Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ nightmares ❯ Nightmare ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Representing Princess Serenity"
All went silent in the ballroom as Serena walked down the stairs in a long gown that flowed over each step. Her hair was in the usual style but surrounding her buns on the top were diamonds with silver crescent moon's in between, her dress was curved in the perfect way and the top was in crested with diamonds. She wore a diamond with a moon and star in crested necklace matching earrings and string crown that hung in front of her fore head.
Everyone bowed to the princess as she walked up to the throne next to her mother.
"Hello Serena"
"Mother" she bowed to her mother and sat down as everyone proceeded to dance. Then the golden trumpets blew an arrival blow again and both the Queen and princess stood to greet the King, Queen and prince of Earth. Nobody walked through the doors then the coach of their carriage ran in out of breath. Serena ran to him.
"Sir what's wrong where is the family of Earth where's Darien"
"He" "They" "We were attacked"
"(Gasp) by whom" the queen walked over to the coach and her daughter with a worried expression
"Who attacked them?" Serena said now getting angry with the man
"By" then the coach got stabbed in his neck with a poisoned arrow and he died instantly.
"Look" someone, yelled and everyone saw someone in a tree by the castle doors.
"Guards get that person" the guards ran out the door and the creature started to run for its life. Serena felt her face grow hot then she felt a tear drop down her face and onto the dead mans face who she was still holding she screamed then dropped his head
"He's dead"
"Its okay Serena everything's going to be fine"
"Where's Darien why aren't they here what if their"
"Don't you dare think that" the guards came in and said that the creature had disappeared and then they held up a note to the queen and princess.
"We found this when the thing disappeared" the man said taking in deep breaths
"It says that the King and Queen are dead and the prince will survive only if" the queen stopped reading it
"What mother what else"
"Nothing it's all scribbled on"
"Oh" the princess fainted onto the ground. The servants carried her to bed. In the morning she woke up and cried after an hour of that she turned on her shower ready to get in she heard a loud crash in her bedroom.
"Who's there" nobody replied so she thought that maybe it was nothing she turned around to see a dark figure there.
"Huh" his large hand covered her mouth. She held onto her towel and tried to struggle out of his grasp but he put his other arm around her and jumped out the window still holding onto her. The broken glass cut her cheek and other shards cut her legs and arms up she closed her eyes as hard as she could and let out a smothered cry.
When Serena awoke she was on the floor and she saw Darien across the dark room from her.
"Darien" she whispered and she saw him struggle to move but as she was trying to wake him up she didn't notice the person behind her.
"Ah princess Serenity so nice to finally meet you in person" Serena tried to sit up but failed then someone picked her up. She then looked into the eyes of a man who had silver hair and an upside down crescent moon.
"Prince Diamond" she said in shock "What have you done to him why am I here"
"Ah so you do remember me"
"Of course I do you killed my father"
"Oh now we shouldn't remember such sorrow's"
"Put me down and untie my hands NOW"
"Ha, ha, ha. You can't order me around princess" "This is my empire to do what I want"
"What did you do to him what did you do to Darien"
"Oh, I did nothing it was my servant who knocked him out"
"WHY AM I HERE?" Serena yelled
"You are here to die"
"Yes you refused me for him in the future so now if I can't have you then nobody can"
"Put me down" Serena struggled as Diamond raised his hand then he hit her so hard that her body jumped and then she woke up from her horrifying nightmare.
"Huh oh it was only a dream or at least that was ooh where are you Darien, are you okay."
Serena got up and put on her robe, which was made of silver silk. She wore her hair down except for one bun in the back. Serena walked downstairs to the kitchen and when she got there she noticed that there was some noises in the dining room she hid behind a wall and stayed perfectly silent and moved closer but then her clumsiness knocked her over as she tripped on her robe. She toppled into the dining room to find Airtimes and Luna well making some noise, Serena tried to swiftly turn around but was knocked down by a large figure.
"Shh! It's only me Serena" the figure then knelt down by her side, grabbed her gently and hugged her Serena let loose on the hug and recognized the person as.
"Yes princess I'm here"
"Amara what are you doing"
"My love don't you remember"
"Remember what"
"The nights before how we youst to sneak out of bed and tell stories"
"Oh yes I do that was so fun but..." Serena trailed off
"But what princess"
"But now I have no stories to share"
"Well I do"
"Oh of what"
"Of how a princess lost hope but then one day her friend hit her head and the princess got some sense knocked back into her head"
"What. Ow!" Amara hit Serena across the head and then they both laughed and Serena went back into bed.
