Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight warrior ❯ Passing rites ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a Sailor moon story. I don't own Sailor moon or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
Chapter three: Passing rites.
Benji broke the kiss causing to Ami let out a faint cry of sadness for it being over. Benji has a minor blush. As Ami face is in the same shade of red as Rei skirt. For a couple of seconds she looked at him. No one ever knew what passed on Ami mind in those seconds. But she sits on his lap saddling him, she wraps her arms around his neck pulling him closer and harder to another kiss. This time she was not surprised when she felt his arms slide around her waist and he respond the kiss with a hunger that surpasses her raw desire. That only makes the usually shy senshi get bolder and asks for more and more. Ami can feel the strong muscles under the thin cover of his shirts and his skin. The powerful muscles that he gained from a life time of martial arts training and three intense years of extensive training to become a knight. The hardness of the muscles under her soft body makes Ami feel extremely aroused. During the three years that she treated him she gave him dozens of hundreds exams and physical check-ups she knows by heart the shape of his body, hardness of the muscles, the strength in then and even the few spots where he felt pleasure when touched. In the other hand Benji knew nothing about Ami body. But he is familiarized with the female body. So he knew what to do. And Ami noticed it in first hand when his right hand lightly touched her spine while rising slowly to her neck causing her to shiver intensely, she feels his left hand move in the opposite direction moving down to her small and well shaped ass. She feels his skillful fingers tease her lightly giving her more intense feelings that she ever tasted before.
Crystal palace three years before.
Two days have passed since Setsuna arrived with the half dead Benji. And as Ami said he lived thru the first two days and Serenity and Hotaru where taking turns to heal him. Haruka is clearly avoiding Michiru. Not that it was hard since the deed waters senshi expend that time in the infirmary hall. Ami is literally growing an arm, a leg, muscular and skin tissue in a protein tank. As Serenity ordered she is going to repair Benji until he is as good as a new one. In the third night the trio who where busy healing Benji take a small and very rare break. As the others bring then food and drinks. The mood is heavy. Haruka is there because Serenity ordered her to be there. And she is still angry with everything that happened so far. Specially Michiru concern for Benji. That is making the wind senshi very anger and jealous. And make a hint of fear of losing her love for that man grows in a steady rate. “So how he is holding up?” Makoto asks “He is strong. He is far more resistant that I thought that he would ever be. And sometimes I think that is only his will power that keeps him alive.” Ami says. “Damn he must really have a damn good reason to fight that hard.” Minako says. As everyone she knows that Michiru and him where lovers. And sadly that was the last drop on Haruka patience. “I am sick of this!” she shouts “Why all the worry on him?! Just let him die!” Haruka shouts in anger. “He doesn't deserve to die!” Michiru shouts in an equal anger that alone is enough to scare every senshi. The aquamarine haired senshi was by far one of the calmest senshis, only losing of Ami and followed by Makoto. No one as ever saw her have an outburst like that. “And why not?!” Haruka shouts. “He is a man!” “He is more than that! He is a human being! And he got like that saving you and me!” Michiru shouts blind rage. “So what? You really think that I am happy seeing you all worried about him?!” Haruka shouts with her face near of Michiru face. “I am worried about him because I love him!” Michiru shouts back. That statement shock Haruka. “So I was nothing more than a substitute?!” Haruka shouts in anger with her hands closed in tight fists. “You were not a substitute!” Michiru shouts. “Yeah?! Then why you are so angry?! Why you are so worried?! If you loved me I should have taken his place on your heart!” Haruka shouts. “You never took his place on my heart! Never!” Michiru shouts blinded by rage and anger. “No one can ever take his place in my heart! Not even you!” Those words broke Haruka spirit, the pain on her heart was something like if someone stabbed her in the heart with an old, blunt, rusty, burning hot, dented and spiked dagger and twisted in her heart. “I where nothing more than a consolation while you grieved him…something to make your mind busy to not think about him…” Haruka says in a faint voice. Her eyes lost the shine and the life and she runs away. Michiru looks at her lover running away and she doesn't stop her, still blind with anger she don't realize how badly she hurt Haruka. Hotaru stares in shock at her creation mother. Never in her life had she ever seen Michiru acting so cruelly. And that scared her. Rei and Minako runs after Haruka while Ami and Makoto comforted Michiru who begun to cry when the realization of what she just said sink in. Serenity and Hotaru look at then. Serenity knew that something like that