Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror of your dreams ❯ Through the Clouds to find ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mirror of your Dreams
By: Haruka-chan

AN: I have been meaning to write this story for a while now, and now on summer vacation I can final focus on it. I know the title sucks, but it was like I couldn't think of anything. The SM characters don't belong to me but to the ever talented and brilliant Takeuchi Naoko sensei and the producers. I have to mention that in this fic most of the information will be based on the manga, so if your confused about some things or some things seem different from the anime, you know why. Next I will be using many astronomical phrases, along with some Greek and Latin words. *If you want to flame this story then you know what take it some place where someone cares. I work hard on all my stories so don't come and give me crap*

Sorry it has to be this way but my word doc doesn't support special lettering and formatting so please cope with me.

*....*- Means that it's character thoughts.
*~....~*- Character is thinking about what someone said in the past.
"...."- Means characters are talking.
****.....****- Means dreams of the character.
~~~***...***~~~- Means letters and notes from characters

Through the Clouds to find...Chapter 1

In the 30th century

Year 3057, many things has changed since the 21 century. Everything now controlled by modern and advance technology. People were aware of higher beings, such as the Sailor Senshis' and all those with special abilities. Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion. The vast spreading knowledge of the space and people who reside on other planet other then Earth. There were still many who didn't believe in fate and definitely not in Magic. Hard to take in such things could exist. To humans it was as if they had no control over their lives at all, which lead to fear and such emotions. Despise those who object the galaxies all agreed to make a league. They would unite and announce peace. Greatest leaders all sitting in one room making choices and decisions for their own planet, county, or land. But did those decisions really matter at the end? With all those disagreements and hidden affair kept behind close doors. Some wondered if the jobs of the sailor Senshis' were done. Did they really hold powers? People are afraid of what the future may hold, because they are unsure of it, they can't see it. So having one made for them isn't the best thing to think about. The fact that the much of the predicted future from the 21 century changed, many people changed, just as many dreams...

The Galactic Legions...

"Lieutenant, we have encountered some kind of force field around the Magellanic Clouds" said an officer of the galactic legions. "Find out what type it is" said the Lieutenant. "Yes," said the officer. "This should be like your thousand time doing this so finding out what a slight force field is shouldn't be to hard" said the Lieutenant. "But, there is some kind of powerful, being standing with in the dust lanes of the elliptical galaxy" said another officer. "Get my suite ready I'm going out to. investigate" said the Lieutenant. "I don't think that is a very good idea" said one of the advance officer. "Don't deify me get my suite ready, if I don't get back in 24 hours then get back to head quarters, and say nothing" said the lieutenant. "Yes, ma'am" said the officer. Her gaze hard fixed on the glowing clouds of red and blue with mixed of golden lights. That was pretty much her life, mixture of colors that hasn't yet found the right one. Her eyes landed on the glowing star, which seems to sparkle with the blurriness of her eyes. This was what she set out to do, so why did it feel like she couldn't fill the void with in her?

In The Magellanic Clouds...

"Your highness what shall we do?" asked a guard. "What do you mean?" he asked. "They are sending someone here in to the clouds" the guard said. "Very well let them come, we have nothing to hide" he said. "But your highness these are foreign people" the guard tried to protest. "And we should try and make the best of it, we have to let these people know that we are no harm to them" he stated. The guard looked troubled but nodded. His eyes gave of a sort of sparkle when he saw the figure approaching them quickly. It has been about 1000 years since an outsider has came in to this world, so how could he not be excited? But there was something more there. For some odd reason he felt something more from this fast approaching figure, he felt as if there was something that was with in this person that he knew that was familiar. He smiled and shook it off. He was going to greet who ever it happened to be accordingly. After all their home land was one of the most beautiful places on the universe.

