Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Cat ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Finally...a new chapter! Here's the thing...this chapter would have been out a LOT sooner if I hadn't made the mistake of pressing the "scan for virus" option and getting my disk's format all botched up. By scanning for any virus, the computer couldn't read the disk's format anymore, my only other option was to re-format it and doing so will erase EVERYTHING I saved in it-and to be honest I really saved a BUNCH of stuff in there-lots of good stuff too! I'm still crying about it because in there was the whole 3rd chapter of "My Cat" and probably chapters from my older fanfic "Teacher's Pet" and some "From Girl to Mistress" chapters!

Since I don't even remember all the Author's notes I've said in the "gone-forever' original chapter 3 of mine let me make this quick by saying that-This is still a Serena and Darien fic so no Setsuna/Darien shipping in here. I also changed the title of the fanfic. It will still be "My Cat" in but it is going to be "The Cat" in other fanfiction archive sites.

And here's a lil spoiler. Serena becomes human in this chapter.

So without further ado...let me present...

"The Cat"

Chapter 3 (The version that was born if the original chapter 3 hadn't been erased because the disk needed re-formatting...sigh!)

Rated: R for nudity

Darien and the Professor's business trip to England had gone by successfully. The Doc managed to persuade his alma mater, "St. Andrew's University", to loan out a considerable sum of money for Project: Serenetinemia. That includes the cost for equipment, shipping of artifacts and all miscellaneous expenses needed to get this project done.

Darien was even more successful in winning the affections of the seductive actress, Setsuna. It excites him that her sexual prowess eclipses his own but it pleases him even more that she was good both in and out of bed. They would have heated arguments about everything in general; Darien was always up to the debate. It was things like these that make her so interesting to him. Maybe this is what being in love feels like?

As soon as both returned to the project, it was non-stop work as usual regardless of the fact that they may be tired from their business trip. With MGM Studios, the I.C.H. of London and St. Andrew's University pushing on the side, time was a luxury they couldn't afford to have especially when the crew wasn't even close to figuring out the whole legend of Serenetinemia.

The days of rushed work turned into one disaster after another. The Doc would often find himself ranting on some poor undergraduate volunteer who forgot to do the littlest of chores like cleaning up the worktables or bringing out the artifacts to be reconstructed.

It also doesn't help that his key crewmembers weren't helping him calm down either. Every break-time, he would often catch Andrew teasing Zachary who visited the lab regularly. Andrew was giving poor Zach some tips on how to give this girl named Aimee some good "attention" at the back of his automobile, causing the young lad to blush furiously! Then there was the cunning as ever, Jedite, hustling the younger undergrads and crewmembers by placing bets on everything he can think of. This time he was making a bet if Zach will be doing the deed with Aimee that coming Friday night. The stakes were high against Zach and Aimee making whoopee.

Even Darien was messing up real bad. His usually calm and collected star student forgot to decipher some tablets and presented him with confusing literature he'd deciphered the night before. He even went as far as miss-dating a couple of artifacts that were vital to their research.

The Doc was stressed beyond belief, even after his 10th cup of coffee.

"Can I have everyone's attention please..."

"I bet ya the Doc's gonna take the day off."

Catching Jedite starting one of his bets again, the Doc gave him the evil eye.

"AHEM...Now as I was saying. I am taking the rest of the day off. Me shouting people's heads off isn't helping everyone in here, so I'll see you all tomorrow!"

"This means we could leave too right?" A volunteer asked.

"Of course-----NOT! Darien will take over for me. We can't waste anymore time, and if Mayer calls, tell him I'm not interested in another party!"

Everyone let out a groan at the prospect of continuing work for the rest of the day. The Doc wasn't the only one feeling tired and grumpy. Every person involved in the project had spent stress-filled hours just trying to decipher the whole legend and recovering the artifacts collected from the dig site. Their crew was fortunate enough to recover statues of characters involved in the legend. The most coveted of all the artifacts is a human-sized life-like statue of Princess Serenetinemia. It was carved out of shimmering white stone and as soon as they brushed off centuries worth of debris that covered it, the statue sparkled like diamonds.

"Let's all take an hour break!" Darien called out to his tired crewmembers. "Hell...why don't we make it 2 hours instead...we all need a really good break."

Andrew went up to Darien giving him a good pat on the shoulder. "That's my cool cat of a buddy, always lenient to the crew!"

