Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Princess in Gotham ❯ Mercury Makes a Hatter Mad ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I don't own Batman or any of the related characters. They are the property of D.C. comic and Warner Bros. I also don't own Sailor Moon-and if you thought I did, you belong in Arkham Asylum with Jerry Springer for a roommate.
Moon Princess in Gotham
Darknight Squire
Chapter Three: Mercury makes a Hatter Mad!
Serena looked at Molly, who had just finished her makeup. “You've gotten good Molly; but if this were the circus, you'd be buying the donuts.”
Molly looked back at Serena, who was already in full makeup and costume as Moonbunny. The girls were performing for a birthday party of a patient at the Thomas Wayne Memorial Clinic, an eight-year-old girl with numerous breathing problems. “Hey, you've been doing this for more than two years. I only learned it about a couple weeks ago.” She then put down her mirror and brush. “How does this look?”
Serena was impressed. Her friend had taken the face Serena initially designed and made it her own. Molly added glitter to her cheeks and mouth to match her nose and glued oversized silvery eyelashes over her blue eyeshades. “It'll do.” Molly next pulled a white hood over her red hair and put on the wig Serena had given her her-with a white and red polka-dotted ribbon at the top. Serena then helped her friend into her costume and shoes, and with the addition of some white gloves Molly's transformation was complete.
Serena did a mock bow. “You look absolutely FAH-bulous.”
“No, you look fabulous.” Molly answered back.
“No you do.”
“No you.”
“Excuse me girls.” Serena and Molly turned and saw Dr. Leslie Tompkins, who ran the clinic, standing in the doorway. She was in her early fifties, but could have passed for thirty. “The guests are all here, and it's about time for you to start.”
“We're ready.” Serena answered.
As they followed Dr. Tompkins, Molly whispered, “My first performance and in less than a week! I'm so nervous.”
“Relax,” replied Serena, “this is only about twenty people. My first performance was in front of a tent full of thousands!”
The two clowns entered the hospital cafeteria. Seated inside were roughly eight adults and twelve children, some of them patients like the birthday girl, others just friends and relatives.
Molly waved her gloved hand. “Hi everybody!” she called out in the high squeaky voice she'd been practicing for three days. “I'm Dottie Sparks, and this is my sidekick, Moonbunny!”
Catwoman meowed to herself as she landed on the roof. She looked around and saw no one about. Good, she thought to herself, I've actually eluded Batman and that little brat that's been following him around lately.
She reached into the sack tied at her waist and admired her latest `trinket.' The Jade Leopard of Nepal was roughly the size of a large beer can, but it's estimated worth was over thirty five million dollars. Not that Catwoman really cared about the market value. She stole for the challenge getting past the security devices and guards, and for the thrill of being chased by the police and the Batman, not for profit.
“Excuse me,” a young voice called out, “but that statue belongs to the Royal
Family of Nepal and is on loan to the Gotham Museum. Hand it over.”
Catwoman looked in front of her and sure enough standing there in the moonlight was Robin. “Silly boy,” she purred as she placed the statue back in her sack “don't you know that robins are one of a cat's favorite snacks?”
Catwoman flicked out her claws and rushed the young boy. Before she could touch him, Robin leaped up in the air, did an aerial twist, and landed behind her. “Care to try again?”
“I see I'm going to have to get tough with you.” Catwoman snapped out her whip and snapped it at Robin. He jumped again, caught the end of the whip in his hand, and, as Catwoman pulled it back, reached for her waist. Before she could lay a hand on him, he hefted his weight to the right and tumbled on the roof. Just before he reached the edge, he stood up ad held up the sack. “Here kitty kitty kitty.”
Catwoman looked at her waist and saw the sack containing the Jade Tiger was gone. “Why you-!” she fumed, and then stopped. Looking behind her, she saw a police helicopter approaching the rooftop. Smiling, she mock-bowed to Robin. “You won this round, `Toy-Wonder.' Another time, perhaps?” Then before Robin could move or say anything, she turned and jumped off into the opposing alleyway.
