Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ MST of Michiru and Future is Now ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


and "The Future is Now"

Two Sailor Moon Original flavor Lemon MSTings

By: M.H. Torringjan

Original fics by: SuperSaiyanGokuEx and Starburst560, respectively

Well, it's been a while since I've MSTed anything, and I thought that I should get back into the swing of things. Just kinda' liked the idea of a Sailor Moon lemon for starters, then I'd move along to finishing off "Adamayham" (you know, that thing that I started way back when and stopped at the next to last part?).

Well, first off, I don't own these fanfics, nor did I write them. Those honors belong to Starburst560 and SuperSaiyanGokuEx. I've got my own fics, so why would I want anyone else's? Also, I don't own Pokemon. That's Nintendo and Game Freaks. I don't own MST3K. That's Best Brains, and it was created by Joel Hodgeson. Any of the other products mentioned throughout the course of this MSTing are not owned by me, but by their respective creators (unless, of course, I do an invention exchange). Michelle was my idea. Should anyone happen to want to use her, ask me. I probably won't care. Now, if that's it, then I'll get on with it.

By the way, these stories contain sexual content which probably isn't appropriate for anyone under the age of 17. Sure, you won't listen, but you shouldn't be reading it. ;-)

In the not-too distant future,

Next Sunday A.D.

There were some bitchin' trainers,

Pokemon trainers to you and me.

They wandered 'round the world to become the best,

Trying to beat out all the rest,

They did well for a while,

But then they lost one little battle

And were shot into space

(Ash: Pi-ka-chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!)

We'll send them crapy fanfics,

The worst we can find(la, la, la!)

They'll have to sit and watch them all

And we'll monitor their minds.(la, la, la!)

Now keep in mind Ash can't control when the fanfics begin and end

He'll try to keep his sanity with the help of his trainer friends!

(Poke roll call!)


(We're on!)


(Splish, splash!)


(I'm not a trainer)


(I'm back!)

If you're wondering how they eat and breathe and other science facts,

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a fanfic

I should really just relax!"

For Mystery Pokemon Theatre 3000!(TWAAAANG!)

Reverse door sequence

The door to the bridge opens, revealing Brock fiddling aroung with the large machine from a while back that was supposed to be a primitive Pokemon Trading machine. As he turns a screw inside, a small explosion issues from the far side of the machine.

"Aww, great, there go those messed up stamps!" Brock exclaims, tapping the inside with a hammer.

"Hey, Brock, what was that I just heard?" Ash asks, walking in from the kitchen.

"Nothing, really," Brock says. "Just a minor setback."

"You know, Brock, that's the thirteenth 'minor setback' in the past five months," Ash says. "Have you ever thought of going into tech support?"

"Hey, this is an art, man!" Brock exclaims.

"The same way that making a ham and cheese sandwich is an art?" Ash asks.

"Hey, don't pick on ham and cheese sandwiches!" Brock exclaims.

"Are we ever going to get back our own Pokemon, Brock?"

"Yes, I just need some time," Brock replies.

"We've given you a year and a half. I'd say that's enough time to trade the world's population of Pokemon," Ash says. Misty and Michelle rush in, hearing the argument.

"What's going on, guys?" Michelle asks.

"Mister Monkey Wrench here just made something else blow up," Ash exclaims.

"Brock, when are you going give in and get a real technician to fix that thing?" Misty asks.

"When my bones are rotting in the incinerator!" Brock exclaims. All three trainers burst out into an argument.

"Well, we don't have to take it that far, I think," Michelle says. The red Mads light starts flashing, and Michelle presses the button.

Deep 251

"Hello, boopies! Are you ready for- Oh, good! Fight all you want and up the ratings!" Jesse exclaimed.

"What do you mean, up the ratings?" Michelle asked over the others.

"I've been talking to the network execs at Fox, and we're in negotiations for their next reality TV show," Jesse says.

"A reality TV show on the Satellite? Who'll be in it?" Michelle asks nervously.

"Why, you, of course! What, did you think that we could afford to send other real people up there with you? We don't get *that* much funding," Jesse replies. "Now, we've got to get a pilot together to show to the execs, and you're going to help us out! Or else. Got it?"

"And what if we don't want to?" Michelle asks. A laser beam shoots from the ceiling, singeing the floor beside her. "Okay, okay, we'll do it." The others are still arguing in the background. James walks up beside Michelle, wearing a blue two-piece suit emblazoned with "R" in orange across his chest. "You guys really need to work on your fashion sense," Michelle comments.

"All right, Michelle, the idea here is that there has been a murder on the Satellite, and you and the others have to figure out who the killer was while trying to marry or have sex with one of the others and survive on nuts and berries, provided by Squirrelly Nuts, Inc," James explains.

"Now, we don't have enough people each week to throw one off per week, so each week, one of you will be picked to have a limb amputated on camera," Jesse says.

A close up of Ash: "You know, I wouldn't object to Brock so much if he wasn't so pushy. I mean, he has good intentions, sure, but he can't do sh<beep> right. I doubt that our relationship will work out. And the fact that he's missing both his hands doesn't help, either."

"Ummm, what the heck was that?" Michelle asks.

"Close-ups of the characters to add depth to their personalities," James explains.

"But Ash never said that," Michelle says.

"Well, not really, but it did sound nice, didn't it?" James says. "Now, you'll have two hours to study your scripts and know them by heart. We're on a very strict schedule here, so don't complain and do work." James walks away again.

"Jesse, how did he get up here?" Michelle asks.

"Magic, now stop asking questions!" Jesse exclaims. "Meowth, bring in our invention!"

Meowth walks in, pushing a small cart with a small vial of brown liquid in it.

"Evolutionary biology is a hotbed of research opportunities in this day and time, but who has the time to wait around for painstakingly accurate DNA replication to screw up and produce something of interest? Well, our invention this week solves the whole problem of waiting around days, weeks, even millennia, for evolution to happen. We like to call it 'Insta-Evolve!' It's simple to use and fun to experiment with! Fun for all the family! Just one drop on the specimen, and one of billions of potential evolutionary mutations will occur immediately in front of your eyes!"

Meowth walks over to Jesse and poses for the camera. "Are you sure about this, Jesse? I remember what happened with the first trial-" Jesse drips three drops on Meowth, who instantly springs two extra limbs and his hair turns orange with purple polka dots.

"Wow, what a change!" Jesse says. "Now, this is what Meowth may look like about three hundred thousand years in the future, depending on the environmental pressure and other natural selection pressures. Plus none of the fuss or muss of selective breeding in the lab, mediated diets, or vitamin pills! Now, James, get this specimen to the lab for dissection!"

"About as subtle as a Boeing 747," Michelle comments. She takes a moment to break up the fight before continuing. "We actually worked on a completely different line this time. We thought up a way for college students to get to class on time and not have to run through people or knock over mailboxes. It's the Transparentographier!" Michelle holds up a small watch-like device and straps it on her wrist. "It's easy! All you do is strap it on your wrist and press a button!" Michelle demonstrates, and becomes translucent before the camera. She walks on a collision course with Brock and passes clean through him. "We're really close to developing a car adaptor so that you can park your car wherever!"

"There's only one problem with it," Brock says. "You can't walk through other transparent things. It's like coming up against a solid. So it would basically only double parking and housing capacities at colleges."

