Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ mutual attraction ❯ the arcade ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Darien's POV
He jumped up out of bed sweat drenched as he recalled the following night's dream. It had been about heragain! He sat up and swung his legs to the side of the bed. He put his face in his hand and sighed. Then, he looked at his alarm clock and jumped up in a hurry. He was going to be late for work! He ran to get some clothes from his closet and jumped in his shower. After, he ran out the door, and half way to work, he ran into something, or rather, someone.
He looked down and saw a young blond girl with silverish hair under him. He let out a groan, “Oh no, not you again, Odango Atama! Why is it that I always crash into you!”
Usagi's POV
As I ran to school hurriedly, I crashed into someone and fell on the sidewalk. I let out a whimper of pain and rubbed my forehead gingerly. I looked up and found the jerk staring at me in the face and cursing me. Why that jerk! He was the one that crashed into me today, and he was blaming me for it! That was sooooo… wrong! As usual, he was being an egotistical jerk, but I was getting tired of this and yelled back at him, “you know what, this isn't my problem, but you are wasting my time!” There was an awkward silence afterwards and I let out a disgusted sigh and left.
Darien's POV
She left me! Just standing all alone on the sidewalk! Hmmm…she must really hate my guts. Usually she's nice and bubbly to everyone, but to me, she's gets on my nerves. Man, what is wrong with me! I'm already late enough for work as it is, but all I'm doing here is standing and thinking about everyone's favorite Odango Atama! Oh well, I'm late enough for work as it is, but anyways, I've gotta go. But I am looking forward to Round II at the arcade today. Maybe I'm going to spice it up today…
-at school-
Normal POV
As Usagi ran in, late as usual, Ms. Haruna yelled, pissed, “You are lucky I have a hot date today, or otherwise, I'd be giving you a thirty minute detention!”
Usagi bowed her head respectfully and then turned around to giggle with Molly. She sighed, because the Winter formal was coming up and she had no one to go with. The school's most popular girl (aka World's biggest Bitch) came up to Usagi and all she could think was `why me!' She sighed and turned around with a fake smile “You need something, Beryl?”
Beryl leaned in and smiled slyly, “I heard that you don't have a date for the Winter formal, that's too bad. Me, my date is the hottest guy here!” She laughed maliciously, but to Usagi, it seemed like she was cackling. Usagi felt like she wanted to slap the smug smile off of Beryl's face, but decided instead to say,” I wouldn't count on it, because you may have the hottest guy here, but I'm bringing an even hotter date to the winter formal.” With that, Usagi smile grew wider and she got her books and left. As she passed by Allen, who was also a part of Beryl's group, he whispered to Usagi, “Good job!” He smiled her and turned his back before Beryl could notice.
But Ann did, and she hissed, “Just because you think you're so great, you are still considered the biggest ditz ever!” All Usagi did was smirk at her and kept walking out the door to freedom! As she was walking she felt sad and realized the extent of her words to Beryl, “Oh my gosh, I don't even have a date still, and I just told her that I was going to bring an even hotter guy? What was I thinking? Anyways, any guy that I'm going to bring, she's going to snag. It doesn't matter anyways. But the important thing is Darien, hmmm…”