Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author: Thanks for the reviews!

Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the characters in this story.

Serena opened her eyes, feeling the sun’s rays shinning against her closed eye lids. Her vision was a bit blurry, but soon cleared up, as she looked around her surroundings. Everyone was in their sleeping bags, except for Lita and Rei.

The sweet aroma of breakfast entered her sense of smell. She breathed in a the scent and smiled happily. She stood to her feet and began to make her way to the kitchen.

‘Sweet, Lita’s making breakfast,’ she thought . She stepped into the kitchen, seeing Lita at the stove flipping pancakes, and Rei sitting at the kitchen table. They both were talking quietly, as not to disturb everyone else who were still resting.

Lita and Rei stopped their small talk and looked over to the doorway. They smiled upon seeing their friend. Rei motioned for Serena to come sit with her hand.

“Morning Serena,” said Lita, passing her a plate full of pancakes.

“Morning”, responded Serena, licking her lips in hunger. Lita and Rei giggled. Serena picked up the syrup and started to cover the pancakes, then cut them up. She took a fork-full of pancakes and stuffed them into her mouth.

“Geez Serena, slow down before you choke,” Serena looked up and gave a them syrupy grin.

“I’m hungry, I left without eating dinner last night!,” she exclaimed.

Rei shook her head, “That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t chew before you swallow,”

Serena glared at her friend, “Shut up, Rei,”

“Man, you guys are already bickering at this time of morning?!,” exclaimed Amy, walking into the kitchen, with Mina trailing behind her. Mina giggled and took a seat beside Serena, Amy taking a seat beside Mina. Lita dished out the rest of the pancakes to her friends, finally being able to sit and eat.

The group of girls conversed, giggling and, played around like normal teenaged girls. Forgetting about all the stuff they learned about what was discussed the night before. Serena stood from her seat suddenly, and placed her plate in the sink.

“Wow, I’m stuffed. Thanks for the food Lita,” replied Serena, heading towards the den.

“Where are you going Serena?,” asked Amy. Serena turned to face them.

“I have to pack, I need to get home,” she replied.

“So soon? Why don’t you hang out a bit Serena,” said Mina. Serena shook her head ‘no’.

“Sorry you guys, I cant. I have to go home,” she said, entering the den, beginning to gather all of her belongings. She had everything packed and stacked to the side. She walked back into the kitchen, fully dressed.

“Hey guys, I’ll see you later, alright?,” said Serena, heading towards the door.

“Alright we’ll see you later Serena, be careful you hear?,” said Lita.

Serena nodded, “Yea, of course”

She walked out the door and smiled at the bright blue sky. She breathed in the cool air happily. She walked all the way home. She smiled while she saw couples young and old, walk hand in hand with one another. She sighed, a bit of loneliness panging in her heart.

‘I wish I had someone to love me like that,’ thought Serena, watching a young couple kiss tenderly on a park bench. She walked the rest of the way home, and smiled for two reasons. 1) Her father wasn’t home, and 2) She really wanted to see her mother and little brother.

She skipped her way up the driveway and steps. She happily opened the door. Upon entering, she saw Sammy in his baby swing watching Barney (Author: *Shudder*, Barney is scary people, but not as bad as the teletubies!) She half ran half tripped her way to her brother. She grabbed onto Sammy and spun him around. He giggled at his older sister.

She plopped down on the couch and began to tickle him mercilessly. The little boy squirmed, giggling joyously. She bent down and lifted his little shirt and blew on his stomach, making little sounds. She then picked him up and held him in her arms.

“I missed you so much!,” she exclaimed, giving him kisses all over his face.

“Hmm, about time you got home missy,” said Elaine, walking down the stairs, a smile upon her face. She turned to her mother and smiled.

“Hey mom!,” she said, standing up with her brother and walking over to her, giving her a hug.

“How are you feeling?,” asked Elaine.

“I’m feeling pretty good actually,” said Serena, moving back to the couch to sit down. Elaine smiled looking to the floor. Serena noticed and gave a look of concern.

“What’s wrong?,” she asked.

Elaine looked at her daughter, with a look of sadness,” Um, I have to tell you something,”

Serena eyed her mother worriedly, “Is something wrong?,”

“Actually there is,” replied Elaine, sitting down next to her daughter.

“What’s going on?,” asked Serena, not wanting to hear what it was, yet curiosity was also present, and in a way she did want to know what was up.

“Well sweetie, it’s…well, how can I put this,” mumbled Elaine.

“Mom, you can tell me anything,” she said, lightly nudging her mother in the arm playfully, trying to lighten up the mood.

Elaine looked her daughter with empty the eyes, “ Serena, I have cancer.”

Serena put her brother down on the couch and turned to her mother. She looked at her and then laughed.

“You’re kidding me right?,” she looked at the expression on her mother’s face.

“Mom, please tell me that you’re joking,” she said desperately.

“I’m sorry honey, but I’m serious,” said Elaine.

Serena looked at her mother and shook her head, “No, you’re lying,”

Elaine quickly stood up and wrapped her arms around her daughter. Tears began to course down both of their faces. Serena suddenly pushed her way out of her mother’s arms.

“How long have you known mom?,” shouted Serena. “How Long!?,”

“Elaine looked down to the floor, “ For about since after Sam was born,”

“What?, Are you kidding me? And you chose now to tell me?,” exclaimed Serena, in shock, pain and anger.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know how to tell you Serena. I mean with all of this stuff we’re facing now, I didn’t want to bare this down on you, but I thought you deserved to know,” replied Elaine. Serena put her hand to her head and started to pace.