Serena woke up after a dream about Darien coming back when her and Amara were talking. Serena shook it from her mind it had already been 6 years since the last she heard from Darien and Serena lost most of her hope of him ever coming back. She got up and put on her robe; Serena then traveled to her balcony and cried soft sobs.
"What's wrong princess"
"Oh, Luna"
"Yes it's me are you okay"
"Yes I was just remembering Darien and the fun we had together" "Luna I miss him so much"
"I do too" then small cries of kittens came from Luna's basket. "Oh well I must go and feed my baby's Serena get something to eat to take your mind off of your sorrows that always youst to help you"
"I will Luna and congratulations on you and Artimes's baby's and marriage"
"Thank you" Luna went off to her newborn kittens after purring around Serena's legs. Serena sat on her bed when she heard a knock at her door she opened it to find.
"Serena are you okay"
"Yes of course"
"You shur"
"Yes why"
"I heard you crying so I sent Luna to come in and she just left to her kittens" "I"
"Mother I'm alright I was just thinking of Darien"
"Ooh, well Serena, princess Serenity don't worry there is someone better out there for you"
"I don't want someone better but thank you"
"I'm sorry I can't be more of use Daughter but I must tend to my duties as should you"
"Yes mother". Serena shut the door behind her mother and started her shower. She slowly took off her nightgown and flinched when she felt a sharp pain on her shoulder. She looked and saw what it was on her shoulder, she had a large scratch from her collarbone to her underwear.
"Ouch shit what the hell is this from"
"It'll be alright"
"What who said that" she turned around to see a very handsome tan face looking at her.
"Madam Serena"
"Who are you?" she said softly from being lost in his eyes
"I am Prince Cornelias" he bowed and kissed her hand
"Um I have no shirt on so can you like turn around"
"Oh yes" while he was turned around she asked him why he was there
"I am here to serve you and hopefully" "Oh wait never mind I am here to serve in any way you wish"
"Oh... Okay thank you" "But why?"
"That I cannot say but I do know that right now you need some bandages"
"Oh yes of course" Serena was puzzled but she had been in bed depressed to long to care for anything that happened
"So how did it happen"
"What happen"
"The large cut on your back"
"Oh that I don't really know myself"
"Oh well here" the prince softly and gently put on some bandages around her back and chest for grip of course.
"Well you better get in that shower and get dressed there's gonna be a ball tonight and your mother just asks you one favor"
"Which is"
"To dance again and be happy"
"That's 2"
"AH why yes it is oh well she begs of you"
"Alright but can you like do you mind"
"Oh okay" he sat down on the bed
"No I mean can you get out"
"Oh okay sorry" he smirked as he got out and it sent chills through Serena's whole body.
Serena then started her shower
~~~ Some where far and hidden ~~~
She walked so elegantly with her long golden hair and silk dress that flowed in the soft blown wind. Her eyes that sparkled bright blue, and the face of an angel that showed love and sweetness of her soul her very life. Her soft hands smoothly wiped across my face as she said, "goodbye" and 'she would wait till I came back'. But I have not come back to her and I may not ever come back to my beloved Princess Serenity.
