Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Into Your Arms ❯ Moon On A Mission ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Moving Into Your Arms
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon. If I did then I wouldn't be writing this. Naoko Takeuchi owns Sailor Moon.Chapter 3- Moon On A Mission
Tomorrow finally came and Usagi and Rei found themselves walking on the planet they used to inhabit.
“How does it feel to be back on Earth Usagi?”
“It feels weird Rei. I mean it’s cool to walk the Earth as a dead person but it’s strange. How does it feel for you?”
“It’s weird for me too. I know it has only been a year but it feels like we have been away for so much longer.”
The two girls saw the park not too far from them.
“There’s the park Rei. Remember all of the good times we shared there?”
“I do. We had so many picnics there.” Rei then pointed to a tree. “And there is where we had our first kiss.”
“It really was peacefully wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, it was Usagi.”
Usagi walked over to a nearby swing and sat in it. Rei instinctively got behind her and started to push. Even with nights like the one they had just hours ago, they never lost their inner innocence. Rei spent the next few minutes pushing Usagi before seeing a group of familiar faces. Usagi caught notice of them too.
“Hey look it’s the Outers!” Usagi said as she saw Haruka and Michiru. The couple was watching Hotaru play on the slide with a pink-haired girl.
“….And Chibiusa? How is she still here?” Usagi asked Rei.
Rei appeared just as confused. “Beats me. She’s your daughter technically. Maybe you are revived in the future somehow and you and Mamoru…..”
“No Rei. Don’t even joke like that.” Usagi said with a serious tone. Rei could tell she struck a nerve with Usagi.
“Sorry princess.”
“It’s okay. Earth isn’t my home anymore. My home is with you.”
“Then how do you explain Chibiusa?”
“I don’t know. Perhaps Haruka and Michiru would know.”
Usagi hopped off the swing and went with Rei to see the couple. They stood behind them as they spoke.
“Don’t you just love days like this Haruka?”
“Yeah. Hotaru and Chibiusa are adorable when they play together. I just wish that the kitten and Rei were here to see them Michiru.”
“Chibiusa is taking her mother’s passing relatively well.”
“She has always been very mature. She has seen a lot of things that no child should see. I wonder how she is still alive if her mother died in the past though. I wish Setsuna wouldn’t keep it a secret from us.”
“Even if Usagi was alive how would Chibiusa be here since she chose Rei over Mamoru?”
“You have a point Michiru. I still wouldn’t have a clue. At any rate, at least Hotaru is there to help her through the rough patches, but for now let’s just focus on this beautiful day Michiru.”
As Michiru wrapped herself around her lover Rei and Usagi left them to be alone.
“So the Outers don’t even know how she’s still here? Why would Setsuna not tell them Rei?”
“I don’t know but she is right there.” Rei said looking at Setsuna sitting on a bench.
Usagi and Rei walked towards Setsuna and sat on both ends of her. Usagi started to wave her hand in front of the senshi’s face. Setsuna did not budge.
“Usagi will you stop?” Rei asked a bit agitated.
“But it’s fun. She can’t see us anyways.” The blonde continued having fun at Setsuna’s expense until she felt a hand grab her wrist. That hand did not belong to Rei.
“Usagi I can see you.” Setsuna said smiling.
“GAAH!” Usagi yelped scaring Rei in the process. “But….how?”
“I rule the gates of time. There’s not much I don’t know.”
“True. I should have known that.” Usagi said.
“Setsuna why haven’t you told the Outers how Chibiusa is still here?” Rei asked.
Setsuna paused for a moment. “Everything will be explained in time.”
The girls looked confused by her statement. However, Setsuna continued.
“You two came here to see Minako and Mamoru. They are sitting down at the arcade right now.”
“To the arcade it is then. Thanks Setsuna!” Usagi said before she and Rei left.
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“The arcade is just across the street but the traffic is a little congested so be careful Usagi.”
“Be careful? What is going to happen to us if we don’t? Will we die?” Usagi said in a joking manner. She challenged Rei’s suggestion by walking out in front of a bus.
“USAGI YOU BAKA!” Rei screamed.
The bus just went right through the blonde. Usagi stood there smiling. “Your turn.”
“You are going to give me a heart attack Usagi.”
“Come on Rei! Step into the road with me.”
Usagi could see the fear in Rei’s eyes even though she tried to hide it. Rei had not gotten completely used to being dead yet so her mindset was still that of a physical human’s. Usagi stopped her mocking and extended a hand out to her.
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you Rei.”
Rei trusted her lover as she made her way across through all the traffic, grabbing on to Usagi’s hand.
“See Rei? I told you I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you.” Usagi pointed to a window where their friends were sitting. “And Mamoru and Minako are just over there. “I bet we can even run right through the wall to see to them.”
“Usagi I wouldn’t do that.”
“Nonsense Rei. Did you not see the cars pass through us? I’ll race you.”
“Usagi wait!”
Usagi groaned with her face and body pressed against the wall.
“Ow….of course that would happen!”
Rei peeled her lover from the building. “Do you want to use the door now?”
“Yeah I think that would be the better option.”
The two girls went in and sat beside Minako and Mamoru and listened to their conversation.
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“So Mamoru, do you have a certain love interest in your life right now?”
Mamoru smiled. “Why yes I do Mina.”
“Who is the lucky lady?”
“She’s actually a good friend of mine.”
“Have you told her how you felt?”
“Nah she wouldn’t be interested in me. How about yourself? Do you have a special guy in your life right now?”
“Well yes and no. There is a guy I’m interested in but he is off-limits so I’m looking for someone else who could be that special guy. You would think I wouldn’t have this problem being the Goddess of Love but I just haven’t found the right guy yet.”
“You will find the right person Mina.”
“And how do you know that?”
“Because you are “Mina”. You are one in a million. Any guy would be privileged to have you.”
“Awww stop it Mamoru you are going to make me blush.”
“It’s true.”
“Well I do have a date tonight. We are going to meet up outside here actually.”
“Oh yeah? He could be that special guy.”
“He could be but I’m not banking on it. I met him through a distant cousin so I have no clue what he will be like. I’m a little nervous though. Maybe you could hang out in the arcade and spot me just to make sure everything goes well?
“Sure Mina. What time should I be here?”
“He should be here at 8:00 p.m.”
“Okay then 8:00 pm. it is then.”
Minako rose from her seat. “Great! I will see you then Mamoru. I should start getting ready. I only have a few hours before 8:00 p.m. gets here.”
“Alright. I will see you then Minako.”
As Minako walked away Mamoru’s face turned into a sad expression. He let out a huge sigh.
“I wish I was your special guy Mina.” Mamoru said to himself as he got up and walked away as well.
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“Yes Usagi?”
“I don’t need supernatural powers to see that Mina is into him just like he is into her and is just hiding behind other guys so she won’t have to deal with her feelings.”
“Neither do I Usagi.”
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking Rei?”
“That we should go on a “date” here at 8:00 p.m.?”
“Yup. I say we bring these two lovebirds together.”
“And how do you suppose we do that Usagi?”
“I have no clue but we will find a way.”
“I can tell you are starting to rub off on me Usagi. Normally I would be against this but it’s for Mina and Mamoru so why not?”
“Now that’s the spirit Rei….pun intended. For Mina and Mamoru!”
Rei smiled. “For Mina and Mamoru.”
End of chapter 3
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Author Notes:
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