Robin ran to the opposite side of the roof, but when he looked down there was no sign of the Catwoman.
“She got away!” Dick cried out to Bruce back at the Batcave. Both still wore their costumes but had taken off their masks.” I could have caught her and she'd be on her way to Arkham, but I let her get away!” He pounded his head against the way, angry with himself.
“Actually, she'd just be off to Gotham Women's penitentiary. Catwoman may be a jewel thief but she's not a dangerous psychopath like the Joker or Scarecrow.” Bruce walked over the Batcomputer and sat down. “And you DID recover the Jade Leopard and it's back at Gotham Museum where it belongs. Thwarting the crime is in this case is far more important than catching the criminal.”
“Maybe.” Dick took off his cape and went over to the small gymnasium Bruce kept in the cave. He began practicing on the balance beam, and then looked over at Bruce. “Where's Alfred? He's normally here whenever we get back to the cave.”
Bruce smiled. “He's over at Dr. Leslie's clinic, watching over Serena and her friend while they're performing.
Dick did a handstand, and then several hand twirls on the beam. “I just hope they don't let Meatball Head near someone on life support.”
Bruce tapped the Bat-computer's keys for several minutes. “Come here Dick.”
Dick got down from the beam and walked to the Bat-Computer. He blinked as he looked up at the screen. “These are mostly news stories about what happened last week.”
Bruce nodded. “They mainly talk about Sailor Moon, that Tuxedo Mask person, and what Zucco's men told the police. And here.” Bruce moved the curser down to one story and enlarged it. “And this story here.”
Dick blinked. “Zucco's body found in apartment?”
“Yes.” Bruce looked at Dick. “Whoever that super powered person was we encountered that night must have killed Zucco and taken over his identity. Of course, now he can't use that cover, so he'll probably adopt another one. And this is where you come in.”
“Yes.” Bruce turned back to the computer, and punched the keys again. “Whoever this person is has plans for Gotham City. What I want you to do is, as Robin, find and approach Sailor Moon or this Tuxedo Mask person. Learn what you can about them and try to gain their trust.”
“In other words, you want me to spy on them.” Dick said.
“Exactly. Sailor Moon also seems the more likely one to approach. She strikes me as powerful, but naïve and untested.”
Dick snorted. “Not to mention she's almost as big a whiner as Serena.”
“That whiner saved your life.”
The images on the Bat-computer shifted until the image of a different news story appeared. “Four girls who had been attending the Brighton Computer Learning Center have mysteriously disappeared in the last six months. Friends saw them leave the place, but none of them showed up at home-and another thing is, the girls were 11 to 14 years old and blonde.”
Dick leaned closer to the computer. “I've heard of that place. It's an evening computer school that only accepts top students.”
Bruce turned his chair to face Dick. “Right. And since you are one of the best students in your class Dick; it won't be that hard to get you enrolled.” Seeing the uncertain look on Dick's face Bruce went on, “Don't worry, it seems whoever's doing this is only after girls. I want you to investigate and report to me anything strange that you see.” Bruce got up and donned his cowl, becoming the Batman once again.
“Uh, Bruce, where are we going now?”
“I'M going back out on patrol.” The Batman walked over to the Batmobile and got inside. “YOU are going to bed-you've got school in the morning and even with the time-saving sleep method I taught you, you still need more sleep than me.”
Dick turned and headed towards the stairs that led to Wayne Manor. Suddenly the Batman called out in Bruce Wayne's casual voice, “And Dick?” Dick looked back at the Batman. “Try to be nice to your sister.”
“Boy, that sure was fun!” Molly said as she took off her wig and nose. The party was over and had been a big success, with Moonbunny and Dottie Sparks overseeing the party games and performing skits in front of the guests-mostly adaptations of “I love Lucy” routines with Dottie playing Ethel's role and Moonbunny filling Lucy's shoes. “Especially seeing the smile on Jenny Arkham's face.”