"Prince Darien, I see you have awaken"
"Why do you keep me in such a place what is the meaning of slottering my parents and keeping by my princess"
"Such harsh words slotter I would do no such thing"
"Then what would you call it" Darien said as he tried reaching towards the man that kept him locked up but the chains held him back
"Prince I call it placing"
"Which is what placing that would order you to kill them and you must be attempting something with the princess of the moon"
"Oh Prince, prince, prince why do you say such things such harsh words. I would never hurt the beautiful princess"
"I never said you would I said you must be attempting something"
"Ah well, then you must be very smart I am not attempting though I am pursuing to take back my wife. With the placing of your family you will easily be forgotten and with your mother dead she now cannot have your unborn little brother who could Marry the young princess or so her unborn sister Selena who is yet to be born when I kill Queen Serenity"
"That's disgusting you Hussein and what do you mean take back"
"No not Hussein just a rich starving prince who's family was forgotten 16 years ago when you and Serenity's daughter met"
"Where is this going"
"It's going to the story of why this all began. See I was just turning 3 as Serena turned 2, Serena and I were going to meet with our family's and my mother was going to have us become very close friends with an early marriage for supply's sake"
"So then what happened"
"Well you had been born of the Earth and the Moon and Earth were having difficulty's with war matters so both Queen's decided to meet their two new 2 year old children"
"What was your kingdom"
"Don't interrupt me Prince I can still kill her" "My mother got angry at this and complained to my father. He went to the Moon castle easily let in since we were the galaxy kingdom"
"You mean"
"I mean that my sister was Sailor Galaxia. Oh and our aunt was Queen Beryl who you people murdered"
"Your family is strong but still I do not understand why you I mean"
"You jackass if you think I'm angry cause of that you are right but that is not all, my father went to Queen Serenity and begged for his alliance to come first but he also touched her wrongly at least that's what she said. She called the guards and they murdered him"
"I would not call it murder if it was a good reason"
"It wasn't though all he did was touch her hand for a kiss to seal his beg offer my mother was heart broken and she died after my sister was born. Our family swore vengeance of both deaths but I only want what caused this to be fixed. Which is Serena as MY wife and both the Universe and Moon kingdom as ours"
"This is why you have killed my family"
"Yeah weren't you paying attention"
"But you could of just"
"No I know what your gonna say and that's not something I could do because Serena loves you and her mother would not allow me to marry the unborn when I am 19"
"Fine, fine but still this is stupid Serena will never love you"
"So, her mother has seen her daughter unhappy from your supposed death so the queen is having me bring joy into her life and then she will have us marry no matter what"
"Why do you keep me alive I could just get away somehow and ruin your plan"
"Yes I know that I am not stupid but you are very useful in bribery," Prince Cornelias said as he walked from the room and went to his soon to be beloved wife Serena.
~~~ Meanwhile at the moon Palace ~~~
Serena got out of her shower to find a beautiful white lacy dress on her bed and all accessories laid out neatly around it. She held up the dress and looked at it, the dress was long and thin in the front it looked like a strapless but the back had a thin strap that went up the middle of her back and came around her neck like a necklace. She put it on slowly and then saw the jewelry on her bed she put on the diamond crescent moon earrings, and then the silver diamond incrusted bracelet.
"Ah I see you like the outfit I set out for you"
"(Gasp) oh, yes thank you Cornelias"
"Your mother told me of the diamond love of yours"
"Oh yes diamonds are so" Serena stopped when there was a knock on the door. The inner scouts came in, in all their beautiful gowns.
"Oh Serena you look beautiful" Ami said
"Who's this guy?" Mina said as she admired Cornelias
"This is Prince Cornelias my mother sent him to help my"
"Depression" Mina cut in. the other girls fell to the ground as Mina stood there and Serena had one of those big tear drop things.
"Mina" Lita said as she pulled Mina out
"So Serena are you gonna try to dance without falling this time" Rei said looking at Serena's very high heels
"Rei you are so mean to me I don't fall I slip it was wet last time"
"Well Princess, may I escort you to the ball" Cornelias asked holding a hand out
"Oh, um, okay" Serena said nervously
All the girls took quick glances at their dresses then walked out.
Oh ya Ami had on a bright blue dress that had thick straps that fell down her shoulders and both ice earrings and necklace. Rei had a red dress with the collar area going an inch from her neckline and her sleeves were long with slits and Chinese flame jewels. Lita had a dark green dress with a leaf pattern; it was a bit longer then knee length and sleeves that flared out with ruffles at the edges and brown leaf earrings. Mina had an orange gown that neatly spread out and straps that circled around her neck and heart shaped necklace. All girls went into the hall to find Rini and Chibi Chibi coming towards them. Rini had her regular princess dress on except it was a light pink color and her hair was down. Chibi Chibi had a small hot pink dress on that fluffed out and her usual big bow on her chest and her usual hairstyle.
"Hey Mini moon" "Hey Chibi Chibi" all the girls said
"Hi" both little moons said.
"Who's he" Rini asked a
"This is my friend Prince Cornelias"
"Hmm" Rini said as though she didn't trust him
"Hey girls" Hotaru, Michelle, Trista, and Amara said as they came walking down the hall. Hotaru had a black dress on with slim straps that crossed in the front. Michelle had a thicker spaghetti strap dress that was white with black ribbon tied into a strapped down-bow in the front and short slits at the bottom and water crystal jewels on. Trista had a black wavy dress on and dark crystal earrings. Amara had a golden short dress that had spaghetti straps that went to the back then rounded around her neck and tied in the back like a bow necklace, and small gold earrings.
"Hey girls" Amara and Serena shared small loving glances
"Well Cornelias this his Mini moon, Chibi Chibi, Hotaru, Michelle, Trista, and Amara"
"Hello you all look beautiful.
