Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror Image ❯ Once Upon a Time...or is it Twice? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclamer -

Kagayaku: I do not own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing (unfortunately), Hikaru however is my creation ^_^ (yay!) (Oh btw I had this fic posted on FF.N, this is the first fic that I ever did. But I decided I wanted to make a bit … "spicier"…and I wanted to revise some of it to make it better. ^_^) Please REVIEW!

Mirror Image


A long time ago in a time called the Silver Millennium a great kingdom resided on earth's moon. In the darkness of space the moon's glow gave the civilization a peaceful look, almost as if you were living in a dream. It was in such a place that two children were born. The first one had beautiful silver hair that shone like the moon's light, and silvery, blue eyes. Two years later the second one was born. This one had golden hair that looked as though it had been weaved from sunbeams, and her eyes were a crystalline blue. They were not destined to grow up and live happily though…at least not yet. From the moment they were born dreaded fate stepped in and weaved her web dooming them to walk whatever path she chose………

8 years later….

10-year-old Hikaru crept silently down the hallway her silver hair causing her to stand out again the dark blue walls. She had once again managed to get on her tutors bad side. It wasn't that she didn't like learning; she actually was an apt pupil but Miss Kaori always seemed to find something wrong with the way she did things. Tilting her head slightly to the side she heard the faint sound of footsteps coming down the hall. - Miss Kaori probably -she thought irritably. Peering carefully around the corner she caught a glimpse of her teachers long, red hair as she bent over to look under bed. "Don't tell me she's still looking for me. Doesn't she ever just give up?" She backed up slightly as her teacher finished looking under the bed. Unfortunately she forgot about the table behind her and more importantly the set of sliver candlesticks that set on it. They hit the floor with a bang and Hikaru would have shrieked had it not been for her training with Shira that taught to remain calm in dire situations. Not that this was really a dire situation but she figured it was close enough. Her main objective now was to find a place to hide because Kaori was already on her way to investigate. She searched the hall frantically and realized that there was not place to go and the hall was too long to run around the next corner. Sighing in defeat she waited her pursuer to find her. She most likely would have been found too, had a hand not shot out from and opening in the wall and pulled her in leaving the teacher to find only air.

Kaori rounded the corner a split second after Hikaru was pulled in and glanced at the fallen candlesticks. "I know you're here Hikaru" she growled gazing at the wall thoughtfully " You won't always be able to run and hide in your little secret passageways. Sooner of later you'll have to come out somewhere." Then taking one last glance at the wall she stalked away.

Behind the wall Hikaru burst into a fit of giggles before turning to give her younger sister a hug. "You always have a knack for showing up when needed," she said with grin.

Serenity merely smirked playfully "Of course I couldn't let my only sister get caught by such an evil villain"

Hikaru raised an eyebrow "Now don't you start smirking too! It's bad enough I do it and it drives Mom nuts."

"Speaking of Mom she's wants to see you and it sounds important `cause she insisted that she talk to the oldest first and that would be you."

Hikaru looked up thoughtfully, "I wonder why. I hope it's not because of Miss Kaori." … "I doubt it, Mom knows that despite what Miss Kaori says you learn a lot"

Hikaru only nodded slightly "Maybe, and stop looking so serious your only 8"….

"And your only 10, reap what you sow" Serenity retorted before sticking her tongue out and running off toward the throne room, giggling the whole time.

Hikaru sighed, "Whatever am I going to do with her" then she too headed towards the throne room curious as to what her mother could want her for.

Queen Selenity sat on her throne contemplating what she was about to ask Hikaru. It would affect her future greatly but it must be done. She lifted her head up expectantly as Hikaru entered and bowed gracefully. "You sent for me mother"

"Yes but please don't be so formal, I have something very important to ask you. Come sit on my lap"

Hikaru smiled happily and ran up the steps to her mother. When both were comfortable Selenity cleared her throat and began to speak. "For many years the Moon Kingdom has thrived and the crown has been passed down from generation through generation. However unlike other kingdoms a woman has always ruled the Moon Kingdom. I'm sure you have read in your history books about how the oldest sibling always takes the throne, but here it doesn't work like that."

Hikaru looked up inquiringly "Are you saying I won't become the next queen? It's all right, I really don't mind Sere deserves it."….

"No that's not it Hikaru, let me finish. A long time ago a rule was set that the oldest sister would be given a choice. A choice of weather of not she wanted to be a ruler or a guardian."…

"A guardian?"…

"Yes, a guardian, Hikaru. You must…decide weather or not you want to be a ruler and become queen or a guardian, in which you pass the throne down to your sister and become her guardian. Perhaps protector is the better word"….

Hikaru glanced toward the door "You mean I could either take your place or I could give it to Sere and …protect her?"…

"Yes"…. Selenity nodded slightly.

Sensing that there was more to know Hikaru investigated further "What exactly does a protector do?"…

Selenity sighed, "A protector watches from the shadows, she will always be known as a princess, but she will not join social parties or have a `public' say in what is done. She is there to watch over the queen and keep her safe…like a bodyguard…. but she is also forced to…to leave"….