“Does dad know?,”

“Yes he does,”

“I cant believe this! You told him of all people before me?,” she exclaimed, eyes wide in disbelief. Elaine reached out to touch her daughter, but Serena swiped her hand away in anger.

“Don’t touch me!,” she shouted, backing into a wall.

“This is why he beating us like this! It’s because of you,” She sank to the floor, burring her face in her arms.

Elaine looked at her daughter sympathetically, “Oh, Serena,”

She bent down to her daughter and gathered her into her arms. Serena struggled momentarily, but then relaxed in her mother’s arms.

“You cant leave me, you’re all that I have left,” whispered Serena, between sobs.

“It’s going to be ok Serena,” replied Elaine.

Serena jumped to her feet angrily, “ Don’t say that. Nothing’s going to be ok. You’re going to die, and leave me all alone with that son of a bitch of a father!,” shouted Serena. “I don’t want that, I don’t want to be alone”

“Serena,” pleaded Elaine.

Serena raised her hands, “Don’t say anything,”

Sammy started wailing from the shouts. Elaine moved over to her son quickly and picked him up. Serena moved towards the door.

“Serena where are you going?,” exclaimed her mother.

“I don’t know, anywhere but here,” said Serena, before she took off out of the house. Elaine stared after her daughter and collapsed onto the couch with her son, crying heavily.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered.


Serena took of running down the street, running into people. She could her the civilians yelling at her to watch where she was going, but she didn’t care. She just needed to find somewhere to escape. When she finally stopped, she found that she was in front of a bench in a park.

She wiped her tear filled eyes and sat down heavily into the bench seat. She covered her face and began to cry for all she was worth.

Darien was walking through the park. He needed to get some fresh air. He as well felt like he was brought here, like something was calling him here, in this particular park. He smiled walking over to a rose garden, oh how he loved roses.

He walked over to them and crouched down. Touching the soft red peddles, loving the texture. He bent down and breathed in the heavenly scent. ( Author: Ok people, I was not intending on making him sound kind of…um …gay, the man loves roses, NO SHAME IN THAT!)

His head perked up, hearing a sound, which sounded like someone was crying. He looked around him, not seeing anyone. He then looked at the bushes that were in front of him, it sounded as if it was coming from that direction. He pushed the bushes aside and saw a blonde headed girl crouched, crying.

On closer inspection, he noticed that it was Serena, ‘Why would she be crying?,’

He stood to his feet and walked through the bushes. He came up behind Serena and walked around the bench. He sat down, looking at the girl. He moved closer to her, then finally wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her close to him, and was shocked when she buried her face into his chest.

He rubbed her back soothingly, unsure of what to do. He looked around, not seeing anyone in sight. So he continued with what he started, and tried console her.

Serena felt someone wrap their arms around her, and didn’t care who it was. All she wanted was for someone to hold her and that was what she was receiving, and she was grateful. She breathed in his cologne which smelled really good.

She wiped the tears from her eyes, wanting to see who was holding her and to thank them. She sat back a little to get a look at his face. She was shocked beyond belief to see that it was Darien. Darien smiled at her and wiped away the rest of her tears.

“Are you ok?,” he asked her.

She blushed and nodded her head, “ Yes thank you,”

“No problem,” he replied. He then looked at her questioningly, “ Do you mind telling me what made you upset?”

She looked to the floor, ‘Should I tell him?, No I shouldn’t. He makes fun of me, yet he was so nice to me know. Maybe there’s more to him then he shows, Ok I’ll tell him,’ she thought.

“I was talking to my mom today, and I found out she has cancer,” she whispered. Darien looked at her in surprise and pity.

“Wow, I’m sorry to hear that,” replied Darien.

“Yea,” said Serena, looking at the grounded, “The one thing that hurts me the most is that she waited so long to tell me,”

“How long has she known?,”


“Ouch, she must have her reasons though,” said Darien.

“Yea, she was afraid to tell me. I feel like a jerk the way I reacted,” she said.

“What did you do?,” Serena looked towards Darien, then sighed.

“I yelled at her, and told her not to touch me. Then I ran out of the house,” said Serena, starting to cry again.

“I mean, I didn’t mean to act like that, but I don’t want her to leave me, I don’t want to be alone, she‘s all I have. ”

“Well you’re not alone, you’ve got your friends….and you got me,” replied Darien. Serena looked at Darien in surprise, she looked into his eyes and saw that he truly meant it.

“Thank you, I really appreciated it,” said Serena. Darien moved closer to her, bringing a hand to her face, caressing it softly. He bent down and kissed the remaining tears away.

“Don’t mention it,“ Serena felt her heart pound against her chest.

‘Oh my God, what is he doing?!?!?!,’ thought Serena frantically. She unconsciously leaned into the soft kisses, wanting more. ‘Oh, I don’t care, I’m liking it,’

Darien leaned back slightly and saw that her eyes had closed. He looked down to her pouty lips. He licked his own, wanting to kiss them. ‘It wont hurt to try,”

He then brought his lips down, giving Serena a tender kiss on the lips.

Author: Hhehehehe, I guess I’m going to stop right here!, well I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for the wait, I needed to take a little break from writing, plus I’ve been away for a week, and have been having family over constantly! So cya guys later ^_^