was faded to happen. She knew how strong and intense Benji and Michiru love was in the past and how it was forever burned on Michiru memories after his `death'. As she knew how much Michiru and Haruka love each other with an intensity that matches the one of Benji and Michiru. And that Haruka as Benji would willing die for Michiru as well Michiru would die for any of her two lovers. Hotaru figured something like that. And even not being as experienced as the others senshis in what came to love life she knew that this was a love triangle and that at least one of then would get hurt. The following months where hard to everyone. Michiru feeling guilty now over Benji actually comatose state and not to mention the lost of his limbs now feels guilty for shouted her confused feeling over Haruka. She didn't lied in any word that she shouted at Haruka. But those truths where incomplete. And Haruka decided to take a time on Uranus to solve the problems there. But everyone knew that the wind senshi where running away from Michiru wrath and harsh words. Not allowing to her lover explains herself. And sadly the senshis had taken sides on the matter Rei, Setsuna and Minako where supportive on Haruka. As Ami, Makoto and Serenity where supportive to Michiru. Hotaru is confused and is standing in the middle of the fence not taking sides. But one thing she was sure all this anger and suffering where Benji fault. Even if the young man haven't actually done anything since he arrived. His presence where enough to break the happiness of her family and she took a dislike of him for that but in respect as her mother feelings she never said anything because he might be good. But she still disliked him. Serenity where not happy with the way that things have turned. Of course that she expected some argument between the lovers trio. But not so bad and she haven't thought that they would actually team up like that. Ami is performing a series of surgeries on Benji to strengthen his muscles to be able to accept the muscular implants of the arm and leg. Unlike the first week where Benji where in a medical bed he was now in a large protein tank. Wearing only a skin tight trouser. In the reddish liquid the darkened lines of the joints of the joined flesh is seem. “A sign of the fusing.” Ami says to Serenity who is looking at the man. In everyplace where the new tissue where placed the skin darkened forming a line showing the edges of the original tissue and the new one. Small lasers are running on the tank to his body. In a process of stimulate the cells and make then stronger. “How long until he is fully healed?” Serenity asks. “I don't know. The new limbs will be fully attached and connected in the end of this week. But when he will be as he was before I can't say for sure.” Ami says. “Well at least he opened his eyes few times during the months. That must be a good sign.” Serenity says. “It is. I think that his body checks in his state every now and then. Since even with all our help he is still healing himself. And that drains lots of energy. So he must be like this to keep the use of energy in other ways in the minimal.” Ami says. Serenity nods. “And how about the events that have unfolded?” Serenity asks. “Well it is hard to say. I understand Michiru feelings. She told me that he was her first friend and her first love. So it is not hard to understand why she has a special place on her heart just for him.” Ami says. “So Haruka is out?” Serenity asks. “No. What I think that Michiru was saying is that Haruka have her own special place in her heart. And that she couldn't take his place because it is impossible. Because before Benji was her lover he was her friend.” Ami says. “I see she loves him in two ways. As a lover and as a friend.” Serenity says. “I am sure that he feels the same. I just wonder how he will take the news that his girlfriend now has a girlfriend.” Ami says. “I don't know. We ask when he wakes.” Serenity says. Unaware of the duo is that Benji eyes are a bit open. His red pupils look down at then. He can't make them words or feelings. He is only registering them faces before he sinks back in the warm embrace of his sleep. Two more months have passed making a total of six months since Benji first arrived. Everything in Crystal Tokyo was sounding to be a perfect day. Taking out that some creatures went crazy and attacked the people in the outskirts of the city. So the senshis where send to found out the why and stop it. Serenity went with her fellow senshis leaving Endymion on the palace. Ami hesitated to go because her single patient but Serenity said that he would be fine. He is only sleeping by the last two months after all. Unaware for Ami since it doesn't show on her tests is that Benji diabolic blood is maturing. The reason of his continuous sleep it that his blood is using Ami treatments to grew stronger as a demon. Benji own sheer will of live is reacting with his blood and making his blood turn stronger. Away from there the senshis are facing a large group of mutant's animals. “Something is wrong! Ami what is the source of the problem?!” Serenity shouts. “I can't trace it! Those animals are interfering with my sensors!” Ami shouts back with her blue visor covering her eyes. The senshis are fighting hard against the waves of the