Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Arthur: Thanks so much for the reviews people. Makes me so happy to know that people are reading this. Well on with the story.

Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the characters in the story!

*Next Morning!*

Serena woke up to find herself in my mother’s bed wrapped up in a bundle of blankets. She turned to the side to see the large blue eyes of her brother. A dribble of drool escaped his mouth as he giggled at her. She laughed full heartedly and picked him up.

“Hey Sammy,” she said as she tickled him. Sam squirmed in her arms trying to escape the onslaught of her fingers tickling his small body. The aroma of eggs and bacon attacked her senses causing her to inhale deeply.

“Mmm… Mommy is making something. Come on, let’s see what’s she’s cooking.” she said to Sam. She placed Sammy back on the bed and unraveled herself from the comfortable blankets. Once she was free, she picked up her brother and made her way down the steps to the kitchen.

As soon as they walked in, she saw their mother at the stove humming a familiar tune. The same tune she use to sing to her when she was little. Now she sings it to Sammy quite often.

She looked over towards her mother and noticed how much she looked like her. Her mother stood at 5’11 and had long blonde mid back length hair. Her beauty had faded over the years, revealing bruises and dark rings around her eyes. She had large crystal blue eyes that had turned dull and revealed her pain and weariness.

She turned to Sammy who was still in my arms and watched as he laid his head onto her shoulder and placed his thumb into his mouth. She slightly giggled at how cute he looked , causing her mother to turn around.

Her mother smiled at her and brought two plates full or eggs and bacon to the table. She then went back over to the stove and picked up a jar of baby food. Her mother came towards her and gestured for her to give her Sammy.

She gave her Sammy and she placed him in his baby chair. She moved over towards the kitchen table and took a seat. She looked at her mother who just put a spoonful of baby food in Sammy’s awaiting mouth.

She turned to her food and picked up the fork and dug into her breakfast and ate everything on the plate.

“Mom, where is dad?,” She questioned.

“He went to work Serena,” replied her mother. Serena nodded and stood from her seat and took her dishes. She placed the empty plate into the sink along with her silverware. She turned and walked to leave the kitchen.

Where are you going?,” questioned her mother. Serena paused in mid step.

“ I was going to get ready for school.” said Serena.

“ I already called the school and told them you weren’t going.” Serena sighed and turned her eyes to the floor.

“I can’t keep missing school, I already missed so much this month.” said Serena.

“I know, I know, but you looked so tired; I didn’t have the heart to wake you,” her mom stood from her seat and walked towards her. She slung her arm around her daughter’s shoulders.

“After I drop Sammy off at the daycare center, how would you like it if you and I hung out today,” Serena raised her head to look at her mother.

“Just you and me?” she asked.

Her mother smiled, “Yes, just you and me,” she replied. Serena broke out into a grin; something that her mother hadn’t seen in a long time.

“Great!, Let me get ready!” she exclaimed. Her mother laughed at her antics.

Yeah, hurry up and get ready,” she said. Serena gave her mother a hug and kissed her cheek. She turned and ran up the stairs. Her mother turned to her giggling son and smiled.

“Come on boy, let’s get ready.” she said as she walked over and picked her son up.


Serena sat in the car with her mother listening to the radio. They both had just dropped off Sammy and was off to the mall. They pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. They walked into the mall having a little shopping spree together, just mother and daughter spending time together.

About 3-4 hours of looking and buying clothes, they decided to take a break and get something to eat.

“Hey mom, I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back,” Serna said. Her mother nodded in consent and returned to eating her food as Serena left from the table at the mall and started for the bathroom. After finishing with her business and washing her hands, she exited the bathroom.

“Hey meatball head.” replied a person from behind her. Her eyes widened a bit in surprise.

“Oh crap,” she muttered and began to frown. She turned around and glared at the handsome male behind her. He had short black hair with boyish bangs falling into his midnight blue eyes. His eyes held a look of mockery in them.

“Well, well, well Meatball head, what are you doing out of school?” questioned the man.

“Shut up Darien. It’s none of your concern,” replied Serena. Then she looked at Darien curiously.

“Why do you care any way?” Darien lost his look of mockery and frowned.

“I don’t,” he looked at her closely and noticed the gash on her forehead and the bruise on her cheek bone that she had tried to cover with makeup.

“Where did you get those from?,” questioned Darien. She took a hold a look of confusion until she noticed what he was looking at. She took a hesitant step back.

“I…um…well you see…” she mumbled, as she tried to come up with an good excuse.

“Well?” pressed on Darien.

“I fell okay,” she replied. Darien looked at her skeptically. She could tell that he didn’t believe her.

“That doesn’t look like that came from a fall.” he said. He then reached out and caressed her bruised cheek gently. She was surprised at how gentle he was and how good his touch felt. She regained her posture and slapped his hand away and glared at him with fire burning in her eyes.

“What do you know?, Leave me alone!” she yelled, before she turned and ran back towards the restaurant where her mother was.

Darien stared after the running blonde with an worried expression. He waited till he couldn’t see her anymore before he turned, walking away with some thoughts in mind, thoughts that involved a certain meatball head and how she received those marks.

“There’s more to you then you show Ms. Tsukino and I’m going to figure you out.” whispered Darien before he too disappeared into the crowed.

Arthur: Thanks so much for reviewing me, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter should be a bit intense. Please review me, I would like to here your comments and your opinions on how to make my story better. Thnx.