Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author: Thanks for the reviews!

Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the characters in this story!

Serena lay on her bed, drenched in sweat. Rocking from side to side, mumbling in her sleep. She suddenly shot up in her bed, eyes wide. She looked from side to side, fear evident in her eyes. She sighed, covering her face with her hands, wiping her sweat covered face.

“Another nightmare,” she whispered, lying back down. She just realized that it was still dark out. She looked at her clock and read the blaring red numbers of 3am. She sighed again and put her hand to her forehead.

“When will this end?,” whispered Serena, “I cant take these nightmares anymore”

She turned over to her side and saw that the dark purple cat was still asleep. She smiled lightly and ran her fingers through the soft fur. She wrapped an arm around the cat, bringing her face closer to it, she closed her eyes and fell back into another deep sleep. Nightmares of her best friend’s death plaguing her much needed sleep again.


A loud beeping noise sounded off, causing Serena to cover her head with a pillow. Seeing that the pillow wasn’t helping with getting rid of the irritating sound, she opened her eyes and leaned over to her alarm clock. She took the clock and tossed it across the room, having the clock hit the wall and then hit the floor.

She smiled and then laid back down. She turned to her side and reached for the cat. When she felt nothing but sheets, she looked up. She saw that the cat was sitting up and starring at her, surprisingly with a look of amusement on her face.

“It’s about time you woke up,” said the cat. Serena’s eyes widened and she shot up in her bed. She rammed her back into the headboard of her bed, pointing at the cat.

“Oh my God, you just talked!,” she exclaimed. The cat smirked and came a little closer to Serena.

‘I’m dreaming, I know I am, or I must really be insane,’ thought Serena, smacking her self rather hard. She closed her eyes tightly.

“Ok, when I open them, this will all disappear,” whispered Serena. When she opened them, the cat was indeed there, amusement still crossing over it’s features.

“Oh my God, there’s a talking cat in my room,” said Serena, out of sheer disbelief.

“Yes, of course I can talk child!,” exclaimed the cat.

“But that’s impossible…cats don’t talk!,” exclaimed Serena.

“Well I’m no ordinary cat,” said the cat, then she cocked her head.” You know you can relax, I’m not going to bite,”

Serena eyed the cat, she relaxed a bit, but kept her guard up. She kept her distance from the cat still looking at it, as if it was something demonic or something from a dream.

“Who the hell are you?,” asked Serena. The cat smiled, in a cat like way.

“I’m Luna, your advisor,” replied the cat. She looked at the cat as if it was crazy.

“My what?,” asked Serena.

“Your advisor, Princess,” replied the cat. Serena froze, shock evident on her face.

“What did you call me?,” asked Serena.

“I called you Princess,” replied Luna.

“How did you know that….that I am a Princess?,” asked Serena, becoming more relaxed.

“Because I’m from your past child,”

“My Past?,”

“Yes, from the Silver Millennium, when you lived on the moon. I was your mother’s advisor, sent to the future to advise you Princess. Although, I wasn’t a cat then,” replied Luna. “Do you understand?,”

Serena nodded her head, still in awe, “Yea, I guess,” She then put her hand to her head and shook it.

“What’s wrong?,” asked Luna. Serena looked at the cat with a wry smile.

“I knew this was coming, I had foreseen this in my dreams,” whispered Serena. Luna nodded her head.

“So I guess I should give you what you need,” replied Luna.

“What I need?,” asked Serena.

“Yes child, in order for you to transform into Sailor Moon,”

“Sailor Moon?,” Luna shook her head.

‘Oh boy, I guess she doesn’t know everything,’ thought Luna.

“You’re Sailor Moon, the fighter of Love and Justice,” replied Luna.

“How come I don’t remember that?,” asked Serena.

“Because you weren’t a scout back in the Silver Millennium. But times have changed, and you are in need to be a Sailor Scout,” said Luna. Serena nodded, soaking in all the information quite well. Suddenly there was a loud bang on Serena’s door.

“Come in,” said Serena. The door opened to reveal Serena’s mom. The elder woman walked in with a smile and sat down on the bed, next to her daughter. She looked at the cat and smiled. She leaned over and picked it up and began to pet it.

“Ah, I see that the cat is awake,” replied Mrs. T, running her fingers under Luna’s chin. The cat purred in delight moving closer to the woman’s hands. Mrs. T looked at her daughter, she used her other hand and brushed back Serena’s bangs.

