Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Inside Myself ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagayaku: Ohayo minna-chan! Ok I just started this fic, well actually I was looking through my files and I found the beginning of it tucked away. I liked it so I decided to continue Anyhoo, hope you enjoy! Please review!

I can hear the soft pitter-patter of raindrops hitting my roof; glancing at my clock I could see that it was 4:35am. Much to early for me to be awake when I had to be at school by 7:30am, which left me 2 more hours of sleep. I groaned and rolled over hoping that sleep would be kind and send me back to dream land. After lying there for about twenty minutes, with no sign of falling back to sleep, I finally tossed the covers off and sat up.

"Why now? Why tonight of all night!? I have the biggest test in the morning and I can't sleep!" Granted college wasn't as bad as high school as far as schedules went, but today was especially important. Of course any day that Mr. Forester had a big test was an important day for anyone in his class. I had heard some of the guys in school call him the dreaded Dr. Death, his tests had to be hardest out of all the classes in the college, and I had one in the morning. I glanced over at the empty bed beside me, my roommate Cassie had left yesterday. Dropped out to be exact, not to say that I blamed her, there were many times I would liked to have done the same. However, if I wanted to get that two weeks vacation I had been looking forward to next week I HAD to pass this test. This was the big test; if I failed I would have to retake the class! Some stupid rule of his to ensure that kids learn what he teaches, of course if you failed and didn't want to retake there was always the option of dropping out. Or for some lucky people who were only taking the course out of interest instead of as a requirement for their field they could just take an F and go. I however had been studying long and hard to become an electrical engineer and I couldn't afford to fail. Well at least his class was only half a semester……... I cringed.

Glancing at the clock again I could see that it was now 5:10am, oh what the heck, I stood up and stretched.

"I don't feel tired anyways, so I might as well start the morning out now"

I switched the light on and my mini radio, and slipped into the bathroom, humming the music. "This day might not be so bad after all"

Got up this morning

On the right side of my bed

With all these crazy thoughts

Screaming through my head

I can't wait to see

What this world

Holds for me

Ooooh it's a new day!

Ooooh oooh ooooh, it's a new day!


Heero Yue stared impassively at the golden sunrise from the front steps of Tokyo University. It had been a long time since he had been back to his birth country; his face softened slightly and went impassive again. He was here on a mission, and the mission was all that mattered. He stood up as a sleek black Mustang pulled up and another man got out. The man grinned and jogged over to Heero his braid swinging idly from side to side.

"Hey He-man! Long time no see!"

Heero mentally groaned - they would partner me with him -

Duo caught his look and chuckled, "Don't worry, the others are coming too, you wont have to put up with me alone" he winked

Heero sighed and glanced down at the paper in his hand, this was going to be a loooong mission.

Mission Statement:

Location: Tokyo University

Time: May 4th, 7:00am - length of mission unknown

Mission Brief: A group calling themselves the Oz Reincarnation has been

Causing various disruptions in the name of OZ. It is believed that they are responsible for the recent assassination of Senator Montgomery. Chances of them being as big a problem as the old OZ are slim, but take out the leader and disband them The leader is believed to be posing as a professor at Tokyo University.

Subject's name: Forester, James

End Statement - Destroy after reading

Heero gave it one last glance at pulled a lighter out of his pocket; flipping the lid open in one swift movement he watched the paper catch the flames. Letting it drop from his fingers he watched the statement burn till it was nothing but ashes.

Duo gazed silently at it and Heero was beginning to wonder if he was sick seeing as how the young American wasn't bouncing off the walls. Of course he hadn't seen Duo in 6 years; people can change. He grimaced, well some people can.

Another person marched past him and flung the doors open,

"7:30am, time to go"

Duo grinned, "Wu-man!!!"

Wufei stiffened and his eye twitched irritably, "INJUSTICE!! You irritable Braided-baka! Do you ever give up?!?!"

Duo grinned and walked past him into the school, "No, I'm Duo Maxwell remember"

Wufei rolled his eyes, and gave a short nod in Heero's direction, "Yue"

Heero raised an eyebrow, "Chang"

Wufei stared for a moment and gave a slight smile, "Good to have you back" and with that he walked inside closing the door.

Heero stared at the spot where Wufei had just been for a moment, shook his head, and walked inside. "Believe it or not, it's good to be back" he said under his breath.


"Itai!" Serena's back hit the wall behind her where coincidently there also happened to be a particularly sharp brick jutting out. Arching her back a bit and rolling her shoulders she glared at the prick that had shoved her into the wall on his way by. Her eyes twitched irritably as she noticed that he hadn't even taken any notice of the incident. "Jerk" she muttered under her breath casting one last heated glance down the crowded hallway. Sighing she relaxed her shoulders and made her way out to the courtyard, or at least that's what she called it. It was a quite little section outside of the school with two small stone benches situated under two of the larger trees that were scattered around. Spring was just in it prime and all the flowers were blooming. She liked it out here in particularly because hardly anyone ever came out here, especially during lunch. She grinned it was perfect! Everyone else was crowded inside the cafeteria chatting away and making way too much noise, while completely oblivious to this small piece of heaven only a few yards away. Serena settled herself on the ground beneath her favorite Sakura Tree, enjoying the site of the light pink blossoms swirling around her for a moment before pulling out her trusty journal. "What a perfect day to find inspiration." Placing her sharp tipped Calligraphy pen against the cream colored paper she began to write.

The proud oak stands firm again the wind.

Its' branching swaying with the breeze,

But it remains unbent…unbroken.

It stands tall…


A flash of lightening lit up the night sky as the rain came down in torrents, a loud boom of thunder crashed causing a few people to squeal in disguise. The scenery moved almost as though looking through someone else's eyes. There was heat coming from somewhere, but where? The scenery swiveled again this time focusing on a building, flames leapt from the windows as the roof caved in sending a shower of sparks out across the grass. There were sirens everywhere, people running around, screaming. What was going on?! A face came into to focus out of the entire crowd and all that she could remember about it were the deep Prussian blue eyes.


Serena jerked awake, toppling her journal and writing utensils to the ground. Her breath came out in harsh pants and her eyes were wide, confusion evident in their crystalline depths. "What was that? Another vision?" she raised a shaky hand to her forehand as if to erase the startling images from her mind. The fact of the matter was that this occurrence wasn't so unusual. Ever since she was a child she had been having visions, correction, she had been having premonitions. She had never known one of her visions to not come true. She wasn't sure whether to label it as a curse or a miracle. Leaning back against the tree she replayed the events in her mind. - That building….It was the school….But who….who was that boy? Did he start the fire? Was he just a bystander? Does he know who started the fire? - she flopped back in the grass enjoying the cool feeling of shaded ground against her now perspired back. "So many questions" she turned her head to the side and fingered one of the long green strands. "Those eyes, I have a feeling that I'll never be able to forget them. So cold and yet so deep…." She was jerked to her feet by the unreasonably loud ringing of the school bell signaling lunch was over. "Oh damn it all to hell!" So much for pondering her new mystery, it seems that she would have to tackle the more pressing problem of Mr. Forester's test before she could even think about anything else. She just hoped that the recent events didn't break her concentration, and to think she had come outside to relax.