Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Serena shot up from her bed, drenched in sweat, eyes wild with fear. She gritted her teeth angrily, a hand placed on her injured side. “Damn nightmares.”
Her eyes shifted to her alarm clock seeing that it was only 6:30am. “Well, there's no point in trying to go back to sleep.” She looked around for her feline companion, and didn't see her in sight. With a shrug of her shoulders, she stood from the bed slowly, and started to get ready for school.
Once done, she looked in the mirror and noticed that her wound on the side of her head was clearly visible with her hair pulled back. With a frown, she let her hair loose, and used her fingers to comb through her hair to cover the wound. She smiled with satisfaction just as her mother walked into her room.
“Oh wow, you're up already.” She stepped completely into the room and wrapped her arms around her daughter from behind. “Looks like you didn't sleep well.” Taking note to the heavy bags beneath her daughter's eyes.
“No, I didn't” she whispered tiredly. She watched as her mother took a lock of her “raven” hair and twisted it around her finger.”
“I wish you'd let your hair grow out, and let it be blonde.”
Serena furrowed her brows. “You liked the way my hair was before?”
Mrs. T smiled, placing a soft kiss on her daughter's cheek before stepping away from her and advancing her way to the door. “I loved the way your hair was before. Now come on, breakfast is ready.”
Serena watched as her mother exited the room with a small smile. “Maybe I will do that than.” She whispered.
Serena slowly trudged down the street tiredly. She was suppose to go to the arcade with her friends, but made up an excuse that she had to stay after school for a while. She really didn't want the others to question why she was walking so slowly, and every so often cradling her side.
She saw the arcade up the road deciding whether or not she wanted to go in. She really did want to go home and lay down, but she was also dying for a large chocolate milkshake. With a small smile she decided she really did want that milk shake.
Picking up her speed she made her way to the arcade. Upon stepping inside she felt the cool breeze of the air conditioner and couldn't help but smile as she saw children running around the arcade with so much excitement. `I really need to bring Sammy here, he would love it.' She thought to herself.
“Aw, look what the cat dragged in.”
Serena gritted her teeth, knowing who made the comment. She whirled around and glared at the ebony haired hottie. “Fuck you.”
Darien smirked, “You're a bit too immature for me.”
Serena's eyes narrowed into slits. “I wasn't offering.”
Just then Andrew came to the counter and smiled. “Hey Serena! Can I get you anything?”
Serena smiled brightly at the cute blonde. “Yea, I want the biggest chocolate shake you got.”
Andrew chuckled. “Are you sure, it's pretty large.”
Serena nodded enthusiastically and even Darien couldn't help but chuckle. Andrew smile turned into a grin, “Alright then, super large chocolate shake coming up!”
Andrew made his way into the kitchen, just as Serena took a seat on a stool at the bar. She could feel eyes on her, and from the corner of her eye she could see Darien eyeing her. “You like what you see?,” she spat, turning her attention on him.
Darien snapped out of his thoughts, a blush hinting his cheeks. He quickly turned from her and muttered “whatever.”
Soon Andrew came out with a gigantic glass full of chocolate milkshake, whip cream, chocolate syrup, and a pretty cherry to top it off. He placed it on the table before the nearly drooling Serena.
Darien's eyes widened in shock, “Holy shit, you're not going to drink that entire thing are you?”
Serena grinned after taking a large gulp, sighing happily. “You damn straight I am.”
Andrew shook his head. “If you can drink all of that, then I'll give you a milkshake for free everyday.”
Serena grinned mischievously. “You sure you want to make that bet?”
Andrew nodded. “Oh yes, nobody has EVER finished a super shake.”
Serena reached out her hand to Andrew. “Let's shake on it then.”
Andrew rose out his hand, and they both shook on it. “You got your self a deal.”
Darien shook his head. “There's no way you can finish that…it's bigger than your head, and you have a pretty big one!”
Serena ignored him, already drinking a quarter of the shake down as if it were nothing.
Within 10 minutes Serena slurped the last drop and leaned back in her seat rubbing her belly, eyes half lidded as if she was on cloud nine. Both Darien and Andrew stared at her with their eyes bulging out their heads and their jaws practically hitting the floor.
“Oh My God!” stated Andrew, not believing his eyes.
Serena smirked, “Free milkshake everyday huh?”