beasts. Michiru let out a cry when a overgrow lion gave her a full slash with her claws. She is tossed forward hard to land on Makoto arms. The slashes weren't deep but the strength was enough to toss the senshi far away. Many beasts have fallen dead with the senshis attacks. But they where growing tired and they soon where surrounded. Unaware of the danger Endymion walks in the infirmary hall as he said that he would just to check on Benji for Ami sake. To his surprise he founds the tank broken with the red liquid on the floor among many thick glass shards. Some of the liquid pools in the remaining bottom part of the tank. He sees some red drops in a near window and he knows that he left and his guts told him that he was heading to the senshis. In the field the huge lion that attacked Michiru was going to deliver the killing blow. The senshis now totally worn out can't do anything. Hotaru let's out a cry seeing the huge black form on the air moving to her mother. A flash of light and the deafening sound of hundreds thunders fill the air. And in a powerful burst of light everything stops. The senshis open they eyes who where closed with the flash. And they see a tall man with his arm buried deep inside the lion chest. He is wearing an odd black armor that covers his arms and everything bellows his waist. It is made of some reddish black material and the fact that the armor has a long tail that looks like a metal snake with a sharp hook on the tip of it slowly moving at his will. His arms are covered until the elbow length with the armor, long sharp talons on the tips of each finger the wrist shows a light depression where it joins with the rest of the armor, on half way to the elbow has many short but very sharp looking spikes. His left arm is pending lightly on his side with his fingers held in threatening way with the sharp claws exposed. On his right arm that is on the lion chest some electricity is flowing and the lion body fades in smoke. And the same armor on his left arm is covering the right. Blood drips from the claws. And his pale white skin is covered in black stripes almost like a tiger. But his eyes are red with thin slitted irises and his ears are long and pointed. His long black hair moves a bit wet on the wind. He is with a small smile showing his protuberant fangs. He is still for a single moment before burst in action and begun to kill the others beasts. Soon it is over. The man is covered by blood. Michiru is looking at him she knows who is him. She saw him once in his demon form. But back then he haven't that armor. The senshis look in shock when he begun to move closer of then. He is looking at Serenity. And most of then is tense because they are not in shape to fight. But Serenity is calm. With a content smile she sees Benji take a knee in front of her. She stands her hand to him and he takes her hand with his armored hand and kisses the back of her hand in a show of respect. The senshis stare in shock. They all have done that once in Serenity crowing ceremony and that where allowed only to the higher rank warriors and nobles. For the senshis who teamed up with Haruka that was the most shocking thing that could happen. Serenity weren't kidding when she was going to turn him into a knight and especially after that show of diabolic powers they where expecting a different end. Serenity makes Benji rise to his feet. Benji sees Michiru and the will of take her on his arms and kiss her is easily seem on his eyes. But he doesn't do it. Soon send by Endymion some transport vehicles arrive taking then. Hotaru is healing Michiru. Haruka is keeping distance from Benji and Michiru but her eyes are locked on Michiru. Benji eyes where also on the aquamarine haired girl. Ami is looking at Benji and scanning him muttering of how fantastic it was his change. Most of the senshis decides that staying quiet is the best at least for now. While they move to the palace the vehicle where in a deep and tense silence. On the palace Ami takes Benji to the infirmary hall and found him some clothes. She where a bit surprised when his armor vanished. She takes him to a shower and let him alone so he can shower and dress. One hour later every senshi plus Benji where in the palace main room. Michiru looks at the now dressed Benji with a mix of awe and love on her eyes. Benji who is wearing a formal suit that is almost like a tuxedo. Well it was a tuxedo but he refused to put on the tie and the blazer and leaving the top two buttons closed. In his human shape the senshis now take a time to exam him better. “Well I am glad to see you wake and you woke just in time to save us.” Serenity says. “It is my duty.” Benji says in a level tone. Serenity smiles at him. She is happy with her choice of a knight. “Mind in explaining for us why he where so different in the field? He looked like a demon.” Rei says. “He is a demon.” Serenity says in a level tone. Taking out Setsuna and Michiru the others senshi where catch out of guard. “But how I haven't saw it?!” Ami says. “He was born human and during a ritual he was forced to become a half demon.” Serenity says. “A demon knight?! You must be kidding!” Rei shouts. “I am not.” Serenity says in a level tone. “He goes against everything that we did!” Rei shouts. “He is not evil. He proved it when he