“Yeah,” Serena agreed. “I'd hate to live like that though-to be young and have to be hooked up to an oxygen machine. That's gotta be rough.”
“Her father runs that asylum just outside the city.” Molly said. “That's where they put all those sick, twisted lunatics.”
“Gees,” Serena shivered. “You're creeping me out, Molly.”
“Excuse me girls,” Dr. Tompkins poked her head in the door She was still wearing the clown makeup Serena had put on her-she'd performed in the last skit with them. “I just want to thank you both. You really helped make it a special night for Jenny.”
“You're welcome, Dr. Leslie,” Serena said.
“Oh, a Serena, may I have a word with you?”
Serena walked over and stepped outside into the hallway. “You are very talented, and Bruce tells me you're a very sweet girl.” Dr. Tompkins said, and Serena beamed. “But he also said that your grades need improving.” Serena's face fell when she heard those words. “However, from your records, it seems you did considerably better when you traveled on the road and studied with private tutors. And that's where I think I can help you.”
A young girl about Serena's age stepped from another door in the hallway. She was a little taller than Serener with short black hair that was almost blue. Serena recognized her from among the guests; she'd mostly just sat back and watched while everyone else participated.
“Serena, I'd like you to meet Amy Anderson, whose mother is a doctor here. Amy, this is Serena Grayson.” Now Dr. Tompkins took of the red ball from her nose and despite the makeup she still wore looked very serious. “Amy actually goes to Crossroads Junior High like you and Molly; you've likely never met because she's in advanced classes.”
“Oh, but I've heard of her.” Amy said, smiling sweetly. “When someone shows up for class dressed like a clown, the whole school hears about it.”
“Be that as it may, I think you may benefit if, starting tomorrow, Amy were to tutor you every Monday and Wednesday, right after school.” Now Serena groaned inside, she'd been planning to go with Molly after school to the new arcade near her mother's jewelry store. “Bruce has already agreed to this, so tomorrow, Alfred will be driving you both home, and when Amy's mother gets off she'll come by to pick her up.”
“I'll be there right at the entrance when school ends. Don't keep me waiting.” With that, Amy turned and walked down the hallway.
“Ah, Miss Serena, Dr. Tompkins.” Serena turned and saw Alfred come up behind them. He changed back into his chauffeur's uniform from the hospital gown-he'd reluctantly been in the final skit with Dr. Tompkins as a bumbling doctor, Moonbunny and Dottie as her nurses, and himself as a hapless patient. “I trust you and Miss Baker are ready to go.”
As Serena, Molly and Alfred walked to the clinic exit, Dr. Tompkins called out “Oh, ah Alfred?”
The English manservant turned to the doctor. “Yes, Dr. Tompkins?”
Dr Tompkins smiled. “It was really sweet of you to help us tonight.”
For this first time since she'd met him, Serena actually saw Alfred blush. “Uh, yes, well thank you, Dr. Tompkins.” Serena looked again at the Dr. then at Alfred and smiled to herself at what she saw in both their eyes.
Dick stepped out from behind the grandfather clock that hid the door leading to the Batcave.
Be nice to your sister, Bruce had said. Taking her side. Just like Mom and Dad. Whenever he'd had a fight with Serena, people sided with her. Even after that one time after they had gotten the Big Top set up and her leg got caught in a rope and brought the whole tent crashing down. Or when she cleaned out the horses' stables and put the droppings in the feed trough. Or the other time she was attending a drink stand and spilled a Gonzo Gulp of Pepsi onto a customer. Dick couldn't understand why. He was the better student, he always did whatever work was required without embarrassing anyone, and he was told to be nice to her.