"You have to if everyone looks as if they want to kill you."

"Alright...spill it!" Putting aside the statue he was working on, Jed grabbed his sandwich and took a seat next to Darien. "Inquiring minds want to does Ms. Fontainbleu rate in our 'whoopee scale'?"

"She's a 10 all the way!" He chuckled remembering all those sleepless nights he spent with her in England.

"You've got this funny look on your face," Andrew said, staring at Darien's eye. "You've done some real hoity toity over there in England haven't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Drew."

"Don't lie to us Darien!" Jed interceded. "We're frat brothers from the start and I've seen that look before-the look of someone who'd just had his first time-the look of an easy to please giddy virgin and NOT the Darien that Drew and I are familiar with!"

"You guys are nuts!"

"We know that it's scientifically impossible for you to still be a virgin so that could only mean that you and Ms. Actress have done something more extreme to get you all flushed and in a daze." Drew snatched a fried chicken leg out of an undergrad's lunchbox while he contemplated on what sexual acts Darien could have done.

Tired of his pals discussing his sex life at work, Darien was silently praying for the topic to end. "We didn't do anything extreme and Drew stop grabbing other people's food and go get your own!"

Drew made a gesture of returning the half eaten chicken leg to the undergrad whose name was Tim.

The young man politely told Drew to "Forget it!"

"I bet you had a 'Manager a three'!" Andrew's attention was back to Darien.

"Drew it's pronounced as 'Ménage a Troi'-you're a freaking journalist for God's sake! And NO we didn't do anything like that! You guys know that I don't share."

"Yeah Right!" Jed chuckled and directed his attention towards the other male undergrads in the room that idolized him. "I'm TAKING BETS FOR $20 BUCKS! WHO HERE THINKS DARIEN HAD A MENAGE A TROI WITH SETSUNA?"

"SIGN ME UP!" Chadwick, the most egotistical of all the undergrads, eagerly raised his hand to show his interest on this bet.

Not wanting to be upped by Chad-WICK, the rest of his undergrad buddies raised their hands, joining in on the fun hoping that Jed, Drew and Darien would find them cool for doing so.

"Stop it with the bet making Jed! And don't bother placing bets you guys, you won't win on this. No threesome for me!"

Still not convinced, Andrew decided to poke in for a little more fun.
"Place me on that bet too Jed!" He chuckled.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing something more productive like---writing the latest article for the Daily Trojan?" Darien asked.

"You guys are my latest article!" He laughed. "I'm writing a day to day report on what's up with Project:Serenetinemia!"

"So much for getting rid of you!"

"I'm your buddy!" He said giving Darien a hard pat at the back. "You'll NEVER get rid of me!"

Their conversation was interrupted by Mikey, Doc. Orenstein's teen assistant, who came into the lab carrying Serena in a crate. Darien's mood was immediately changed from frustration to relief at the sight of his constant companion.

"I'd give my arms and legs to be in your place." Drew spoke as Darien opened the crate preferring to carry Serena around.

"I'd stop trying to make bets and fast money just for one chance to sleep with Setsuna!" Jedite added, his mind running the same course as Andrew's.

"I'm flattered that you guys think she's one helluva Sheba-but she's OFF LIMITS TO YOU GUYS!" Darien laughed. "You'll be seeing her this Friday. She'll be staying over for a couple of days here in LA."

"So this must be serious then?" Jedite asked.

"I guess it is. I'm not really sure what my feelings are, but I'm not afraid to jump into this relationship."

"Are you falling in love with this woman?" Drew asked.

"I don't know Drew." Staring at the statue of Serenetinemia, a dozen thoughts ran through Darien's head. Could Setsuna be the one woman for him. Is he finally in love?

The moment Darien spoke the word "relationship", Serena was all ears. This Setsuna was very different from all the other women he'd been involved with in the past. The others were mostly relationships that lasted from an hour to a couple of days. None of his sexual acquaintances lasted a week, it was always about sex. But with this new woman in his life, words like "serious" and "relationship" makes Serena fear for the worst. Will she lose Darien forever?


Friday had arrived just as fast as the other days had come and gone by. Serena's happy life with Darien was now officially shared with another guest...Setsuna. Welcomed on Darien's side, Not-so-welcomed on her side.