"Thank you" they all bowed to each other.
"Well we should go now my mother is probably waiting till we come for the music to play"
"Oh yes" everyone went down the stairs talking and laughing and Cornelias smiled as he thought of Serena and how sweet it will be when he has her next to his side in the throne and in his bedroom. They went into the ballroom and saw Queen Serenity standing by her throne waiting. Serenity had her usual dress on except now she had small angel wings and a see-through soft cape that she held to the side as she welcomed the girls and Prince. Artimes, Luna, Diana, and the newborn Kittens that Luna had were seated on a soft fabric cushion.
"So Serena I see you have a new dress"
"Yes mother Cornelias gave it to me"
"Oh well thank you Prince for everything"
"Yes mam" he said as he bowed "May I be excused for a moment my Queen"
"Yes you may" Cornelias bowed and walked off to the main doors. All the girls went to the floor and danced with other single men.
`Serena I'm so sorry'
“SERENA I LOVE YOU!” a door creaked open and Cornelias walked in.
“You should not yell so loudly people are trying to sleep my prince. Oh and your sweet princess is just fine”
“What have you done to her”
“I have made her very happy she's so happy WITHOUT YOU ha, ha see even with you gone she remains happy forever more"
"You know if you want to see her so badly I could give you this globe so you can see her happiness with me" Cornelias set a globe ball down in front of Darien and it showed Serena dancing happily.
~~~ Back at the Palace ~~~
'Serena I love you' Serena jumped as she heard the quiet yell
"Huh Serena you okay"
"Um, yeah I'm just gonna get a breather on the balcony"
"Okay" Serena walked out to the balcony and leaned on the rim with slow tears dripping down her face. She stopped crying and walked down the outside stairs and walked past the water fountains to the rose garden her and Darien had made so long ago.
"Oh Darien I miss you so much, I LOVE YOU" Serena yelled then she heard someone coming.
"Princess Serenity"
"(Gasp) Oh Cornelias" "How did you find me"
"Your mother said you might be out here"
"Are you okay my darling"
"Darling" she whispered as Prince Cornelias held her closely she let down her guard as his warm strong chest warmed her face. One odd thing though she couldn't hear his heart beat Serena listened closely and heard a small irregular heart beat. She shook from the sound of his cold heart.
"You cold"
"Um, yeah"
"Let's go back inside" she felt his warm hand trail her back to the ball and she forgot everything around her and for a moment she forgot the pain of losing Darien. Serena smiled as she felt relief stream through her and she moved closer to the prince, the new Prince of her Dreams. What Serena didn't know though was that he would be the Prince of her Nightmares.
She stood in her black dress it clutched to her body like the wet waters of the sea her hair down and loose.
"My queen" he grabbed Serena and danced with her
"But I am not a queen yet my mother still lives and I have yet to find love"
"Oh but she is dead and I am your love"
"What!" Serena looked over to a light and saw her mother Serenity on the ground and blood covered her naked body.
"Why" she whispered to the shadowed man "Why did you kill her"
"So you could make me king" he pulled away from her and thrust a knife into her stomach.
"(Gasp) W. Wh. Why" Serena fell to the ground.
Serena sat up hot and sweaty from her nightmare she had been having these dreams for weeks now ever since Prince Cornelias had proposed. Serena now was having doubts on the marriage because in the dreams the shadow voice sounded like Cornelias's. She got out of bed and started her bath water. Serena took off her robe and got in she pulled bubbles over her body and shut her eye's.
She opened her eyes to see a tall dark figure next to the tub.
"Cornelias" the figure reached its hands out and pulled Serena under. Serena swallowed water as she tried to breath, and when she screamed bubbles surfaced to the top and the grip on her neck tightened.
Serena shot up and slid in her tub as she breathed the sweet apple scented air in her bathroom.
"What's wrong with me. These dreams are making me crazy. But the grip the voice are all so familiar they are all like Cornelias's"
(Knock, knock)
"Come in"
"Hello princess, oh wait soon to be bridal queen"
"Hey Luna"
"You should be happy in two weeks you're getting married"
"I know but"
"You are having doubt's because you still love Darien. But princess that will not get you any where he may never come back and if he does he will not be the same most likely"
"I know Luna you're right your almost always right but this feeling in my gut is just so strong not even food can cover it"
"Ooh, it must be strong if food can't help you gonna be alright Princess"
"Yes, I'll be fine"
"Okay" Luna walked out. Once Luna left Serena sank into her tub and opened her eyes under the water. She imagined a beautiful ocean and mermaids swimming when she went up for air someone was standing in a shadow by the door. Serena let out a horrified scream and the figure ran away. She got out as fast as she could and got a towel.