"Lieutenant are you all right?" she heard over the intercom. "Yes, I am fine" she stated. "Ma'am was this really necessary?" asked one of the crewmembers. "In order to measuring radioactivity is the only accurate away we have to date very old things, without using magic" she stated. "But we could have done that from here" they said back. "If I could get a sample and measure it then it would be great, other then that I want to know what a force field is doing in the middle of a cloud, and especially we can't break through" she stated. "Yes, ma'am" they said unsure. "But take my orders, Sonika your in charge in case I don't come back, got it" she said. "But ma'am" started Sonika. "No, buts' I want you all to go back to head quarters in 24 hours and do not report any of this to Tomoe" she said. "Yes, ma'am" they said with uncertainty. "Good, wish me luck" she said as she pushed herself in to the red and blue clouds. She always found those clouds beautiful from a far, but to be this close it felt even better. She smiled as she closed her eyes and saber the feeling. This wasn't her first suicide mission, she had others, and from each one a success and pleasant memories, which she kept deep with in herself. It might have been selfish but still those were just for her eyes and mind to see.

She stopped a few inches away from the force field. She touched it slowly as if expecting to get shocked or thrown back, but instead she felt the power of the field it was as if it was alive, much like the feeling of her crystal. She took of one of her gloves and slowly went to touch it once more. The warmth she found there frightened her but encouraged her to slowly push her whole body through. When she felt like she had gone through a transformation she opened her eyes. Only to find something that would amaze almost anyone in the damn galaxy. It was a planet, a small planet hidden behind the clouds. Most clouds last only a couple of thousand years but the Magellanic Clouds has been there as long as she could remember. "What do you know" she whispered. Hypnotized by the beauty of the planet. It was when she heard a gasp did she turn to her side to see a bewildered man. "You passed through the barrier even when it was up..." he said. She looked confused at first but then she thought it best to take of her Helmet and introduce herself. She pulled of the unnecessary helmet considering she was born in space she could pretty much breath in it without a silly little helmet, but she wore it for safety and official rules. When she pulled it over her head her hair cam tumbling out.

The man let out another gasp. "Sir are you all right?" she asked. He just stood wide eyes and mouth hanging open. "Are you ok?" she asked again. "Your...your...kallisto" he said. She chuckled and shook her head. "Sir could you please tell me about your planet?" she asked. But he just stood with wide eyes and mumbled away. "Excuse me" she said. But he wouldn't say a word, only stare and mumble things she couldn't quite hear or understand. "This planet isn't even on the chart, and it's so beautiful" she said looking around, her hair twisting around her. "Quite beautiful" someone stated. She turned and her eyes instantly sought out the handsome man's gaze, her gaze by passing the other two men. Her breath slammed into her throat as she was reminded once again of the obvious splendor the man represented. His flowing white garments, the blue and teal tassels swaying softly in the wind. His unruly silverish blue hair cascaded around the sharp golden horn that swept out from his forehead like a crown. She felt as if she was in dazed, dreaming trying to remember something dear to her yet long forgotten. "I...I am sorry if I am trespassing, but I really don't know how I got through the field" she said. He chuckled his deep voice booming in a kalliope. [AN: Kalliope mean beautiful voice in Greek, and Kallisto means most beautiful] She stood with one arm wrapped around her while the other rested at her side holding her helmet. She felt quite like an idiot standing in a skintight suite while the two men stood in lose clothing. "Your highness the korë somehow passed through" stated the man finally speaking. [AN: Korë means maiden in Greek, yes I know I'm using many Greek words, but there will be some Japanese once as well]

He chuckled as his eyes burned in to the woman standing in front of him. "It has a life all of it's own it let's those who can connect with it in and those who threaten it destruction" he said. She felt herself somehow wanting to run from his gaze and just push back out, but it was her pride that held her back. "Are you the King?" she asked. "Actually my Lady this planet doesn't have a ruler" he stated. "Then my I ask why he just refereed to you as 'your highness' sir?" She asked. "I am the arc Angel of this plant" he said. "An arc Angel?" she asked noticing the large wings. He nodded with a small smile appearing on his lips. She looked down and thought for a second. "But arc Angels only exist possibly couldn't be" she whispered to herself. She looked up and nodded "Forgive me I have not yet properly introduced myself. I am Rini Chiba, Lieutenant for the United Galaxies league" she said placing her right hand over her chest and bowing. He watched as her hair fell over her shoulder as silk would fall from a newly polished table to the floor. She stood once again her rusty red eyes that held a lively curiosity. "I am Helios, the Arc Angel of Isle of Oneiro" he stated. [AN: Isle is French for Land, and Oneiro is Greek for dream creating Land of dreams] "What an interesting name it has" Rini said feeling strange by the name of the handsome Arc Angel. "Yes," he stated. She looked towards the still cowering man. "He is the guard of the gates Aji" Helios explained. Rini nodded and bowed towards him. Aji finally coming back to normal nodded and bowed back. "These two are the chief engineers. Phobos and Deimos" said Helios. Rini nodded and bowed towards them as well.