went to a battle that would kill him to save me of certain death.” Michiru says speaking for the first time in Benji presence. “But he where ordered to kill you.” Setsuna says. “But I didn't. And if you have problems with my demon blood talk to me. Because I am here.” Benji says in a calm tone. “And why you went to kill Michiru?” Hotaru asks “When they changed me I said that I would kill the outer senshis. But I didn't mean it. I where playing they game. If they found the senshis I would wake then even if that cost my life. What it did. And another reason that I haven't killed Michiru is that I love her.” Benji says in an honest tone. “As if a demon can love?!” Haruka shouts. “I am a half demon!” Benji shouts back “That means that I am also a human!” Haruka looks at him coldly. “Well you must be told that Michiru is my lover now.” Haruka says in a superior tone trying to make Benji fall in to attacking her so she would kill him. “So what as far as I know you don't have what it needs to satisfy her. You are not even a match.” Benji says in normal tone with no anger, no despise or any other feeling, he was only stating the facts. That enraged Haruka because she knew that she had that disadvantage. Benji was a male and that means that he have a penis and he can actually gives to Michiru a pleasure that Haruka can't. And every pleasure that Haruka can give to Michiru, Benji can after all he also have a tongue and fingers. Haruka also know that Benji have a large advantage in what come into Michiru feelings. He was her first love and he died for her. Even thought Haruka and Michiru died together once and in another time Haruka almost killed herself to follow Michiru. And even the fact that he was a half demon didn't give her any advantage since Michiru already knew and didn't mind. Haruka knew that in her favor is the fact that Michiru and her expended thousands of years together that counting the years where they where in the sleep to reach the Crystal Millennium. And from what she heard he hasn't passed more than two years in the tops with her. And that wasn't too reassuring to the wind senshi. When he arrived Michiru reactions showed that even after all that they lived together he was still on her memories. And the thing that she knew that she couldn't beat on him is the fact that Benji can give a child to Michiru. A thing that Haruka could only dream about. But Benji actions stunned her as well everyone else in the room. He walked to Michiru and takes her left hand on his right. Haruka swallowed hard and Michiru eyes went wide in shock but deep inside her she felt a small hope. “Be happy with her.” Benji says softly kissing the back of her hand. Michiru eyes went wide with total and absolute shock. Haruka too she couldn't believe on her own ears. Benji let Michiru hand go and walk moves to leave the room. “I will begin my training now.” Benji says looking at Serenity who nods at him. The senshis look at his retreating form not moving. Even Setsuna was shocked. From what she knew that shouldn't have happened. Michiru is looking at him with a distant gaze. In her mind every moment that she had with him are flashing on her mind eye. They first meeting on the train station. They first kiss. They dance. His worry when she once where in a car crash. The moments of they final night together. Tears flow on her open wide eyes. Her delicate lips half open in shock two tears streams falling from both of her eyes running down her cheeks and dripping on her chest and on the floor under her. As if those tears drained every drop of strength out of her Michiru falls on her knees with her hands lying flat on the floor. She looks at Benji form walking away with out looking back. “Why…why…” Michiru sobs those words. And she cries even harder when seeing that she would not get any answers. She places her hands on her face and cries shouting loud. All the senshis look at her with sad expressions. Haruka noticed that Benji tossed her a quick and almost undetectable look before he left the room. And she knew that what he did was in purpose. That he did it for her. That he broke with Michiru for her sake. Haruka kneels in from of Michiru and places her hands on her shoulders. Michiru holds on Haruka uniform collar and cries loudly on her shoulder. Haruka buries her right hand fingers on Michiru hair holding the back of her head and presses her face closer of her shoulder and she hugs Michiru tightly making soothing sounds to her and comforting her. One senshi slipped out of the room after seeing that scene. Hotaru run thru the halls until she found what she was looking at. And she found him in the gardens looking at the full moon. “Why you did it?” Hotaru asks moving to face Benji who is sited in a stone bench. She already knew but she saw his tears glistering on the pale silver light of the moon. “Because I had to.” Benji says clearly holding back sobs. “Why?” Hotaru asks sitting besides him. “When I runned in that battle I where determinate to die. My last thought was that Michiru found to herself another person to love. So she could move on after my death.” Benji says “I gave up on her in that night. Even if I still love her and that she loves me I have no right to claim her love. And ruin her other love.” Hotaru is surprised. She haven't expected