"Guards, guards" the guards came to her plea. "A man a man was in my room and he just ran out"
"Princess we were in all corners nobody passed through"
"We'll search but not a soul went by"
"Well check just in case"
"Yes mam" the guards ran separate ways in search for the shadow figure.
The guards came back with nothing but Serena still had a hand maiden stay with her for the night.
~~~ Far away in that hidden place ~~~
Oh I wish I could of seen her on our supposed wedding day I miss her so much but how, how can I get to her these chains have me trapped but if they get to rusted I could break them.
1 week later in the hidden place
(CRACK) "Yes" Darien broke the chains after shortly rusting them with rainwater and spit oh and the small portion of water from Cornelias.
"God Cornelias is an idiot he wanted me to break free he practically god he is just so stupid. I'm coming Serena"
That was 3weeks ago you know the figure Serena saw 2 weeks ago that was Darien and now it's the week of her marriage so ya.
~~~ At the palace ~~~
"Oh mother this should be the greatest day of my life but..."
"Serena it is the greatest day"
"No it's not I have this weird feeling something bad is gonna happen are you shur they never found that shadow"
"Yes I'm shur"
"What if that thing from so long ago at the ball comes again and has taken Cornelias this time it's taken all my guy's"
"Serena it's only taken one and it's not coming back"
"Are you sure"
"Yes I'm sure"
"Okay then"
"Now Serena hold still while I brush your hair and where's your dress it's beautiful"
"I know and it's right there" "You seemed more scared than me"
"I am"
"What are you scared of"
"You think that thing is gonna come back too. Don't you"
"No, maybe"
"Yes I do alright I want this to be the perfect day for you Serena and all but I have that same feeling in my stomach too and it's killing me"
"Mom it's gonna be alright"
"How are you so shur you were just freaking out a min. Ago"
"I know but now I'm not" "And neither should you"
"Okay, okay let's hurry now"
Serena's dress was long and flowed over the ground like how a stream of blood would wash over the ground. It had a mesh cover that was a light purple pink color with sleeves that fell off the shoulders and then flowed onto strips of silky lace. The design in the front was a stretchy tight fit and creamy colored ribbons around the waste at the top it was a wavy heart collar around her chest area. Between the waste line and chest it had a print in pattern of roses and then at the bottom it was completely lined with diamonds and no gaps. Serena's hair was down except for 2 side braids that were in buns one on top of the other in the back and crystal rose pins, which held them up. She had diamond moon earrings and a small diamond necklace. Her shoes were almost like Cinderella's except they had no heels. Oh ya I forgot her ring was a gold ring with a pure diamond crescent moon and star and on the inner part it had an incrusted message that no one knew about except for Darien and it said " To Serena my darling beloved beauty of the moon. I love you and always will, Darien". Serena was about ready to walk outside and down the hall to her new husband. That wedding hall which she was supposed to walk down was outside in her rose garden there were stream lines of flowers every where and rose petals spread over the ground.
"Oh it's going to be spectacular"
"Yes it will be now go the music is starting" Serena sent her mother off as she got ready to walk down the halls. Serena just walked out the door when the music started and she saw Cornelias in his white suit. Serena smiled and walked. Everyone stood as she walked past him or her, and they all smiled and congratulated her.
"Does anybody here disagree with these two being wed?" asked the man
"I. Do." Stammered a man with light colored hair, ripped clothes, and a scraggly beard.
"Who are you?" asked Serena frightened
"It's me Serena"
"What I don't know who you are but you must leave"
"Bunny please it's me Darien"
"No that's impossible he's dead. And besides he had black hair you have light brown"
"The sun" he walked towards her
"Guards" she screamed as Cornelias pulled out is sword. Others screamed, then the guards grabbed the man.
"You vermin if you ever come near my wife again I will kill you"
"She is not your wife yet" the man said coldly "She is mine and that is my..." the guards muffled his words and carried him off.
"Now where were we" Cornelias said adjusting his suit
"Honey if you don't mind can we finish this tomorrow I'm really scared and I don't want to loose you as I did Darien"
"What... Um, okay if that's what you want" Cornelias said as he stormed off trying not to show anything. Serena sat on one of the chairs and her mother came and sat by her.
