Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: Thanks for the reviews ^_^

Disclaimer: Don't own any of the characters in this fic.

Elaine sat in the kitchen, a coffee mug gripped tightly in her hand. Her other set of fingers drummed angrily against the table top. She still couldn't believe what her husband had done to their daughter; her baby.

Ken was already off to work. Elaine noticed that he didn't seem to remember what had happened the night before. Though, he never remembers his little 'episodes'.

He knew he must of done something wrong, by Elaine giving him the cold shoulder and glaring at him with every chance she got. He shrugged it off, kissing his wife on the cheek and took off.

Elaine sighed. Taking small sips of her coffee. She ran a hand through her tangled hair. She looked and felt horrible. Her hair tussled and tangled, eyes bloodshot red; not getting a wink of sleep. She had heavy bags beneath her eyes and she felt drowsy.

Elaine knew what she needed to do and that was to leave Ken, but she couldn't. She feared the man, and knew, someway, somehow…he'd find them. Throwing her cup of coffee across the room…the small mug shattering to a million pieces, she let out a frustrated cry. She placed her head down on her arms. She was just so tired of this. Salty tears coursed down her face and she moaned slightly.

She jumped when she felt someone touch her lightly from behind. She turned and slowly and was surprised to see her daughter, "Honey, what are you doing up?,"

Elaine scooted her seat back, pulling Serena onto her lap. She laid her head down on her mother's shoulder, yawning tiredly. "I heard glass breaking," she whispered, voice still hoarse from all the screaming she had done the night before. She looked over to the coffee running down the white painted wall.

"Sorry about that," she whispered, a small blush tinting her cheeks. She put her cheek on her daughter's cool forehead. "How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

"I still hurt…and no, I'm not okay,"

"I'm so sorry sweetie," Tears welled up in her eyes once again. "If only I got here sooner,"

"It wouldn't have made a difference," she kissed her mom on the cheek. "Don't blame yourself,"

The door bell rang, "Oh, I'll get it," said Serena. Elaine was about to protest, but the girl was already gone. 'I can't help but blame myself,'.

Serena limped her way to the front door. She heard another knock and croaked out, "I'm coming,"

She opened the front door, squinting as the bright sunlight blinded her for a few seconds. She was surprised to see that it was Amara and Michelle.

The two females looked down at their princess with a mix of shock and horror. "Oh my God…,"

Serena cursed under her breath. She had forgotten to look into the mirror that morning. She really didn't know exactly how bad she looked.

"Serena…what happened?," asked Michelle, taking a hesitant step forward.

Serena looked behind her to see if her mother was coming. She then stepped outside, closing the door behind her. She looked up to her older companions.

"Who did that? It better not have been Darien!," demanded Amara.

"No…he didn't do it," she looked down to the ground.

"It was your dad wasn't it?," whispered Michelle.

She slowly nodded her head, then raised it, "Please don't tell the others,"

Amara took a hold of the girl's face with her hands firmly. She looked at the swollen face, "This needs to stop,"

"It will…I promise. Please…I'm begging you. Don't tell them," she puckered out her lower lip, eyes wide, tears welling up…a dangerous move for the Senshi of the wind.

Amara growled, hating that look. "Just this one time, you got that?"

She grinned, giving the tall female a hug, "Yes, thank you!!,"

The woman sighed, the princess was her weak spot. She looked at her face again. "You should at least put some ice on that…lower the swelling,"

Serena turned her head to the door when she heard her mom calling her name. "Hey, I have to go."

"We'll see you later." said Amara, walking off the front porch.

"Be careful," said Michelle, following after her girlfriend. Serena waved them goodbye, then walked inside the house.

The two females climbed into their car. Michelle turned to Amara, "I have a really bad feeling Amara…,"

Amara turned to her, "I am too…something is going down…and it's not good,"


Once inside, Serena leaned against the door with a sigh, Her mother came towards her, "Who was that?,"

"No one mom," she looked up to her mother, "Can you make me something to eat? I'm hungry."

Elaine smiled for the first time that day. "Sure,"


Darkness fell, Ken was home for once. He laid back on a lazy boy chair, feet propped up. He held a half empty beer bottle in his hand and was out cold. His light snores was mixed with the blaring television, as all the lights were off.

