Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Fifty Daughters ❯ I ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

TR- This is based on the myth of Selene and Endymion where it says that they have 50 daughters together. Hee! What fun! ~Tokyo Rabbit

Disclaimers- I do not own Sailor Moon.


My Fifty Daughters



The Palace inhabitants joked around and called it a `curse,' and it was eventually seeming to be so. Maybe a curse put upon their fair rulers by some enemy of their past? No matter what they tried, love and lust always found a way and before you knew it, Neo-Queen Serenity was pregnant again.

King Endymion and his Queen were elated when their long-awaited Lady Serenity came onto the scene and surprised when her sister, Selene, came along, but happy never-the-less. But then here came Serena, Selena, Lady Selene, and Selena Ivy all within a four year period.

Confused and bewildered, they asked their first daughter Small Lady about her sisters by taking a time travel to the Lady Serenity they first met in the past. When they had met her in thier past, she never made any comment about her sisters. Disturbingly enough, she didn't know anything about them either. Then they went to Sailor Mercury, a well known and highly acclaimed pediatrician, who had also delivered all six babies.

"I don't know what to tell you, Serenity," Ami took off her stethoscope, "Everything about these births have been completely natural."

"I'm sick and tired of this hormonal roller costar ride," the Queen sighed, while her poor husband nodded in agreement.

"Fine, I'll give you something to keep from conceiving again."

And so she did. Five different medications taken appropriately, five new, perfectly healthy daughters. Then they tried to remove everything surgically, but only to find out a month later that it had all some how grown back and another child was on the way.

"You have a beautiful, baby girl," Ami handed the screaming child to her happy but tired father, "Another one."

Endymion smiled down at his daughter then gave his wife an `I'm sorry' look, which was returned by a `I hate you' look.

"A name," Ami dabbed her Queen's forehead with a cool sponge.

Serenity looked at her husband with a clueless look. They were running out of names dealing with the lineage of Serenity, "Uh...."

And thus, Selenuh came into their world.

After waiting their safe time till Serenity and Endymion could give into their passions, as after having a baby Serenity's hormones were really craving for such an event, the King had decided to sleep on the royal couch for a while. Who knew what would happen if they gave in. However, here came Serenuh, but with a little bigger age gap between her and Selenuh than their other sisters before them.

"No! Stay away from me!" Neo-Queen Serenity would scream at the top of her lungs when Endymion would merely look at her in the spirit of conversation at the dinner table or where ever.

The Court felt for Endymion. The poor man had to deal with every single mood swing that Serenity went through, whether she be pregnant or recuperating from it, and she had a lot of them. Just at the sight of his smile she would burst into tears or she would send him withering glares of punishment for what he had done to her. But of course, in ignorance, he pointed out that it was half of her doing. The royal couch was seeing a whole lot more of it's King then.

Serenity finally had to move into the royal nursery, which just had been moved into a much, much bigger room which might have been a ball room some time ago. Endymion, feeling guilty also moved in with her. They were after all his daughters and he loved them all very dearly.

"Well, at least we had nine-hundred-eighty years of peace and quiet," Serenity sighed as she rolled over on her stomach, a luxury she rarely had now a days.

"Do you think some of the other girls will slowly grow as well?" Endymion rolled over and patted her gently on her back.

"I don't know. It seems that Selene and Serena are coming along just a tad slowly, but nothing to bad. Right?"


Time dripped by and here came Ivy Serenity, Serinity, Silyna, Lady Selena, and Syln all in consecutive years. The nursery almost had a stop and go feel to it. Daughters would check in and then check out when they were old enough to have a room of their own or to share a room with another one of their sisters.

The Queen couldn't take it any more. Why was it that woman was gifted with the miracle of giving life while man only sat back and watched from a far. Endymion was slightly hurt by that statement and many others like it, but he had heard worse over the years.

Finally, the Queen went on a trip to the rebuilt Moon Kingdom to visit her first daughter, Princess Lady Serenity, for a couple of years. She had sent her sympathetic daughter to look after the Moon and handle some galactic treaties and affairs. But as to not leaving King Endymion with all of the chores of taking care of their daughters, she brought along the most recent six daughters.

"Mother, I don't understand why it's happening either," Lady Serenity patted her mother's pale hand. Never, except when she was near death from battle, had Small Lady seen her mother so drained, but it always seemed that she found the energy to couple with her father. A smug smile spread across the princess' face, but she decided to keep her little joke to herself. Her poor mother would not think it would be so funny.

"Princess Lady Serenity," a Sailor Asteroid, one of Small Lady's four Senshi, appeared in the door way, "Queen Kakyuu has arrived."

"I think you should come with me on this one. They'll be wanting to see you," Small Lady smiled and helped her nearly shaky mother up.

