Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Arthur: Here's my new story, I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: Don't own any of the characters in this story.

Hi! My name is Serena Usagi Tsukino. You may know me as Sailor Moon, Princess Serenity, and the Sovereign of light. The daughter of Queen Serenity from the moon and my father is unknown. My human parents being the all so lovable people being Elaine and Ken Tsukino and sister of Sam Tsukino. That my family was so perfect and that I am a spoiled brat who receives everything she wants. The blonde ditz who is too innocent that I can't see how the world really is.

Well let me tell you something, If that's your expectations you're wrong. I have my share of pain and I'm not as innocent as you may believe. My family isn't at all perfect as they may seem. Let me tell you how my life really is.

You see when I was born, the doctors told my parents I wasn't going to make it. I was born premature, two months too early. I was born so tiny, only weighing 3.5 pounds. I had blonde curly hair like mother and her bright blue eyes.

The doctors claimed that my lungs were going to collapse considering they weren't developed properly. Well obviously I didn't die. I had surprised the doctors in recovering. They called me the miracle baby.

I was taken out of the hospital after four months. Since that day everyone knew I was going to be different. Which caused me a lot of problems in the near future. I was never close to my father. He always had this hate for me. You see in his family it is tradition that a male is suppose to be birth first not a female. Well they received a surprise when I came out.

Grandpa Tsukino always made fun of my dad for having a daughter. My father hated it and took his anger out on me. At he gave me verbal abuse such as telling me that I'll be nothing in this world. How everyone hated me. He said that I was a mistake.

My family from his side wasn't much help either. They made fun of me as well. They always called me names and made me feel bad about myself. I can't stand being around them.

I became very close to my mother. She hated it when my father and his family made me feel bad. I believed that my mom was more than my mother, she was more like my friend. She was someone I could depend on. It broke my mother's heart to see her own husband treating their daughter so badly.

I had learned to stay away from my father. The only time I could really be happy was when my father went on his business trips. There was peace and quite with only my mother and I. When I turned four I began to have dreams of who I really was.

I learned how my kingdom was destroyed and my ethnicity. I learned of my Senshi and my Prince who I was destined to be with. What power I have and my talents but I wouldn't start developing them until I turned fourteen. I smiled every time I woke from those dreams. I always had a bit of hope that these people will help me and take me away from my father. The only problem was I didn't know what they looked like. In all my dreams their faces have been shadowed over.

My baby brother Sam had been born as well. Sam looked exactly like my dad. He had my dad's soft brown hair and light brown eyes. My father was so happy to receive a son. He stopped paying attention to me and kept it on Sam.

When I turned five I was able to start school. I thought it was going to be fun being able to have friends and to get away from my father. I was wrong. Life became even worse. Kids my age and older picked on me day in and day out. I wound up being the smallest kid in my class.

Everyone seemed to sense that I was different some how and they didn't like me. The teachers even hated me. I dreaded school. It was a nightmare, but then things changed for a while. When I was seven and in the second grade, a new boy came into my class; his name was Tyler Henchmen. He saw a couple of kids picking on me. They had taken my lunch and started playing catch with it.

Then Tyler came and got them to stop. From then on we were best friends. We were always together. The kids stopped picking on me because of Tyler. They left us alone. But my happiness didn't last like I hoped.

When Tyler and I were eleven years old something dramatic happened. You see I was spending the week at his house because my dad went on a business trip. He took my mom and brother along with him too. He said I couldn't go because he couldn't stand to look at my face.

Anyway, Mrs. Henchmen had taken Tyler and I to the post office. It was snowing outside and the roads where very slippery. Well where Mrs. Henchman parked, the left side was the road and the right was a 50ft ditch that was blocked off by a metal railing.

Mrs. Henchmen told us to wait inside as she went to go into the building. Tyler and I stayed in the back with our seat belts buckled tightly. We talked about what we were going to be when we grew up and other typical eleven-year-old talk.

Suddenly we heard screeching tires. We looked out Tyler's window as we saw a tractor trailer loose control on the slippery road. The truck flipped over onto its side and was coming straight at us. Tyler and I immediately began to unbuckle our seat belts.

Once I had mines off Tyler cried out that his seat belt was jammed. I rushed over to his side and we both struggled to get the belt off. When we finally got the buckle un-jammed it was too late. The truck smashed into us knocking us down the 50ft ditch.

The car tumbled its way down smashing against sharp rocks as we screamed and cried out in fright. After what seemed like an eternity of tumbling down the ditch it finally came to an end. The car hit the ground with a loud thump as it lay on its side. All the windows were broken and the car was crushed and dented in a sickening way.

Tyler and I laid inside in a bloody mess with bones twisted in an unthinkable way. I lay atop of Tyler breathing heavily. I painfully raised my head to look at Tyler. He wasn't moving and I hoarsely whispered his name, but he wouldn't respond. I laid my head on his chest and to my horror there was no heart beat. My best and only friend was dead.

Tyler and I were stuck down that ditch for hours. I was immediately rushed to the hospital and I had fallen into a comma for two months. I had damaged my knee really badly. My right arm was so badly crushed the doctors were thinking about taking it off. I had a large scar across my stomach and my face was banged up pretty bad.

My parents and little brother had to leave early from the business trip because of the accident. My dad was angry about it and didn't care whether I lived or died. My mom stayed with me during my time in the hospital. She even attended my therapy class to build up my strength in my body.

I had gone back to school a couple of months later. I had grown a hot temper as well as fallen in to a deep depression. The kids had started to pick on me again, but this time I didn't let them run all over me. I fought back. I fought like never before with having all this pent up anger and sadness finally being released.

I had kicked the crap out of all the people who opposed me. I also didn't take any of the teachers crap neither. I remember the one time my anger had gone too far. One of my teachers had totally humiliated me in front of the whole class. With everyone laughing at me I felt my anger rise and all I could see was red.

I stood up from my seat and picked up my chair I was sitting on and began pounding the hell out of the teacher. I would have killed the man if those five teachers didn't drag me off. After that day I was kicked out of school. Everyone said I was crazy and my dad sent me to an asylum against my mother's wishes.

I was stuck there for two years and I was happy. I was away from my father and away from the mockery. I felt no pain here with all that medication they drugged me with. The doctors and councilors were really nice to me. I learned many things there, especially from the patients.

They told me ways had they forgot about their pain. Some of them had cut themselves became alcoholics, and druggies. Many of them attempted suicide to receive attention or just to escape everything; trying to take the easy way out. Some even would just torture themselves in sick ways that I don't even want to discuss.

But from all the information I received from the patients, none of them said that they regretted it. They didn't tell me what I was really going to be getting into. They didn't tell me that I would be doing more harm to myself then helping. But I was a naive person and I drank in all that info without thinking of the consequences.

Like I said before I was only there for three years and now I was fourteen. I had to leave because my dad had been fired from his job. My dad decided he wanted to move to Tokyo, Japan. So I was forced out the place that kept me safe and was thrown back into my personal hell called home.

We had moved three weeks after my release from the asylum. Tokyo was really a nice place with large sky scarpers and the streets being crowded by people. I had changed since I left the asylum. I had cut my ankle length blonde hair to my shoulders and died it black. I also became accustomed to wearing dark clothing, mainly black.

With me being in a new environment with new people who know nothing about me, my life may become better.

Arthur: That's all I can come up with for now. Please Review.