The moment Setsuna arrived at his front door; she pounced on Darien and the two rushed straight for the bedroom. Serena knew what they did in there but would rather not think about it at all. It also doesn't help Darien that both girlfriend and kitty can't stand each other. Setsuna is allergic to cats and Serena hates people who treat animals unkindly-and that's exactly what Setsuna was to her...UNKIND.

A dinner was held that Friday night over at the Biltmore hotel. Mayer insisted that they all must meet to discuss new plans for the movie and how the project will connect to it. Prof. Orenstein reluctantly agreed, because Mayer was also funding a part of his project. It was also the perfect opportunity for DeMille to introduce Mayer's choice for the movie's leading man.

"Leading man?" The Doc asked, almost choking on his steak. "My crew and I haven't even pieced the whole legend together but you went ahead and decided to put in a leading man? This is a legend about a princess who turned into an animal, not a love story!"

"Yes, yes, but this is Hollywood where tweaking the fact is always involved!" Mayer explained to him.

"So this means you want this legend to be 'tweaked' into a love story." The doc stated, disappointed at this change of plans.

"EXACTLY!" DeMille answered. "To make money in this business, you have to deliver what the people like, what excites people. Look at how successful my movie the "10 Commandments" was! Nefertiri sure as hell wasn't a character from the bible, but by being Moses' love interest it added more depth to the story."

"But this is my project..."

"And MY MONEY is invested in it!" Mayer finished for the Doc. "Look here DOCTOR, I don't give a damn about this legend and scientific mumbo jumbo---all I care about is this movie and how it's going to bring MGM to another level!"

Staring at everyone's shocked faces at the table, Louis B. Mayer gently wiped his mouth with a napkin and presented his "nice guy" face again.

"Well," he started. "I best be going home to my lady. The bill's been paid so you all can just sit around, relax and enjoy. Orenstein, a male love interest better be in Zach's script of the legend or else you're going to regret the day you were born!"

And with a swift nod to everyone at the dinner party, Mayer left leaving the people's attention back to Prof. Orenstein.

"Was he serious?" The Doc asked.

"Orenstein, never get on a media mogul's bad side!" DeMille answered for him.

"What do you plan to do Doc?" Zachary's career was at stake too, especially since the success of the movie will be based on how good his script will turn out.

"You can add in the love story angle as soon as we submit the legend to you---whenever that may be." The Doc sighed, giving his blessing to Zach.

"Are you sure you're okay with the changes I will have to do?" he asked.

"I don't have much of a choice now do I." The Doc answered giving his attention back to the whole dinner party.

Drew and Jed nodded their heads in agreement, while Darien sat there wondering how the Doc can get himself out of this predicament, he wasn't even half done with the legend, all he's got are bits and pieces that need to be put together to form an understandable story. Beside him was Setsuna deeply engrossed in talking with DeMille about a lead role in his future movie "Cleopatra". The director thinks Setsuna would make the perfect casting for the seductive queen of Egypt.

"Who did Mayer have in mind as the leading man for the film?" Aimee, Zach's date, spoke out.

"Rudy Valentino would have been perfect had he lived but Darien over here would be great for the role, if only he'd get off his high-horse bias against Hollywood in general!" Setsuna suggested.

"I'm just not interested, that's all. The movie industry and the media popularity's just not my thing." Darien stated, ending any idea of him getting into the Hollywood biz.

"Mayer was suggesting that we use Seiya Arnolds." DeMille said. "He's a jazz singer that's pretty popular with the female audience. I'm not sure if he can pull off the role of a dashing ancient hero."

"Were there other choices for the role, anybody else who auditioned for the part?"

"Mayer really wasn't pleased with the actors who auditioned Aimee," Zack answered. "*Gary Cooper didn't fit the role of an Etruscan hero nor did *John Barrymore. We needed the tall, dark and handsome, young and idealistic type."

"There was this young man who auditioned," DeMille added. "His name was Tyrone something---*Tyrone Power! Yes, he would be good as a leading man, but Mayer thinks he looks like a monkey because his eyebrows looked pretty thick. To be honest, with a little bit of a makeover he can be the next Great Hollywood Lover to follow Valentino."

"What Mayer wants, Mayer gets!" The Doc replied sarcastically.

