Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Princess in Gotham ❯ A Sailor Warrior Meets a Dark Knight! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Batman or any related characters. They are the property of D. C. Comics and Warner Bros. I also don't own Sailor Moon-and if you thought I did, you belong in Arkham Asylum with the Joker, Two-Face and Michael Moore.
Chapter one: A Strange Black Cat Appears! A Sailor Warrior Meets a Dark Knight!
Serena Grayson stirred in her bed. She was having the most wonderful dream where she was at a ball, dressed in a resplendent gown and dancing with a most handsome guy in wearing a tuxedo and had some strange white domino mask on his face. “Oh, isn't this so romantic?” she asked the guy in the mask.
“Serena,” the man said in a voice a lot like her brother Dick's, “get up.”
Serena blinked “What?”
“I said, get up!” Serena jerked awake in her bed. At first she blinked at the strangeness of her room, than realized it was not the old trailer but her new room at Wayne Manor, the home of her and Dick's new guardian Bruce Wayne. She saw Dick at her door, already dressed and ready for school. “Hurry up, Serena! School starts at 8:00 and it's 7:00 already! I don't want to get detention because of you!”
At a speed that would have rivaled the guardian of Central City, Serena got out of bed, changed into her school clothes, and brushed her teeth. She ran down the hallway and just before the first step, she tripped. “Ow ow ow ow!” she cried as she came down the stairway in what looked like a series of clumsy somersaults.
Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne's butler/chauffeur/cook among other things, was waiting at the foot of the stairway in his chauffeur's uniform. “Miss Serena,” he said, his voice carrying a strong British accent, “I realize that you are a professional clown. However, I do not believe an hour before your classes start is the appropriate time for you to practice your buffoonery.”
“She doesn't have to practice,” said Dick as he came down the stairs. “Meatball Head IS a buffoon.”
“Dick, why are you so mean?” cried Serena.
“I'm not being mean,” Dick answered. “I'm telling the truth.”
Alfred sighed. “Nevertheless, if we do not hurry you will both be late for school. Now, lets be off, before you get detention and I get the pink slip from Master Bruce.”
“Here you are Master Richard,” Alfred said as he pulled the Bentley up to the curb in front of Crossroads Elementary School. “I know you have plans to play basketball with your new friends, but remember I will come by at 5:00 to pick you up.”
“Hey, why don't you let me out too, Alfred?” Serena asked. “The Junior High's only a couple of blocks from here, I should be able to make it.”
Alfred looked at his watch. It was ten minutes till eight. Serena should be able to get there in time. “Very well, Miss Serena.” He handed Serena her lunch. “And I know you plan to spend time with some friends of yours too, so remember to be here by 5:30.”
“Okay.” Serena got out of the car and sprinted off.
She turned around a corner, when suddenly she came upon a bunch of little boys picking on a black cat. Serena wasn't a particularly brave person, but she could handle ruffians like these. “Go away!” she shouted, waving her schoolbag, “Leave this poor cat alone!” Seeing this person twice their size, with the strange hairdo, the little ruffians did just that.
Serena looked down at the cat. It was all black, with a criss-cross of band-aids on its forehead. “Aw, did they hurt you?” The cat pawed at the band-aids on it's forehead. “Here, let me take those off.” Serena picked up the cat and carefully pulled off the band-aids.
Serena's jaw dropped “What?” On the cat's forehead, the band-aids had covered over a yellow patch of fur shaped like a crescent moon. The cat looked up at Serena, it's eyes strangely human.
Suddenly a loud bell rang out. “Oh no I'm late!” Serena cried. She dropped the cat, picked up her schoolbags and her lunch, and hurried off.
The cat looked at the girl running from her. At last I found you, Serena Grayson.
Serena stood outside of study hall. She had been five minutes late, and was told she'd have to wait until her homeroom teacher Ms. Haruna decided her punishment.
Her stomach growled-she had missed breakfast this morning-and quickly looked both ways. No one was coming. Quickly she picked up her lunchbox, pulled out the pastrami sandwich Alfred had made and started to eat-
“So, pigging out while you're supposed to be waiting for me, Miss Grayson?”
Serena looked up. Standing right in front of her was a slim red-haired twenty something woman who would have been real pretty except for the angry look on her face. “Just because you were a clown in the circus does not give you an excuse to act like one in school!” She then handed Serena her copy of the test they had all taken last week. “This is why you get failing grades!”
