Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moonless Nights ❯ Moonless Nights ( One-Shot )

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Hey, just a tiny lil' sequel(more of a short story than anything else) on Artemis and his thoughts on Serena, him, and their painful(well at least part of it is) past.

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon definitely doesn't belong to me, or if it does then MAN have I been out of it!

Moonless Nights by Crystal Rose

The once pristine walls of the palace are consumed by flame as I race through the halls, calling her name in desperation. The ceiling collapses just behind me as I run frantically, the sound of my heart beating loudly in my ears. Smoke begins to obscure my vision, and I struggle not to suffocate as I run on. Faster. Faster! I must find her...


I pant heavily as I try to recover from the horrid nightmare. Sitting up in bed, I raise a shaking hand to my forehead. My face is flushed with heat; a thin sheen of sweat gleams in the moonlight. I sigh tiredly and stare down at the dark blue material of my comforter, deep in thought. My heart skips a beat when I hear the door creak open. I hold my breath in anticipation of the worst. In the pale moonlight, I see a flash of gold and exhale with relief.


That gentle voice I know so well. I look up to see my angel, standing in the doorway, an expression of concern on her face...concern for me. I look down ashamed, feeling unworthy of her kindness.

"Forgive me for waking you."

My voice is soft and apologetic. I look up suddenly at the rustling of sheets.

"It's alright. I couldn't have slept knowing you weren't getting any rest."

She crawls up to me and snuggles into my embrace. I sigh in content and rest my head upon hers, inhaling the scent of berries that mingled in her hair.


I look down at her tenderly, her glittering blue orbs shining with adoration. Stroking her cheek lovingly, I lean down to plant a gentle, chaste kiss upon her lips. She sighs and leans into me, her warmth comforting. I pull back to nuzzle her neck, causing her to giggle slightly.

"Artemis..." she whispered, slightly breathless.

"I love you," I whisper back, sounding almost desperate in my sincerity. I can feel her smile as she cradles my head upon her bosom, stroking my long white hair.

"And I love you."

I sigh, still finding relief in those simple words. I think she knows of the deep seeded fear I carry...that she does not truly love me...that I'll lose her once more. I can see her face, looking down upon me with that gentle expression, waiting patiently. She holds me quietly and I wonder how she can live not knowing the past. She has, of course, voiced this many times, but each time I shy away... Is she ready to hear of our gruesome past? I don't want her to know of the blood that stains my hands. Naturally, she's had her own share of nightmares, nightmares about her mother, the palace. She knows nothing else and I would like to keep it so. However, I also know that the decision to withhold this information is not mine to make. I only fear that the nightmare she'd glimpsed from Beryl will be more horrible than she could have imagined.


I inhale deeply before rising into a sitting position to stare deeply into her eyes. I feel her surprise as I search her shimmering orbs, my own eyes a storm of intense emotion. I hope I don't find what I'm searching for, but if I do, what must be done will be done. Yes...she was ready. I should have expected it. She's matured a great deal since I first found her, shortly after my own awakening. How long had it been? A year? Two years? It really didn't matter.

"Artemis, what's wrong?"

I sighed. Perhaps I shouldn't have stayed silent so long. She tended to worry a great deal.


"You know, Serena," he began, looking away from her, "I still remember the day we first met, in that rose garden."

She seemed slightly shocked, but it was expected. After all, I almost never spoke of the past. A look of comprehension seemed to dawn as she leaned into me, trying to give me what support she could. I smiled a little. She was so sweet, always thinking of others.

"You were only three at the time and I was eight."

"I remember," She whispered softly.

It had been a week prior to the annual interplanetary ball held on the moon. Royalty traveled from all across the universe to attend, many hoping to benefit from good relations with the wealthy Lunarian Queendom. As crowned prince of Mau, it was mandatory that I attend as a show of good will towards the moon and its queen. The two planets had been in alliance for decades, but this year it was an especially important occasion as the moon's crowned princess was to make her first public appearance. Thus my presence was equally important, as the two royal families had been discussing future plans to strengthen the ties between the two planets.

I'd been so young and naïve back then, and yet such a burden had been placed within my hands. When my parents called a meeting early that morning, I recall the feeling of unease I felt even as I continued to mask my confusion during their speech of union between Mau and the Moon. It was only as they began to tell me of the wonders my sacrifice would bring our planet that I understood what was being asked of me: marriage. I was only eight at the time, and simply thought it another tiresome task that had been laid out for me, but I would carry it out nonetheless without complaint as was expected of me. Perhaps, this 'union' would truly bring all of us happiness, me included.

