Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Girlfriend's A Cheerleader ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Girlfriend's A Cheerleader
By: Rainhe


AN: Thank you to Lady E for spreading the word. She told me about this place. :) Special thanks to her.

What happens when Serena tries out for a cheerleading squad…and ends up being good at it? And what happens when guys start to notice her for it? What happens when one of those guys turns out to be her enemy? What about Darien?


A cool breeze whispered through the golden leaves, stirring the clear water surface of a nearby lake and caressing the feathers of several gray birds chirping excitedly on their branches. The sky was clear. The few clouds that dotted the horizon every now and then were feathery and barely visible. The atmosphere was warm with the faint aroma of a dry, autumn day.

For the most part, the afternoon was still young and rather peaceful. There was little traffic and honking horns. Of course, several people graced the sidewalks, just as always. Tokyo was never without it's residents up and about. However, no one was rushing. Everyone walked casually, chattering quietly to their companions or, if they had no one, browsed through shops.

Despite the light atmosphere, one girl barely looked up. Serena, a blonde haired, blue-eyed teenager, gloomily passed couples and children with her hands shifted into the pockets of her shorts. Her blue shirt, which once matched her eyes, looked exceptionally bright compared to her dull gaze. Her eyes were darkened by a disappointed shadow, one that whispered of several misguided events that had affected her that day.

For one, that morning when Serena woke up - a record-breaking occasion itself, considering Serena's love for sleeping in - she found hair gel splattered across her bar of soap. Her shampoo had been replaced with juice - juice she had to buy the day before. Of course, her beloved brother Sammy was behind everything. He was fairly punished, yet that did not satisfy Serena. She had to resort to using her mother's bath soap and shampoo for her shower.

That left her hair slightly frizzy. She wasn't used to frizz. Serena never truly had to deal with frizz in her entire life. She had no choice but to tie her hair back into a tight bun. It was a shame, for she never wore her hair in any other hairstyle than her trademark one - buns. Meatballs, just as Darien loved to call them.

Ah, yes, Serena thought bitterly. Darien. She growled at the memory. He had seen her in the arcade a few minutes earlier and had teased her about her new hairstyle more than he teased her about her meatballs. She felt positively dreadful. He was her boyfriend, and his insults weren't direct, but she could detect the amusement in his voice.

And, to top it off, she ran into another monster at the park. It was a weak one compared to the pale-skinned, hideous thing she had encountered the night before. However, she couldn't fight it off on her own. She was too grumpy and tired. At least she managed to finish the job of killing the other monster when the scouts started it, but the monster she had just encountered was killed by Sailor Mars. Of course, the raven-haired girl ranted about how irresponsible she was. Nothing new.

That leads back to our poor meatball head, who was in desperate need of something to cheer herself up. Being her usual self, all she really needed was someone to compliment her or, better yet, feed her. Complimenting was out of the question. No one did that. As for eating…

She couldn't eat. Another thing that held her spirits down. Serena vowed to skip junk food for at least a week. You see, earlier she swore to renew herself. She wanted to change. She knew she couldn't be what the scouts and Darien expected her to be, so she decided to change in other ways. She came across a flyer not too long ago, one that announced tryouts for cheerleading at a nearby school's gym. She made up her mind to try out, just for the fun of it, in hopes of cheering herself up and, at the very best, prove that she was good for something.

Whether cheering was that something, she wasn't sure, but she knew it was certainly something Darien or the scouts weren't expecting. Anything unexpected was more than welcome, considering how everyone always expected her to klutz out, fail a test, or nearly get herself killed during battles.

She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and shifted her gaze. Shading her eyes with hand, she stared off into the distance and caught sight of the school. A small smile tugged her lips. She was actually up for it. She didn't know why the thought of cheering excited her as much as it scared her, but she was anxious and ready to see what she could do. Feeling slightly satisfied, she walked off with a bit more life in her steps. This time, she walked with her head held up high.

Little did she know what happens to cheerleaders.


Kinda weird, eh? Well, that's just the beginning. The very beginning. Please pardon any errors.