Serena's face fell when she saw the grade on her test. “30?” she wailed. Even though she wasn't the brightest pupil she usually didn't do that bad.
Ms. Haruna crossed her arms. “Normally, I'd give you detention for being late as often as you have. However, in light of the recent tragic loss of your parents, I will waive that penalty. Once.” Serena said nothing. “Go on, get back to study hall. And study instead of gossip with your friends.”
Ms Haruna smiled to herself as Serena turned around and walked back into the study hall. After Serena had showed up for class dressed up as Moonbunny she'd looked forward to the circus leaving Gotham in the spring. And even though it looked like Serena was at Crossroads Junior High to stay, that wasn't all bad. Sooner or later, that girl's performance would require a special conference with her guardian. Who was none other than Bruce Wayne, Gotham City's most handsome eligible billionaire.
Queen Beryl sat on her throne, her hands waving over a black crystal ball. In front of her were her various subjects, some that looked human, others that looked like something that would give Stephen King nightmares.
She looked up towards the group assembled before her. “Tell me,” she said in her chilling contralto voice, “do any of you have found the Imperial Silver Crystal? I must have it!” The throng all shook their heads.
Suddenly a tall blond man in a gray military type uniform materialized before Beryl. “Well Jadeite,” the demonic looking ruler of the Dark Kingdom hissed, “How was your scouting mission.”
Jadeite cleared his throat. “Your Majesty, it is as our first scouts suggested. The humans are just on the verge of reaching where they were at during the Silver Millennium. Already they have begun launching rockets and small craft into space, and even some beings from outside their solar system. If we are to drain their energy to rebuild the Dark Kingdom, it must be now.
“However, we must be cautious. Although they are backwards, there are various beings called either metahumans or superheroes endowed with powers and abilities that equal, if not exceed those of our former adversaries the Sailor Senshi.
“I have however, found one city called Gotham. It is a large one, filled with the energy of the people who live, breath and die. Already my youma Morga is draining energy as we speak. And the best part is, while it does have a certain protector called the Batman, it seems that he is no more than a mere man in a costume equipped only with an arsenal of primitive devices. If we cross paths, we should be able to deal with him.”
“Very good Jadeite.” Queen Beryl actually smiled. “You may proceed.”
“Oh cheer up Serena. So you flunked one test. It's not the end of the world.” Serena looked up from her desk at Molly Baker. Her friend was a petite, perky redhead who, unlike many of the acquaintances she'd made when she traveled with the circus, wanted to stay friends with her after the novelty of Serena being a circus clown wore off.
“Hey guys!” a dorky sounding voice called out. Serena and Molly looked to their right and groaned. A nerdish looking boy with very thick glasses and a pocket protector full of pens in the pocket of his white shirt came up the to the two girls. “How'd you girls do? I got a 98, but then I didn't study real hard.”
“Shut up Melvin.” Molly snapped. She actually liked the boy whom she'd known since kindergarten and considered him a close friend, but he could be real annoying at times. “Serena's upset right now.”
“Why? Was her score bad?” For a smart guy Melvin could be surprisingly clueless.
“Would she be upset if it wasn't bad!” Molly shot back, then changed her tone. “Have you heard any good gossip lately?”
“Sure.” Melvin lay down his books and sat down at the desk in front of Serena. “I heard there was someone who tried to rob a jewelry store last night, but got caught by the Batman.”
“Really?” Serena looked up then frowned. “Who is the Batman?”
“You never heard of the Batman?” Molly looked at Serena in shock, then sobered. “Oh yeah, you haven't been here for more than a month. Well, he's this mysterious guy who goes around Gotham dressed like a bat and catches crooks.”
“He's not a guy,” Melvin interrupted. “He's a strange man-bat thing from another planet with x-ray eyes and bullets bounce off his chest and his very breath causes crooks to freeze in their tracks.”
“Oh for crying out loud!” Molly said. “He's just a guy in a costume with a bunch of trick gadgets. You've got him mixed up with Superman!”
“Do not.” Melvin shot back.
“You do too!” Molly replied. “A girl named Janie who works at my mom's jewelry shop has a brother who's a cop. He was with Police Commissioner Gordon one night on the roof when the Batman swung down from a nearby building to talk with the Commissioner. He's just a guy in a costume, was what he told her.”
Melvin crossed his arms, refusing to budge. “Or so he wants us to think.”