"This Seiya guy seems to be number 1 on Mayer's list. I have a strong feeling he'll end up getting the role." Zack stated, slyly putting his arm around a blushing Aimee and getting a thumbs up out of Andrew.

"That guy's a fast learner." Drew whispered to Jed, but Jed was more interested in the movie than whatever Andrew tipped Zach on when it comes to scoring with women.

"We're talking about the leading man, but what we really need to discuss is the actress who'll be playing Serenetinemia!" Jedite suggested. "Whoever plays the princess has to be a very good actress!"

"I'm interested in that role!" Setsuna replied.

"But Serenetinemia is a blonde!" Darien stated matter of factly.

"That's nothing a wig and the make-up department can't handle." She said, disappointed that Darien thinks she shouldn't get involved with this role.

"Mae West would be good." Andrew said.

"But Serenetinemia is more than just a sexy blonde dame!" Darien explained, feeling really passionate about the description of the princess. "She's a virgin princess, innocent in the ways of the world but possesses great beauty that can ensnare any man mortal or immortal. She's supposed to be this young girl on the verge of womanhood. She's ripe for the picking and the sweetest of all!-some immortal was jealous of her so she was turned into a creature!"

Darien didn't want to look at Setsuna. He knows that she wants the role badly. Being in a DeMille film will boost her career to an even higher level, but he can't help it if he thinks Setsuna is not fit for the role and he tells her so back at his place.

"I'm an actress Darien! I can act whatever I want to be---I can be an old hag, a mother, a seductress and God in heaven---even a VIRGIN!"

"Can we give this debate a rest?" Darien was tired and frustrated about the project and the movie. He doesn't want an angry Setsuna to be added to his problems.

"NO!" She cried.

Darien sighed in defeat.

"I may fuck you as much as 10 times a day Darien, but that's got nothing to do with my acting skills!" She cried. "That must be it huh! You think I'm only good in the bedroom but I'm not a good actress! SOD YOU!

"That's not it at all..."

Darien looked at her and knew that this wasn't going to be a good night...

...But the opposite was what Serena was feeling at that very moment. She'd heard the whole argument between the two and was very much pleased.

"You should be ashamed of yourself Sere!" Rei scolded. "Taking pleasure in another's predicament!"

But Serena didn't care. She loved Darien and only wants for him to be happy. She knows that Setsuna is not the right woman for him and that this argument will just be the beginning of more to come. Darien deserves better, if only he'd realize that.


Weeks Later...

"Mother...what are you doing here?" Darien was shocked to find Lynette by his front door.

"Surprise!" She smiled and let herself and her companion in. "Darien I'd like you to meet my friend Jeannie Van Cleeves." She said motioning towards a tall and skinny granny wearing a flower print dress.

Nodding in welcome, Darien was still confused with the whole situation. His mum kept on rattling about how she and her friend should enjoy life and something about the two of them going to Acapulco.

"Mum---does your doctor know about this? Are you sure you're strong enough to---"

"Oh don't be such a worrywart darling!" His mother scolded. "And stop acting as if I'm some senile old thing. I'm still strong enough to go around."

"But you and Mrs. Van Cleeves should be worrying about your health more than---"

"DARIEN I'm disappointed in you! Aren't you happy to see your dear old mum?" Lynette teased. "And besides, me and my friend won't live long so we will most definitely NOT spend all that time wasting away on a rocking chair, knitting for our grandkids clothes---speaking of grandkids, when are you planning on settling down darling?"

"Well---I," Darien looked at his closed bedroom door uneasily. "This is all so sudden mum and I've got a guest with me."

"Oh...this is a female guest I presume!" She sternly asked, making Mrs. Van Cleeves giggle at Darien's blushing face.

"Yes mum---her name is..."

"Setsuna Fontainbleu! Nice to meet you Mrs. Nicolae."

Setsuna emerged, surprising everyone in the room.

"So you're Setsuna, you're an actress aren't you!" Mrs. Van Cleeves spoke.

"Yes I am."

"I've heard so much about you." Lynette spoke, giving Setsuna a thorough once over.

"Everything about me varies from city to city." Setsuna replied catching Lynette's cautiousness towards her.

"My mum lives in Paris." Darien explained to Setsuna.

"Then most of what you've probably heard about me was rumors."