He was so lost in his thoughts he almost didn't notice the cat underneath. “Hello,” he said as he picked her up, “you're that stray sis brought home the other day.” She purred as he scratched his head. “Well, you're a pretty smart cat for a stray. Heck, we didn't even need to housebreak you! I'll bet you've probably got more brains than Meatball Head herself.” Her sat her down and walked up the hallway.
Luna stared at Serena's brother as he walked away. Then she looked at the clock. Did I just see-?” she thought then shook her head. I've got to stop going to that catnip patch next to Arkham Asylum. The madness from those lunatics must creeping out into the plants.
“Well, Jadeite?” Queen Beryl's eyes bored into the face of her General, “what excuse do you have for your failure this time?”
“Your Majesty, I assure you, I was caught by surprise. This rose throwing person was an unknown factor, and then to keep eyes away from me, I had to give up the identity I have been hiding under.
“However, I have begun anew. As luck would have it, Gotham City has a way of producing or attracting people with both genius and madness. I have met one such person, and with his help, soon we will have energy flowing again to you.”
Queen Beryl actually smiled. “Good, Jadeite. You are dismissed.”
Jadeite faded out of Beryl's throne room and into a room at a certain building in Gotham. He looked to a small bucktoothed man sitting down at a computer console. “How is the programming we gave you, Mr. Tetch?”
Jervis Tetch, known by and large in the Gotham criminal underworld as the Mad Hatter, turned to Jadeite. “Very well, Mr. Jadeite. This program you demonstrated is far more effective than I ever dreamed of. Come Tuesday evening, we well have a whole slew of fresh bodies for you to test it on.” And I'll have enough Alices for the Sheik of Haradastan's harem, the mind control expert thought to himself.
“Who,” Amy asked Serena, “was the inventor of both the telegraph and of Morse code?”
Let me think, let me think, lettme think, lettmethink,” Serena kept saying to herself. “Ah I know! It was Eli Whitney!”
“No, it was Samuel Morse.” She sat down her book and looked at her watch. “Oh dear! Mom will be here soon to pick me up. I guess we may just call it a night.”
Serena sighed in relief to be finished with the tutoring session. “Say Amy, why don't we go to the mall tomorrow after school? Just you and me.”
“Sorry but I can't. I have computer class tomorrow at Brighton.”
“You mean you go to a school after school?” Serena's jaw dropped. “Amy, all that studying is bad for your health!”
“Then you must be the healthiest girl in Gotham City, Meatball Head.”
The two girls looked and saw Dick standing in the doorway to Serena's room.
“Oh, you must be Serena's brother.” Amy said cheerfully.
“And you must be that girl Bruce hopes will work a miracle and bring up Serena's grades.” Dick then looked directly at his sister. “Sorry sis, but an IQ of about 300 isn't something that can rub off.”
Serena looked at Amy, who suddenly blushed. “I don't like to brag, but I did get that score on the National Standardized IQ tests.”
Serena stuck her tongue at Dick. “YOU didn't score that high.”
“So what?” Dick shrugged. “I'm still smarter than you, you stupid meatball head.”
“Now now Dick.” Amy said. “Your sister is not stupid. She just has a hard time focusing on the subject matter, that's all.”
“Hard time focusing? The only things she ever focuses on are eating, mall trolling, and that silly clown act of hers.”
Before Serena could scream at that last insult, Amy came to her rescue. “Dick, I saw her yesterday, and she really helped brighten up this girl who's struggling with bad lungs You shouldn't mock what she does.”
Instead of answering, Dick decided to change the subject. “So, I'll see you at Brighton tomorrow?”
Both Serena and Amy blinked. “You're going to Brighton?” Amy asked.
“Yup.” Dick looked very pleased with himself. “Bruce signed me up to start there tomorrow. I might even be at the same level class as you. Not something Meatball Head will ever be, is it?” Before either girl could answer, he turned and headed back down the hallway.
Amy looked at Serena. “I really don't have to be at Brighton until 6:00. Maybe I will go to the mall with you.”