"But later on, we can come out with a second line that would let you go through the first line and solid things. That'd triple it!" Ash exclaims.

"Yeah, but we could go on forever like that, and it wouldn't do us any good, really," Michelle says. "And you know, now that I think about it, this isn't really a good thing. It would separate society into strata of transparent and nontransparent. The ghosts would rule the normal people, being favored for their space-saving capabilities. You know, this wasn't a very good idea after all." She slams the device on the desktop, sending a spray of gears and springs across the room. A small explosion afterward leaves a smoldering pile of some probably radioactive material in the middle of the room. Michelle and the others are backed up against the wall, trying to avoid the pile of waste.

"Darn!" Jesse exclaims. "Michelle, why don't you just go on and come to the dark side? Please? Just a bit? I'll be your friend!" She pauses for a moment. "All right, then don't! See if I care! We've got a fun little piece of Sailor Moon heart from the archives for you today, one received just recently! 'Michiru' by SuperSaiyanGokuEx and 'The Future is Now' by Starburst560. I hope you enjoy your double feature, now get in that theater!"

A close-up of Michelle: "I wonder what Jesse and James would look like with some of that Insta-Evolution dripped on them..." The sirens and claxons sound, telling them to get into the theater. "Maybe I should press the button to let us in."

Door 6: A solid wall. A short, gray guy points at it to make a hole in it.

Door 5: A chest of drawers. You open the top drawer and climb down into it.

Door 4: A drawbridge. It falls, missing your feet by a few inches.

Door 3: A wall of fire. You get Squirtle to put it out.

Door 2: A large hand. All of the fingers fold into a fist to punch through door 1.5 (the sheet of paper)

Door 1: A vault door. You turn the handle and it swings open easily.

The group takes its seats in the normal places. "You know, we could have gotten out of here if you hadn't destroyed that Transparentographier," Ash comments. Michelle stops to think and slaps herself hard repeatedly...

>"The Future is Now" by Starburst560

Brock: The fourth installation of the "Back to the Future" series.

Misty: Starring Michael J. Fox as his own one-year-old son!

Ash: And Christopher Lloyd as Professor Plum by popular demand.

> Warning: This story contains depictions of sexual content which should not

>be viewed by minors. If you under 18 years of age stop reading this story


Michelle: (Starburst) Or I will come to your houses and beat the crap out of you. Did you see "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back"? That's nothing!

>Also, I do not own the characters in this story or any part of the

>Sailor Moon franchise. I make no money from this story or any other story I


Misty: Of course you don't! It's the Internet! How could people make money off the Internet?

> Note: I am using the North American names for the characters.

Ash: Boy Scout jokes at the ready, sir ma'am sir?

Michelle: No, lieutenant, stand down.

> ____________________________________________

Michelle: (singing) Any fic of mine better walk the line...

Brock: Not the most topical joke, is it?

Michelle: Would you rather I made a stale "First Contact" riff?

> Taking a deep breath Greg strode towards the large white house with

>aquamarine trim that was just down the block.

Misty: (Greg) Okay, Brittney Spears said she'd be waiting right here for me, but I just know she's going to turn me down!

>Inside his chest he could feel

>his heart pounding faster and faster.

Ash: (Greg) Short... of breath! Pain in... left arm! Can't go on... describing symptoms much longer!

Michelle: Man, Greg, you need to get out more! It's just down the block!

>At times the pounding was so strong

>that he felt light headed and weak in the knees.

Brock: Well, gosh! That'll teach you to sneak out of the medical ward while under medication!

>"Well, I guess this is the

>moment of truth," thought Greg as he prepared to ring the doorbell. "Legs,

>don't fail me now."

Brock: Hey, that line's not due until later in the fic!

Michelle: Brock...

>Hesitating a moment to compose himself, Greg finally

>took the plunge and rang the bell, signaling his arrival.


Michelle: It was when a three-hundred pound, seven-foot tall man answered the door that he remembered that Amy lived in an apartment...

Brock: (Greg) Sorry, sir, just practicing!

> After what felt like a eternity to Greg, but which was actually only a

>matter of a few seconds, the door opened and a woman in her late thirties

>appeared to greet him.

Misty: (Greg) Man, Amy, you got real old, real fast!

Ash: (Mercury) Thanks to the magic of TV!

>"So, you're the nice young man Ami told me about.

>Come on in."

Misty: (Mrs. Anderson) I swear, if you EVER touch my daughter, you'll leave here less some genitalia! Oh! I mean, so, how's school going?

Ash: Yeah, really American names there...

> Following Ms. Anderson into the living room Greg noticed how uniform and

>clean the living room was. Everything about it was orderly and radiated

>Ami's presence.

Ash: Actually, that's their part-time housekeeper. I don't think you've met.

Brock: And what really tipped him off was that she had carved her name into everything in the room.

>Every book dusted and neatly stacked, not only

>alphabetically but topically as well. All the furniture was made of a soft,

>pliable foam which gave at the slightest touch.

Michelle: (Mrs. Anderson) Yeah, that stuff's really cool, ain't it? Got it for free from the hospital dumpster about a week ago! Still kinda' smells, though...

>Yet despite the room's

>welcoming appearance it also gave off an unmistakable aura of confidence

>which seemed to emanate from every fixture and wall.

Michelle: What is this guy, Ayn Rand reincarnated?

Ash: Quick, warn Bill Gates! Get Bun-bun in here, now!

>This house was

>definitely run by people who knew what they wanted in life.

Brock: And they wanted... WAFFLES!!!

Michelle: Food of the gods...

> As Greg studied his surroundings with great interest he heard a soft

>chuckle of laughter coming from behind him. Turning around he saw Ami

>wearing a soft green cashmere sweater and trying to control her amusement.

Ash: (Amy) I'm sorry, you just look like a total phebe standing there!

Michelle: (Amy) I was just thinking about Sluggy this morning. Man, that Zoe!

>"I thought you came here to see me Greg, but I'm sure I can work something

>out with the couch if you two want to get together."

Brock: (Greg) Actually, I'm more interested in that side table over there! Think you can hook me up?

>"Very funny Ami,"

>muttered Greg. "I'm kidding," said Ami. "But it does seem as though you're

>thoroughly enchanted by the living room."

Michelle: (singing) Some enchanted evening, you may meet a love seat...

Ash: (Amy) Mom, have you been playing around with the gaseous LSD again?

>Making his face very serious Greg

>turned around and, pulling very close, said, "That's not the only thing

>which is enchanting me."

Misty: (Greg) I can't stop thinking about the kitchen, either!

Brock: (Mrs. Anderson) I'm still here, I'm just going to look away for a minute.

>Seeing the look on his face Ami began to blush a

>deep crimson and turn away, obviously embarrassed. But before anymore could

>be said Ms. Anderson appeared.

Ash: Poof! It's magic!

Michelle: I believe the appropriate term would be "apparated."

Misty: Does she have a license for that? Quick, call Cornelius Fudge!

> "As you know I'll be away for a few days. Now you just make sure that all

>the doors are locked and see to it that Serena doesn't come over while I'm

>gone. I haven't forgotten what she did to the hall carpet.

Michelle: (Mrs. Anderson) Bad Serena! Amy, where's my newspaper? I thought you had paper-trained her!

Misty: (Mrs. Anderson) I didn't even know you could hock a loogie that big in one- I just can't finish...