"Mother what if"
"Serena you said so yourself that man is not Darien for his hair and time"
"Yes your right but he looked so familiar"
"I'll send some maids to wash him then we can send him away but for now he is in the dungeon"
"I must go see him and ask him something"
"Serena be careful you don't want anyone to"
"Mother he's a peasant not a murderer"
"Serena be careful what if he is the one that took Darien"
"He looks to nice to kill especially to kill me" Serena said still scared that she is probably wrong. "I'll say good bye to him tomorrow morning when we send him off"
"Okay I'll send a maiden to watch over your room so nobody can break in"
"Yes mother" Serena bowed and ran to her room. When she got their Cornelias was sitting on her bed.
"Oh Cornelias I should be youst to that by now"
"Hmm yes I guess you should" he said his face growing dark
"Honey are you okay"
"Yes, yes I am" his face brightened again "Come sit down my beloved"
"He, he I'm sorry we couldn't marry today I just"
"I know I'm not mad at you I was just hoping that tomorrow could be our day to start a life together"
"Oh it will be it will be" Serena put her head down on his chest and this time didn't hear a heart beat at all. Serena shivered
"You seem to be cold a lot Serena are you coming down with something"
"No I'm fine it's just a bit cool in here"
"Oh, well then I can help that" Cornelias laid Serena down and took off her dress.
"Cornelias I told you not until tomorrow"
"But, okay" he stood up and walked out
"Cornelias I..." he shut the door behind him leaving Serena alone and scared. 'Why has he been acting so strange lately.' (Knock, knock)
"Come in" Luna opened the door and hopped onto Serena's bed
"Serena are you okay"
"What's wrong"
"It's Cornelias, ever since a couple weeks ago he's been acting strange as if someone were after him and now he's obsessed about being my husband and sleeping with me"
"Well can you blame him he love's you and want's to show you, I guess"
"Ya I guess so but still if you could see you would understand it's just not like him"
"You mean it's not like Darien don't you"
"What that, yes, yes I do" Serena started to cry
"Serena maybe we should go and visit this man that say's he's Darien"
"Yes we should I want to ask him how he could be"
"Well then why don't we get some proper clothing on you"
"Oh, yeah" Serena put her hair in one long ponytail and put on a knee length light pink dress that crimped at the bottom. Luna and Serena went to the dungeon.
"Sorry princess but he could be dangerous"
"He's locked up what harm can he do besides who gives the orders around here"
"You do" the guard opened the doors and Serena walked down the stairs.
"Serena" said the locked up man
"How could you think that you were him"
"I am, it's me, Darien please you must believe me"
"You don't even look like him"
"But I sound like him and I know your name"
"Everyone knows my name and anyone can sound like him"
"Why what"
"Why don't you say my name"
"I don't know your name"
"Why don't you say Darien instead you say him why"
"Your afraid I am telling the truth you're afraid I am Darien Why"
"Come on Bunny say my name"
"I don't know your name"
"Yes you do now SAY IT"
"I can't" Serena began to cry
"You know my name just say it" Serena ran to the man and wrapped around him
"Darien I missed you"
"I missed you too. Now the ring"
"The ring read the inside" Serena took off the ring and read the inscription
"So but only Darien would know something like this oh Darien" Serena hugged him and when she put her head on his chest she could feel the warmth of his body and she heard for once a real heart beat.
"So nice to see you again Prince Darien"
"Cornelias you knew"
"Oh ya I knew I was the one that took him in the beginning" Cornelias and the guard came in and locked the door.
"Guard arrest him"
"Sorry mam but I don't listen to a princesses orders"
"Huh" Serena backed up
"So honey don't you wish we were married now oh wait we will be, bring him in" the guard pulled a priest in and pushed him down the stairs.
"You cannot force me to marry you"
"Really cause to me it look's like I can" Cornelias walked down the stairs as the guard locked Serena up too.
"No, you" Serena kicked around then she smiled "Cornelias you do know the Sailor scouts right"
"Yes but they have disappeared they did after they killed my sister Sailor Galaxia"
"Really well actually she's not dead only Sailor Chaos but any way's you know the champion Sailor Moon of course"
"Yes I do now why the FUCK ARE YOU SMILING FOR" he said getting irritated
"Oh and you do know Tuxedo Mask"
"God damn it of course I do" Cornelias slapped Serena
"Ah! Well then." She screamed then said her transformation words.