Dick walked slowly down the stairs leading from Wayne Manor to the Batcave. Bruce was already sitting at the Batcomputer. “You have anything?” Bruce asked.
“Here.” Dick handed Bruce the drive disk the Brighton representatives gave had given him at school. “You told me to have you check out anything they gave me.” Bruce slid the disk into the hard drive, and waited for several seconds for the program to upload.
When the uploading was complete, Bruce ran through the program. “It seems like and ordinary computer intro-wait a minute!”
“What is it?” Dick asked.
“The Mad Hatter.”
Dick was puzzled. “What does a character from Alice in Wonderland have to do with-?”
Bruce slid the disk out of the hard drive and ran thorough the computer files. “Here he is. Jervis Tetch.” A scan of a newspaper story appeared showing the picture of a small man with a big nose and buckteeth wearing an oversized top hat. “He's a white slave trader who specializes in blonde girls. Tetch uses subliminal messages to lure in his merchandise-or Alices, as he calls them. I've had this computer programmed to detect anything that had his particular computer signature on it. He had been in Arkham, but managed to convince the administrators there he was cured.”
Dick rolled his eyes. “I think we should question the sanity of the people who run that place.”
“Hi there,” A tall blond haired boy greeted Serena and Amy at the Gotham Mall's Crown Arcade. “I'm Andrew Kyle. I hope you enjoy yourselves.”
Serena was thrilled; she loved playing video games. When she was with the circus, the first thing she did when she had any free time was to seek out an arcade and spend her allowance.
Amy looked uncertain as she watched the people around her enjoying themselves. “I've never really been to a place like this Serena. Or played video games.”
Serena squeaked with delight. “Look! They've got Sailor V's Video Challenge! It's my favorite!”
The two girls sat down at the game and started to play. Serena grmmphed when she got beaten for the fourth time, while Amy's score kept getting higher and higher. She is good. Serena thought to herself.
Suddenly Amy looked at her watch. “Oh dear!” she exclaimed, “It's a quarter till six already. I'll be late for class!”
She got up and headed for the door. Just as she reached it, Amy almost tripped over the black cat walking underfoot. “Oh, sorry kitty!” she said to the cat.
Serena picked up the cat and walked over to the corner. “Luna,” she whispered. “what are you doing here?”
“Looking for you.” Luna whispered back. “You are a chosen warrior with a mission; you can't spend all your time playing video games.” She looked back at the door. “Who was that girl who almost tripped over me?”
“Oh her? That's just my new friend Amy.” Serena suddenly looked down and saw a red computer disk on the floor. “Looks like she dropped this.”
Luna looked at the disk. “We better check out what's on this Serena. I got a strange feeling when I looked at that girl.”
“Are you sure about this? Serena said as she looked around Crossroads Jr. High's computer room. “I could get into serious trouble for breaking into the school building.”
“Relax Serena,” Luna said as she slid the disk into the computer hard drive. “ She tapped the keys for several seconds then gasped. “Serena, this-this is a brainwashing program! That friend of yours-she could be with the enemy!”
Alfred dropped Dick off at the Brighton Computer Learning Center. He came in and to his surprise saw Amy just outside the door to his classroom.
“Why hello Dick.” Amy smiled sweetly. “It looks like you are in the same level as me.”
“Yeah.” Dick agreed. They both went inside and sat down at their respective desks.
A tall slim woman came inside and stood in front of the class. “Hello students,” she said. “Today, take your hard disks and begin your lessons.”
Amy looked into her bag but couldn't find her disk. “Oh well, I guess I'll have to do the class without it.”
Dick reached inside his bag. The disk he put in however, was a different one that Bruce had prepared.
In another room at the Brighton building, Jadeite stood behind the Mad Hatter, who was busy typing away at his computer. “They're already starting. Soon they will-wha-!”
His eyes widened and he looked closer at the screen. “There-there's some kind of virus entering the system, counteracting the program!”
“Can you override it?” Jadeite asked.