>I'll call you as

>soon as I get checked into my hotel room. You take care. By the way, it was

>nice meeting you Greg."

Ash: (Mrs. Anderson) And remember, no having promiscuous unprotected sex in the upstairs bedroom after going to dinner wearing a sexy dress and not paying for dinner!

Michelle: (Amy) But if we pay for dinner, it's okay, right?

Ash: (Mrs. Anderson) Well, I suppose, but you're pushing it with this guy.

>And with that she shut the door and was off.

> "Well, Ami. What do you suggest we do tonight?" said Greg as he watched the

>taxi pull away from the house.

Michelle: (Amy) How about we have promiscuous unprotected sex in the upstairs bedroom after going to dinner with me wearing a sexy dress?

Misty: (Greg) Can I wear the dress?

Brock: <shudder>

>"I know a restaurant in town which serves an

>excellent assortment of soups. Would that be alright?" "Absolutely." "Well,

>then. Give me a few minutes to get ready and we'll go."

Brock: (Amy) Now, where's my whip and fuzzy pink handcuffs...?

Michelle: Wait, I thought those were Lita's...

>As Ami leapt up the

>stairs to change Greg reflected on how lucky he was to have a girlfriend as

>smart and compassionate as Ami.

Ash: And he was sure damn glad that it wasn't Amy. I mean, really!

Michelle: (Greg) And she sure is lucky to have the perfect example of manliness, myself.

>"And now that I think about it, she isn't

>too hard on the eyes either." mused Greg.

Misty: (Greg) Now, the checkbook, that's a completely different story!

Ash: Greg, muse of really weird couplets.

Michelle: There once was a man from Malaysia...

> After about ten minutes Greg looked up to see Ami stepping down the stairs.

>The sight almost took his breath away.

Ash: (Greg) You know, the idea was that you were going to be coming down with *clothes on,* Amy.

Michelle: (Amy) Shh! Don't argue semantics!

>When she had said she wanted to get

>ready he had thought she meant get some shoes or perhaps comb her hair. He

>certainly hadn't expected what he now saw before him.

Brock: (Greg) What does a Donald Duck costume have to do with our date tonight?

Misty: (Amy) Uhhh, ambiance?

>Ami was absolutely

>gorgeous. She was wearing a black strapless gown that hugged her curves as

>well as showing off a bit of cleavage.

Ash: (Greg) Amy, what are you doing with a dinner knife in your shoulder?

Misty: (Amy) I'm doing an experiment on male arousal. Does this much cleavage turn you on?

Brock: (Greg) No.

Misty: (Amy) How about this?

Brock: (Greg) Not quite.

Misty: (Amy) What about now?

Brock: (Greg) Wait, that's too much! Back up a bit!

>This certainly wasn't the Ami Greg

>had met a few months earlier but as he took her all in he didn't see any

>reason to complain.

Ash: Until he looked closely at her neck.

Michelle: (Greg) Amy, does that tattoo say "Die, Greg, die?"

Misty: (Amy) No, Greg, that's Latin!

> " look fabulous," said Greg. "Thank you," said Ami smiling

>demurely. As he looked at Ami he felt the butterflies that had been in his

>stomach earlier replaced by a completely new sensation.

Brock: He had to play some racquetball *immediately*!

Misty: Look, if he's a psychic, couldn't he at least use it to his advantage?

Brock: (Greg) Hey, baby, I can see the future, and it's you and me in bed. Want to make the future now?

Michelle: *Real* suave...

>It was a burning

>heat that swelled up from his abdomen and flooded every part of his being.

Ash: Then, he realized he was standing over the furnace vent...

>It was desire and it was flooding over him with any intensity he had never

>felt before. This was going to be an interesting evening indeed.

Michelle: (Greg) Yeah! There's going to be a gunfight! And a car-chase! And a talking penguin!

> As they ate at the restaurant Greg was feeling a mix of raw desire and awe

>as he looked across the table at Ami.

Ash: (Greg) Man, look at that Caesar Salad!

Misty: Suddenly, Tuxedo Mask bursts into the room.

Brock: (Tux-boy) I'm here to save you, Merc- Where's the monster?

Misty: Ah, yes, his timing's always been a bit off...

>She was so stunning that it was hard

>to concentrate on having a rational conversation with her.

Michelle: (Greg) So, I like lettuce! Do you like lettuce?

Ash: (Greg) And how about them Yankees? God, I hate them!

>He would often

>feel his mind wandering off as he gazed over her form.

Misty: (Greg) Did I set the egg timer before I left?

>"Greg have you heard

>anything I told you tonight?" asked Ami.

Brock: (Greg) Not unless you've been saying, "I want to suck your ears" the whole time.

Ash: (Greg) Yeah, yeah, saving the world. Yada, yada, yada.

>"Not really," replied Greg

>sheepishly. "You're choice of attire is ,well, distracting me. I just

>haven't seen this side of you before Ami."

Misty: Just wait till she starts talking dirty quantum physics to you.

Brock: Look, Greg, I think it's obvious to most sentient beings that this isn't the real Amy.

Michelle: You don't mean...!

Brock: Yup. James's clones have gotten loose in other fanfics.

>"Well, that's because you're the

>only one I've ever shown it to. I even bought this dress just for you when I

>heard you were coming. I haven't ever felt this way about anyone before."

Misty: (Amy) Except for Leonardo DiCaprio. And Sean Connery. And Carrot Top.

Brock: (Amy) In fact, I don't really feel this way about you.

>"Neither have I," said Greg. "Come on let's get the check and get out of


Ash: (Amy) But we haven't gotten our food yet!

Michelle: (Greg) Which do you want: food or sex?

>"I'm with you on that one," said Ami.

> As Ami unlocked the door Greg felt that sense of nervousness begin to wash

>over him again.

Misty: And then, it finally dawned on him. "I'm not wearing any pants!"

Michelle: (Greg) Amy, why are we at the slaughterhouse?

>Once inside the house he and Ami settled down on the couch

>together. "I had a really good time tonight," said Greg.

Ash: (Greg) I guess Chuck E. Cheese's isn't too bad for a date after all!

Misty: (Amy) Did you have to tell them it was my birthday?

>"I did also," said

>Ami. Both of these usually intelligent and articulate people had begun to

>lose their ability to have any meaningful conversation.

Michelle: (Greg) And jello! I like jello, too! Orange jello!

Misty: And then they said goodbye and left. The end.

Michelle: So, what's on Raw?

>There was tension

>building and both of them could sense it. "Would you like to come upstairs?"

>asked Ami.

Brock: (Greg) I'd love to, but the tension seems to be holding me in place.

Misty: (Amy) Tension? I'm fine.

>Forcing all of his doubt down into the pit of his stomach Greg

>answered yes.

Brock: And then he got a good laugh at his own sense of humor.

> Once the door had closed behind them there was no turning back. They both

>knew what would happen now.

Michelle: They would play *Chutes and Ladders!*

Ash: (Greg) I thought you were bringing me here to show me your coin collection!

>"Ami," asked Greg. "Are you certain about this.

>Once this happens things will never be the same again."

Misty: (Greg) We might have to see each other more often than once every season!

Michelle: (Amy) Well, there' always the fanfics...

>"I don't want things

>to be the same," replied Ami. "I want to be free to be myself. I want to

>live for once, and not vicariously through books."

