Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Diamond Tears, My Serene Smiles ❯ My Diamond Tears, My Serene Smiles part one ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi here's a twist…to SM…hope ya'll like it

Edymonion looked at his queen frozen asleep in the beautiful ice crystal. He couldn't stand it anymore, denying his true feelings…so he knelt down on his knees.

"I've come to say good bye Serenity…I will always love you…but I'm leaving…goodbye."

He touched his two fingers to his lips, and presses them to the crystal coffin.

"Come my love, its time to leave behind these memories." Setsuna came up from behind.

"Yes, love lets go."

Endymoin walked out of the castle and into the portal to be with his beloved…leaving behind his first love.

3 months later>

"She's got to be around here somewhere…."

Prince Diamond hacked his way into the castle. Weeds had grown up all around, as vines also had twisted its branches around the mansion.

Prince Diamond was mad…very, very mad.

"My lord, I've found it" a man cried out.

Diamond hurried over to where his general was standing. He peered over another bunch of vines and saw it, too. 'Found it' Diamond thought 'The crystal casket I've found you… hang on Precious Serenity I'm coming for you.

My Diamond Tears

My Serene Smiles

Throughout all the years

All the while

I will always

Love you!

Diamond peered into the crystal coffin. He hoped this would work. He said some words softly and power emitted from his hands. He applied the energy to the coffin and waited to see what would happen.


The crystal shattered. Diamond put energy force around himself, and waited for the crystal to clear. After a few minutes Diamond let go of the energy force and saw the woman of his dreams…softly blinking. Hurrying over to her he knelt at her side.

********************************************************* ***********************************

Serenity woke up. 'Boy what a dream' she thought. She peered around. Everything was disarrayed…dust and spider webs covered everything. 'How long have I been asleep' Serenity tried to remember back, but all she could remember was her last night with Edymoion…and then the battle…. and then, nothing.

Serenity gave a sudden gasp. There at her bedside was the Prince of the Dark Moon Kingdom, Diamond. 'What was he doing here?' Where was Edymoion?

"Where's…Where's my husband…"

"I'm sorry to say he's married" replied Prince Diamond

Serenity was in a state of shock. Edymoion married to another woman…other than her ABSURD! Serenity looked in disbelief…and softly asked

"How long have I been asleep?"

"3 years"


"No I'm not kidding, you have been asleep by a powerful spell."

"Edymoion…. my love"

"Has married Setsuna…also know as Sailor Pluto…and she is controller of time."

"NO…no…NOOOO that cant be true…Edymoion…he loved me…. he loves me…" Serenity felt tears feeling up in her eyes. "I wont believe you…I wont!"

Diamond felt a wave of anger pass over him on the behalf of Serenity…it was Edymoion fault…all this was his fault…he threw away his true love…god, he was a fool, he could have found away to break the crystal, instead he mourns…and moves on. .god if he were here right now…. Diamond softly closed his eyes. Serenity wouldn't believe him unless he showed her the truth. God help him, this would break her heart…but he would heal it…He would see that he did.

Diamond Tears Serene Smiles

Through the years

I will conquer my fears

And all the while

I will love you.

Well that was part one…hoped ya liked it PLEASE REVIEW!

Ja ne Anne

Standard disclaimer apply…not mine nor never will it be!