Serena sat up from her mother's bed, eyes opening groggily. Unwrapping herself from Elaine's arms, she climbed off the bed. Stretching, she walked out of the room.

Hearing the T.V., she crept down the stairs, frowning deeply, seeing her father. She eyed him…anger boiling inside of her, remembering the horrid events of the night before. The hell he had put her through, all of that pain…

She smiled, she would fix him good. She headed to the kitchen, pulling open a draw, she took out something. It was a large butcher knife with a black handle. Holding it up to her face, she saw her reflection, a dark twisted smile forming.

She put the knife down to her side, slowly making her way to the den. She stood in front of her father, malevolent thoughts crossing her mind, a deep frown upon her face. She clutched the knife in both hands, holding it high above her head.

Ken twitched slightly, opening his weary eyes. He raised an eyebrow in surprise, seeing his daughter. "Serena?" His eyes suddenly widened in alarm, finally seeing the large butcher knife.

"Oh m…," was all he could muster up, as Serena brought down the knife. She repeatedly brought it down, loving the way the blade cut through her father's flesh.

The beer bottle he held, dropped from his hand, making a soft 'thud' upon the carpeted floor, liquid spilling out. Blood shot up, splashing everywhere. Serena grinned, blood splashing onto her face, making her look demonic, as she continued to stab her father, Her anger and pain being released with each strike she made.

She finally stopped, breathing heavily. Tucking a long strand of hair behind her ear, she dropped the knife to the floor. Realization dawned on her…she just murdered her father.

She looked down at the mutilated body that was once her father. She took a shaky step back. "What have I done?" she whispered.

Panicky tears sprouted from her eyes. Fear sprung up inside her, she was going to be in so much trouble. She looked towards the front door, "I have to get out of here,"

She ran to the door, throwing it open, the door smacking against the wall. She looked towards the house one more time, before she took off down the street. "I'm so sorry mom," Tears rolled down her cheeks, "I didn't mean to do it,"


Elaine shot up from her bed, hearing aloud bang. Her eyes were wide, not seeing her daughter in sight. "Serena?"

She got up from the bed. She ran out of her room and stood in the hallway. Something told her to go down the stairs. She made her way down the steps…everything was so dark.

She turned on the lights for the den. A loud piercing scream rang out.


Darien sat on his bed, covered in sweat. He jumped out of his bed, throwing on a shirt and a pair of pants. Putting on his shoes, he grabbed his jacket, as well as the car keys. He ran out of his apartment, going to his car.

Driving as fast as he could, he stopped when he came to a park. He pulled over, then took off running through it. He stopped when he found what he wanted to find; Serena.

He walked towards her, seeing her down on her knees, staring down at her hands, shivering slightly. When he was behind her, he placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped, whirling her head around.

Darien gasped, seeing his girlfriend's swollen face. A black eye, a black and blue bruise trailing down her cheek, lips swollen, bottom lip busted open. He saw the blood that covered her face and felt uneasiness wash through him.

He fell down to his knees in front of her. He took her face into his hands. "I could feel you…,"

When he saw the puzzled and confused look on her face, he continued. "I can feel your pain…whenever you got hurt. I can feel your emotions. I especially felt what happened last night." he paused, taking a slow breath. "I know who you are…Sailor Moon, my Princess…You're my soul mate Serena."

She gasped as her secret identity was revealed. She narrowed her eyes "Who are you?,"

He smiled. "Prince Endymion…Tuxedo Mask."

He wiped away the blood that partially covered her face. Her eyes were wide with shock. He took her blood covered hands into his own, "I felt your emotions not too long ago. The anger…your hatred…the relief. Then, your fear," He looked into her eyes. "What did you do?,"

She swallowed hard, "I killed him…,"

He cocked his head to the side, "Who?,"

Tears rolled down her cheek, "My daddy,"


Sailor Pluto; Setsuna, was at the time gates. Her dark red eyes held a look of horror, "Oh my…this wasn't suppose to happen,"

Author: That's all for now ^_^ please review!