Serena decided to change the subject. “Molly, you didn't tell me your mom owned a jewelry store.”
“I didn't?” Molly caught herself. “Oh yeah, most of the time we've talked we talked about you and the circus. I guess next to that a jewelry store seems pretty boring.”
“Not at all,” Serena warmed to the subject. “Jewels are so pretty.”
“Yeah they are.” Molly agreed. “Want to come see it after school?”
“Sure.” Suddenly the school bell rang. “Oh my, gotta go.”
“Fine.” Molly waved to Serena. “Just see me after school.”
The OSA*P jewelry store Molly's mother owned was on the corner of Fifth and Jefferson in the shopping district of Gotham. When Serena and Molly arrived, it was already packed with women eager to buy the lumps of metal and bits of fossilized carbon.
Molly and Serena walked up to a counter where an attractive woman in her late thirties and more than a close resemblance to Molly stood directing costumers. “Oh Molly,” Mrs. Baker suddenly noticed her daughter. “And who's your friend?
“This is Serena.” Molly said.
“Hello Mrs. Baker,” Serena said then looked down at the display case. “Oh my, how much is that!”
“Oh this?” Molly's mother removed the item from the display case and laid it on the counter. It was a ring with a big 50-carat diamond in its center, surrounded by rubies. “Normally it's 5000 dollars. But today it's on sale for a quarter of that.”
Serena's face fell. “I don't even have that much.”
Suddenly a mob of women came over to the counter. “What! That ring's on sale!” “I want to buy it!” “No me! I saw it first!” “No me!” “I'll pay full price for it!” That last one came from a morbidly obese woman whose neck, hands, and ears were already adorned with enough jewelry to start a store of it's own.
Molly quickly grabbed Serena and pulled her away from the mob. “Gee, I'd think a multi-billionaire like Mr. Wayne would give you a huge allowance.”
Serena looked down. “I haven't even talked with him much yet. He came to Mom and Dad's funeral and he and this woman named Trista Miouh told me and Dick that he would be taking care of us. We gathered up our stuff and drove over to his mansion. We've only seen him at suppertime since. Alfred, that's his butler, told us he's a very busy man and his night life causes him to sleep until noon.”
“Oh,” Molly said. “Say, do you think he'd mind me coming over sometime? And that you could show me how to be a clown?”
Serena blinked. “You want to be a clown?”
Molly giggled. “Well, I wouldn't want to do it for a living, but I think it might be kind of fun. So can you?”
“Sure, if Mr. Wayne will let me. I've still got my make-up and costumes and props.” Suddenly she looked at her watch. It was already 4:15. “Oh no! Alfred's going to be waiting at the elementary school with Dick! I gotta hurry!”
And with that she sped out of the jewelry store. Molly shook her head. “Boy, I'd almost swear she's the Flash's little sister.”
In spite of her running at top speed, Serena arrived at the Crossroads Elementary parking lot ten minutes after five. Alfred was waiting next to the Bentley, decked out in his chauffeur's uniform. Dick was inside the car.
Alfred didn't scold Serena. He just opened the door to the back seat. “Get in.”
After Serena got in her seat, Alfred started up the car and drove off. After several minutes he looked at the brother and sister from the driving mirror. “Master Bruce received a call this afternoon from your teacher, a Ms. Haruna I believe her name was.”
Serena gulped. “What did she say?”
“That you were five minutes late for class.”
“Figures.” Dick snickered. “The only thing Meatball Head here is ever on time for is meal time or for clown practice or show time.”
“Stop calling me Meatball Head!” Serena yelled.
“But you are a Meatball Head!” Dick went one. “You've got two big meatballs in your hair and meatballs in your brain!”
“Please, Master Richard and Miss Serena!” The two were taken aback; this was the first time they'd ever heard the proper Englishman raise his voice. “I'm busy driving, so please try to act civilized while we are in the car.” They were silent the rest of the way, but still glared poisonous looks at each other. Alfred sighed, wondering how he was going to keep Wayne Manor orderly with those two in the house. Then he suddenly remembered his own childhood in England and the fights he'd had with his brother and sister.
Now Alfred really began to worry.
The customers at the OSA*P jewelry store suddenly all felt dizzy as the jewels they were buying all began to blink like Christmas lights. Soon, they all fell down one after another.
