Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: Thanks so much for the reviews you guys! Y'all are awesome!
Disclaimer: Don't own any of the SM characters in this fic.
Serena made her way back to the tree and seen that Darien had propped himself up at the base of the tree, she once was resting upon. He had de-transformed and had his eyes closed, and was putting pressure on his wound with both hands.
“You need to go to the hospital.” Darien wearily opened his eyes and shook his head.
“No, I heal faster than normal…I just need to rest.” was his reply, causing the princess to frown.
“I do too, but that thing impaled you with a root Darien!”
The heroine laughed. “That's the first time I've heard you say my name...and if I didn't feel so delirious right now, I would say you were worried about me.”
Serena huffed and slowly squatted down. “You ass,” she muttered. “Let me help you up, we really need to get out of here.”
“I should be helping you, you're really hurt too.” He protested, as Serena drafted his arm around her shoulder and helped him to stand, with much support from the tree.
“Nothing I can't handle,” she remarked through clenched teeth. To be truthful, she was in a lot of pain, may even have a broken rib or two, not to mention a possibility of a concussion, and the many wounds that were bleeding a bit too heavy for her liking.
She looked upon him questioningly. “Do you have your car around here or did you fly?”
Darien rolled his eyes. “No smart ass I don't fly, my car is at the entrance.” With a nod from the princess, the two slowly made their way to the front, questions bubbling up within the both of them.
“How did you know I was Sailor Moon?” questioned Serena, unable to bear the silence any longer.
Darien smiled. “By the way you fight, and you're attitude. You're one of a kind.” He snickered, before he too asked a question.
“How do you know how to fight like that?”
“I used to get picked on real bad and beat up everyday. My mom became tired of it and placed me in Karate, but it really didn't help because I never fought back against the bullies.”
Darien arched a brow. “Why not?”
She furrowed her own brows, “Honestly…I don't know. It didn't really matter, because I met Tyler…he was my best friend and when he came into the picture, everyone stopped bothering me.”
Darien swallowed the lump in his throat, unsure if he wanted to ask the next question. “Was your best friend?”
Serena `s eyes darkened slightly at the memory. “We were eleven and in a bad car accident. His mom went to go run errands and Tyler and I were in the car waiting. It was snowing pretty heavy and a Semi lost control and knocked us off a 50ft ditch.” She closed her eyes, remembering everything like it was yesterday.
“If I could have gotten that damn seatbelt off…he would be here right now…He helped me so much and I couldn't do one thing for him.” Darien stopped walking abruptly, and took her face into his hands and made her look him in the eyes.
“Don't you dare blame yourself; that was not your fault, it was an accident and it was out of your control.” Much to her surprise, he pulled her into a tight hug.
“Stop blaming yourself and let it go” She slowly wrapped her hands around his waist and buried her face into his chest and let the tears spill down her face, and she felt him tighten his hold around her. She nearly smiled, feeling so safe and secure in his arms.
“How can you tell me that…how can you know how I feel?” She was startled when she heard Darien chuckle.
“I know exactly how you feel.” He rested his chin on top of her soft hair as he too began to get lost in the devastating memories that scarred him to this very day.
“It was my 5th birthday, and I had begged my parents to take me up to the cabins in the mountains they owned. They wanted to make me happy and complied.” He closed his eyes, remembering everything vividly.
“It was raining so bad we could barely see. My dad lost control and we went off the road and down the side of a mountain. I was the only one that survived and I blamed myself for years…I believed that if I didn't ask to go up there, they would still be here.”
Serena felt more tears well up in her eyes as she listened to the story intently. “So who takes care of you?”
“My uncle claimed me and I hated him. He was nothing but a drunk and was after my parents' money. He is an evil man and when I was fourteen, I went to court and told them what was going on so I could take care of myself. They granted my wish and I've been on my own ever since.”
“Do you and Andrew go to private school because I've never seen you two there.”
“Yes we do,” he replied with a nod. Serena reluctantly let go of him and the two continued their walk back to the car.
“So what made you start fighting back?” questioned Darien.
Serena sighed heavily. “Well, after Tyler's death…I quit caring about everything. Everyone started picking on me again and the teachers were giving me hell. So…I kicked the shit of anybody who opposed me. I really lost my temper that last time because a teacher humiliated me in front of the entire class. Before I blacked out, I remember picking up my chair. I nearly beat that man to death with it, which resulted in me being kicked out of school, and my Dad…” she growled at the mere mentioning of him.
“My Dad sent me to an asylum for three years. He wound up loosing his job…and here I am.”
Darien cocked his brow. “Don't like your Dad, huh?”
“I hate him and he always hated me.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because Sammy wasn't born first; my Grandfather and Uncle gave him hell because he didn't have a son first, so he took his anger out on me. They too treated me like shit…” She shivered when dark memories of the past coursed through her mind, which Darien immediately took notice of. Before he could ask more on the issue, they were at his car.
Serena snapped out of her reverie and looked up at Darien. “Let me get the keys.”
He looked upon the girl as if she were crazy. “Have you lost your fucking mind?”
“Give me the keys before I punch out your window and hotwire it. You are in no condition to drive.”
“Neither are you!” he argued.
“I'm in a better condition than you and you have to keep pressure on that wound!” she snapped. She raised her hand ready to punch the window, when she saw keys dangling in front of her face. She grinned and snatched the keys from him.
“Thank you!”
“I swear, if you harm my baby, that's your ass!”
Serena rolled her eyes and helped him into the car. She herself got behind the wheel when Darien asked her another question.
“How the hell do you know how to drive and hotwire vehicles?”
