blood. Not wanting to watch the heartbreaking scene anymore, Usagi headed to the one place other than the Arcade she could think.


"Where is that Odango Atama?" Rei groused. "She's late as usual."

Ami looked up at her book having completely forgotten about the time. "Usagi-chan's late?"

"Actually no one has seen her at all today. Minako spoke up. She wasn't in class at all."

"Now that you mention it, she didn't come to lunch either," Makoto said with a concerned look on her face. "I hope she's all right."

Chibi Usa listened to the others with the exception of Rei share their concern for their missing leader. "Usagi…Okaasan where are you?" she thought to herself.

"Maybe Motoki or Mamoru has seen her?" Micheru suggested. "I'll call them," she added walking into the other room to use the phone.

"Well where ever she is, she'd better get her fat lazy ass here on the double," Rei groused earning a dark glare from Chibi Usa and Hotaru.

Micheru returned to the room, concern written all over her face. "Well Motoki said he saw Usagi walk past the arcade earlier and that she looked like she was thinking…"

"That meatball brain thinking?" Rei interrupted.

"Why are you being such a bitch?" Makoto snapped. "This is serious! Usagi is probably hurt or something!"

"What did Mamoru say?" Haruka asked.

Micheru sat down by Setsuna and picked up her teacup. "That's the strange thing. Mamoru said he doesn't know nor does he care."

"Ami, do you think you can trace her communicator?" Minako asked.

Ami nodded her head and pulled out her mini computer and began typing. "I found her!" she exclaimed after a few minuets. "She's in the park."

With that said, all the girls ran out of Makoto's apartment and to the park as fast as they could.


Usagi sat there all day in the rain motionless almost like a statue. She remained there even when the rain stopped pouring from the sky thirty minuets ago.

"Usagi-chan!" Minako called as she ran up the path towards her friend.

Usagi lifted her head and looked in the direction Minako and the other girls were heading.

"Koneko," Haruka gasped arriving beside Usagi. "What's the matter?" she asked taking her in a sisterly hug.

Usagi felt her eyes burn again as more tears formed and she sobbed against Haruka's chest. Not her normal high pitched wail, but an actually soft sob. "My destiny was a lie," Usagi sobbed softly. "It was all a fucking lie!"

"What are you talking about?" Makoto, Micheru, and Ami wondered shocked at the obscenity.

Usagi gently pushed herself from Haruka's embrace and looked in Rei's direction earning a murderous look from the raven-haired priestess. "You know what I am talking about don't you, Hino Rei," she accused in unusually quiet tone.

Rei raised an eyebrow then laughed softly. "So you Finally figure it out you ditz. It took you long enough."

"How long?" Usagi asked in an eerily calm tone.

Rei laughed softly crossing her arms arrogantly. "We were wondering if we were going to have to spell it out for you…"

"How Long?" Usagi asked again growing a little impatient.

"…After all, there were a bunch of big bold signs that even a blind person could have seen…"

The other girls stood by a bit confused as they watched the confrontation unfolding before them. As they watched, Ami's mini-computer picked up on a dark energy signature and began beeping alerting the ice senshi to it's finding. Ami took the computer from her pocket and analyzed her findings and gasped. "You guys…"

Unable to take Rei's bragging anymore, Usagi temper exploded. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING HIM BEHIND MY BACK!" the moon princess yelled.

Before Rei could respond, a large youma appeared before the senshi and attacked scattering them.

Ethereal Crystal Power…
Mercury Crystal Power…
Venus Crystal Power…
Jupiter Crystal Power…
Mars Crystal Power…
Saturn Planet Power…
Neptune Planet Power…
Uranus Planet Power…
Pluto Planet Power…
Moon Crystal Power…


The senshi all cried out and transformed in an array of mulit-colored lights into their sailor fuku.


After hours of chanting and casting the necessary elements into her cosmic circle, Karasu finally completed the task she was assigned. "…Dark Matter from the past return now and attend to your mistress task!"

A plume of purple-black smoke rose from the center of the circle. When the smoke cleared, four figures stood in the center.

"I…am…Marvelous!" Karasu laughed wickedly as the newly resurrected generals family appeared before her. One by one as they awoke, a blue mark in the shape of a triple crescent moon forming a circle appeared on their foreheads…the mark of New Crystal Kingdom. So distracted with her boasting, Karasu failed to notice the symbols fade then disappear as four spirits seeped into the awaiting bodies.