Mrs. Baker-or rather the youma Morga that was impersonating Mrs. Baker-grinned as she saw the shadows of the eager-shoppers' energy drain out of their bodies and into a certain brooch she wore on her chest.
And in another part of Gotham, Jadeite was grinning too. The energy flowing into Morga's brooch was being transported directly into his own storage crystal. Soon, it would be full enough for him to send to Queen Beryl.
Serena sat down in the living room, exhausted. As punishment for being late to class, Alfred made her dust all the furniture in Wayne manor-after first taking pains to remove everything that was valuable and breakable.
“Come on sis,” Dick said. “You can't lay down now. You've still got the library, the armor room, the bedrooms, the guest rooms, and the T. V. room to go.”
“Why you-!” Serena hefted her feather duster to throw at Dick, when all of a sudden she saw two people in the door. “Uh, hi Mr. Wayne, Ms. Miouh.”
Bruce Wayne entered the room, with Trista Miouh's arm around his right elbow. “Please, call me Bruce. After all, you'll both be living here for a while.” He looked at Serena. “What are you doing, Serena?”
Serena lowered her eyes. “Alfred made me dust all the furniture.”
“Because you were late for class Meatball Head.”
Serena's hand tightened on her feather duster. No jury in the world would convict me…
“But why are you wearing a skimpy French maid's outfit?” It was Trista who'd spoken.
“That was my idea.” Dick grinned, then Serena bopped him with her duster.
“I see.” Bruce looked at both his wards. “Serena, they told me something else. That you got a thirty on your test today.”
“I'm sorry!” Serena suddenly broke out into sobs. “It was the week of the circus's last performance for a year and I couldn't concentrate, and-.”
“It was that for me too, and I didn't fail any of MY tests.” Dick put in.
“Now Dick, this is about your sister.” Bruce turned to Serena. “Serena, it's important that you get a good education. I'm not your father, but I am your guardian and I won't spoil you.”
“I'll try to do better-,” Serena paused before saying her guardian's name-“Bruce.”
“See that you do.” Bruce then smiled. “And I'd say you can stop dusting for tonight. You both have homework to do. But Serena, if you fail another test or are late for class again, you have to dust the entire mansion for the weekend. And if you cause your brother to be late and get him in trouble, I will make you his personal maid until I decide otherwise.”
Serena gulped and Dick snickered. Bruce turned his eye to the younger Grayson sibling. “And if I find out you did anything to deliberately make both you and Serena late, you have to mow the entire lawn of this estate. With a push mower.” Now Dick broke out in a sweat.
“Wait, Bruce,” Serena asked. “I want to ask-why did you take us in? I mean, we're not related, and you didn't know our family or anything.”
“Well, there are a few reasons. First of all, I was the one who hired Haley's circus for the fund-raiser, so I'm sort of responsible for what happened.”
“It wasn't you're fault. It was an accident.” Serena said.
Bruce nodded. “Nevertheless, I was the reason the circus was performing that night. Also there was the matter of what would happen to you two.”
Trista continued. “With your parents gone, you couldn't stay with the circus, and your parents had no close relative who could take you in. You would have likely been bounced around from foster home to foster home, and Bruce felt you deserved better than that.”
Bruce turned around and looked up at a certain painting above the fireplace. “And last because I know what it's like to have your family taken from you right before your eyes.”
Serena and Dick both looked at the painting. It was of a middle-aged couple holding each other. Except for a mustache and several gray hairs the man in the painting looked almost exactly like Bruce.
“Your Mom And Dad?” Serena asked.
Bruce nodded. “I was eight years old. We were walking home from the movies one night-Alfred had the night off-when all of a sudden a man came out from an alleyway and tried to grab Mom's pearl necklace. Dad tried to stop him, but he had a gun-.”
Bruce stopped, unable to continue, and a single tear rolled down his cheek. Serena, Dick, and Trista stood there in silence with him.
Suddenly Alfred appeared in the hallway. “Sirs, Madams, I wish to inform you that dinner is ready. If I may inquire, will Miss Trista, be joining us?”
Bruce looked at Trista. She smiled. “Sure, I'd love to.”
Dinner was a quiet affair, as most were in the large, spacious Wayne Manor. Except for the way Serena was practically inhaling her food.
“I must say,” said Alfred, his eyes wide, “I never would have thought such a small girl could eat so much.”
“Most of the fat goes to her brain,” Dick chided.
Serena set down her plate and suddenly let out a loud Burp! “Excuse me.”
