Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Serenity ❯ Prologue

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Sailor Moon lemon fanfic

By Bill K.
Sai lor Moon and all related characters are (c) 2001 by Naoko
Takeuchi, Kodansha and Toei Animation and are used without
permission, but with respect. Story is (c) 2001 by Bill Kropfhauser.

For all those familiar only with the English dub:
Minako=M ina
Mamoru=Dar ian

Finally, Haruka and Michiru are NOT cousins!
-------------------------------------------------------------< br> The heat in the room seems almost inhuman, and yet I can't say
that I'm uncomfortable. My attention, though, is occupied elsewhere,
namely a ruddy strip of flesh between the legs of my sovereign and my
savior - - and my best friend.

Serenity groans from my ministrations - - that sweet, shy
little groan that she keeps bottled up until she can't stand it any
longer. It's as if she's afraid, even after all these years, that
someone will mock her for feeling pleasure. Her supple body tries to
squirm away, but I hold her thighs with my arms and continue to
stroke the strip of flesh with my tongue. This strip, this pathway
to her passion tufted with gold, parts as I push my tongue inside.
Just enough to tease, just enough to make her wiggle, then withdraw
to make her need more. She groans again, this time in frustration,
and calls me cruel - - and I am. I could never be truly cruel to her
- - never - - but I must confess I love being playfully cruel to her.

The tip of my tongue jabs her clitoris and playfully circles
the shy little nub. Air hisses through Serenity's parted teeth and I
feel every muscle in her body clench. Peeking up at her, I see her
arms fly up to her head and wrap around it. It gives me a grin.
I've been on the receiving end of toe-curlers like this and I'm glad
I could give one to her. She begins to cry out, denying what she
felt in an effort to mitigate it. Her cries get faster and more
high-pitched until it dissolves into one long, loud groan.

When she slumps on the bed, limp and watery, I stop.
Devilishly I considered giving her another, but my good side wins
out. Moments later Serenity pops up to a sitting position, her face
energetic and beaming her patented hypnotic smile.

"OK, Rei," she grins enthusiastically, patting the bed. "Hop
up and I'll do you!"

I hesitate, not because I don't want to, but because I don't
like giving in easily to her. I at least like to put up a pretense
of a fight before I cave in to her, because I know I will. You can't
look into those big blue eyes and not want to give her everything she
wants. My hesitation turns her enthusiasm into consternation. Her
smile dims and her eyes begin to water. She's so unselfish - - if I
don't let her return all the pleasure I gave her and more, she'll
feel terrible for the rest of the day.

"We can't have that," that spot between my legs tells me. Who
am I to argue? Relenting, I hop into bed next to her. Serenity's
eyes light up and she's on me in a heartbeat, and soon I'm soaring as
* * * *
Walking down the hall toward the temple - - the temple she
build for me in the palace, the temple that has become my home and my
sanctuary over these many centuries, the temple I try to thank her
for every moment of every day because it will never ever equal the
gratitude I feel - - I think back to her sleeping alone in her
chambers, love in her heart and a smile on her face. Endymion is
away, meeting with members of the various Asian governments. He's
been gone a week and he'll probably be gone another week, so she'll
probably need me again.

I'll be here.

Ami passes me in the hall and nods, then smiles
conspiratorially to herself. She knows the secret Serenity and I
share. She was smart enough to figure it out, but needed to discuss
it with Serenity and myself before she accepted it. She still tends
to get protective of Endymion from time to time. But even she had to
surrender to the necessity of the situation.

The door to the temple slides shut behind me. I pad over to a
cabinet on bare feet, the hem of my temple robe brushing along the
floor. Taking out a stick of incense, I light it to remove the dull
sameness of the air in the room. A sigh escapes my lips and once
again I experience the let down that always seems to come after.

I am Rei Hino and I am a surrogate. When my Queen has needs
and her husband is not here to satisfy them, I satisfy them. When
she's done with me, I return to my original position outside. I love
her, but I can never have her, other than in the place of another.

Kneeling on a mat, I offer a small prayer in hopes of
dispelling this vague melancholy. It began when, centuries ago?
* * * *
The first hundred years of life are the most varied. The pains
seem the most taxing and the pleasures the most memorable. Soon into
the fight to establish Crystal Tokyo amid the ruins of Tokyo, we all
realized that we weren't aging. Ami and Setsuna soon concluded that
being senshi made us different, that we had a longer life-span than
other people. It meant many things, not all of them good, but it
also meant that Usagi had more time to make her dream of world peace
and harmony a reality. When she ascended to Serenity that magical
day, she took on new challenges and new responsibilities. I don't
think I was ever prouder of her than I was that day. My little
bubblehead was all grown up and a responsible woman.