"If I may ask some question on your people" she said turning back to face Helios where he stood studying her. She touched the force field, which was with in arms reach. "Why do you have his force field up?" she asked. "It is usually put up when there are foreigner near by" Aji stated. "I see but this time our radar picked up the magnifying impulse coming from the force field" stated Rini. "Yes, but we didn't expect someone to come and investigate" said Helios. "Yes, well that is one of my weak points. Curiosity" said Rini with a small smile. "Shall we proceed to the city where you can see everything for yourself?" asked Helios. Rini looked uncertainly back towards the out side of the cloud. "I suppose" she said. He smiled as he watched slowly back away from the field and push a few lose strand of her pale pink hair from her face. "Are you ready?" he asked. She looked confused about what he meant, but then it occurred to her that she was still floating, they were still on the out side of the planet. "How do you travel from here to there?" she asked. Helios came next to her and smiled as his arms encircled her. She wanted to protest but before another word could come out of her mouth she felt as if she was breaking apart slowly, like she did when she used her magic. She shut her eyes tight in fear. "I assure you my Lady if open your eyes you will suffer any pain" he said to her softly. Rini gulped and slowly cracked open an eye. What she saw almost took her breath away. They were hovering over the main city and the beautiful landmarks and lush greens that surrounded it were beautiful. He smiled when he heard her in take of breath.

"Beautiful!" she exclaimed with excitement. "Yes, one of the many reasons why we like it so much" he stated. "I don't understand why you do not share this with people of other planets and galaxies" stated Rini. "The people of this planet are quite different from of those the out side. They are frightened" said Helios. "Yes, I have encountered that when Aji had a heart attack from seeing me" she said. Helios chuckled. He gently landed on the ground and put her down. "Thank you" she said before walking around and inspecting the grass and rocks and any bit of life or sign of life there was. They were in front of a beautiful building. She looked up at the way it was all shaped. Beautiful white marble on the ground of the terrace and the Greek like columns. "His highness is back" she heard a female voice call, that's when she saw a girl in a baby blue tube top dress come out, her long blue hair was in braids with some jeweled ornaments. "Uzme" said Helios. She smiled and bowed for him, but her smile disappeared when her eyes landed on Rini. "A foreigner!" she exclaimed. "Man these people are real paranoid, not even Melvin-sama comes close" mumbled Rini under her breath. "It's all right Uzme, she isn't an enemy" said Aji. "How do we know that?" asked Uzme. "Because if I wanted to hurt you I could have done it already, but I wish for no such thing" said Rini finally the girl getting on her last nerve. Helios shot her an amused smile. Uzme glared at Rini and stood at Helios' side. Rini would have rolled her eyes if not out of respect.