Brock: Oh, yeah, this is the clone all right...

Michelle: (Amy) And studying! I don't want to do that, either! Books suck!

Ash: Yeah! Intelligence is for dorks!

>Pausing for a moment Ami

>began to smile. " What I want is you." With those words Ami pulled Greg into

>a passionate kiss.

Misty: (Amy) Can I borrow fifty dollars?

Michelle: (Amy) No, wait! What I want is a Playstation 2!

> As they came together Greg began to tug at the sides of Ami's dress, slowly

>slipping the form fitting piece down her body until it pooled on the floor.

Ash: (Greg, grunting) God, why... did you... have to... get such a... tight dress?

>Seeing Ami now was even more of a shock for Greg as she hadn't been wearing

>a bra.

Misty: No, really! With a strapless dress?!

Ash: No, she had actually been wearing a toaster oven.

Michelle: (Amy) Thanks for taking that off. The toast was starting to burn!

>Gazing at her beautiful form Greg let out a sigh of appreciation and

>began to caress her firm breasts.

Brock: (Greg) Oh, baby, you cook such good chicken!

Michelle: (Amy) Wait, I can't cook! Lita?!

Misty: (Lita) Amy?!

Michelle: (Amy) Greg?!

Ash: (Greg) Amy?!

Brock: (Frank) Rocky!

Ash: Take two!

Michelle: (Amy) Lita?!

Misty: (Lita) Amy?!

Michelle: (Amy) Greg?!

Ash: (Greg) Amy?!

Brock: (Frank) Rocky!

>Slowly he began to take her hard nipples

>into his mouth, one at a time,

Michelle: Oh, come on! Be a man and *stretch* that mouth! Just *try* getting both at once!

Brock: You know, that'd hurt Amy more than him.

>as she began to moan and clutch his head even

>harder to her bosom.

Misty: Whoah! She's smothering him!

Ash: Yes, but what a way to go...

>As he made circles around her nipples her moans grew

>louder and suddenly peaked when he began to tug the turgid knobs of flesh

>between his teeth.

Misty: 'Scuze me? "Turgid knobs of flesh?" That's about as sexy as an ironing board.

> Smiling down at him Ami began to work his shirt free and soon he too was

>topless and moaning as well.

Brock: (Greg, moaning) Guh... the flashes forward...

>Going lower Ami unclasped Greg's belt and

>pulled down his dress pants. Seeing the look on his face she also pulled

>down his boxers and gazed appreciatively at his long cock

Misty: (Greg) Amy, what are you doing with that ruler?

Michelle: (Amy) Obligatory lemon fic measurement. Don't mind me...

>as it sprang free

>from the confines of his pants. Without warning she swallowed his swollen

>member much to his delight.

Brock: She *swallowed* it?! That wouldn't delight me.

Ash: That means she had to bite- OW!!! (covers crotch with hands)

>The warm confines of her mouth massaged his

>member making it harder than he had ever remembered it. It was now his turn

>to moan as she worked her tongue on the head of his penis making him cry


All: (singing) Oh, sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you!

Misty: (Greg) But why did it have to be *her*?! I wanted Cindy Crawford!

>Suddenly he gripped her head and began to fuck her mouth back and forth

>as the sensations overwhelmed him. Over and over she drew his swollen length

>in and out as his hips bucked to meet her warm cavity again and again.

Michelle: (Amy) Ow! Ow! Ow!

Ash: (Greg) You know, a dentist could fix that up right quick.


>however, it became too much and with a whimper he ejaculated into her throat

>in waves, coating her throat with semen.

Misty: This lemon scene's about as metaphorically challenged as a... Well, I'm not sure how metaphorically challenged it is.

Ash: How about "as metaphorically challenged as you?"

Misty: (slaps Ash)

Brock: At least it's not as bad as SPC: the Hentai Tales.

> Sitting up, Ami began to clean her mouth off and swallow what she could as

>Greg began to apologize for not warning her.

Michelle: But not in so many words.

Ash: Scenes from the third American Pie film.

Misty: In which many shallow people try to get it on *again* for no particular reason.

>None of that mattered though,

>as she pulled him down onto the bed.

Brock: ...and rolled him onto the floor.

Michelle: (Amy) Oh, give me a minute to put on my ICP album!

>The sensation of her nipples rubbing

>his bear chest

Misty: Really fuzzy...

Michelle: ...And Amylocks tried the third chest, and it was juuuuuuust right!

Brock: He puts the "GRRRR!" back in "swinger!"

>was an incredible turn on for her and she began to moan once


Ash: (Amy) Oh, Raye!

Brock: (Greg) You mean, "Greg," right?

Ash: (Amy) No, I mean Raye.

>Slowly Greg began to position his hard member at the opening to her


Michelle: Just want to remind you guys of the standard rule of no cat jokes (excepting Ranma/Shampoo fics).

>Taking her hand in his he pushed in with a single firm stroke

>obliterating her virginity.

Misty: (darkly) And her sanity!

Ash: Does anybody talk anymore?

Brock: Yada, yada, yada. Less talk, more sex!

>After the pain had subsided the two lovers began

>to come together as the sounds of grunts and his balls slapping against her

>ass filled the air.

Misty: Yes, the romantic sounds of anatomy slapping together.

Michelle: I think I'll pay attention to that vase of flowers on the side table.

Ash: Which one?

Michelle: That one. <pointing at the screen>

>Each stroke brought his hard cock in contact with her

>inflamed clit and this contact brought them both to new heights of pleasure.

Brock: I assume it's pointless to point out the irony of a Creed reference here.

Ash: Well, it's not *that* ironic...

>Greg marveled at how tight and wet she was. The feeling was an exquisite one

>to which he had nothing to compare.

Misty: Except for watching a new episode of Battlebots!

Michelle: And naked bungee jumping was pretty close, too!

>The soft feeling of her inner walls

>tugging on his cock drove him to the brink of insanity.

Ash: What's this automatic connection that lemon writers make with sex and insanity, anyway?

Michelle: Well, you'd have to be crazy to do a lot of things concerning lemons.

Brock: First off, some of these pairings.

Misty: Second of all, write them.

Michelle: Third of all, read them.

Misty: Fourth of all, post them.

Ash: Of course, that's not all of them...

>As for Ami the

>feeling of her inner walls being parted by his thick shaft was enough to

>make her cry out. And every time his member would collide with her clit she

>would cry out a bit louder.

Misty: Seems to me that there's some misunderstanding about human anatomy here...

Michelle: (singing) The shin bone's connected to the... neck bone...

>Their union was coming to its climax, though,

>and they both recognized it. Ami wrapped her legs around Greg's back and

>they began to frantically slam

Ash: ...The Thunderdome!

Brock: Come on! Can't we get... BEYOND THUNDERDOME?!

>into one another with Greg thrusting as hard

>as possible and Ami clenching her tight walls around his invading member.

Ash: Hey, didn't TV's Frank write some stuff for "Invading Member?"

Michelle: Something about that doesn't sound quite right...

>Finally they both gave out as Ami seized and squeezed his

Misty: ...Rubber chicken.

Brock: They make it sound like she's icing a cake!

Michelle: Brock! Eww!

>cock as hard as

>possible as torrents of his cum began to spray into her womb, jet after jet

Ash: ...Took off from Baltimore and touched down on Bourbon Street...