to him be so kind and considerate. The fact that he is willing to suffer alone to make her parents happy is enough to make her over come her first impression of him. “It is not only your call you know it.” Hotaru says. “I know. But I know that with this she is now more inclined to her.” Benji says “I don't think so. I heard her talking to Ami. She has a special place for you on her heart. No one can take it from you. Not even you. I think that after the things settle you three needs to talk over this. And work something.” Hotaru says. “But in any case you are not as much of a bad man that I thought that you would be. To be honest you seen to be a good person.” Hotaru says giving him a smile. That smile comforts Benji a bit. After what he just did turning his back to the love of his life like that hurted him more than he could explain. When he heard her first sobs Benji desire was run to her and hug her tight and comfort her and kiss her until all the sadness where gone. And do what he did hurted him in many ways even when he steeled himself for it. Six months later in Ami office. “Well no sign of rejection. Eight months and the implants are being accepted.” Ami says looking at Benji who is lying on a stretcher. Thin laser beams are scanning his body. “I am sure that you noticed that Michiru isn't exactly happy. Since the night that you woke up you haven't spoken a word with her. Haruka is trying hard to keep Michiru busy. But you know as well as I do that sooner or later you two will have to talk. Because part of your training is supervisioned by senshis.” Ami says in a clinical tone. “I gave up on Michiru.” Benji says. “Your body doesn't agree. You are lying.” Ami says seeing the change on his vital levels. “You love her and you love her so much that you would do anything for her. Even give her to someone else.” Ami says. “And what I am supposed to do? Keep our relation? I admit that I want to. But what will happen to that Haruka girl?” Benji says. Ami is in silence. She was not expecting that kind of answer. And she knew that he does have a point there. Haruka was Michiru actual love and they went on extremes for the other. But Ami also knew that Michiru would do the same for Benji and she know that Benji already did to Michiru. That love triangle it is hard to break because the joining point of the triangle or Michiru loves both of then in the same way and that love is reciprocated for both of then. “What if you joined then? I mean I don't think that they would mind in adding a man in them relation.” Ami says blushing in a deep red for saying what she just said. “I thought about it already. Honestly it is quite appealing and temptating. But I don't want to share her. Or she is only mine or I will leave her.” Benji says in an honest tone. And Ami know that is the truth his body is telling so. As the others senshis Ami was now very worried about the development of the trio. The fact that Benji and Haruka deeply hate the other is well know as well the fact that Benji and Haruka are deeply love for Michiru. Benji is considering Haruka as a rival and Ami was pretty sure that if they had met before his suicide Benji would for sure fight Haruka for Michiru love in the most dramatic and novelistic style. And she couldn't help on feeling fear for the wind senshi or the half demon in front of her both are deeply in love for the same woman and they hate the other in the same level of they love. If they fought there would be only a single result. One of then would die and in any case Michiru would grief over her lost lover. One month later. Benji is on a large training room. On is there is an altered katana. The blade and the hilt are normal, but the guard is like a saber guard forming a half circle over the hilt in the edge side that can be used to punch the enemy. Benji is training against few robots that Ami build to him. After the last one falls. “Not bad for an amateur.” A husky voice says. Benji looks at the voice owner knowing who is. “What you want?” Benji asks in a cold tone. “Your life. Everything was just fine until you showed up.” Haruka says. She is holding the space sword. She unsheathes the blade careless tossing the jewel decorated sheath aside. “I want to duel with you. The winner stays with Michiru.” Haruka says. “I already gave up on Michiru. And I gave her to you.” Benji says. Getting in a fencing stance Haruka looks at him coldly. “I don't want your pity. I will win her again. This fight is until the death. It is better you take it serious because I will kill you if I got the chance.” Haruka says in a cold tone. Benji knows that she isn't kidding. He gets in a relaxed stance leaving the sword on his right hand and letting his arms loose on his sides. A young blonde teenager was looking at Benji while he trained. She has short hair in a similar style than Haruka but the girl hair is not truly blonde but a pale sand brown color and her eyes are green. She is using loose brown shirt and a black loose pants as well some sandals. She runs to the only person who can possible stop those two, she runs to the royal chambers to talk to the Queen Serenity. When the teen enters in the chambers she is held by guards. “Your highness you have to hear me!” she shouts. “Let her go. She is the squire trainee. Yui, that is your name