"I very much hope that you will like it here" stated Helios. Rini stood at her spot. "Like it here? I can't stay, I have my crew waiting for me" stated Rini. Helios' smile disappeared. "But I thought you wished to study this planet" he said. "I do but I have other duties as well, I cannot stay here more then 1/2 a day" she said. "I am quite disappointed" stated Helios. Rini looked up at the sky which looked pretty much like earth with it's clouds and sun, which was a puzzle to her, a puzzle she intended to put together. Helios watched her eyes moving in curiosity trying to get everything with one sweep. "Come now, you must be tired" said Deimos. Rini smiled and nodded. Uzme glared at Deimos for suggesting that such a 'un-pure' creature goes in to their holy shelter. "Your highness can she step inside?" asked Uzme. "If she was let in through the force field then why would she not be allowed in the temple. Rini was seriously upset at this Uzme girl. Helios offered Rini his hand. She looked at him and was about to make a comment when her intercom went of. "Lieutenant! Something is wrong! The ship seemed to be going out of control!" she heard. "Damit No!" yelled Rini running back towards she thought they came from. She put her Helmet on and started to type multiple things on to the mini computer that was on her arm. [AN: I know real Mary Sue and crap, but I can't seem to think of anything better] Helios looked up to see a shadowed cloud moving over the city. "Come on transport me!" yelled Rini. "Those sort of technology doesn't work here" stated Aji. "What!?" asked Rini with eyes widening. "Ma'am what shall we do?" asked Sonika. "Hold on I'll be right there" she said. "You have to get me out of here or I won't be able to help my crew!" yelled Rini. Helios saw the fear and determination, and again he was reminded of someone he couldn't exactly recall meeting.

She thought her tears would just burst out, she just couldn't stand there and d nothing, but then again if everyone knew who she really was...She pressed a few other buttons and found herself breaking part and teleporting. Helios watched as she disappeared, before his own wings flapped and he was off up on the outside of the planet. Phobos, and Deimos looked at each other before they followed after. "I don't understand why is he going after her?" asked Uzme. Aji sighed. "She isn't all that bad, I mean we are still alive" said Aji. "Oh I bet she's trying to plan something" she stated. Aji continued to watch the sky as it took on the shadowed part. *Something isn't right, I can feel it* he thought before he too was headed towards the gate. Helios appeared in front of the force field, He stared at it long and hard before he placed his hands on it and pushed himself out slowly, once he was completely in space he saw Rini's body synchronize back to solid form. "Sonika I'm outside the ship open up" said Rini. "We can't the ship has shut down and completely took on auto control" Sonika said. "What the hell is going on?" she asked. Helios saw the shadowed creature right above Rini. *What the hell is it doing out here?* he thought as he charged forward. Rini hardly noticed anything for she was busy trying to break the code to open the doors. "No! open up!" yelled Rini as she started to bang on the door. She felt a sudden rush of air and found Helios coming towards her at a neck breaking speed. "What the hell is going on?" she asked. Helios pointed towards the shadow that was now heading towards them.

"Your crew is in serious danger" he said. Rini nodded "Yes, I know that but what can I do?" she asked. *You know what you can do, saving their lives is more important then your stupid identity* her mind spite back. Helios watched as she closed her eyes and opened them again only instead of fear there was much determination. "Eternal Moon Power!" she yelled. Helios stood and watched as she transformed, her body eloping in many ribbons and such. He let out a small gasp. Rini looked at herself for a second. "Huh" she said before she snapped back to reality. "Come on do this for me" she whispered as she held out her hands. "Mercury please lend me your power-Mercury ice crystals" she whispered. Helios watched as the ships door froze off. Rini opened her eyes a small smile came to her lips. "I did it" she said before she kicked open the door. When she went in how ever the strong smell of morphine floated in the air. "" she whispered. "NO!!!!!" she yelled. "Lieutenant is that you?" asked a small voice. "Sonika! Where are you?" she asked. Rini's eyes found a body moving. Rini went forward and pulled out the girl on to space. "Ma'am I couldn't save them" she whispered. Rini shook her head as tears started to pour out. Helios watched. "We can still save her life" he stated. Rini nodded. "Here you take her" she said giving Sonika's limp body to Helios. "Where are you going?" he asked. "To find any more survivors" stated Rini. He wanted to protest, but nodded as he flew away with the girl.