Misty: ...And Amy and Greg were on each and every one of 'em.

>striking her insides.

> Collapsing into one another's arms the two lovers held each other close.

Brock: And wished to dear god that Greg was Darien.

Ash: But remember, this isn't the real Amy. Clone, remember.

>They had always thought that it would take many more years to find true

>love. But as they lay together they realized that the future is now.

Ash: Hey, Amy! There goes Greg!

All: <looking around>

> ________________________________________________

Brock: (Starburst560) Now, just put your signature on this line, and I can send you fifteen copies of each of my fanfics for the next ten years at the low, low price of your soul!

Misty: Why would he want the reader's soul?

Brock: Oh, come on! What self-respecting person doesn't want to own someone else's soul?

> Thanks again to Jason Alcock of the Grey Archive who has taken the time to

>publish my works.

Misty: Ah, yes, the Grey Archive. Why doesn't it just change its name to Cannon Fodder, Inc.?

> Any questions, comments or criticisms can be sent to


> I hope you enjoyed the story. Thanks you for reading.

Ash: Just wondering, but what did this fanfic have to do with Sailor Moon?

Michelle: The names.

Ash: But really, besides that? They could have been called Mud and Baldiver Shagnasty, and it wouldn't really have mattered!

Misty: Okay, guys! One down, one to go!

>This lemon fanfiction is copyright SSGokuEX (c) 2001. For all comments and

>stuff, mail me at,

Misty: God, what a yahoo...

Michelle: Well, at least it isn't WebTV.

>and I can be reached on AIM at

>MajinDeathKnight, and MSN Instant Messenger at (I

>used a MSN passport, but it's valid.)

Ash: Never mind your passport. We want to see your green card!

Brock: I didn't know that MSN did green cards!

Michelle: What doesn't Microsoft do?

>My old computer has been down for a long

>time now, and so, I haven't been able to write ANY lemons until now. I

>apologize to my fans, whoever they may be.

Brock: Yeah, stupid computers. We'd all be better off without them!

Michelle: (Springy) No----o computers!

Misty: (SSGokuEX) Yeah, sorry I couldn't control the laws of physics.


>By SSGokuEX

Michelle: You know, I'm a bit in the dark here. Who's this fic about?

Ash: It's SSGokuEX's fault! He should have said in the title!

>Today, she was excited, for the first time in over a year, Michiru finally had

>a date.

Brock: Which one? September 18, 1507?

Ash: Maybe June 3, 53.

>He was a dashing young man barely over 21 and with blonde hair that

>fell just short of his neckline.

Michelle: And, for some odd reason, his name wasn't Haruka.

Misty: At least he doesn't change sexes at will.

Brock: (announcer) And the hair is stopped just short of the neck-line! There's just a few inches to go on fourth down, and they're going to go for it!

>His blue eyes were charming indeed, enough for

>her to summon up

Brock: A supremely evil demon from the pits of HELL!!!

>the courage to ask him out on a date, which he accepted.

Michelle: (guy) Sure, I'll go out with you to the strip bar!

Misty: (Michiru) I was asking about the symphony...


>the day came and she dressed up in a dark blue dress that was mildly plain,

Ash: I guess that's kind of like the "softly curved hips?"

Misty: So, it was only almost extravagant? What was that extra little bit missing?

Michelle: You know, Jennifer Lopez is the only one who can make mildly plain dresses work.


>was enough to show off a teasing view of her large sized breasts.

Brock: ...And her redundantly repeated point of view...

>Her seagreen

>hair was tied into a bun, which went with the two aquamarine earrings with a

>circular design.

Michelle: Then, to make the ensemble complete, she added her "I'm with stupid" T-shirt and her clown shoes.

>He arrived at 8:00 pm and knocked gently on Michiru's

>apartment door and waited for her to answer the door.

Misty: (Michiru) But the door didn't ask me anything!

Ash: (Michiru) Now, which door was I supposed to answer? Ummm, script?!

>After a short wait,

>Michiru appeared in front of the young man

All: <poof!>

Misty: She's a sorceress!

Brock: (Michiru) And now, let me pull a rabbit out of my dress!

Ash: (Rocky) Again?!

>and went inside his car, which was

>parked nearby.

Ash: (Michiru) Wow! How'd you get the car on the tenth floor of the building?!

Michelle: Oh, she's dating the nutty professor! The original one! The good one! The not-Eddie Murphy one!

Brock: (Jerry Lewis) Oh, lady!

>After eating a meal followed by wine and dancing, the man and Michiru found

>themselves parked on a cliff overlooking the city.

Ash: ...And driving over it. The end.

Michelle: So, what's on Raw?

>He placed his arm around her

>and held her tight.

All: A little TOO tight!

>A little TOO tight, she thought,

Ash: A little TOO predictable!

>but showed no objections

>when he placed his hand on her thigh and started moving his hands all over her


Michelle: Wow, he's got three hands! That's some nice make-up job, there!

Ash: And his other hand, he placed on the handle of the door, ready to make a break for it...

>and invading her every way he could with her clothes on.

Misty: (guy) How about a mind-meld, Michiru?!

>She started to

>scream but nobody could hear her

Michelle: Oh, they must have been in space!

Brock: (deep announcer) Michiru exploded in deep space!

> all the way up on the cliff. She closed her

>eyes hoping it would all end soon, but it was far from over.

Misty: Then came the snicker-snagging!

Brock: (guy) Now, I'm not touching you! Does this bug you? I'm not touching you! You gonna cry, baby?

>The man began

>taking off his clothes and started ripping Michiru's clothes off one handful at

>a time,

Ash: He started to, but then decided that he'd be better off watching the Mets game.

Misty: Look, can we just go ahead and give this guy a name? I'm sure it'd add to something or another in the story.

>and started to sport a large erection clearly meant for her. In a gruff

>voice, he said "Look bitch, you WILL give me some of that pussy,

Brock: Oscar, NOOOOO!!!

Michelle: Look, sure your fanfics were a big bunch of stink-burger bombs, but you don't have to do this!

Ash: (Oscar) I do be the ony waye for making all beter!

>or I'll kill

>you right here and now. And maybe just have my way with your corpse anyway!"

Brock: Oh, okay, it's Tom Cruise who's raping her! Thank you, Stanley Kubric...


>drew a large knife to emphasize his point.

Ash: (Michiru) That's not a knife! (pulls out a plastic spoon) This is a knife!

Brock: That's not a knife. It's a spoon.

Ash: Ah, I see you've played knifey-spoony before!

>A shadow fell over the two as she

>opened her eyes and stared at a form behind the rapist.

Michelle: (person) What's all this then?!

Misty: Oh, no! It's Superintendent Harry "Snapper" Organs as Sancho Panza!

Ash: (Michiru) Grandpa Hino, this is not the time to be a lech!

>The man turned to find

>somebody standing behind them, silent and unmoving. (Author's note: Think D

>from Vampire Hunter D and you've got it.)

Brock: (SSGokuEx) Ah, I don't really feel like writing. You're reading it! Use your imagination!

Ash: Doesn't help that we haven't seen Vampire Hunter D.

>The form lashed out and struck the would-be rapist in his stomach, then kicked

>him in his back crumpling him like an empty pack of cigarettes.

Misty: (Michiru) Why are you kicking around that empty pack of cigarettes? The rapist is over here.