And she had Mamoru, now ascended to Endymion. She was his
spirit guide and he was her rock of strength. They were the picture
perfect couple, even during the little squabbles the public didn't
see. They came to symbolize love, security and hope for the future
for a race of people desperate for something good to hold onto after
a half century of strife.

I think the year was 2096. Minako had just reminded me that it
was the centennial anniversary of the defeat of Sailor Galaxia - -
Minako keeps track of things like that. I wandered over to
Serenity's chambers, partly to pass along that information and partly
to visit. I was sensing uneasy vibrations from her vicinity and
wanted to check. As I neared her chamber, I could feel her distress.
Pushing politeness aside, I shoved my way in through the door.

"Don't you ever knock?" Serenity said crossly, glancing at me
from the side of her bed. She was sitting there crying and it was
like a knife in my heart.

"It felt like you were in distress," I replied, not backing
down. Serenity turned away. "I could feel you all the way out in
the hall. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," she whispered, looking down. "I'm just being

"What else is knew?" I said with gentle joviality. "Tell me."

"I - - no. I'm sorry I disturbed you."

"You know I won't let it go like that," I warned her.

"And you know how much that irritates me," she shot back, her
tears slowed by her annoyance.

"Then talk," I persisted. "I can outlast you, Your Majesty."

"Stop calling me that!" she huffed. "You know I hate that

"Then spill!" I growled. And then a face flashed in my mind.
"You're lonely, aren't you?"

Serenity's gaze sought the floor. She was caught.

"I can't help it," she replied. "I know I shouldn't. I'm one
hundred and sixteen years old. I should act more mature." Her lower
lip stuck out, one of the old Usagi characteristics I still saw in
her. "But I've never done well when he's away. It's been fourteen

"Doesn't he vid you?" I asked.

"It's not the same. I can't touch him through a vid. I don't
feel his warmth through a vid." She sighed, a deep, condemned,
melancholy heave. I put my arms around her and she clung to me,
desperate for the warmth and compassion of another person. "I'll get
through it. I've done it before. I've just never been caught

"I could have done this sooner if I'd known," I gently chided

All the while, I was knotted up inside. No one who hasn't been
in Serenity's presence knows what it's like. She radiates such a
powerful aura of - - well, love is the best way to describe it - -
that it can be intoxicating. I've witnessed birds fly into her hand.
I've seen the most demagogue-like politician melt in her presence.
And me - - well, I've only harbored feelings for her that I wouldn't
even admit to myself for the longest time. Our embrace may have
calmed her, but it was having the opposite effect on me.

"Rei," she said gently. "Remember that Sunday we took a bath
together?" I pulled away just enough to face her.

"What made you think of that?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know," she flushed, dropping her gaze. Then she
looked up at me again. "I . . ."

And at that moment, I could think of only one thing: to kiss

And I did.

And every nerve in my body sparked. I gathered her chin in my
hands as I kissed her, my lips hungry for every inch of her. And
just as suddenly, I pulled back, contrite and nervous. I have
standards that I expect everyone to live by, especially myself. If
I had wronged her in a moment of weakness . . .

But she just looked up at me with those soulful eyes and
silently I realized how much she needed this and how well she
knew how much I needed this. A thrill passed through my body and I'm
not entirely sure she didn't put it there to lure me on. But on I
continued, plunging back to that soft mouth. Serenity's arms wrapped
around me and her chest squished up against mine.

Time became a blur. I remember her hand loosening my robe.
Suddenly we were naked and I was caressing the flesh along her ribs.
One moment I was reclined on the bed, Serenity playfully nibbling on
the nipple of my right breast while my fingers dug into her hair.
The next, I was draped over her body, my leg pinning her down as I
licked between her legs and she thrashed and moaned. I tasted nearly
every inch of her that afternoon and it all tasted sweet, but the
details blur red in my mind.

We were laying in bed, arm in arm, bodies intertwined. Her
face was pressed against my chest and we were both thinking the same

"I don't think we should have done this," Serenity whispered.
"I feel like I've betrayed Endymion."

"It was a moment of weakness," I told her, for I just can't
stand to see her sad. "It's not like you don't love him anymore.
You had a need."

"I should have been stronger."

"You should have been a lot of things over the years," I
replied, blunt as ever. "We can only be who we are." I rubbed her
arm. "Do you feel better?"

"I feel great," she grinned. "I feel guilty about feeling so

"You see? You needed Endymion and he wasn't here. You just
made love to him in absentia."

"No I didn't, Rei," she replied firmly. "I made love to you."
She brushed her curls back. "If I hadn't fallen in love with
Endymion, I'd have fallen in love with you. You mean that much to me
and that's part of why I enjoyed this so much."