Andrew nodded dumbly and took the large glass off the table and brought it to the kitchen. Darien stared at the petite girl. `Where the hell did she put it all?' he thought incredulously.
Suddenly Serena felt herself being latched onto from behind, and her body tensed and she winced in pain, in which Darien took note of. The hands immediately dropped and Serena turned to see a worried Mina behind her. “I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you did I?”
Serena gave off a nervous chuckle, “No not at all.”
Mina saw right through it but decided to let it go, “Oh, alright. Well, I thought you weren't coming?”
“I wasn't, but I really wanted a milkshake.”
“A pretty damn huge milkshake,” muttered Darien.
She shot him a glare as he smirked. “Well it was huge!”
Rolling her eyes, she slid off the bar stool and her eyes widen, feeling as though her bladder was going to explode. With speed she didn't even know she possessed, she bolted for the bathroom, leaving a laughing Darien and a smirking Mina in her wake.
Mina turned her attention to Darien, expression turning serious. “You noticed her flinch in pain didn't you?”
Darien's smile left his face as he nodded in agreement. “Yes, I did. I wonder what that was about.”
“I don't know…” she trailed off, just as Serena exited the bathroom, a smile of relief present on her face.
She made her way back over to Mina and leaned up against the counter. “Hey, I need to get home, but I'll be here tomorrow. I want to bring my little brother here.”
Mina grinned, “Awsome, I'll see you tomorrow at school then.”
“Yep,” she chirped. “Tomorrow it is, see you then.” She made her way to the glass double doors. “Bye jerk-off.” She added, quickly leaving so she would have the last word.
Darien chuckled. “She is something else.” His eyes trailed after the princess till she disappeared from his sight.
Mina smiled, “Yes she is.” She looked down at her watch and grimaced at the time. “I need to be heading home myself.” She looked up towards Darien. “We'll have a meeting after the arcade.”
“Good, we need to discuss the new Senshi that has suddenly appeared.” He replied.
With a curt nod, she made her exit. Darien looked down at the countertop with glazed over eyes. “Why do I feel like I should know who this mysterious Senshi is?” he whispered, his question being left unanswered.
Serena stepped into the door way of her house, spotting her brother watching tv on the living room floor, and her father reclined in a lazy boy reading a newspaper. She stood in the door way in the kitchen and seen her mother setting the table for dinner.
Mrs. T looked up at her daughter with a smile. “Just in time for dinner.”
“I'm not really hungry, I'm going to go and lay down.” Muttered Serena.
Mrs. T frowned placing the last of the dishes on the table, and walking over to her daughter. “Are you not feeling well?”
“I'm just really tired,” she whispered. She kissed her mother on the cheek and made her way to the stairway, her mother staring after her worriedly.
She stopped halfway up the stairs. “My friends want me to go to the arcade tomorrow after school, is it okay that Sammy comes along?”
Sammy suddenly snapped his head towards his mother and sister, grinning like a cheshire cat. “Oh, I want to go to the arcade!”
“What about homework?”
“Tomorrow is Friday, I wont have no homework and I've been saving my allowance!” whined Sammy.
Mrs. T. rolled her eyes. “I suppose.”
Sammy jumped up from his seat on the floor, running over to his mother to give her a tight hug. “Thanks, Mom!”
Mrs. T and Serena giggled at his enthusiasm. Mrs. T patted her son on the head. “Now go and get cleaned up for dinner.”
With a squeal of pure delight, he bolted up the steps and made his way to the bathroom to clean up. Mrs T shook her head. “I swear you kids only hear what you want to hear.” She muttered.
“You know it!” exclaimed Serena, making her way up the stairs.
“Hey, if you get hungry, I'll have some food put to the side for you in the fridge.”
“Thanks Mom!” replied Serena, making her way into her room, and closing the door behind her softly.
She drowsily made her way to the bed, dropping her book bag on the floor in the corner. She flopped face first on the bed, scaring the hell out of Luna who was sleeping quite peacefully on the bed.
Luna made her way over to the princess, who had not budged since she landed on the bed. She nudged her with her paw. “Serena…we need to talk.”
With a sigh, Luna made herself comfortable at the edge of the bed. “I guess we'll talk tomorrow then,” she mumbled, letting sleep claim her as well.