Brock: Exactly when did Michiru become so helpless? I mean, sure, some women would be intimidated by this, but Michiru's seen ten times worse.

Ash: (Michiru) Oh, wait, that's right! I'm a superhero! *wham!* *smack!* *pow!*

>He finished him

>off with an uppercut to his jaw, which sent him sprawling over the trunk of his

>car, half naked and bloodied heavily.

Michelle: (Michiru) Well, hell! I could have done that myself!

Brock: (shadow) But I thought you were helpless and stuff! I was being all gallant and the like!

Michelle: (Michiru) Yeah, well, thanks anyway, but I'm not in the market. I've got a boyfriend who's twice the man you are.

Brock: And when that's Haruka, that's not saying much...

>The form then walked over to Michiru and

>drew a long cloak

Brock: What good is a bit of doodling going to do her?

Misty: They must be in one of those weird cartoons like "Duck Amuck!"

Ash: Can I draw an anvil? Please?!

Michelle: Probably wouldn't be for the better.

>and wrapped it around her and carried her weak body back to

>his home nearby. She managed a weak "Who are you?" before passing out on top of

>his shoulder.

All: (Sly) I'm your worst nightmare!

Michelle: (Guy) Actually, I'm just your State-farm representative. Do you need to claim anything?


>She awoke sometime in the morning inside the form's house as the morning rays

>covered her body

Misty: ...not half as well as some clothing would have.

Brock: And you point being?

Ash: "The form?" Is Plato being included as a co-writer?

Misty: Nah, he's in the Realm of the Forms.

Ash: Well then, he's got to know some way to write beyond the grave.

Michelle: Giving new meaning to the phrase, "ghost writer."

>in a warming glow. The man walked over to her half awake form

>and brought her some tea he made not too long ago. "My name is Alec."

Brock: (Michiru) Baldwin?! Man, talk about the right guy to get rescued by!

Misty: Great, a crossover with State and Main...

Ash: Ah, just as I thought! "Alec" is Romanian for "Take off your pants!"

>He said

>to Michiru, while she drank the tea. After waking up some more, she got a

>better glimpse at him and saw what she couldn't see at night;

Michelle: He was wearing a squirrel-skin coat.

Ash: (Michiru) No, really! Mud and twigs is in this year!

>a tall brown

>haired man about 23, with visible muscles and somewhat gentle eyes,

Brock: And a unit bigger than some of your major household appliances!

Michelle: <covers face with hands>

>but she

>knew that his eyes could go from gentle to steel edged in a heartbeat as shown

>with the events of the previous night.

Misty: (Michiru) Really, Alec, you do take bingo way too seriously.

Brock: (Alec) I swear, that old binty had to have been cheating!

>"What were you doing there?" she asked,

>with a curious tone of voice.

Brock: (Alec) Actually, I was making a movie about girls being raped. Happy coincidence, eh?

>"I heard you screaming and moved quickly." "Thank

>you for rescuing me, Alec." She said. "It was no problem, madam." Alec replied.

>"My name is Michiru, not madam." She said gracefully.

Misty: (Alec) Your name is what I say it is!

Brock: (Michiru) And if you have to call me anything, call me chickee-poo.

>He left the room leaving

>her to her thoughts.

Ash: (Michiru) So, how many licks *does* it take?

Brock: Well, I'm sure she'll be finding out soon.

Michelle: <slaps Brock> And you were doing so well, too...

>A few minutes later, he came back in holding a bathrobe and towels. "Michiru,

>these are for you. You look like a mess, a bath will do you wonders."

Ash: (Alec) A little bit of me will do you wonders, too!

Misty: <sighs>

Ash: Admit it, you were thinking the same thing.


>stated. She took them with a slightly indignant look on her face and a "Thank


Michelle: (Alec) No, *you're* welcome!

Misty: (Michiru) Imagine, him suggesting that I wouldn't look immaculate after being raped and almost assaulted! I'll leave such a soap-ring in his tub!

>"I'll be gone for the day, I'll see you tonight. While I'm out, I'll get

>you some clothes." Alec said before departing Michiru's room and the house


Ash: Wait, is Michiru's room the whole house?

Brock: The Taj Mahal it ain't...

>"I might as well since he's offered and all."

Michelle: (Michiru) After all, it was I who invited you!

Ash: (Michiru) Not like he'd have cameras set up in there for this very occasion...

>She thought to herself as she

>entered the nearby bathroom. After turning on the faucet, Michiru began to

>strip off her torn clothing,

Brock: I'm still trying to figure out if this is her usual morning...

Michelle: Topical enough joke?

Brock: I try my best.

>revealing her large breasts, small waist and round


Ash: Round where?

Misty: Round there!

Michelle: (singing) Round here!

Brock: Adam Duritz, no!

>She undid the bun on her head, letting her seagreen hair fall to her

>shoulders and climbed into the bathtub relaxing in the hot water letting her

>worries fade away.

Misty: (Michiru) Is that gas I smell? Ah, who cares?

Michelle: (Michiru) This doesn't feel like water in here, but who gives a darn?

Misty: (Michiru) My skin's being burnt from my body, but it's so comfortable...

>She began to think of Alec and his handsome looks and felt

>attracted to him and thought of how long he's lived alone with no contact with

>anybody until now.

Ash: Of course, this is just speculation on her part...

Misty: (Alec) What? Oh, yeah! Alone! Right! Could you take off your blouse? And make it quick. This girl who's not my wife won't be coming back soon.

>As she thought of him, her hands went lower and lower on her

>body until they reached her moderately wet pussy.

Michelle: I mean, gosh! It was almost like she was in a bath or something!

Brock: Need I make the Luna/Artemis reference?

Michelle: Not really, thank you.

Brock: Okay, then I'll just-

Michelle: And no Diana references, either!

>She moved her left hand up to

>her breasts and played with her nipples until they became bullet hard and

>poking through the water.

Misty: Oh, boy, one of those... Taking bets on how big Alec's penis is going to be.

Brock: Careful! You could put an eye out with one of those!

Ash: Zing!

>She then moved her right hand back to her yearning

>pussy and spread herself open like a flower

Misty: Except that, as far as I know, flowers don't usually masturbate.

Brock: Oh, come on! Her hand's supposed to represent the pollen floating down and- oh, wait, that's not right... Maybe it's supposed to be the bee... Or- Never mind...

>and inserted two fingers from her

>left hand and inserted them inside her.

Ash: And did I mention that she inserted them? I think it's worth mentioning again.

Michelle: Well, we've got the "very wet" part. Now, all we need is "very ready," and this is "Only 2000 Yen!"

>Michiru's eyes closed in pleasure as

>she pleasured herself with one hand on her breasts and one hand inside her. She

>shouted out a cry of pleasure as she reached her orgasm.

Michelle: RI-CO-LA!!!

Ash: (covers ears) Thanks, Michelle...

Brock: Yup! Definitely the usual morning...

>"I'm lucky Alec wasn't here, he would have been wondering what I was doing in

>his bathtub!" She said with a chuckle.

Misty: (Alec) But I've been standing here for the past five minutes. Should I join you?

>She got out and dried herself off with a

>longing for Alec to return. Michiru dressed herself in some spare clothes she

>found in one of Alec's baskets hoping he wouldn't mind until he returned with

>clothing for her.