Bruce waved his hand. “No problem. I've been to parts of the world where that's considered a compliment.”
Alfred rolled his eyes. “If I may remind you, sir, that this house is not one of those places.” I'm definitely going to have to do something about that girl's table manners, Alfred decided. Her own brother is better at the table than her.
After dinner was finished, Serena and Dick got up from the table-presumably to do their homework. Trista took Bruce's hand in hers. “Say, now that they're out of the way, what say you and I head back to my place for some time alone?”
Bruce actually thought about it, but shook his head. “Sorry Trista. I, uh, have some business I have to attend to tonight. Maybe this Saturday?”
Trista smiled. “Very well. But promise me you won't put that off too, okay?”
Bruce reached over and gently kissed Trista. “Of course, my dear.” As Trista got up to leave, Bruce mentally kicked himself in the head. He knew he had to break it off sooner or later. And that moment would have been a perfect time, but for once he let his emotions get the better of him.
He looked at his butler; Alfred was busy clearing the table and putting the dishes in the sink. “Alfred, about that business I spoke of?”
Alfred nodded. “I'll have the car and the suit ready for you, sir.”
Molly Baker walked down to the jewelry store from the small apartment just above. She'd been doing her homework and had gone down to see if her mother could help her with a certain geometry problem.
As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she gasped. The all the shops customers were lying down on the floor unconscious, as if in a deep sleep.
She went over to what she thought was her mother. “Ah, mom, why are all these people on the floor?” Suddenly Molly backed away in fright at the sight of what looked like Mrs. Baker turned her head a full 180 degrees and stared straight into her eyes.”
“I'm not your mom. Your real mother's tied up and locked away in a closet.!” Suddenly her face twisted into a grotesque parody of Molly's mother and her arm stretched out and grabbed Molly by the throat. “And after I kill you, I'll send her to the next world after you!”
Serena slumped over her homework, grateful she didn't have any important tests this week. After all the dusting she'd done, she was too exhausted to focus on her schoolwork and she was determined not to become her brother's maid.
She heard a thump coming from her bed. Serena turned her head and saw that same black cat with the yellow crescent moon mark on its forehead from earlier today staring at her.
“Ahem!” the cat cleared it's throat then looked at Serena again. “First of all, I want to thank you, Serena.” Serena almost fell back in her chair. The cat had talked! And it had a British accent!
“Allow me to introduce myself,” the cat said. “My name is Luna. That band-aid you pulled of inhibited my ability to talk and my sensory powers.”
Serena just sat there, shaking. It's a dream; it has to be a dream.
Anyway,” Luna continued, “strange things are happening right now in Gotham City. Things that only you, Serena Grayson, can put a stop to.” The cat then jumped up in the air and did a strange back flip. All of a sudden, a gold brooch with a crescent-shaped relief and a bright red ruby landed onto the bed. “This is yours.”
Serena walked to the bed and picked up the brooch. “This is mine?” she asked.
Luna nodded. “Now, put it onto your chest and say `Moon Prism Power, Makeup!'”
Serena pinned the brooch onto her chest. “Moon Prism Power, Makeup!”
All of a sudden, light surrounded Serena, and red ribbons poured out from the brooch. They wrapped around her hands, forming white gauntlets; around her body, changing her everyday clothes into a sailor-style white leotard with a short blue skirt; and around her legs, turning her shoes and socks into knee-high boots. A ruby appeared on her forehead, and then stretched into a gold tiara while two larger rubies appeared on her hair buns. A red bow materialized on her chest and another appeared at the base of her spine. Serena's simple earrings transformed into crescent moons dangling from her earlobes, and a red silk choker with a gold moon appeared on her neck.
After the light disappeared, Serena looked down at herself. She was dressed in what appeared to be a cross between Wonder Woman's outfit and her old clown suit. “Wha-what's happened to me?” she cried.
“You are now Sailor Moon, champion of Justice, and Guardian of the Moon Princess,” Luna said. “Right now I have no time to explain, because-.”
All of a sudden the rubies in Serena's hair began to vibrate and she heard a voice crying out “HELP ME!” Serena's mouth dropped. That was Molly's voice!
“Your friend is in trouble.” Luna said. “You have to go and help her.”
Serena nodded. “But how? This place is two miles outside of Gotham City and I can't…”
Luna jumped to the open window. “Yes you can. Come with me.” The cat jumped out the window and onto the ground two stories below.
