Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ mutual attraction ❯ the awakening ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I sob sob don't own snif Sailor Moon. wail There. I've sob said it! Are snif snif you sadistic copyrighter sob fucking happy now? runs off crying hysterically
The youma simply jeered at her and lashed out with its twin swords. With the scent of charred flesh still lingering in her mind, she dodged. Knowing that it was risky, she decided to take the risk anyways. While dodging the youma, she silently brought out the crystal and it began to shine. Using it, she forged a sword with the crstal embedded in the hilt. But it wasn't just like any sword because there were other jewels, that made it shine and sparkle. The whole sword itself was like crystal. It's transparency make it seem to glow even more. It hummed with excitement, as Serena got ready to battle.
The youma, seeing her sword, decided to play with er a little. It danced in circles around her and warbled repeatedly in excitement, while taking random jabs around her. Serena had to concentrate carefully and remembered all the training Luna had taught her. Feeling the sword hum with energy, she almost laughed. She felt adrenaline rush through her as she parried with the youma. Before the youma could see her disappear, she slipped behind him and had the sword at his neck before he could say anything. She slit his throat wordlessly and moved onto the next youma, to give Jupiter a break.
The next youma, resembled a mermaid. Its tail and its gills shone with sparkling scales as it fought with Jupiter. I stood there for a moment watching the fight from the battle lines, but there didn't seem to be anything unique about this particular youma. But at that moment, it opened its mouth and a substance shot out. It was brown, with a hideous stench. It made her want to gag. Her eyes burned. The acid shot straight through the air aiming for Jupiter, who was desperately trying to get up. Her gloves were gone, and so were her boots. Most of her fuku were tattered and blackened. But before the acid could reach Jupiter, Serena ran and shoved Jupiter to the ground. The acid shot over the two. Panting, she examined Jupiter's face. Most of Jupiter's hair had been scorched away by acidic. Her right eye was swollen shut at the moment and bleeding. It seemed the acid had hit her eye. Serena was sure that it was only temporary blindness, because it was nothing that the crystal couldn't handle. Settling her hands over Jupiter's face she chanted softly in an ancient language. For a moment, Serena glowed a silvery color and looked ethereal. Darien saw this and almost gasped.
Her hair had turned silverish and her fuku was gone, and in place of that, she wore a white dress. Her eyes were starting to get hints of silver in them too. By now, she was glowing pink and silver. It's her! The princess! All this time, I've been searching for her, and she's been right in front of me! Why?! Why is she showing up now, and not before? Could it really be her? Darien watched her in awe as her transformation was completed. Her face had been slightly wisened. Gone was the baby face. But the pouty pink lips were still there. But the one thing that he noticed most was that her curves had filled out. Her legs were slimmer and longer. For some reason, she turned to him, and held out her hand to him.
He hesitantly reached for her hand, unsure. Surprised, he looked down at their joined hands. He felt like he was compete once again. Her hand was warm, just like the rest of her aura. But before he could open his mouth and say anything, She gave him a quick peck on the cheeks. She murmured hotly against his ear, “So we meet again, my dear Prince.”
Now, he felt sure that she was his princess because her scent was just like in his dream. He gave a quick sniff for some reassurance. She smelled of cinnamon, vanilla, and candy? Could this be Odango? He shook his head quickly to get rid of that unwanted thought. The last thing he needed was to get killed while thinking of that brat. But as he looked back at the princess, he saw her watching him expectantly. He knew what she wanted. Closing his eyes, and taking a deep breath while concentrating on her scent and delighting in the comfort of her presence, he felt his cape change to heavy armor. Gone was his cane, but a sword was there. In turn, he almost buckled under the weight of the armor, because he hadn't adjusted in time.
Now, he felt even more complete, because he didn't have to hide who he was anymore. Since, she was done healing Jupiter, she walked off, because she knew that Jupiter could wake up on her own. They walked off hand in hand. He squeezed hers to reassure her that everything was okay. But when she looked around her, all she felt was despair. She felt like she was drowning in it. She gingerly picked up her sword, where she had last left it. With a nod, they departed.
Darien unsheathed his sword and lunged at the youma that Mars was fighting with. With an impatient motion of his hand, he signaled her off the field. He continued to lunge at the youma, from its back, so that it was unaware of him. By the time it felt Darien's presence, it was too late. Darien had ran his sword through its body.
He pulled out his sword and glanced at it disgustedly. The youma's blood was black and its stench smelled like rotten eggs and rotting flesh. He hurriedly wiped the blood of the sword on the grass, and continued on his quest to help his princess.
Now serena, on the other hand, felt terrified because she almost felt like she didn't know what she was doing. She also didn't know who she was anymore. Her hands were bloody and bloodstained. Usually it was the senshi fighting, and all she had to do was finish the youma off. She bitterly laughed. Now she was the one who held their lives in her hands. Even though she was the princess, she felt reluctant about it and wanted to go about life as a normal teenager.
Walking by a youma without looking at it, she ran the sword though its body. She put on a colder and wiser façade as she walked on. Her friends were counting on her, and she wouldn't let them down this time.
Feeling poison darts apparate between her fingers, she smirked. Now for the finale. She threw them around the field, knowing that they would hit their intended targets. She didn't even need to check. But first, she had to get rid of the pests that had brought the youma in the first place. As she ran towards them, a youma suddenly appeared in the way. With a snarl, she thrust her hand at his neck and held him in a chokehold. She lifted him off the ground and snickered. “Who's the scared one now?” she murmured before snapping his neck.
Seeing that Prince Endymion had also finished his job as well, she waited patiently for him to appear by his side. Now, they walked calmly toward the demons that had been controlling the youma.
They were like alien like creatures with pointed ears like an elves. The female, had pink hair, with a couple blue streaks. The male, had blue hair with a couple of green streaks. But for the male however, she spent a moment longer checking him out. His physique was quite magnificent. She wondered who was more muscular, him or the Prince?
Darien growled for a moment as he noticed his princess giving the male freakish creature a once over. He tightened his grip on her hand slightly to give her a warning. She turned her face up at him and gave him a little pout.
Just like Odango, he thought amazedly. Her angelic pout was just like Odango's. Oh well, at the end of this fight, he would find out. HE narrowed his eyes at the back of her head. She would tell him, whether she liked it or not. It wasn't her place to question his authority.
Serena shivered slightly as she felt the Prince's eyes boring into the back of her head. But she knew that she had to keep her attention on the demons.
The female, jumped off the ledge that she had been sitting on, and sneered at her. “You think you're so good, huh? Well next time, we'll bring some more toys over, so you can have more fun. Lots of fun.” Her last words dripped with venom. When she caught a glimpse of darien however, her eyes widened. `Oh my…oh my…' she thought to herself wickedly. Now this one was a good piece on the eyes. Everything about this stranger seemed a mystery about him. He oozed charm, sensuality, masculinity, and power. He reeked of cockiness and coldness at the same time. She shivered deliciously at the thought.
The male grew angry at the female for looking at the male for so long. But it was the female in the white dress that had caught his eye. He watched her in awe. Her movements were graceful and the dress molded her body wonderfully. The dress moved along with her as she walked. She was walking over to him. When she was right in front of him, she stopped and tilted her head up at him with a curious look in her eyes.