Brock: (Alec) What? Clothing for you? Oh, sorry! All I could find was a bunch of Saran Wrap!

Misty: (Alec) I hope you don't mind, but all the clothing I brought is edible.

>She brushed her hair with a hairbrush lying on the bathroom

>counter, and grunted at some tangles in her hair. "Oooh, these tangles are SO


Michelle: (stares at the guys) Well?

Brock: I'm not saying a thing there. It's obvious enough as is.

>She stated with a grunt indicating she found yet another tangle in

>her beautiful hair. After finally brushing her hair, she went into the room

>Alec told her was hers

Ash: You know, the one with the heart-shaped bed and all the implements on the walls!

Misty: (Alec) By some coincidence, it's my room as well. Don't mind that there's only room for a single bed. I'm sure we'll make due.

Michelle: (Michiru) But what about your couch?

Misty: (Alec) Oh, you don't want to sleep on that.

Michelle: (Michiru) No, I want you to sleep on it.

>and waited until he returned.

>When he finally came home, it was dark outside and quiet.

Ash: The walls were covered with blood, and a carcass laid in the middle of the floor...

Michelle: (Michiru) I hope you don't mind, but I sacrificed a goat to Ba'al.

Brock: (Alec) Oh, great, not another one of these chicks! Third time this week!

>He walked in the door

>to find Michiru in the kitchen cooking dinner for him. "Think of it as a thanks

>for saving me." She said with a grin on her face. "Consider this part of it."

>She then closed her eyes and kissed him fully on the lips.

Misty; (Alec) Look, I appreciate it, but I like guys.

Michelle: (Michelle) What a coincidence! So do I!

>Alec wasn't sure how

>to respond, but he kissed back and hugged her until she broke away. "Easy

>there, Tiger."

Ash: (Alec) All right, Dragon...

Michelle: Sorry, we just felt that had to be said.

>She said with a wink. "Now come and eat, Alec." She led him to

>the table where a scrumptious meal was laid out for the two to consume.

Michelle: (Alec) What type of meat is this? It's delicious!

Brock: (Michiru) Oh, nothing important. Fried green tomatoes?


>eating, the two retired to their respective rooms and got into bed for


Ash: And they all lived happily ever after, the end.

Michelle: So, what's on Raw?

Misty: Wow! That was a heck of a lemon! Gods, but how about that sex scene?

Brock: Not quite, Misty.

>At the middle of the night, one of them stirred and went to the other's room.

Ash: Wow! The sharpness! So descriptive! It's almost like I'm there!

Brock: Where?

Ash: Somewhere or another.

>"Alec, can I sleep in your bed tonight?" Michiru asked hesitantly, hoping not

>to scare him. "You can, if you want to."

Misty: (Alec) But remember that little puppy Fluffy has to sleep between us, or else she gets scared and wets the bed!

>Alec replied, in a curious tone of

>voice. She got into his bed and wrapped herself under his blanket and asked him

>another question; "Will you hold me, please? I'm still scared of last night."

Michelle: (Michiru) I'm hoping another, cuter, nicer, more famous guy will come save me this time. Do you think it'll happen?

>He responded by holding her hand and embracing her until she dozed off to

>sleep, with him close behind her. Several days passed with her growing more and

>more attracted to Alec with each passing day.

Misty: (Michiru) Look, I really should be getting home sometime soon. My fifteen other boyfriends do start getting jealous after a while.

>She couldn't tell if he was even

>remotely interested in her with his emotionless face everyday.

Brock: It's not like the nightly hot sex gave her a clue.

Ash: Look, how many times must it be said? You cook for him, he will want to have sex with you! I thought it was a given!

>She couldn't

>even recall ever seeing him angry, happy, or sad. She only saw him in his

>emotionless as usual state.

Brock: Pretty soon, it turned from "Sugar-lumpkins, time for dinner!" to "Hey, Data! Come ingest nutrients!"

>Michiru decided to find out for herself whether or

>not Alec was interested.

>She waited until nightfall and Alec came into the living room surprised to see

>her waiting for him.

Ash: (Alec) Hey, Michiru! What's the gun for...?

Brock: He says it like she doesn't wait up for him every night wearing only small leaves that she found outside only moments before-hand.

>"Alec, I have something to tell you." She said, sitting

>down in a chair opposite of him.

Michelle: (Michiru) Look, I know this is confusing, but I'm really just a man. I know, you're thinking what about the sex? Well, it's long and complicated, and it involves many pulleys, levers, mirrors, and lights.

>"What is it, Michiru?" He asked patiently.

>"Alec, I..." She then broke down in tears, alarming him.

Misty: (Alec) Really, am I that disgusting? I'll just take my chiseled abs and ass you could snap a pool cue over somewhere else!

>"What's wrong, why are

>you crying?" She put her head in his chest as she confessed her love for him.

Brock: (Alec) I'm sorry, did you just say something? I can't hear narration, after all.

Michelle: (Michiru) I just loved you in Beetlejuice!

>"Do you love me too?" She asked. He replied; "I love you. I always have."

Ash: (Alec) As long as you continue cooking for me. Beyond that, there is NOTHING!


>tears of joy in her eyes, she kissed him on the lips and slid her tongue inside

>his mouth. "Alec...please, make love to me, I want you to...badly..." She said

>with her voice trailing off.

Ash: Damn! All this after four or five days of cooking for him?! Why can't I meet chicks like that?!

>Alec responded by picking her up and carrying her

>into his bedroom.

Michelle: Ah, yes! Lemon cliche number 31422233145779.7777! Carrying your partner into the bedroom!

>He laid her down on the bed and began to undress her slowly, one piece of

>clothing at a time.

Michelle: Ah, yes, all the fine, tautly written choreography of the strip-tease scene from Lita's Adventure applied to a twosome!

>He finally stripped her nude and took his own clothes off.

Ash: So, he took off her clothes and then he stripped her nude-

Misty: Naked!

Ash: Naked. Can she get any more undressed?

>"Lay on the bed, I want to pleasure you." Michiru said looking into his eyes.

Brock: (Alec) How could I refuse those large, giant, monstrous, bulbous, insect-like eyes?

>She then took his half erect cock into her hands and

Ash: -Twisted its neck, sending it to run around and around the room for a few minutes before falling over dead.

Michelle: Well, that's how we did it back on the farm!

>rubbed it until it was

>large and bulging with excitement. She stuck her tongue out

Michelle: (Michiru) Nya-nya-nya!

Brock: (Rei) Hey! You're stealing my shtick!

>and licked it until

>the head was shiny with her saliva covering it. She proceeded to suck on it,

Ash: Gods, that's got to be sour. I don't know how she can stand to do it...

Brock: 'cause it's a lemon and all...

>taking it all in and sometimes taking it all the way out. All the meanwhile,

>she took her right hand and placed it around his penis and created a vacuum

Misty: (announcer) Alec exploded in deep space!

Ash: Okay, that was an obscure and awkward reference.

>with her mouth and used her hand to masturbate him until he came into her


Misty: (Alec) Now, I've been shrunk to a size of two inches to do a documentary for TLC. There's the uvula!

>She swallowed his semen, darting her tongue out to lick up any drops

>still remaining on her mouth. "I'm not done yet."

Michelle: (Alec) I was done five minutes ago. Can I go sleep in your bed?