“You had another nightmare last night I see,” replied the woman. Serena nodded, putting her head on her mother’s shoulder.

“Yeah, the same one replays over and over. It wont leave me alone, I just want it all to go away,” whispered Serena. Ms. T kissed her daughter on the forehead.

“They will in do time Serena,” replied Mrs. T. Serena nodded. “Anyway, you have to get ready for school.”

Mrs. T stood from her seat and put Luna down on the bed, “Oh yea, I talked to your father about the cat. He said you can keep it,”

Serena grinned, “Thanks mom,”

“Don’t thank me, thank you’re father when you come downstairs,” Serena’s face faltered. “Don’t give me that look, you’re going to thank him too,”

“But mom,” whined Serena.

“No butts, and I mean it Serena.” replied Mrs. T sternly.

Serena nodded, “ Yes ma’am.”

“Good,” said Mrs. T “ When you’re done getting ready, take the cat downstairs to eat. Oh by the way, did you name her?,”

“Yeah, her name is Luna,” replied Serena.

“Hmm, I like it,” said Mrs. T, before she left the room, closing the door behind her. Serena turned to Luna and saw the cat had a smile.

“Oh, I love your mom, she knows how to make a cat feel good,” replied Luna. Serena shook her head and stood up, walking over to her closet. She opened the closet door, pulling out her school uniform. She walked towards the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She put the outfit to the side and took her shower.

Once done, she dressed herself only in a bra, and the bottom portion of her uniform, which consisted of a dark blue skirt, knee high white socks and black dress shoes. She brushed her hair back into a ponytail and walked out of the room holding her white button down dress shirt. She put it on, while looking for her book bag. Luna looked at Serena and saw the long scar that went across her stomach.

Serena turned and saw the look Luna had upon her face, “It’s from a accident I had a while back,”

Luna shook her head, What?,”

“The scar, I got it from a car accident,” said Serena, before she went back into the bathroom. Luna blushed, but luckily it couldn’t be seen because of her dark fur.

Serena finished herself up and looked into the mirror, she looked at her school uniform in disgust.

“This looks so ugly,” mumbled Serena, leaving the bathroom. She picked up her backpack and went over to Luna.

“Hey, we’ll talk more about this Sailor Moon stuff when I get back,” replied Serena. The cat nodded and Serena carried her downstairs. Upon entering the kitchen, Sammy, Mrs. T and her father sat at the kitchen table eating. She spotted a little bowl filled with tuna in a corner for Luna. She placed Luna on the floor and watched as the cat took off to get something in her belly. Serena smiled and took a seat at the table.

She looked down at her plate and saw that there was hot toast with jelly, bacon, and two sunny side up eggs. Serena picked up a fork and began to eat. Halfway through her meal, she looked up to her father.

“Um, dad,” said Serena. Mr. T looked over at his daughter.


“Um, I just wanted to say thanks for letting me keep the cat,” said Serena with a small smile. Mr. T grunted.

“What ever. If that fur ball gets in my way, it will become target practice and will be placed on my mantel,” replied Mr. T. Serena’s smile faded and she looked at her plate of food, anger showing in her eyes. Mrs. T glared at her husband and then patted her daughter’s shoulder.

“Come on honey, You have to get to school. Let’s go Sam,” said Mrs. T. Serena stood from her seat as well as Sam. Serena pat Luna on the head, before she left, and Mrs. T smacked her husband upside the head, before she too left the room and out of the house.

Sam climbed into the back seat, as Serena climbed into the front. Mrs. T followed in afterwards, taking on the driver’s side. She drove off, taking Sam to school first, after dropping him off, she went to Serena’s school. She turned to her daughter.

“I’m sorry Serena, I was hoping he wouldn’t talk to you that way,” said Mrs. T. Serena turned to her mother with pain filled eyes.

“It’s ok mom, I’m used to it,” replied Serena.

Mrs. T shook her head, “It’s never ok Serena. He’s your father and you don’t deserve to be treated like that, not by him or by anyone. Do you understand me?,”

Serena nodded her head, “ Yes I do,”

Mrs. T smiled, “Good, now have a great day at school,”

Serena smiled and hugged and kissed her mom, “Yea, I will, Love you,”

“I love you too,” responded Mrs. T before she drove off. Serena turned and looked at the gigantic school.

“Oh man, what am I getting into?,”

Author: Well that’s all. Longer then my last chapter ^_^ I hoped you enjoyed and please review!