It was quite odd to see the mother and daughter together. They looked almost exactly alike in the face for Small Lady had reached her maturing level and only looked to be twenty-two, like her mother. But Small Lady had pink hair while her mother had pure silver hair. All of Serenity's daughters had some shade of pink hair and it was getting surprising of how many shades she could pop out.

"Neo-Queen Serenity!" A tall woman with dark red hair smiled and embraced her long time friend.

"Queen Kakyuu! It's so good to see you! How long has it been? A couple hundred?" Serenity smiled and then spotted the three women standing near the two, "Starlights...."

Star Fighter was the first to embrace the powerful Queen, then Star Maker, and Star Healer, "It's good to see you so well your Majesty."

Serenity just merely rolled her eyes, "Well indeed. I'm about to kill over."

"Oh?" Star Fighter smirked, looking her over, "You look to be the same as we last saw you. What's wrong?"

All six women sat down in the conference room for a nice, long cup of tea as Serenity explained her dilemma.

"No matter what, we always seem to make it around every single barrier. It's like two magnets, South and North." The exasperated Queen downed another cup.

Small Lady was almost disturbed by hearing about her parents, but she had always had a crush on Mamoru, her father in the past. Star Fighter also seemed to be a little tense about the subject.

"No matter what?" Kakyuu asked sympathetically.

"I had almost every female origin in me removed! And they GREW back!" Serenity almost sobbed.

"So Mama's staying with me for a couple of years to see if this will just blow over," her daughter stepped in, placing a comforting hand on her mother's soft shoulder.

"I must say, you do look wonderfully well for-- how many is it now-- twenty-one children. You look as if you've never had any," Star Healer snickered, sending the poor woman over the edge; she began to wail.

"Oh! Don't cry!" Small Lady nearly scolded.

Finally the Queen calmed down and sniffled, "I have a fraction with me, would you like to see them?"

The other women nodded eagerly. Serenity lead them to the room where her mother from millenniums ago had stayed, and where she was staying now. In it were a couple a cribs and a couple of toddlers and young girls playing.

Kakyuu simply went crazy with baby fever. She held and played and talked to every single child in sheer delight while Serenity pointed out who was who, "That's Serenuh... Syln.... Serinity... Ivy Serenity... Lady Selene.... Silyna...."

"You must be exhausted, I mean really. Taking care of all of these wonderful children," the guest Queen smiled at Syln as she rocked her back in forth in her arms.

"Exhausted yes, wonderful still has me doubting sometimes." Serenity sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at Serenuh who came running up to her to show her something special.

"Has Endymion complained for a son yet?" Star Fighter smiled as Serinity asked for her help as she tried to put together a magic puzzle.

"Thankfully no. I think he knows better than to hope for another child and he loves all twenty-one children of his without a doubt."

"Such a wonderful and agreeable husband," Star Maker replied.

"Yes, Papa's very wonderful," Small Lady stepped in before her mother could come up with some sexist remark. She knew that her parents were soul mates and would never think of parting in hate or dislike. Sure the couple had their squabbles, but they loved each other so much that it was disgusting. Hmm, that was a thought. Maybe that was one of the reasons why Lady Serenity had so many sisters now. It usually was in the matter of conception, was it not?

"As an old friend," Kakyuu smiled and set on the edge of the vast bed next to Serenity, "I would be willing to stay a while and help out?"

The Queen nearly jumped on the other in elation and gratitude, but didn't; she was holding her infant, "Kakyuu! Would you? The Senshi have helped out as much as possible, but they have their own castles to check up on now a days! Oh! It would be so wonderful if you could... but what about Red Cercis?"

"My husband is there and will be more than willing to fully take the reins for a while, once he hears the situation. And besides, I'll be able to send you three back and forth for reports during our stay in the Moon Palace and Crystal Tokyo," she looked at her Starlights.

"Uh.... Your Majesty... I don't know if...." Star Fighter shuffled uneasily.

"Oh nonsense. It'll be fun!"

And so it was settled. Kakyuu and her body guards would stay for a couple of years to help their dear friend out in her time of extreme need. And as for their first act as being the new nannies, they took the children out in the gardens to get some starry sunlight while their mother slept.


TR- I had this hilarious idea about Serenity and Endymion having multiple daughters like in the Greek myth, and so, here it is. This is kinda rushed and everything and it's going to be maybe a two or three chapter story? In other words a SHORT story for me. It's going to get more involved I think in the up coming chapter(s). I hope you like so far! Any suggestions? And let me tell you, it was really hard coming up with all these names, but I've got them all, so I don't need any. Thank you. See you soon! Ja ne! ~Tokyo Rabbit

6-5-02 (Unedited)