"What the fuck!" Serena transformed into just Sailor Moon since she lost her wand during her last battle.
"Moon tiara magic" Sailor Moon yelled as she broke both her and Darien's chains. "Darien turn into Tuxedo mask"
"Sorry Bunny but I'm not really Darien" both Cornelias and the fake Darien started to laugh.
"What but"
"He's just an illusion"
"Where's the real Darien prince of Earth"
"Oh he's dead" when Cornelias said that Sailor Moon dropped to the ground and her eyes turned totally black. "Oh look little Moon girl has become weak it seems that I have won now Serena turn back or"
"Or what you'll kill her" Sailor Mars said
"Oh shit I'm out of here sir forget you" the guard ran towards a hidden door but got cut off by the inner scouts. As the Outer scouts came in too.
"Look I just want Serena and that's all"
"Oh really well you must know that when you want her you also get us" Said Sailor Jupiter
"Darien get them"
"What the hell is that" Said Sailor Mercury. While the others were talking the fake Darien had pulled out an ass load of guns and other weapons
"Hope you have fun with him Scouts" he started shooting off the guns at the scouts, all the girls started to jump around trying to dodge the bullets. When Amara was hit.
"Noooo" screamed Michelle. Amara fell to the ground as the bullets kept hitting her; her blood spread across the floor and covered almost every inch except Sailor moon and where she sat. Michelle ran to Amara and cradled her body.
"Amara don't die please don't die stay with me I love you"
"M... Michelle I love you" Amara breathed out as she let go of her life
"No Amara strong stay strong you were always the strong one AMARA!" Michelle screamed so loud the guns stopped then shot at her, Michelle quickly jumped still holding Amara's body. She put the body down and stated all her attacks loudly at once, shooting the attacks at the fake Darien she blacked out. The Fake Darien took the blow from Michelle then got back up with only a few scratches.
"How the fuck can we kill this thing" Jupiter said
"Yeah Neptune just gave it everything and it didn't die" Rei breathed out all of the scouts tired from the dodging.
"I'm trying to locate it's weaknesses but I can't find anything" Ami stated as she searched her computer.
"Sailor Moon come on snap out of it" Mina yelled shaking Serena
"She is dead now and forever," Cornelias said evilly
"You bastard why, why did you do this"
"I did this for the same reason that I told the real Darien oh wait I'm sorry the fake one if you must but still he is"
"Shut up what did you say" Mina cut in
"How rude Darien play for them what I told you and the other man" the machine repeated the exact words and then played a loud bang.
"What the fuck was that noise"
"Oh that's just when I shot the real Darien"
(Gasp) all the girls shuttered as they all saw the same thing; they all saw Darien's dead body on the ground before Serena. Serena looked down and her eyes turned totally white.
"Poor moon princess it seems you cannot have everything" Cornelias said with a smirk on his stupid ass face. Serena stood up and Chibi Moon ran next to her.
"Moon mommy come on we can take him"
"No Rini"
"What" Rini looked at Serena shocked to see her in her Princess dress.
"Serena what are you doing" all the scouts yelled
"Meatball head come on transform"
"Rei don't give me that shit right now I know what I'm doing" Serena screamed at Rei shocking everyone in the room but they could not stop dodging the bullets that were still shooting at them. Ami was shot in the leg as she searched her data; Lita picked her up and kept dodging. Finally the scouts started to attack the thing by combining their attacks together.
"Scouts call out and we can defeat this evil machine" Serena yelled to the Inners
"Right" the scouts agreed
"What about us" Pluto, Saturn and Rini asked
"Just wait"
"Mercury power"
"Mars power"
"Jupiter power"
"Venus power"
"COSMIC MOON POWER" Serena yelled as a large light consumed the imposter Darien and turned him to a pile of dust and bolts. The scouts had used that before on Beryl and before they lost memories but this time they did not since they had gone through their Supers.
"So what you defeated my machine whoopee now what your gonna live happily ever after"
"Wrong Cornelias"
"Oh yeah you have to turn me good right"
"No I may fight for good and love and all that other crap but you, you I will not spare"
"Serena you can't kill me" Cornelias said scared
"Oh yes I can you killed 2 close people so now you will pay the same fate" "MOON SCEPTER ELIMINATION"
"WAIT I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T HAVE YOUR SCEPTERRR," Cornelias yelled as he died
"Serena you... You killed him a human" Rei stammered
"Where did you get your Scepter" Lita asked with curiosity
"That's nothing for you to know" she replied rudely
"Serena" Ami limped over to Serena, and Serena pushed Ami away making her fall.