Now, not to be mistaken. I wasn't a gloomy or dull child, simply obedient to the extent of boredom. As I wandered the halls of the Moon palace, I remember thinking of the Moon's ruler, Queen Serenity, as she finished conducting the last bit of 'business' concerning their planets' wonderful union. I'd felt like such a pawn at the time, my own thoughts having been pushed aside in the matter. It was interesting how life had turned around for me that day as I made a fateful decision to go visit the Moon Palace's famous garden. I'll never forget the moment I laid eyes on that adorable little girl, dressed all in white as she giggled joyously amongst all the vivacious plant life.

All that time, I'd never given thought to what marriage actually entailed. The fact was I was becoming united with another person, a complete opposite as I soon discovered. There was little Serenity, basking in the sunlight, her curls shining just as brightly as any star and there I first fell in love. No, of course it wasn't really any romantic sort of love, as I was neither inclined to nor capable of such emotions at such a tender age, but it was love nonetheless. It transformed me literally and I could feel my parents' pleasure as they began to take notice of my increasing eagerness to visit the moon. Unfortunately, this would not occur for another few years, and I waited patiently while dreaming of the sweet princess.

When I finally returned, she welcomed me warmly and I remember with great fondness how she used to favor my company over any other's.

"Artemis! Let's go into the garden," she once called. Afterwards, I'd sung her a lullaby and sent her to sleep in my arms, watching her angelic face as she snuggled closer. Ever since then, we'd shared an affection for each other that foretold of the intimacy we would share in the future.

Of course, that would never come to be. We were to be married at the age of 13 and 18, but on the eve of her 13th birthday tragedy struck. Beryl attacked the Moon Palace, forcing us all to flee. The world had come crashing down upon us as I watched the evil witch take you away. At the time, no one knew where she'd disappeared to with Serenity, and things were quickly becoming consumed by chaos. The Moon Palace was left in ruins, the Queen murdered as Beryl's minions swarmed over the entire planet, killing any survivors.

I took Luna with me in an act of desperation and fled to Mau only to discover its ruin as it lay behind in the path of destruction laid out by Beryl. There was nowhere left to run, thus I merged with Luna and hid us deep within a powerful vessel, hoping to be passed on from generation to generation until Serenity's presence awakened us.

I paused, thinking upon that grand moment of redemption when I'd become reborn, a vessel of vengeance. I'd bided my time correctly, waiting to take the witch by surprise, but perhaps I'd waited too long...she'd been so scarred already, and not just physically.

I came out of my momentary stupor as Serena called to me worriedly.

"Artemis...are you alright. I know this is taxing. Perhaps another day, you may finish your tale," she suggested, gently caressing my hand with her own.

I shook my head, gently smoothing her furrowed brow. I didn't deserve such concern, allowing her to be captured in the first place, to be mistreated.

"No, I want you to know the truth...I need you to know..."

The truth was, I'd always been afraid that she would resent my failure to protect her. That she would find me weak, unable to find her for so long. I think in some way, though, she understood as she burrowed deeply into my arms, silently urging me on. I sighed, half in relief, half in disbelief. My lovely Serena...

Thus, I continued to tell her of my long wait. This she found intriguing. I almost laughed. Serena was incredibly patient when it came to me, but I, on the other hand, was almost in constant pain from her absence as I lay in wait, passing from the elderly to the young, from death to birth, a continuous cycle of rebirth. Here, she entwined her hands with mine and looked up into my eyes with a look so sweet, I could feel my heart breaking.

"Artemis, might we be reincarnated some day to fall in love with each other once more?"


I clasped her hand in both of mine, wishing for the world that we could continue this existence for eternity...She smiled up at me gently.

"Our hearts shall always be touching," she whispered, "...reborn or not"

"Yes...just the two of us for eternity," I smiled, feeling warm and content.

Her smile became distinctly impish as I leaned down to plant my lips upon hers.


The plaintive kitten at the foot of the bed received wry looks of amusement as it clambered between the pair of lovebirds, flaunting itself before them.

"Luna," Artemis scolded. Serena giggled as the kitten purred from all the attention, loving or otherwise. He sighed again.

"I suppose it's just the three of us, then."

"Together, as it should be."



So, yeah.I know it's been forever, but school's been horrid. If you'd be kind enough to drop me a line or two, I'd be grateful. See ya soon (I hope ^-^;;).