>She said with a grin as she

>went back to his cock and licked the rest of the come off.

Michelle: First person to even mention the words "taste" and "chicken" in the same sentence gets a swift kick in the ass. Understood?

>"Alec...I'm ready,

>put it inside me." Michiru asked with a look on her eyes that would melt the

>coldest of hearts.

Brock: Well, god! If she had just had sex with Kaguya, the whole movie would have been over in about ten minutes!

Ash: No, they can't take the easy way out...

>He kissed her on the lips and laid her onto the bed where he

>prepared to enter the untouched pussy of his love.

Michelle: (Michiru) Haruka, who?

Misty: (Alec) Who's Haruka?

Brock: (Michiru) Oh, just my soulmate. No one important. At the moment.

>"Please be gentle, it's my first time." She said in a soft voice. He nodded and

>pushed his rock hard cock inside her tight and wet pussy.

Misty: Ah, yes! Lemon cliche number 54399!

Brock: (Alec) But I thought you said that last night was your first time!

Ash: (Michiru) Believe me, it's magic.

>She grunted as she

>had a penis inside her for the first time. With tears of joy, she moved her

>hips, grinding her mound

Brock: Wow! Talk about a food fetish!

Misty: I guess Michiru really does feel like a nut!

>against his groin, in an indescribable rhythm that

>brought great pleasure to them both.

Ash: Wow! I didn't think we were getting a direct translation here!

Misty: He must not have the best Japanese-English dictionary at all...

>He pumped in more, finally breaking

>Michiru's hymen and causing blood to leak out. "Don't stop!" She cried out

>through clenched teeth.

Michelle: (Alec) Don't? Stop? Okay, then, I'll stop. So, the World Series is on!

>Nodding again, he continued, coming ever closer to

>orgasm. "Michiru, I'm going to come!" Alec said with a grunt.

Michelle: (Michiru) Oh, for god's sake, would you just leave once!

Misty: And never come back.

>He came deep

>inside her, and looked at her face, which now had a look of satisfaction and

>happiness on her.

Ash: So, having sex is like having a lobotomy?

Misty: Only with this guy, I think.

>They embraced as lovers and kissed under the light of a full

>moon. He was the first to speak; "Michiru, I have a question." In a curious

>voice, she responded; "What would it be?"

Brock: (Alec) Do you think the Steelers have a shot at the Super Bowl?

Michelle: (Alec) Why do you have to wait a half hour after eating to get in the water?

Ash: (Alec) How about this stuff, "I can't believe it's not butter!" Well, what the hell did you think it was?

Michelle: It's a lawn chair!

Ash: I know! I was expecting butter!

>He replied "What WERE you doing in my

>bathroom when I went to go get you clothes so far back?" With a nervous tone of

>voice, she replied; "I, was, uh, well...."

Misty: (Michiru) I was having an orgy with some of my friends in a pool of jello. Hope you don't mind the stain on the ceiling.

Michelle: Misty!

Misty: Sorry, just couldn't help it...

>She silenced the question with a

>long kiss on his mouth and a quick touch of his still erect penis. "I think you

>can figure out what I was doing." She said with a sly grin on her face.


Misty: Meanwhile, after she leaves...

Brock: (Alec) Thanks for taking that beating earlier, Tom! So, do it again Saturday?

Michelle: (Tom) Well, I suppose, but try not to hit so hard next time!

>The End.

>I finished this project at 4:18 PM on Thursday July 26, 2001.

Michelle: Did you know where your children were?

Brock: Now, really, what did that have to do with Sailor Moon at all? Besides that one of the characters was named Michiru? No battles, no one else from the series, not even a little transformation sequence to tide us over...

Ash: Come on, let's get out of here!

(All stand up to leave)

Reverse Door Sequence

On the bridge, a set of torches stand around the room, casting an eerie light on the desk and furniture. The four walk around in bewilderment for a while before James walked in, sporting more arms, a larger head, five eyes, four legs, and a tail about five feet long.

"Do I need to ask what happened, James?" Michelle says.

"Jesse's been playing with the Insta-Evolve," James replies. "It was all I could do to convince her not to dissect me so that I could come up here to take care of this stuff."

"Well, that's good. How's Meowth doing?" Misty asks.

"He's still recovering from the dissecting," James replies.

"Wait, recovering? From a dissecting?" Misty asks.

"Trust me, you don't want to know," James says. "It'd make your head explode."

"O-------kay. So, what's next on your trail to Reality TV?" Ash asks.

"Well, you've gone through the Endurance Test, the fics," James says. "You lost, by the way."

"How were we supposed to win?" Michelle asks.

"You had to develop a unified field theory," James replies. One of his arms pointed at Brock for no apparent reason.

"Well, that wouldn't be too difficult," Michelle says. "You just have to..."

"Whoahwhoahwhoahwhoah! It's too late for that! Now, you have to vote off one piece of somebody's body," James replies.

A close-up of Michelle: "I really hate the way that Brock's foot sits there all day, not doing a lick of work or trying to find the murderer. I mean, couldn't it at least lift a toe to build some sort of elaborate lever system to deliver water from Ethiopia to my bed-side? And it's no good at sex, either."

"Okay, now that's just silly," Michelle says. "I've never even looked at Brock's feet, let alone have sex with them."

"Yeah! I can attest to her never having sex with any part of me!" Brock says.

"Well, who cares?! Ratings!" James exclaims. "Look, it's time for the voting, so write down your votes on a piece of paper, and place them in this bowl." He holds up a metal kitchen mixing bowl.

"And what if we don't want to vote?" Michelle asks.

"Then, we'll just kill you. Look, someone's losing a limb today, no matter how you look at it," James says.

"Oh, all right," Ash says. The four pick up pieces of paper and write down stuff on them. They deposit the papers in the bowls, folded once. After all four have finished, James begins to read the results.

"James's fourth arm!"

"Meowth's tail!"

"Jesse's left hand!"

"And, Brock's foot!"

An awkward silence fell as everyone stared at Michelle. "Look, I didn't say that! Really! It wasn't me!" Ash simply grinned slyly. The mad's light began flashing through the darkness, and Michelle pushed the button.

"Well, we didn't get a definite vote, so we're just going to have to amputate some of James's extra arms," Jesse said. A cast that the others assumed to contain Meowth sat behind her on the desk. "Meowth, press the button!" Meowth rolled over onto the button.



Well, that finishes off this newest MSTing of mine! I sort of got caught up in writing fanfics, hence the length of time that it took to finish this MSTing. I'd like to thank SuperSaiyanGokuEx and Starburst560 for the permission to use their fics. Hope I didn't offend either of you, since this was all in good fun. I should be starting work on my next MSTing really soon, a co-MSTing with Craig "Black-Seventeen" Norris of "Tenchi Muyo! Meets Dragonball Z-GT." We saw that one and thought, again, "Hot puppies, grub!" I've been giving him a crash course, and he's doing pretty well so far. He even contributed a couple of riffs for this fic! Well, anyway, that'll just about do it for this MSTing, I'll be going now.

MST3K created by:

Joel Hodgeson

MST3K owned by:

Best Brains, Inc.

"The Future is Now" by:



"Michiru" by:



MSTing by:

M.H. Torringjan


>After a short wait,

>Michiru appeared in front of the young man and went inside his car, which was

>parked nearby.