right?” Serenity asks. Yui blushes with the fact that the queen remembers of her name a humble squire trainee. “You are right your highness.” Yui says taking a knee. “What is wrong? I am sure that you wouldn't bust in my chambers for no reason.” Serenity says in her normal lever but carrying to. “Sir Benji and Lady Uranus are fighting!” Yui shouts recalling in fear of her reasons. Serenity face is taken by surprise. “Guards call the senshis and tell then to meet me in the training room.” Serenity says the guards obey and run away. “And you young squire come with me.” Serenity says walking to the young woman moving to the training room. Yui gets up fast and follow the queen. In the training room Haruka runs to Benji who sidesteps and let her pass by him. Both are experienced fencers, both of then use different styles and both are using different weapons. As Haruka uses the Uranus royal family fencing style, Benji is using an old Japanese kendo style that where forgotten in the ages but it is still very effective. As Benji uses basically a katana, Haruka uses a scimitar. That gives Benji some advantage in range. And to Haruka a larger attack since her sword is magical. In fighting experience Haruka have the advantage since she is a senshi for years and she fought for longer and she is using her favorite weapon an she is a fencer in a style similar to the occidental fencing. Benji in other hand trained kenjutsu and martial arts since very young, he has experience in fights but against humans facing in tournaments and few fights with trouble makers, but his experience is increased a bit by one year where he was hunted by demons to become the senshi slayer, so he gained real combat experience, that joined with a total no fear of death, a extreme desire of staying alive no matter what, sharp reflexes and a feral instinct make up on Haruka years of experience. As Haruka fight in a civilized way Benji uses a more savage and instinctive style. They are in the same level when looking at the fighters past. What will decide the fight is not only skill of the fighter, but luck and sheer will. What will turn in a hard fight since both of then are more than determinate to win. The first kiss of the blades is so intense that makes sparks flow on the air. Both blades are still joined with them owner pressing the blades hard against the other. The fighters are close of the other with the blades between they faces. Haruka is shocked. The space sword could cut thru anything. But when meeting the steel blade on Benji hands the sword was stopped. Haruka notice with surprise to see the opponent blade shining in a faint blue glow. Benji notices the surprise and leaps backwards. Unbalanced Haruka fall forward. Benji slam his right hand that is holding the sword on Haruka face. The steel protection on the sword hits Haruka jaw with a mind blowing strength. The blonde senshi stumbles backwards dizzy. Benji dash to her ready to take the kill. Haruka barely aware of it attacks him with the world shaking. Benji charges his own energy and tries to block the attack. A explosion fills the room. The clouds of smoke clears giving time to Haruka recover from the punch. But not enough to attack an unguarded Benji. On the second kiss the blades sparks to life filling the room with the sound of metal hitting against metal. Haruka is not willing to give to Benji more chances like the punch so she is avoiding jointing the blades like that. But she found to her displeasure that Benji is faster and stronger than her. Making Haruka work hard to parry his blows. Benji is also having problems. Haruka is far more experienced than he is. So he can't just finish the fight as fast as he wants to. Soon the first senshi arrives. Both warriors are covered with small cuts and burns. In the final kiss Benji sword breaks against the space sword. Haruka smiles seeing her victory. Haruka gives a strong stab that for her surprise Benji blocks with his left hand making the blade burry deep on his flesh. Benji forces his hand down the blade and grab the sword guard and Haruka hand. The wind senshi is shocked with that maneuver. “He sacrificed his hand to get my head!” she thinks. Benji twist her sword arm, Benji sword has been broke have some time and he only have a small piece of the blade but more than enough to kill Haruka. And Benji pulls back his right hand that is still holding the hilt and the three inches blade on it. Now all senshis are there and the sense of dread fills the air. And Benji arm moves in a full speed toward Haruka that can't move.
End of the chapter three:
A stage appears and red velvet curtains rise. Benji who is wearing a white shirt, black pants and social shoes walks into the stage. “Hi I am Benji Himura character and writer of this story. I hope that you all enjoyed it. I know that I did enjoy writing it.” Benji says in a casual tone, he pulls a piece of paper from his pocket. “I want to say thank you for Ze Crazed One *Mich3ll3 for the reviews. The one of for Crescent variation and the one for Moonlight warrior. Thank you for the reviews.” Benji says. He places the paper on his pocket. “Well this is all the announcements that I have to make. See you all in the next chapter.” Benji says bowing to the audience. The curtain fall and darkness fills the room.