Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ mutual attraction ❯ The End ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: no I don't own Sailor Moon, so bugger off. Come to think of it, I've been broke lately so don't come knocking on my door to ask for money.
Chp. 12
The End
She woke up the next morning feeling happy and strangely elated. Today she had already made up her mind with determination. She would tell Darien how she really felt about him. Because he had already helped her during the winter formal, she had to fulfill her promise to him.
She went to the arcade and asked Andrew if he had seen Darien. But he had said that Darien had come for his usual morning coffee so me must have stayed home. She asked Andrew for Darien's apartment address and left.
On the way to his apartment, she saw Alan and Beryl. Alan sported a black eye and Beryl was a mess. Her eyes were puffy from crying and she croaked when she talked because of all the screaming she had done the night before. She hadn't combed her hair, which all the Senshi had taken turns pulling at the dance. She still wore the tattered dress and had bloody scratches all over.
Serena snickered at them and walked on. Reading the paper that Andrew had written the address on, she found Darien's apartment. “Sheesh, guys have so sloppy writing, that it looks like they can't even write. Guys are idiots.”
She walked up to the door and knocked on the door. On the third knock, her hand stopped in mid air because Darien had opened the door. His eyes widened momentarily in surprise. “Serena? How'd you find out where I lived?”
She laughed and pushed past him. “Nice apartment. Whoah…” she found his lavish furniture surprising. “Hey if you have such good taste in furniture, why do you have such bad taste in jackets?”
“What do you mean? That green jacket cost a lot! And it looks good on me too!”
She looked horrified at this. “Are you kidding me? That thing is hideous. If you want to go out with me, you'd have to burn that vile thing first.”
She turned around and explored the rooms. Darien followed her and grumbled under his breath, then halted abruptly. Serena didn't notice this and continued her exploring. “Wait…Did you say that you would go out with me?”
“Yeah, what's wrong with that?” His face lit up with a boyish grin and he hugged her. He planted a sloppy smack on her lips and grinned foolishly. He then tackled her to the couch and held her.
“Let go of me you jerk! Oomph!” Serena was silenced by Darien. She moaned softly and leaned closer. They came up for air later and she murmured breathlessly, “I guess dating you really does have its advantages after all.”
He laughed and pulled her against him. A couple minutes later the two left the apartment and to the arcade, holding hands. As they walked in the door, still holding hands, everyone looked at them in shock.
Rei asked, “When did you two start Darien, Serena? When were you planning to tell us anyways?”
The girls stated advancing on Serena and she shrunk. She turned and looked to Darien for back up but he only shook his head and laughed. “this time I'm going to be smart and not get involved when girls are fighting.”
The guys cheered at this. The girls turned at this and narrowed their eyes at them. Serena put her hands on her hips and asked Darien sweetly, much to sweetly it seemed to Darien, “Darien, remember how I told you that I wouldn't date you, if you kept that jacket?” Darien shuddered at this. All the guys turned to Darien angrily because he was the one that had said something and they had only cheered because of him.
To sum it all up, Serena and Darien got kicked out of the arcade for stirring up too much trouble. When they reached his apartment, he unlocked the door and let her in.
He gave her another kiss and they sat down. He stroked her hair, “I knew that Sailor Moon had to be you because only you could look that beautiful.” She blushed at this and they sat contently snuggled next to each other. This was how fate arranged it for our two heroes. They have each other for eternity.
A/N: sorry ppo about taking so long! Wow it's finally finished. First I was going to make this longer, but a friend told me that it was time to end Mutual Attraction and not to leave all of you hanging. So I hope you like it!
sexy Lucifer
P.S. who wants an epilogue?