"Thank you," I whispered, not wanting to betray the emotion in
my voice.

"But what do we do about this?"

"Who says we do anything? We kept our last encounter secret
for a hundred years."

"He'll find out. He's not stupid. And I don't want to hurt
him and I don't want to drive him away."

"Then think of it this way," I told her. "You needed help. I
gave it to you. You were lonely. I spent time with you. We could
have been talking the afternoon away reminiscing about the good old
days; instead we fucked like two over-sexed minks." Serenity giggled
at that. "That's all it was. It was never a slight of Endymion. If
you treat it like that, you won't feel guilty and he won't find out."

Serenity sighed and then buried her face in my chest again.
"You know best," she moaned.

Me? I was making this up as I went. What did I know?

Our rendezvous got Serenity through the week. Endymion
returned and seemed to notice nothing. And I have to admit, he made
her far happier than I ever could have. As for me, I moped around
the temple with pangs of despair. I had tasted her again after so
long. I didn't want to go through another hundred years before being
with her again, but I knew I couldn't press for it. That would be
selfish of me and detrimental to the kingdom and to her. So I hid my
pain - - I'm good at that.

Serenity must have noticed, though, or else she was just being
her usual kind self. One evening I walked into my bedroom and found
a red rose on the bed. At first I thought it was from Endymion until
I read the note and recognized Serenity's handwriting. The note said
"thank you".

I still have the rose. I keep it in a stasis jar on the top
shelf of my closet.

Emerging from the temple, I walk aimlessly down the hall. The
taste of her still lingers on my lips. I must be a pretty lousy
priest if I can't dispel such overpowering memories with all the
prayer I just put myself through. Or else, her presence is just so
overpowering that I never stood a chance. A few of the palace staff
walk by and glance at me with confusion. Let them stare; it's none
of their business anyway.

Over the centuries, Serenity and I have hooked up again. It's
never her idea, I assume. My psychic nature has grown over the
years to the point that I can always sense when she's lonely and in
need. Of course, Endymion being away for extended periods is a
pretty good tip off, too. And I come to her, always on the sly and
always when Serenity's to the point where she just can't stand it any
longer. We're very, very discreet. Serenity's paranoid about
hurting Endymion and I can't say that the thought thrills me, either.

Why does she do it if she loves Endymion so? If you asked her,
she couldn't tell you. Serenity's a creature of impulse and feeling,
not introspection and articulation. She doesn't know why she feels
certain things, only that she does.

If you ask me, though, it's only natural. Serenity gives so
much love to so many people, it's only natural that she'd need more
love than the average person, if only to replenish her supply. Even
when Endymion's here, she needs Ami, Makoto, Minako and myself.
Without Endymion, she needs even more from us - - and I'm only too
happy to give.

Why do I do it? After all, it's not very requiting to make
love to a person once every fifty to one hundred years.

Over the course of my long life, I've been asked more than once
why I never married. I've never answered with anything more than a
gruff "none of your business". Anyone who really knew me already
knew the answer. I'm already pledged. I've been pledged to her for
a thousand years. Sure, so have Ami and Makoto and Minako and they
don't sleep with her - - at least I don't think they do. But my
commitment to her means something a little different than it does to
them. When I love, I love all the way. Oh, I've had dalliances over
the years with men. I'm not celibate. And I'm not homosexual - -
not even bi-sexual. I don't look at other women and see them as bed
partners the way I look at men. I don't even look at her that way.
Our couplings are something more.

Touching her, feeling her, loving her and being loved in return
by her is something so beautiful it transcends mere sex. I do it to
make her happy. Hell, I'd cut off my right arm to make her happy.
Because when you make her happy, it gives you the most satisfied
feeling - - like you've just saved the world. And I do know what
that feels like.

I do it for her smile. I'd do anything for that smile. And
if that explanation isn't enough, well tough.

I pause at the doorway leading to the reception room.
Serenity's holding court, meeting with the people, shaking hands and
spreading the word. She works so easily with other people. It's a
skill I could never learn. I'm too afraid to let someone touch me
deep down. She, on the other hand, revels in it. She need it like
we need food and water. She lets them touch her magical aura and
it makes her so happy to make them happy. A lump forms in my throat.
It's nice to see her renewed. It's a proud moment for me to know
that I had a hand in her renewal.

If Endymion doesn't know what's going on, it's because we're
better at covering this up than I imagined - - more likely it's
because he doesn't want to know. He's like me that way, in that
he'll do anything to see her smile, to make her happy and to feel
that happiness radiate out like a sun and bathe in its warmth. The
means are less important than the end.

Serenity glances over and spots me in the doorway. She gives
me a warm smile and suddenly I don't have a care in the world.

Who wouldn't want to protect that?