When he neared the entrance he found Phobos standing there. "Here take the maiden" he said. "What about her?" asked Deimos. Helios turned towards where the ship currently was. "I'll go and help her" he said. They nodded. Rini entered the ship once more. She looked around to find any survivors. "Please anyone" she asked coking out the words. Helios raced back. Rini walked out of the ship with her head low. Helios saw the look of lose on her face. Rini's nose picked up a small scent of morphine, and some sort of gas. Her eyes widen. She looked towards Helios. "No turn back the ship is going to blow!" she yelled as she pushed him far back just as the ship exploded to a thousand pieces. The force of the blow sending them flying in to the force field. Rini coughed and opened her eyes to be looking down at the most beautiful blue eyes she had seen, but then like always with her reality came crashing back. She pushed herself off. "No! My ship! My crew!" she whispered as she dropped to her knees back to her space suite. Her eyes tearing. He sat up and watched as her tears flew up seeming there was no gravity. They looked like small stars trying to take a place in the heavens for those who lost their lives today. "Your highness" said Deimos. Helios looked towards Rini and nodded. "Lady Rini I suggest that we enter the force field, the creature approaches fast" he said. Rini looked up to find the black shadowed creature swallowing up all the parts of the ships, and heading towards them. She looked towards him as if in question. "I shall explain" he said. She nodded as they slowly entered the field.

Rini's eyes went straight to the girl in Phobos' arms. Her jet-black hair falling all around her, with cuts and bruises on her exposed body. Rini found herself break down and cry as if there was no tomorrow. "Why!?!" she asked as her hands turned in to fist and she dug her nails in to her palms drawing blood. Helios pulled her hands open instantly. She looked at him. "This is all my fault" she whispered before she gave in and collapsed on his chest. Helios looked down at her, his white garments now getting stained by her blood. Phobos looked at his brother and nodded. "We should get back in to the planet" they said. Helios nodded as he stood with Rini in his arms. The were inside the planet in no time, meeting Aji half way there. "The Korë...what has happened?" asked Aji. Helios' eyes were distant and nothing could be read as he landed in front of the temple. "I think you better take the maiden to the hospital at once" stated Helios. "Should we not bring her in to the temple?" asked Deimos. "It would be better if she went to hospital, her life is in danger" stated Helios. Uzme came running out once more to find Rini in Helios' arms. "My Lord what has happened?" asked Uzme. Helios turned towards her and smile. "Uzme please set up a room for our guest" he said looking down at Rini. Uzme nodded as she ran off to do what she was order to. Phobos and Deimos looked down at the limp form of Sonika then they looked at Rini. "I have a feeling that what ever might have caused was not the dark shadow, but something else" said Phobos. "I agree" said Helios. Phobos and Deimos looked towards there Lord. "Your highness?" asked Aji.

"Rest now, we have much to talk about once the maiden wakes" said Helios looking down at Rini once more. "They nodded as they headed towards the hospital, and Helios walked in to the temple. As soon as he walked in Rini's form felt lighter and much more relaxed. Helios smiled as he walked through the various halls of the large temple, which he called home. He finally walked in to the room that he saw Uzme make the bed. "Uzme, you and Sayuri shall clean her and make sure that she had everything she needs. "Yes my Lord" said Uzme. Helios place Rini on the bed, as he about to pull away he noticed her hands gripping his vest like a tiger would hold it's prey. He smile. "Rest assure my maiden I shall be back at your side" he whispered. Uzme glared as she watched. Rini's hand slowly released Helios and went to their limp form. Helios stared at the bloodstain on her palm. "Uzme make sure you tend to her wounds" he said before walking out. Uzme looked at Rini's limp body and a disgust came over her. *Why should I a temple maiden take care of an outsider?" she thought. "Uzme I just heard Lord Helios' request" said a girl with long brown hair done up in to a bun with some hair flying out, she was in a red tube gown, just as Uzme. "Yes Sayuri, we have to watch over this foreigner" said Uzme. Sayuri's eye's landed on Rini's form. "What a beauty she is" said Sayuri with a smile. Uzme glared. "A pig is more like it" she said. Sayuri gave the other girl a look. "Now Uzme you know that those thoughts could ruin your job here at the temple" said Sayuri. Uzme sighed "Yes, I wish Lord Helios would just pick me and get it over with" she said. Sayuri looked towards Rini and smiled. *I think he already has* she thought.

AN: So what you guys think? This is my first so your going to have to go easy on me. If you guys like it them review so I can put up the next chapter. Oh sorry about my really fucked up spelling and grammar. I hope you guys liked it PLEASE REVIEW!!! ^_^