“I can try-there!”
Serena and Luna stood outside the Brighton building. “How are we going to get in there?” Serena asked.
Luna did a back flip, then pointed to a small pen-like object. “Here use this. It's a disguise pen.” Serena picked it up. “Just say `Disguise power,” then say what you want to be turned into.”
Serena held the pen up high. “Disguise power,” she began, “turn me into a beautiful teacher!”
Dick and Amy looked around them. The other students seemed to be staring blankly at their computer screens, like couch potatoes at a T.V. Oh boy, that computer virus Bruce prepared isn't working Dick realized.
The class instructor snickered to herself. The energy was draining from the students and straight to master Jadeite. Suddenly she noticed Dick and Amy. “You two! Why aren't you-?”
“Stop!” The instructor turned and saw a thirtysomthing looking blonde woman in the door. “This class is canceled!”
“Is it now?” the instructor grinned-and suddenly her body changed into a hideous hybrid of a woman and snake. “We'll see about that!”
Her arms stretched out towards Serena-for that's who the woman was, under the Disguise-Pen's power. Serena immediately ducked, and touched the brooch on her chest. “Moon Prism Power, Makeup!”
Amy and Dick looked in shock as the light surrounded the woman, then disappeared.
That woman's Sailor Moon? Dick thought to himself.
“All right, Monster,” Sailor Moon shouted out, “I'm Sailor Moon and I will not stand for you using a place of learning for your evil. In the name of the Moon I shall punish you!”
“Is that so?” the youma laughed. “Arise, my slaves who gave your energy to my mistress. Arise!”
Suddenly all the students rose from their desk and developed scaly green skin, long fangs and yellow eyes like the youma's. Sailor Moon backed away in terror.
“Eh?” The youma looked and saw Amy still at her desk shivering-Dick had hidden beneath his- and slither over. “Why aren't you with them?” She grabbed the top of Amy's head and pressed it closer to the screen, not noticing how her zombies had stomp, resumed normal human appearance, and fell to the floor. “Read it, my slave!”
As Amy struggled against the snake-woman's grasp, a curious symbol, like and Egyptian ankh topped by a heart. Luna had just run into the room, and saw it. The symbol of Mercury.
“Mercury,” the cat whispered to herself. “Amy is Sailor Mercury.”
Suddenly a small flash of smoke appeared next to the youma. She looked, and suddenly saw a short figure clad in orange and green and wearing a yellow cape standing on top of a desk. “And who are you?”
“Haven't you read any of the papers lately, snake-lady?” Robin sneered-he had hidden his costume underneath his street clothes and changed while the youma had been fighting Sailor Moon. “I'm Robin, Batman's partner, and if someone messes if this city we make them regret it!” The snake-youma said nothing whipped her tail out to the masked boy, who simply jumped out of the way. “Sorry, but it takes an early worm to catch this bird!”
The youma howled in anger, and whipped her tail at the boy again. “You look a little flushed,” Robin quipped. “Maybe you should eat more vegetables and less frightened peasant villagers.”
Luna looked at the boy in amazement as he dodged and jumped with the youma's every move. He could almost be a cat himself, she thought, but if he keeps this up he'll wear himself out soon.
Luna looked at Amy. “Here,” she called out as she did another back-flip and pointed to a small blue pen.
Amy blinked at the cat. “You talk?”
“No time for that now,” Luna said. “Just take this and shout `Mercury Power, Makeup!”
Amy picked up the pen and held it up “Mercury Power, Makeup!”
Jadeite and the Mad Hatter looked at each other. What was that?” The Mad Hatter asked.
“Why don't we go and see?” Jadeite smiled. I've got her now!
They both ran out to the room where they heard the noise. The Hatter had drawn his gun and they looked inside.
Jadeite's youma was fighting with Sailor Moon, a masked boy in green red, and yellow, and a girl dresses almost like Sailor Moon-Sailor Mercury, Jadeite recognized.