"Leave!!!!" Hikaru practically shouted "How can you protect the queen if you aren't with her"… "You don't become her guardian until you are 18 but even then you wont feel the full effects until you are about 20, before that you must watch from a pool of vision inside the gate of time," Selenity whispered sadly. "Pluto conducts the training beyond the gates of time"

"But Mother…how…" Hikaru sighed, "How long must one stay there?"….

"They would go there and be trained by Pluto until they are 18, then they are allowed to return"….

"Till they are 18… that's not so long, if this is all there is to it then why do you look so sad?" …

Selenity raised her eyes to stare straight into Hikaru's "Because the beyond the gate of time is a void and beyond that is the Cosmic Time Warp, where the training takes place. However strange things lie within the Time Warp and no one who has been there for more than a day has every been the same again. I hate to give you this choice, I wish it could be some other way but I can't change it. No matter how much I want to."

Hikaru gazed at her softly -my mother, my sister- her voice was quite yet firm "I'll go" Selenity looked up sharply "y… you … you'll go?"

"Yes, I'll go" This time her voice raised slightly "I love Sere, and would protect her no matter what! She would make a better queen; she has a wonderful heart that shines so bright that even the unhappiest person would smile at the sight of her. She would bring happiness to the moon, much more than I ever could… I'm not afraid to go. I know I can do it, but if what you say is true then never forget me as I am now. Because when I come back I'm sure to have changed"

Selenity stared at her daughter with something akin to awe - she's so brave and so sure, I know I can't change her mind. She's like me stubborn - Selenity looked at her daughter seriously "Are you sure this is what you want? You would have to leave in three days"… "I know, I still want to do it" she smiled faintly at her mother "I'll love you forever" …"And I you my little Hikaru, and I you"…..

Serenity sat wide-eyed outside the door to the throne room "She's leaving…no" crystal teardrops formed in her eyes as they silently caressed her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Sere" a voice said from behind her. Serenity turned around a fixed her eyes upon her sisters. One question fell from her lips "Why Hikaru…why?"

Hikaru sat down beside her sister and pulled her into a hug "Because I love you Sere" … "You love me!!! Then why are you leaving me!!! " Serenity shouted pulling out of her sisters embrace, "Why are leaving me to rule alone… why? She sobbed….

"Sere, either way one of us would have to leave"…

"Then let me!!!"…

"NO! … you're the one Serenity… you're the one with the pure heart that seeks out the good in everyone…you can be so much more than me" ….

Serenity laughed bitterly "Fine…leave me then!!!" she shouted before running down the hall and slamming her bedroom door…

"I'm not doing it because I want to Sere!!!…. I don't want to leave you…" her word faded out and were replaced by sobs before she too ran to her room.

Selenity gazed quietly at the now empty hall, "You'll take care of her right Pluto" she asked looking back at the green-haired woman behind her.

"Yes you majesty" she said softly before fading away.

Selenity sighed - Fate must hate her and her family for it always seemed to ruin everything -

The three days passed like sand through and hourglass and Hikaru was packed and saying her final goodbyes

"I'll see you again someday Ami… I know you'll become a great scout someday and take your mother's place as Sailor Mercury" Hikaru laughed lightly "And you'll still manage to become a great doctor in the midst of it all"

The blue haired girl smiled a little "I never could have done it without you Karu" She hugged Hikaru tightly "Come back safe ok"…

"Don't worry Ami, I will" she reluctantly let go of her friend and scanned the crowd for Sere. She still hadn't spoken to her since she found out.


She spun around quickly and spotted Pluto calling her

"It's time to go"….

She took one last look at the crowd then hung her head sadly - guess she's not coming- After quickly hugging her mother once more she made her way toward Pluto…"I'm ready…I guess"

Pluto smiled at her gently "It will be all right" She raised the Time Key over her head and prepared to leave…


Hikaru looked up sharply and saw Serenity running through the crowd and then she flung herself at Hikaru and hugged her fiercely

"I'm sorry, please come back soon"…

Hikaru hugged her back "Oh I will and promise me that you will always follow your heart Sere, remember that"…."

I will, and I love you"…

"I love you too Sere"…she stepped back hesitantly and gave Sere one last smile "I'll see you soon, just trust in your heart Sere" and then she disappeared in sparkle of light…

"I will Hikaru, I promise"

Little did they know that they would never meet again, at least not in this lifetime, and the little kind-hearted, happy princess that left, would never be the same again…

Somewhere in the in the now silent darkness…

"When this sword, shows its light... The Silver Imperium Crystal follows the heart of she who will be queen. Take the completed crystal, and release the Great Power of the Moon. Give service to the Moon's Holy Tower... and once more bring peace to our kingdom."

Kagayaku: Ok how was that…before you say anything… I know my grammar is not that great ^_^;;; sorry….I don't have an editor so I try to catch what I can on my own….R&R please !!!!!! Tell me what you think…I'm sorry I haven't brought Gundam Wing in yet…I will…. eventually but I had to clear a few things up. ^_^ Arigato mina-chan …Hope you enjoy the story! -