Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Cat ❯ NEWS ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

ATTENTION: `My Cat' and `From Girl to Mistress' fans

Hi everyone! This is Mina2x with news for all. Well unfortunately, I'm not ready to make an update yet so you won't be reading from these two fics in a while…BUT…the good news is that I came up with my own yahoo groups. The name is Mina-Mina's Sailormoon Tales but if you do a yahoo search it's called mina2xstories.

To subscribe:

The yahoo group page is for the benefit of my fanfiction readers. Just like everyone else, I don't like to wait so long for a story update and miss out on newer chapters. I am planning to post older stories and for more fun stuff, post Sailormoon art and anything Sailormoon related.

So for everyone that is interested, please join my YahooGroups page.

Thank you and I hope to hear from all of you soon!

MINA2X *^_^*