Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author: Thanks for the reviews!

Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the characters in this story!

“Oh man, what am I getting into?,” whispered Serena, staring at the gigantic school in awe. She looked at the kids her age, many of them sitting outside of the building conversing. She smiled, seeing as some of the students walked by, smiling at her and waving.

“Serena!,” shouted someone to the side of her. Serena turned to the left, to see Mina, Amy and Lita running towards her, grinning from ear to ear. Serena smiled turning to them.

“Hi guys,” replied Serena with a grin. The girls stopped running to a walk, when the where closer enough to Serena. Lita walked over to her and draped an arm around her shoulders.

“Hey girl, what’s up?, asked the tall brunette.

“Nothing much really,” replied Serena, smiling at them. Mina an Amy walked over to the other side of Serena.

“Hey Serena, don’t you need to go to the office, to get your schedule and stuff?,” asked Amy.

Serena nodded her head, “Yea, can you guys show me where it is?,”

“Yea of course,” replied Mina with a grin. With that, the group of four girls, they walked inside of the building. Upon entering, Serena could see people staring at her, whispering about a new girl. She blushed, seeing several guys check her out, whistling and asking for her number.

After what felt like an eternity, they made it to the main office. When they entered, they saw a rather plump woman, with big round glasses, sitting at her desk looking threw one of her drawers. The elderly woman looked up and smiled at the four girls.

“Hi, how can I help you?,” she asked in a bubbly voice. Serena stepped forward.

“Um, I just moved here and I’m a new student,” the elder woman smiled and looked through her folders.

“Serena Tuskino right?,” asked the woman.

Serena nodded, “ Yes ma’am,”

The woman went back to her files and pulled out a couple of papers. A bell rang and Lita, Amy and Mina looked at each other with wide eyes.

“Oh man, we’re going to be so late!,” exclaimed Mina.

Amy looked towards the elder woman, “Mrs. Plumb, can you give us a pass?,” asked Amy.

Mrs. Plumb nodded her head and smiled, “Yes of course,”

She pulled out a little notepad full of passes, she began to write out their names and handed it to the three girls. The three thanked the woman kindly and then turned to Serena.

“Hey Serena, we got to jet…we’ll see you later ok?,” said Lita.

Serena nodded, “Yea, I’ll see you guys later,”

The three girls smiled, before they took off out of the door. Mrs. Plumb laughed at the girls antics. Serena turned to the older with a smile.

Mrs. Plumb looked up at the girl, “You chose a nice group of girls to be friends with,”

Serena nodded, and took her schedule and locker number from the elderly woman. “I hope you have a good day Ms. Tuskino,”

Serena turned to her when she opened the door, “Same to you,”

Serena walked out of the office and looked at her locker number. She then looked at some of the locker numbers that were near her and was nowhere near where she was suppose to be. She sighed and started walking down the hallways.

She finally found her locker and started doing the combo. When she went to open it, it wouldn’t open. She pulled on it, but it wouldn’t budge. She growled, doing the combo over, but came up with the same results. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder.

She quickly turned around to a girl with brown shoulder length hair and matching eyes. (Author: cant remember molly’s eye color). The girl giggled and then smiled.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you,”

Serena smiled, “Its ok,”

The girl reached out her hand, “Hi, my name is Molly, what’s yours?,”

“It’s Serena,” she replied, shaking Molly’s hand firmly. Molly looked at the hand in surprise, feeling the girl’s strong grip.

“Nice to meet you,” Molly then pointed towards the locker Serena was having trouble with. “Do you need help?”

Serena nodded her head, “Yes please,”

Molly smiled, taking Serena’s locker combo and putting in the code. The locker was indeed jammed, so she hit the locker. It swung open and she smiled at Serena.

“The lockers here are crappy , they need a little hit to get them open,”

Serena smiled, “Thanks,”

“No problem,” She then looked at Serena’s schedule. “Hey we have English together, I can show you where it is,”

“Yea, that would be great,” replied Serena, closing her locker door, then grabbing her book bag. She followed Molly, talking to the nice girl. When they reached the classroom door, Serena swallowed hard, becoming nervous.

Molly turned to her, “Hey its ok, there’s nothing to be nervous about,”

Serena turned to her and smiled, then Molly turned back to the door and opened it. Class stopped quickly upon the disruption, the opening of the door caused. Everyone turned to the door, seeing Molly and someone they have never seen before enter the room.

Serena looked to the floor, feeling everyone’s eyes on her. Molly explained to the teacher as to why she was late, and the teacher told her to sit down. The teacher walked over to the Serena and smiled.

“Hi, My name is Ms. Haruna.”

She looked up seeing the woman with red hair and green eyes. She looked rather young, maybe in her early twenties.

“Hi,” whispered Serena.

Ms. Haruna smiled at the girl’s sudden shyness, “Hey, what’s your name?,”


Mrs. Haruna smiled and turned to the rest of the class. “Class, we have a new student today.”

Everyone quieted down, listening to the teacher, “This is Serena, say hi,”

“Hi!,” chorused everyone in the class. Serena blushed slightly, feeling all of the attention on her. The teacher looked at Serena’s schedule, making sure she was in the right class, and she was. Seeing an empty seat next to Molly, Mrs. Haruna told Serena to take a seat next to her.

As Serena walked by, she could hear people saying ‘hi‘, and ‘how are you doing’, and ‘nice to meet you’.

Serena took her seat and began her first day of class.


School went by like a flash, Serena meeting tons of new people, making a lot of new friends. Now, Serena stood outside of school, with Amy, Lita and Mina. They were talking happily, when they saw Rei run up the side walk, and towards the school.

They smiled waving her over. Rei ran up the steps and smiled seeing Serena and the girls. “Hi guys,”

“Hey Rei,” the girls chorused together.

Rei turned to Serena, “So, how was your first day of school?,”

“It was really good actually,” she replied with a smile.

“That’s good,” replied Rei, “Hey, are you still going to the arcade?,”

“Yea, I just have to go home first. What time do you want me to be there?,”

“Around 5pm would be good,”

Serena nodded her head. “Alright, I’ll be there.”

“Good, now I think we have to head home ourselves,” replied Lita, standing up from her seat on the steps. The rest of the girls followed in the lead, Serena looked towards the parking lot and saw her mother waving her over.

Serena stood, “Hey guys, my mom is here, I’ll see you guys later at 5pm,”

They nodded and waved bye to Serena, as she ran off to the car. They watched as she drove off with her mother.

“Come on you guys, we have a Senshi meeting to attend,” said Rei, before she started towards her home. The girls agreed and followed after the raven haired girl.

Author: That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed. Please review!