Lynette said nothing but gave Setsuna a smile. Darien knows what that smile meant, she's testing Setsuna. Trying to measure her up to her ideal daughter-in-law, and she will definitely be asking Setsuna more questions as the day goes by. It doesn't really matter whether she approves of Setsuna or not. What he and Setsuna have might be love, but he isn't planning on getting married anytime soon---maybe not at all.

***********************************************************************< br />

"So you're telling me that you introduced your mother to your bed partner?" A shocked Jedite stopped brushing the debris off a statue he was working on to pay his full attention towards Darien.

"Yes, and I'm telling you guys there was a LOT of tension in there. It felt as if my mother was baiting Setsuna or something."

"I would have loved to see that!" Drew chuckled.
"So would I!" Jed agreed.

"It doesn't matter what my mum thinks or not." Darien added. "If Setsuna and I decide to be lovers for a very long time, she has no say to what we decide upon."

"Do you think there might be someone else out there---your soul mate?" Jedite asked, going back to brushing off the statue.

"Since when did you start believing in this soul mate thing Jed?" Andrew chuckled.

Putting aside his work tools, Jedite stared at the statue's face. It was one of the other human sized statues that they had recovered from the dig site, one that he found in a temple.

"I've been having these dreams off and on," he started. "And in those dreams there's this beautiful girl that's always flirting with me, we really connect in a deeper level. It always feels so real, like she's still next to me when I wake up and the crazy thing about it is that the girl in my dreams looks exactly like this statue of the Priestess Reisha!"

"Jedite---you are a DELUSIONAL LOON!" Andrew laughed.

"Please don't tell me you are getting turned on by the mere sight of that statue you are working on!" Darien chuckled. "Reisha is a sheba---but come on! The lady's been dead for thousands of years, there's no way she'll be haunting you now!"

"WOOOOooooooo...the curse of Priestess Reisha!" Drew joked, making spooky sounds and waving his arms around. "She comes back from the grave to haunt the libidos of lowly bachelors!"

"Boy, some friends you guys turn out to be!" Jedite protested in anger.

"Maybe you've been without a woman too long and you're transmitting your 'frustrations' toward the statue?" Darien smirked.

"No way! The last time I was with a woman was last night. Cindy's staying over for the week---remember!" Jed replied.

"You're probably suffering from a BAD case of HORNYITIS!" Drew laughed. "What's the cure?---HUMP the statue!"

Drew and Darien were till laughing and teasing Jedite when the Doc came in and decided to interrupt their conversation.

"I just got an emergency call." The Professor replied looking somber.

"What's wrong Doc?" Drew asked, catching the seriousness in the Professor's tone.

He looked at Darien, not wanting to relay this kind of news to the young man, but he had no choice. "Your mother's been in an accident," he started.

Darien's face turned from shock to pure anxiety. He has to be there for her, he has to know what happened to her, he doesn't want her to die.

"What happened to her Doc?"

"Car accident." He sadly replied. "The hospital called to tell me that aside from her injuries, she is suffering badly of shock from the incident, that's what's turning her weak."

"Please take me there---NOW!"

***********************************************************************< br />

Waiting in that visitor lounge reminded Darien of the past. Memories of how he waited for his father to come back home to him. Memories of him and his mum waiting to hear if his father had lived or not. Memories of the funeral and the lonely feeling that it was just going to be him and his mother from then on.

Now it pains him with the prospect of going through life without family. He looked up to his mother, sought her advice at every waking moment. He was always open to her for he had no one to share his deepest darkest secrets too---even with Prof. Orenstein who he considers to be a father figure in his life. Now there's a possibility that she may not be able to live much longer.

"You can come in now." The nurse said as she motioned for Darien to enter the room.

There on the bed was his mother in bandages and sleeping. Mrs. Van Cleeves was on the other bed, all bandaged up and asleep as well.

"Your mother dislocated her right shoulder and kneecap. Those are easier to remedy, but what I am afraid for is the shock from the accident. The trauma was too much for her that her heart suffered because of it. It weakened her health."

"Is she going to live?" Darien asked.

"3 months, that's all she'll have." The doctor regretfully replied. "She wants to stay in the hospital for a month to recover from her injuries."

"I want her to stay with me for the remaining months of her life." Tears spilled from Darien's eyes, but he didn't want to lose it in front of the doctor or his mother. He wanted to be strong for her.

"I'll leave you to have a moment with her." The doctor said and promptly left the room.