Sailor Moon looked out the window. “But I can't jump like…”
“Yes you can!” Luna shouted. “Your strength, speed, stamina and reflexes have been multiplied a hundred fold! You can jump out this window and it won't hurt at all.”
Sailor Moon stepped onto the windowsill, and, gritting her teeth, Jumped. “Oof!” she cried when she landed straight on her face.
Luna shook her head. The transformation may have enhanced Serena's other physical attributes, but not her agility. “Now get you bicycle and lets get moving! We don't have much time!”
Morga smiled to herself as Molly struggled in her grasp. She could have easily snapped the girl's neck in less than a second, but she was creating a vast amount of energy by her struggling. No point in letting it all go to waste.
Suddenly the youma heard the door open behind her. Still holding Molly by the neck, Morga twisted her head and saw a girl in the most ridiculous looking outfit standing in the doorway. “Let her go!” she shouted.
“Who are you, to tell the youma Morga what to do?” the creature screeched out.
“I-uh,” the girl began, and then suddenly found her voice, “I'm the champion of love and Justice Sailor Moon! And in the name of the moon, I shall punish you!” Sailor Moon suddenly blinked. She just said that?
“Ha ha ha ha.” Morga let go of Molly and twisted her body around to match her head. “Then I'm afraid I'LL have to kill YOU!”
Suddenly Morga floated up and raised her hands. Her left arm stretched like taffy out towards the sailor-suited girl.
Sailor Moon quickly jumped to the right. I dodged that? she thought to herself in surprise. The old Serena had the worst reflexes of anyone in Haley's Circus.
“So, you do have some ability,” Morga laughed. “Very well.” She raised her arms. “Arise, my slaves who gave your energy to my mistress. Arise!” Suddenly the prostrate bodies of the jewelry shop customers rose up, their eyes a blank white and the jewels they bought glowed brightly. They walked towards Sailor Moon, backing her against a display case.
Luna poked her head from behind the case. “You have to fight, Sailor Moon!”
Sailor Moon shook her head. “Don't wanna, don't wanna!” Suddenly she began to cry out. Strangely, the rubies in her hair began to vibrate, sending waves that halted the energy-drained zombies.
“So,” Morga said, “I'm going to have to take care of this myself!” She outstretched both her arms towards Sailor Moon-
And all of a sudden, a strange, bat shaped blade sliced through both her arms. Immediately she looked towards the window.
A man dressed in a bat-like cape and hood was sitting on the open window. “And who are YOU?”
“I'm the one they call the Batman.”
“Well,” Morga said as turned her body towards the Batman, “I'll have to kill you as well!”
Morga's arms regenerated and stretched out towards the Batman, who leaped with the agility that came from years of practice. He fired his grapnel into the ceiling and lowered down next to Sailor Moon. “Get out of here!” he shouted. “This is no place for a little girl!”
Sailor Moon shook with fear. “Maybe we better do as he says!” she whispered.
The zombies continued coming towards them. Quickly, Batman grabbed two gas masks from his utility belt. He handed one to Sailor Moon and then popped the other in his own mouth. Next he threw a handful of pellets at the zombies.
A greenish smoky gas emerged from the pellets as they landed. Although the gas surrounded the zombies, they still kept coming forward.
That gas could have taken out a herd of elephants, Batman thought to himself, and then looked up at the floating monster. What did she do to them?
“Now, Sailor Moon!” Luna whispered, “strike at the monster. Take off your tiara, say `Moon Tiara Action,' and throw!”
Sailor Moon quickly grabbed her tiara from her head and shouted “Moon Tiara Action!” Suddenly the piece of jewelry turned into a discus in her hand. Immediately she threw the object at Morga.
Morga shrieked as the discus sliced through her body. First the lower half, then the upper half of the creature's body fell to the floor in a great big pile of dust.
Batman just stood there, his mouth open. He'd seen many strange things in his career, but this was truly unusual.
“Now Sailor Moon! We have to get out of here!” Luna whispered. Serena nodded and the two quickly headed for the door.
The Batman reached out and shot a homing device at the girl. He then noticed the formerly enchanted people coming out of their stupor.
Suddenly a red haired girl came up to him. “Are you the Batman?” The hooded figure nodded. “Quick! My mother's tied up in a closet. Help me get her out!”
Jadeite cursed under his breath. The energy that was flowing into his storage crystal suddenly stopped. “Blast!” he cursed.
