Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ mutual attraction ❯ chp. 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer- Me no own. So you lawyers can kiss my ass.
If you people want one shots and lemons, go to my pen name is luciferangel. I don't have any one shots and lemons yet, but I'm starting on them right now! For now, enjoy and review! Thank-you!
Chp. 9
Just then, their communicators went off. Serena groaned and dropped her head on the table. Mina grinned, “Come on Serena, it's not that bad, it's our job.” Then her voice dropped to a conspirational whisper, “You know he's watching you right now, right? I can tell he wants you, and he wants you bad.” All the girls started to giggle and Serena shot Mina a glare. When Serena got up to leave, she felt someone land his hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Darien and scowled at him. He pushed her toward an alley and transformed along with her and brought her over the rooftops to the scouts. This time the youma were at the mall, stealing and sabatoging, while people were running around and screaming. But a fire caught their immediate attention. Mercury, Sailor Moon, and Tuxedo Mask went to rescue people and bring them out safely from the building. Mars, Jupiter, and Venus went to fight the youma.
Sailor Mercury subdued the flames while Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask carried the people out.
This time, there was only two youma, instead of many. The pink and blue aliens were still there and watching the fight amusedly from the air. Each time they heard someone scream, they laughed and cracked up from the human's antics.
When Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask, and Sailor Mercury had finished, they rushed to help the rest of the senshi.
When Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask got there, the blue alien sneered, “Well look if it isn't lover boy.” Then he turned to Sailor Moon, “you know, you can always ditch him for me.” The pink alien glared at the blue one, “Look cape boy, ditch moon girl for me. She can't even take one step without tripping. She's such a clutz.” As the two argued over Sailor Moon or Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask went to go help the senshi fight the youmas.
Mercury and Venus already had subdued the first youma and all Sailor Moon had to do was use her wand to eliminate it. The second youma, however, was much more powerful than the first one. Tuxedo Mask temporarily paralyzed it with a rose when it moved to attack Sailor Moon and he shouted at her to use her wand.
After the youma was eliminated, the senshi started to leave, but before they left, they gave a hesitating glance towards Sailor Moon. But Tuxedo Mask just motioned them to go and reassured that he was just going to talk to Sailor Moon.
A/N: okay, that is it for the chapter people! So how was it? R&R!