Darien kneeled beside his mother's bed and held her hand.

"I'll take good care of you mother---I will! I want you to know that I love both you and dad and I will cherish everything we had together."

Gathering up the strength to speak, Linette called out his name in a hoarse whisper.

Leaning in closer, Darien listened to what she had to say.

"Pr-promise meee," she started. "Marry and be ha-pph-ppy...Find good wi--fffe."

Darien was silent at that revelation. Even in her weakness, his mother didn't cease at persuading him to settle down.

"I promise." He answered.


After Darien left the hospital---telling his mum that he'll be visiting everyday, the Doctor went back into the room telling the other staff that he'll be checking on Mrs. Nicolae again.

"That's some nasty trick you played on your son there Mrs. Nicolae---VERY nasty indeed."

"Oh hush!" Linette raised her head from her sleeping position to make sure that the door was locked and that she and Mrs. Van Cleeves were the only people in there.

"So how was my acting performance?" She sat upright when the coast was clear.

"You were marvelous!" Jean Van Cleeves clapped from her bed.

"Now NOT a word about this to anyone!" She said giving the doctor a stern look.

"Linette---I've known you since I was a kid and you were that teenager that threatened to box my ears if I squealed to Mr. Bixby about those forbidden nights you spent with Aaron. That's enough for me to know that I shouldn't cross you." The doctor chuckled.

"Now that's a good boy Marty!" Linette smiled. "I just hope that stubborn son of mine gets the hint and finds himself a good girl. He should stop spending time with women like that Setsuna!"

********************************************************************** "I heard about your mother." Setsuna sat next to Darien in the love seat and began to rub his back to ease the pain that he's feeling. "She's a good woman---she raised you well." She continued.

"Marry me!"

Darien looked her in the eye and repeated those incredulous words again.

"Marry me Setsuna."

"You are insane!" Setsuna replied in shock.

"I'm serious about this."

"I don't know Darien. You making all this talk about marriage sound too much like a joke to me."

Darien gently grabbed her hand and planted a soft kiss on each finger. "I want to marry you."

Setsuna roughly pulled her hand away. "How can you say that when you very well know that we are totally different people!"

"You make my life exciting, we understand and are connected to each other..."

"Darien! We only connect well in the bedroom!" Setsuna stated.

"I've always enjoyed our debates---" Darien replied

"Really? What about that time we had an argument about my career choices."

"Setsuna," Darien tried to explain. "The role of Serenetinemia just doesn't fit you."

"Yes Darien I know that." She answered. "But what if it was another film role, or another project I'm willing to take that you are not going to be happy with." Setsuna paused for a second before she continued on. "I will be going on a musical tour around Europe. I will be gone for months."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Darien angrily asked. "I had things planned out for us..."

"I left a life with my parents because I didn't want to be cloistered-I don't want to be cloistered by you too."

"When will you be leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning."

Darien sighed and leaned back against the plush seat they were on. "I like what we have right now, and I'm not ready for it to end yet."

"I feel the same way Darien...really I do." She replied, gently brushing Darien's hair with her fingers. "But I don't think that getting married is the answer to that.

Setsuna was about to leave, but found herself in Darien's tight embrace. "Please say you'll think about it. Say you'll think about it while you're away in Europe."

"I will." Setsuna sighed.

***********************************************************************< br />

Serena heard the discussion that took place between the lovers. Darien was never going to give-up on Setsuna. His mother's accident has changed him into a new man with a new perspective. She will lose Darien forever.

If only I could be a human.

I wish to be human again!

I wish for the chance to make him love me!

Deciding to sleep off her sorrows, Serena failed to see the shooting star that passed by.

That night, Serena slept uneasily. Visions of the past haunted her.

Her stepmother Berylla chasing her in the woods...

She was running so fast, nothing could stop her...

Her baby brother, he will be king...Berylla must not kill him...

Minalyss and Reisha---they were all lost in a maze...


Darkness all around...

***********************************************************************< br /> Serena woke up shivering. Opening her eyes, Serena felt as if something new and wonderful had happened!

Everything around her wasn't as huge as it used to be.

Even her sleeping basket felt different. It felt so---SMALL!

She sat upright in shock and was even more surprised that she was able to do so.

Looking down she saw things that she thought she would never see again.



Her human body!

She was human again! The gods have granted her wish.