Suddenly there was a knock at his door. “Mr. Zucco, some people are here to talk to you.”
“Just a minute,” Jadeite answered back. He concentrated, and his body and clothes shifted into the pudgy gangster know in Gotham's underworld as Tony Zucco. “Send them in.
“Slow down Sailor Moon!” Luna shouted from the girl's shoulder. With her increased strength and stamina, the girl was 5 times the bicyclist as Lance Armstrong. She could actually have raced motorcycles.
Sailor Moon stopped and looked around. “Where are we?” Suddenly she noticed the signs around. “Yah! We've biked all the way to Japan! And I don't know Japanese!”
“Calm down.” Luna jumped down to the ground. “There's English in the signs too. We're in Gotham City's Japanese quarter, Little Tokyo.” She pointed at Sailor Moon's back. “Right there. That Batman person put something on you.” Sailor Moon reached behind back and pulled off a small blinking light. “I think it's some sort of homing device. Just drop it and leave it here.”
The two continued towards Wayne Manor. Luna was surprisingly familiar with Gotham; she'd been around the city for weeks before Haley's circus had come to town.
Luna sighed as she finally saw the view of Wayne Manor. She only hoped Serena would have a better sense of direction than that Ryoga Hibiki boy she once met.
Ryu Hino waved his Shinto staff over the sacred fire he kept at Little Tokyo's Cherry Hill shrine. Suddenly he let down his staff and stood up. “What do you want to know?”
“You still know when I'm coming.” The Batman smiled.
The short bald man turned around to face Gotham City's protector. “Must be that bullet I got in the leg in Korea. It always throbs whenever the weather changes or you're about to show up.” There was little that went on in Gotham's Japanese neighborhood that Ryu Hino didn't know, which was why the Batman often asked him for information.
“I want some information about a girl.” Batman quickly told the Shinto Priest about what happened at the jewelry store. “As I saw her leaving, I placed a homing device on her and found it here, outside your shrine.”
Ryu Hino pondered for a moment. “No, I don't know anyone who fits that description. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help to you.”
“You've been more than enough help.” The Batman turned to the window to leave, and Hino went back to tending the fire.
Suddenly the door to the living quarters opened and Ryu Hino saw his teenage granddaughter Raye come up to him. “Grandfather,” the girl asked, “who was that you were talking to?”
“No one, granddaughter,” Hino said to her, “just to myself.” And to someone we both owe our lives.
Serena lay down on her desk. By some miracle she had managed to get up in time for breakfast, grab her books, and get to school on time-although this time. Alfred made sure to drop her off. But suddenly the events of last night had caught up with her and she fell asleep in study hall.
In front of her, Molly was talking with another classmate. “You're kidding?” Molly's friend said. “The Batman was at your store?”
“Yeah,” Molly said. “And there was some other person there. She was dressed in some kind of Sailor suit and she really dusted that monster!”
Bruce Wayne sat at the Computer in the Batcave, running through all it's files. “No, none of the metahumans on file here match her description.”
“Perhaps she's somehow connected to that mysterious Sailor V who's been appearing in England.” Alfred said behind him. Bruce looked at his old servant. “My niece Mina over there talks a lot about her in her letters.”
“Maybe.” Bruce's eyebrows narrowed. “But whoever she is, I'm going to find out.”
End of chapter one
Author's notes: Of course what happened to Ken and Kerry Grayson wasn't an accident. But neither Serena nor Dick knows that.
I know I had the Batman play Tuxedo Mask's part in this chapter, but I won't continue to do that. And eventually Darien/Tuxedo Mask will show up, along with the other Senshi.
I'm very open to suggestions from my readers. So here are some questions and I definitely want answers in your review:
First of all, should I continue the Bruce/Trista relationship? And do you think Trista knows Bruce's secret?
Also, would you like to see Serena continue to sometimes perform in her clown persona Moonbunny? I figure she might sometimes do things like cheer people up at hospitals or something?
Which Batman villains do you think are most likely to work for the Dark Kingdom?
I'm also thinking of having some of the Batman cast rainbow-crystal carriers. Should they be Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Lucius Fox, Harvey Bullock or Leslie Tompkins?
And finally, shortly after he becomes Robin Dick will learn Serena's secret. Will he tell Bruce or keep it secret?
Next Chapter: A Robin's Fledgling Flight!