Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: It's been a long time since I've posted a story, but I never stopped writing. I'm hoping to put out a few more stories soon.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story.


Blue skies. Warm breeze. Perfect conditions for a stroll along the riverbank. Also perfect conditions for battle. Four figures stood on the hilltop as hundreds of men in armor of gold and silver swarmed the empty field. Together, the four figures stood dressed in the finest of silver armor and . Four black horses in silver armor rested near a tree on the hilltop. As they surveyed the scene below them, only one thought came to mind: They were fighting for freedom.

“This will be the last time we stand together, my sisters.”

“Then it has been a honour to fight alongside you.”

“If we are successful, then our next reunion will be a happy one.”

“Of course, we shouldn't wait too long to come together.”

“Ladies, it is time.”

“Good luck.”

“May the goddess be on our side.” With that they jumped off the hill and into battle.

Swords clashed as blood spilled on to the ground. Today many would lose their lives and many would learn what the cost of freedom was.


Hidden in the mountains, existed a small undiscovered paradise. Trees for miles and water in every direction. Pools of heat were scattered all over. To many it was just another jungle filled with wild and beastly animals, strange plant life and unchartered terrain. To one, it was an oasis. It was home. Hidden in the trees was a simple hut. Light from the moon illuminated the little home and the little visitors that crept silently through.

To the main occupant of the home, they appeared to be nothing more than passersby into her little world. As she sat on her bed, writing in her little journal, she contemplated everything she had done in her life. Had it been enough for her kind? Would it ever be enough? Could it tarnish everything she had ever believed in? Maybe. Maybe not. But she would only know when she finally stopped running. Until that day came, she would keep seeing the world for all its beauty until she had one of her own. For now, she would write down her story so that future generations could know what had happened.

The rising of the sun signified a new day. It was time for her to begin her trek into the main city for a fresh supply of food and materials. She closed her book and placed it in a trunk in front of her bed. Pulling on her scarf to hide her long curly locks from the people. They already found her odd with her pale skin and dark blue eyes. Then again, so did many of the South Asian countries she had been to in the last few decades. She grabbed her pack and walked of the hut, jumping from tree to tree until she reached a clearing. The nearest village was just over the next ridge and she could purchase a horse.

This was a peaceful life. Yet she yearned for the excitement she had when she was in England with her sisters. She missed the people she had once held so dear, but she knew if they were to have a better life in this world, they could not be together anymore. She didn't know which saddened her more: the loneliness or the separation.

What she did know was that within time it was all going to change and she was going to be happy, one way or another.


“Ready for another, dollface?” A man with dark brown curls put out a cigarette on top of the piano. She stood next to him dressed in a floor length black halter dress with silver sparkles all over. It was form fitted with a slit that ran from the floor up to her thigh. Black stilettoes with a diamond clasp on each side adorned her feet. She had her hair pulled back by a black head band large curls in place of her normal straight hair. It stopped just above her waist. Long black gloves stopped at her elbows. Her partner, Eric, was adorned in a light blue long sleeved collared shirt, which he had rolled up during his cigarette break. He had on black tailor pants with expensive looking black dress shoes. His green eyes were always filled with mirth and joy. He said it was because after all this he had a beautiful woman to go home to every night.

“Ready as I'll ever be.” He had asked her the same question, every day for the last six months. Her answer never changed. It brought some kind of excitement to her life. Everyday she got to meet someone new. When she wasn't at this little club singing soft tunes, she was at the casino performing with the showgirls dressed in glamorous costumes. She had been discovered performing in some bars in New York City. Las Vegas was a big and busy city. His name was Johnny Zuko. He was a high roller always looking for the next big thing. His latest gig was travelling around the country looking for girls to perform in the casinos. She was pretty sure he was into some other shady business, but she would handle it if it was ever brought to her.

“Maybe your new admirer will be here tonight.” He was referring to the man that had appeared two weeks ago. Black hair and red eyes. He was always dressed in a black suit with black accessories. He always wore sunglasses when he came in and took them off as he sat in a booth at the back with random strangers. His companions were always changing. Always at ten o'clock on the dot. Just as the curtains raised and she climbed off her stool and starting singing. He never missed a show and he seemed to have her schedule memorized because on she would see him at the casino when she performed. If she didn't know any better, she would say he was a stalker. She sat on the piano as the curtain raised. “Good luck, darlin'.”



“My name is Lenny.” She slid into the booth across from him, smiling.

“Eros.” He grinned. A waitress brought over a red martini and placed it in front of her.

“You know my favourite drink?” She was impressed, most people didn't even know her proper name, let alone her favorite alcoholic beverage.

“I know a lot more than that, Lenny.” He pulled off his sunglasses to reveal his red eyes. Dark as blood. The blood that had stopped pumping through his veins a long time ago.

“You know my work schedule that much I know. Although you seem to be popping up everywhere I go lately.”

“Can't have a pretty lady such as yourself walking around so unprotected.”

“Well it's good to know I have some looking out for my best interest.” She sipped her drink.

“More than you know, love.”

“I've been waiting for you for a long time.”

“Sorry to have kept you waiting, I've had many things to take care of.”

“At least we both have been keeping busy.”

“We have an appointment tomorrow with a justice.” He placed a diamond engagement ring on the table.

“My dress is waiting at home.” She slipped it on her ring finger.

“I think your partner is waiting for you.” He took a sip from her drink.

“You know, love, our life will not be simple.”

“What fun is simple?”

“Simple would be an adventure compared to this.”

“Tomorrow.” She smiled.

“Tomorrow.” He put back on his sunglasses.”


“So very beautiful.” A low growl escaped his lips. She stared at his reflection in the mirror. As beautiful as he was, he was also extremely hideous. His silver hair brushed against her skin and his dark violet eyes revealed the lust he held. He pressed her his lips against her skin, causing her to tense up even more. She snapped out of daze and moved away from him, tripping over the still form of her mother on the floor. She brushed the strands from her mother's face and closed her eyelids. She turned as more furniture was knocked over in the room. There was another in the room with dark hair and eyes. He seemed to be the calmer of the pair, even though he was tossing the entire room. He was the one who had killed her mother, but he hadn't toyed with her like his partner had done to her father. However, appearances and behavior could be very deceiving.

“Where is it?”

“I don't know what you're talking about.” Without warning, the dark haired on picked her up by her collar and slammed her into the mirror, several times. She bit her lip as little pieces of glass embedded into her back.

“Don't think your life is going to be sparred because your ignorance.”

“Now brother, we can't just kill her without knowing where it is.”

“Then what do you suggest we do?”

“One of her people know where it is.”

“You monsters will never find what you are looking for.”

“I think it's time for dinner, brother.”

“I think you are correct.” She was pulled to her feet.

“Goodnight.” With that, both men sank their teeth into her porcelain skin.

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It's actually a little longer than the original I had written. Hopefully when you start reading the rest of the story, you don't think it's like the others in its genre. Enjoy!