Serena smirked. “Been steeling my dad's car since I was 10; living in the south on the dirt roads has its perks.”
Darien shook his head. This girl was really something else! He leaned back and put on his safety belt, and told Serena where to go. She revved the engine and shot off, causing Darien to holler.
The Sailor Scouts made their way to the park and looked around in confusion, seeing no Youma terrorizing the place.
“I know I had sensed a Youma!” exclaimed Mars, scanning the area thoroughly.
“There was one,” replied Mercury.
Everyone turned to her. “How do you figure?” asked Uranus.
Mercury put her computer away. “Because of the damage this park has suffered and my computer sensed some of the particles of the Youma, meaning it was just recently dusted. I guess that Senshi came and finished the job.”
“She was hurt too,” replied Neptune, seeing a puddle of blood on the ground by a tree.”
“We really need to find out who this is.” remarked Venus, chewing on her bottom lip. “I mean…she was pretty hurt the last time.
Mars nodded in agreement, “I guess we will start searching for this mysterious Senshi or at least catch her before she runs off after defeating a youma.”
The girls agreed and went their separate ways.
The duo pulled up to an extremely fancy looking apartment complex, causing Serena's eyes to widen. “Wow…this is where you live?”
Darien smiled, “Yep…home sweet home.” Serena pulled into the parking garage, exited the car, helped Darien out and handed him his keys. They made their way to an elevator and went up to the 7th floor, and went to door 715. Darien unlocked his door and Serena gasped at how big it was. Everything was so fancy and she was totally eyeing the large plasma TV and the game systems he had aligned neatly in front of it.
Darien brought her to his room, which was too, extremely large and nicely furnished. She helped Darien sit on his king size bed as he told her where his first aid kit was. She quickly retrieved the items and lifted Darien's shirt. She took advantage and scanned his really nice muscled abs.
Serena began to clean the wound. “So what is you're role in this whole Youma thing, are you with the other Sailor Senshi?”
Darien nodded, flinching every time she dabbed at his wound. “I am the prince of Earth, so it's my duty to protect it. I'm glad I have the scouts to aid me.”
Serena paused and stared at him, “Your…Prince Endymion?”
“Yes, Princess Serenity.” She gasped; her other alter ego being announced.
“We all knew you are the princess,” replied Darien.
“Well…why the hell didn't you say anything?”
“Because we didn't know if you knew or not, plus we wanted to get to know you better before that information was found out.”
Serena pouted. “So the scouts are the girls then…and they all knew who I was.” She frowned. “No wonder I kept feeling that sense of déjà vu. How come you guys knew who I was and I didn't know who you were.”
This information caused Darien to cock a brow. “You didn't know who we were?”
She shook her head. “I regained my memories when I was little…I knew of you, but I didn't know what you looked like. Your faces were always shadowed over.” She sighed. “So you been knew that I was Sailor Moon then?”
“No…kind of shocked us when you appeared. We didn't remember her because she never existed, and to find out that the princess is a Sailor Senshi is amazing too. We've been killing ourselves trying to figure out who Sailor Moon is.”
Serena smiled. “Well now you know.” She suddenly huffed, punching Darien in the arm.
“Ow! What was that for?”
“If you knew who I was, why the hell were you being so mean to me?”
“Because you're sexy when you're mad.” was his simple reply. Serena blushed deeply at the comment.
“Ass.” Darien chuckled as Serena finished up. She pulled her cell phone out of her back pocket and seen that it was going on 6am. Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head.
“Oh shit! I have to go!” Darien looked upon her in alarm and clutched a hold of her arm.
“Why…you can stay the night with me. You need to be bandaged up too.” Serena shook her head.
“I promised Luna I was coming home! She's going to be so pissed and I have to get there before my mom wakes up.” Darien pouted, he really wanted her to stay; he didn't feel so lonely with her around.
“I'll take you home.”
“No! You stay in the bed.” Darien frowned, she's so damn stubborn!
“I don't think so, you are not walking home at this time of night and you're injured.” She gave a frustrated sigh, he's so damn stubborn!
“Look, give me your number and I'll call you when I make it to my house, I swear it.” Darien chewed on his bottom lip, he knew he was losing and he hated it.
“Only if you let me take you out to lunch tomorrow at the Arcade.” he replied.
“Only if you drink a chocolate shake with me.” Darien smirked.
“Sounds like a date.” Serena giggled and quickly bent down and kissed him on the cheek.
“Thanks for saving me.” Darien grinned and pulled her to him and kissed her lightly on the lips, causing her to blush deeply.
“Thanks for helping me tonight.” Serena looked at him shyly. She was beginning to have second thoughts about leaving, until a raging Luna popped up in her mind.
“I have to go, I'll call you soon.” He smiled and let her go.
“I'll be waiting.” She made a quick retreat and left, Darien watching her go sadly.
A walk from Darien's would have taken her 15 minutes, had taken her nearly an hour to get to her destination. By the time she was at her house, the sun was beginning to rise, and she was in a lot of pain, and still hadn't performed the hardest task; climbing the dreaded tree.
She finished her quick conversation with Darien and looked upon the tree in horror. She slowly, but surely climbed the tree, she made it to her window with an exasperated sigh; a light sheen of sweat covering her face from pure exhaustion.
She climbed through her bedroom window and didn't see Luna or her brother in sight, causing her to arch a brow in confusion. Suddenly her bedroom door was opened and the lights flicked on; the sight before her nearly made her scream. Her mother stood in the door way, tapping her foot, hands on her hips, and she looked pissed!
“Where the hell have you been?”
Author: That's all for now ^_^ hope you enjoyed and please review!