“Mercury Bubble Blast!” Sailor Mercury cried out. Bubbles lept forth and surrounded the youma, freezing her in place. “Moon Tiara Action!” Sailor Moon threw her tiara and the snake woman dissolved into dust.
The Mad Hatter charged into the room. “Why you brat-!” Something jerked the gun from his hands. He glanced at his right and saw it pinned to the wall by a bat-shaped blade.
Jadeite would have unleashed his energy, but his keen ears picked up sirens in the distance. Someone's called the police, he realized. I can't afford the attention right now.
Smiling, he dissolved from view, leaving Jervis Tetch to his fate.
Robin quickly slapped a pair of bat-cuffs onto the Mad-Hatter. “That ought to hold you until the police arrive.”
Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Luna looked down from the top the Brighton building. Parents of the students had all come to pick them up-fortunately none were injured, and the police had found in the basement the four girls who had been reported missing in the papers-apparently they had been picked up after they had left the school and kept there in a trancelike state by the Hatter's brainwashing.
“Well girls, it looks like we not only thwarted the enemy, but that madman who was helping them will be locked away for a very long time,” Luna said. “Good job, both of you.”
Sailor Moon looked around. “Where'd that Robin guy go to?”
Luna shrugged. “If he was trained by the Batman, then it's very likely he's into mysterious entrances and exits. Even if he's only a mortal, he was very helpful tonight.”
Sailor Mercury looked down at the street. “That's my mother's car coming up. I have to go.” She looked at Luna. “Promise me tomorrow you'll tell me more about this, okay?” Luna nodded, and Sailor Mercury jumped off into the shaded alleyway, detransformed, and ran out to her mother's car.”
“Well, I guess we better call it a night.” Luna yawned. Sailor Moon picked her up and they walked to the side of the building to jump.
“Hold it right there.” Sailor Moon turned around and whom should she see but Robin standing on the edge of the building.
“I should have realized it the first night I saw you,” the juvenile crime fighter said as he walked up to her. “Your klutziness, the way you whine-and seeing now that other Sailor girl is Amy, I see it could only be you, Meatball Head.” He reached to his face and took off his mask.
Sailor Moon and Luna both gasped. “Dick?”
End of Chapter Three
Okay, there's a certain pun in the title of the chapter, but unless you've read Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland you'll probably never guess it. I also decided I'd just have Amy's mother work under Dr. Tompkins, and not make them related. Jadeite may use some other Arkhamites like he used the Mad Hatter. And no, I didn't put Tuxedo Mask in. I just couldn't think of a way to write him into this chapter.
To Nercia Genisis and other Joker fans-he won't appear in the next chapter, but he will in the chapter after that. And Lt. Commander Ritchie, I know you think he wouldn't work for the Dark Kingdom or anyone, but come on. If he was offered the chance to spread chaos and mayhem, do you really believe he'd turn it down?
Okay, time to ask for some input from my readers.
Jadeite told Queen Beryl the Batman would be easy for him to deal with, and Luna also thinks he wouldn't be much help against the Dark Kingdom. Are they right or are they underestimating the Guardian of Gotham?
So, Dick learned Serena's secret and he revealed his to her. How do you think this will affect their relationship? And do you think I'm having Dick act too much like a jerk to his sister?
Do you think Ms. Haruna will try to use her position as Serena's teacher to get to Bruce?
Should I have Luna meet Catwoman?
Anyone want to see Serena play Cupid between Alfred and Dr. Leslie Tompkins?
As I said before, although I plan to have Superman make an appearance he won't be a rainbow crystal carrier. However, someone close to him will be! Guess who!
In the Next Chapter: Bruce sees in the classifieds a message in Japanese asking for the Batman's assistance. And Serena and Amy visit a shrine in Little Tokyo that's watched over by an old man and his granddaughter, who has a surprisingly close connection to Arkham's 2nd most dangerous inmate.