Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“You are not cutting my hair!” She folded her arms, refusing to climb out the car.

“Listen kid, you are working my last nerve.” Amara leaned over the window. “Now you can either get your ass out of the car or I'll drag you out myself.”

“I'm not changing my appearance.” She turned away from her.

“You two deal with her, before I do.” Amara stormed off. Michelle climbed into the back while Trista went after Amara.

“We're only trying to help you.”

“I want to go home.”

“And do what, sweetie?” Michelle took her hands in her own.

“I don't know.” She looked down. “I just want my parents back.”

“We can't change what has happened, but we can make sure that you don't meet the same fate.”

“Why does it even matter? My mother knew that these people were coming and she just stayed there. Obviously, she didn't really care about her fate.” Tears were streaming down her face. It had been the first time she had cried since she had awakened. It was actually the first cry she'd had in a very long time; she never had a reason before.

“She knew that she couldn't live forever. She fought for a long time just to be with you and your father. She wouldn't have changed her decision if she had the chance to. If she had kept running, you never would have existed. That's the only thing she would have ever regretted in her life.”

“What do I do without them?”

“You live. There is a lot of this world you haven't seen and it's so very beautiful.”

“It isn't the same without them.”

“And it never will be. The best thing you can do is remember them for who they were and not dwell on what has happened.” Michelle grabbed a tissue from her pocket and wiped away the tears.

“You make it sound so easy.”

“It's only as easy as you make it.”

“I don't like feeling this way. How long does it take for one to stop feeling sad?”

“When you find something that makes you happy and I mean truly happy, then you won't be sad anymore.”

“You really should do all of Amara's talking. She might get things done faster.” She smiled, softly.

“Maybe, but she has her own way of persuading people to do things.” Michelle smiled, glad that she was feeling a little better.

“Who would have guessed?”

“Now, let's go into the salon.”

“They won't cut it all off, will they?”

“Not a chance. Trista will make sure of that. Then we're going to get you some clothes.”

“Fine.” They both climbed out of the car and found Amara & Trista standing there. Amara was still fuming. She walked up to Amara and bowed slightly. “I am sorry for causing you so much trouble. I will be on my best behaviour from now on.”

“Glad to hear it, kid.” Amara replied.

“One more thing.” She stood up straight.

“Can you stop calling me kid?”

“Alright,” Amara grinned. “Runt.”


& #8220;It's time to wake up, Sleeping Beauty.” She opened her eyes and found herself in front of a large wooden and glass house.

“Where are we?”

“Forks, Washington.” It was around noon.

“Where's the sun?” Everyone climbed out of the car. The makeover, as they had called it, wasn't as bad as she had thought. The hairdresser had shortened her bangs and cut her hair to her waist. They had bought her new clothing and accessories. At the moment, she was wearing a sleeveless v-neck white sundress that stopped just above her knees. A black belt buckled just under her bust. White wedges with light blue flowers on the side adorned her feet. It was one of the few outfits that she had liked trying on in the store. Amara had made her by pants and she had never worn them before. She would hold off as long she could.

“It's rainy season here.” Trista replied.


“Well let's get this done.” Amara placed her suitcases on the ground.

“You need to give this letter to Carlisle as soon as you get inside.” Michelle handed her a black envelope.

“Aren't you coming with me?”

“From what we know about these creatures, we can't risk being inside their domain. You are one of them, no harm will come to you.”

“Very well. Thank you for everything.” She hugged each of them and then made her way towards the house. The suitcases should have felt heavy in her hands for the amount of stuff that was inside them, but they just felt she was carrying to large books. She waited for them to drive off before she went to knock on the door. Just as she lifted her hand to knock on the door, it flew open to reveal a beautiful woman with shiny auburn hair and dark eyes. She was dressed in a short sleeved white collared shirt, flowy white pants, and white ballet flats.

“Lenny?” The woman appeared to be shocked.

“No, I'm here daughter. You knew my mother?”

“I was her maid of honor.” She smiled, softly. “You look exactly like her.”

“Thank you.” She looked at the ground. “Are you Carlisle's wife then?”

“Yes. I'm Esme Cullen.” It was such a pretty name.

“My mother has put me in his care.”

“She didn't come with you?”

“No.” She didn't care to elaborate.

“Come in.” The woman grabbed her suitcases with one hand and guided her into the living room, which was decorated in white. “Carlisle is at work and won't be back until late. However, our children will be home in a few hours.”

“Alright.” They sat across from each other.

“It is amazing how much you look like Lenny.”

“Thank you.” It was the same thing her father use to tell her every night before she went to sleep.

“You must be exhausted from your trip.”

“No, I'm fine.” There was something about Esme.

“Would you like something to eat?”

“No, thank you. I'll just wait here for Carlisle. I don't want to be a bother.”

“You're no bother dear. I'll take your things up to your room.”

“My room?”

“You'll need a room if you're going to be staying here.”

“How are you so sure that he will allow me to stay?”

“Because all lost creatures are welcome in our home, sweetie.”

“But I am not lost.”

“You were, until you showed up here.”


“I'm going to need a name if you're going to attend school with the others.”

“I'm sorry. I didn't introduce myself. I am Serenity.”

“It's lovely to meet you, Serenity. Welcome to my family.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well I finally finished the third chapter and I'm still hoping you enjoyed it. I hope it isn't sounding completely cliché, but at least my pairing won't be.