Serena stood up and looked at herself in the mirror.

What greeted her was a face that she'd missed for centuries. Crystalline blue eyes, kissable lips, her silvery mane that sparkled in the sunlight.

Highly pleased with this miracle, Serena called out to her guardians...but there was no sound that came out of her. Serena tried talking again---but there was still so sound. She tried screaming...but nothing came out...not even a whisper.

Hearing sounds coming from Darien's bedroom, Serena ducked behind the loveseat hoping that they won't be greeted by the sight of her naked body in the apartment.

"Let me drive you to the dock," Darien said to Setsuna as he carried two of her heavy luggage. "It will be more convenient that way, and I'll get to give you a big goodbye kiss."

"Why not!" Setsuna smiled. She opened the closet door to find her mink stole all shredded in various places. "UGH! That cat of yours!"

"What did Serena do?" Darien asked.

"She turned my mink stole into a shredded rabbit!" She cried. "The next time I come back, I'll be bringing a Doberman with me!"

"Come on Setsuna! Serena's not all that bad..."

With a click from the front door, Serena peeked out of the loveseat to see if the coast is clear.

Grabbing Darien's lacy tablecloth to cover her nakedness, Serena attempted to scream out for her guardians---but to no avail.

Remembering that she has the power to communicate telepathically with her guardians, Serena crossed her fingers and hoped that it would work. That would be her only hope of calling out for her guardians.

Within a second or two, Minalyss and Reisha appeared before her in shock.

"Serena---you're human again!" Mina cried in glee.

"Thank the goddess you are back." Rei cried and ran up to hug Serena.

"Oh Serena, how did this happen?" Mina asked.

Serena mouthed an 'I don't know.'

"Stop playing games Sere---TALK to us!" Rei snickered.

Serena telepathically answered what was going on.

"You got your body back, but you didn't get your voice." Mina replied.

Serena nodded.

"There was a shooting star last night." Rei remembered. "Serena, did you make a wish?"

'Yes!' Serena answered telepathically.

Rei grabbed Serena's right palm to read the lines.

"Your wish has been granted." Rei started. "But it won't last forever. Your palm lines indicate that you will be in human form till the witching hour of the last day of the third month when the moon is full. If you get Darien to admit that he loves you with every essence of his being, then your curse will be broken."

'A chance to break the curse!' Serena replied.

"That means there's a chance for Rei and I to be human again. All of us will live again!" Mina cried in glee.

"You'll have three months to get Darien to fall in love with you and admit it," Rei said. "We better make good use of this situation or we'll be cursed forever!"

'But how can I even connect with him when I don't even have a voice?' Serena asked.

"We can try a voice spell." Mina suggested. "But we better do that as soon as possible before Darien comes here and catches us."

"Serena will also need one of us to be her guardian---physically!" Rei added.

"What do you mean?" Mina asked.

"Serena's a stranger to Darien. The only way we can get him to connect with her is if we possess the people he is acquainted with---I already have someone special in mind!" Rei grinned at the prospect of possessing the body of that person.

'Swear to me now that we will make this work!' Serena was serious. She loves Darien with her heart and soul.

"I swear!" Mina answered.

"I swear too!" Rei joined in. "I pray that we succeed---and we will be cursed no more!"

To be continued... reviews reviews everyone! Hope you all liked it. I've already started Chapter 4, just so ya'll know.

Thanks for reading and hope you all stay tuned for the next chapter!

I marked down some names with an (*) next to it. Here's the info on them-please correct me if some of them are wrong:

1. Gary Cooper-a popular debonair British actor who started in the 20s and was still popular in after the golden age of cinema. He's also well known for his leading role in the film "High Noon" with Grace Kelly.

2. John Barrymore-Drew Barrymore's thespian grandfather who was a great actor in his time. He was also known as a great lover in the movies, but was prone to alcohol and substance abuse.

3. Tyrone Power---Ahhhhh! What can I say. This guy is the HOTTEST Hollywood star ever. Even Brad Pitt can't hold a candle to him. He gained popularity in the mid-1930s and through the 40s and 50s. He played Zorro in the 1940s version-he was the best Zorro ever, and played the lead role in the movie "Blood and Sand" a remake of an earlier Rudolph Valentino film. If you guys want to know more about it, google search Tyrone Power and you'll see.