Mercilessly the youma attacked the scouts sending them in different directions. The beast roared a deep ghastly sound and leapt on top of Sailor Mercury only to be tackled by Sailor Moon and Jupiter sending it skidding across the ground.

Sailor Mars sent a barrage of fire attacks at the large demon only to draw it's attention towards her. Angered, the youma charged at the fire senshi with it's claws poised for a fatal attack.

Just as the beast drew back his claws to strike, a single red rose zipped from nowhere and hit the creature causing it to howl in pain. "Tuxedo Kamen!" Mars cried out happily.

"Princess, what are you waiting for?" Venus cried out as she watched the youma charge at Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Mars.

Sailor Moon turned towards the pair and her heart ached seeing her love holding another woman in a close embrace. "Just let them die," a voice said in the back of her mind. She watched as the youma rapidly grew closer to them and slowly raised her scepter. "Silver Moon Rage Attack!" she called out the brand new attack and firing a wild wide beam of silver energy at the youma annihilating the beast but also startling Tuxedo Kamen and enraging Sailor Mars.

"You crazy Bitch!!" Rei yelled as she transformed back to her school uniform. "You did that deliberately!"

"What's you problem Usagi?" Mamoru demanded angrily.

Usagi as well as the others transformed to their earthly forms and watched wondering if they should interfere. "Go to hell Chiba," she spat at him.

Mamoru forcefully grabbed Usagi by her arm and shook her when she refused to answer him angering Makoto. Usagi fixed her now cold emotionless eyes on Mamoru and to the surprise of the others, slapped him across the face causing him to let go of her arm.


Unbeknownst to the senshi, their entire battle had been watched. "What in the hell are you doing Oshiiko?" Yuukon gasped shocked by the youma's attack. "Neherenia-sama said not to kill them," Yuukon noted earning a groan from the child.

"You are a baka you know that right? I do not serve Neherenia," the girl spat at her sempai.. "Now sit back and watch me really get to work," Oshiiko smirked. The girl closed her eyes and tried to lock on to both Usagi and Chibi Usa's mind's at the same time. Oshiiko's brow furrowed and sweat began to bead on her forehead. "Shinmatta," she cursed softly. "I can't lock on to both of them."

"Well get whoever you can and let's go!" Yuukon snapped softly at the child mage.

"Okay, geesh…" Oshiiko grumbled locking on to Usagi's mind and a soft purple aura surrounded her body and her hold over the moon princess growing stronger by the moment.


Chibi Usa shook her head feeling a little dizzy as if someone was trying to creep into her mind. She looked at Usagi remembering the last time she felt …evil.

Usagi stepped back from Mamoru and glared at him with angry azure eyes that cut into him like a flaming hot saber. "You are a lowly bastard Chiba," she growled raising her hand and pointing accusingly at him. Usagi's eyes shifted to a deep indigo, her unnatural color "You have sealed your own fate."


"Fires of Celesta do as I bid entrap the body of the spirit you infest," the tiny witch chanted softly as she watched Usagi.


"What in the hell are you babbling about?" Rei snapped boldly stepping up to the princess. She froze in her tracks as she felt a sudden surge of dark energy sorrounding the moon princess. "Usagi…what's wrong?" she asked shifting moods quickly.

"Live with the fact Hino Rei, that you have destroyed Crystal Tokyo with your selfishness and lust," Usagi spoke just as Oshiiko's spell over her finally encased her in a black crystal orb.

"Okaasan!" Chibi Usa cried.

"Usagi!" the inner senshi cried.

"Princess!" the outer senshi screamed as she all watched the bubble float up in the air.

Oshiiko giggled childishly as she floated from her hiding space with Yuukon at her side. "My thanks to you Chiba Mamoru and Hino Rei. You made my job easier for me to execute," Oshiiko giggled holding out her hand causing the bubble to shrink then float towards her.

"Who in the hell are you?" Haruka demanded stepping into a Kempo fighting stance. "Give us back our princess!"

Oshiiko giggled catching the now marble sized orb and dropped it in a silk sachet. "I am the Ankoku no Miko, Oshiiko."

"The future now belongs to Taka Kuro!" Yuukon laughed as he picked up his young charge setting her on his broad shoulder and disappearing.