"Just leave me alone" Serena said as she held up her scepter which turned into a black staff. Suddenly her outfit turned into something close to the Sailor Star's outfits except she had no collar, no wings, and no stars. Instead the gloves attached to the top and the boots attached to the bottom. Serena's hair turned black, as did her eyes and lips.
"Mommy" Rini whimpered.
"Rini come here" Serena said, as her hair became longer and turned out of her usual style. As Rini went towards Serena they both wore black dresses, black hair and full moons on their foreheads with small purple crystals in the middle of the black crystal. Chibi Moon was now Chibi Dark Moon and Serena was no longer the princess from the white moon kingdom but now the queen of the black moon. She was now Dark Moon she was no clumsy ditsy little crybaby but a queen of nightmares, darkness, and hate, Serena of the shadows. Serena woke up after a dream about Darien coming back when her and Amara were talking. Serena shook it from her mind and Serena left after sadly... Becoming overcomed by darkness. Queen Serenity was heart broke she couldn't sleep at night and couldn't eat finally one sad day she became ill. Overwhelmed by sadness.
"Queen the scouts are here to see you"
"L... Let them in Luna" Luna let the scouts in. Mina was the first to break out with tears, as did the others after her.
"Mam we feel so badly it was our fault we let her kill that man we"
"No girls it's not your fault it's nobody's fault that she decided to do what she did"
"Mam Rini is here"
"Rini oh let her in let her in" the queen's face lit with a death like glow from her illness. Rini came in she wore a black gown and net over her face
"Queen Serenity mommy of my moon mommy I am here to tell you that Serena has remarried"
"Oh that's wonderful," the scouts said
"But" the scouts froze at the coldness of Rini's voice "She too is ill with a disease"
"What disease" Serenity's voice came scratchily
"A dark illness that is said to be cured only by the light of the moon"
"Where is my daughter"
"That I cannot tell you but I was sent to reclaim the Imperial Silver crystal"
"No" the scouts cried
"If you do not give up the crystal we will be forced to fight you because I WILL save my mommy" Rini said then disappeared into shadows and swept away.
"What did she mean by "WE" Serenity" Lita asked confused
"The day Serena and Rini turned and left they must have put together an alliance and now the darkness is fully consuming Serena and she must think it's something else or she wants to turn from the dark" Serenity said and then started to cough
"But why do they need the crystal" Mina asked dumbly
"She must want it to cure the pain or she wants to become good again" Serenity coughed from talking so much
"It's been a month and a week since both Amara and Michelle died and the same since both my baby's turned. Scouts I need what's left of you to find out one who my daughters going to marry and then I want you to find out everything out about the Shadows"
"Queen what did you say"
"I said that we will call Serena and her alliance the Shadows since that's how they move around now, now go" the scouts left as Luna doctored Serenity who fell asleep.
An hour later the scouts came back and Ami replied with their information.
"Queen Serenity we have all the information on the Shadows that you wanted"
"Well tell me"
"Serena and Rini have teamed up with Prince Diamond"
"I thought he was dead"
"He was but not before Black lady revived him"
"What else"
"Well they have consumed other evil's powers so now both girls can move in shadows and that's the only power we could understand but they do have many more deadlier one's. Serena who is now called Dark Moon can consume a person's soul by letting out a piercing scream which lets out black ropes from her mouth wrapping a person in them taking their life away"
"Gross" Mina shrieked
"Can I finish" Ami said looking at Mina a little annoyed yet sad.
"Sorry" she shrank down
"Rini has a deadly action but we couldn't find out what it was"
"It seems my daughter and Rini are already known some"
"Yes but not by many only by evil alliances mostly" Lita stated
"We had more but on our way here a dark ball consumed our information and burned it to shreds"
"Is that all Ami"
"Yes for now but we will find the remaining information soon"
"You may go now I need some rest," Serenity said as she passed out.
"I think the queen is going crazy," Mina said quietly
"How could you say that I think meatball head is the one gone crazy!" Rei shouted back
"Yeah I mean I love her to death and all but she doesn't even know why she is sick" Lita replied
"Yeah or she and Rini just want the crystal to reclaim the throne and create one large dark crystal to take over the Universe". Mina said making all the girls fall to the ground surprised she could know something that big (Well not know but you know what I mean I hope).
"Ami do you think that's a possibility" Rei asked
"It could be if Serena really is involved with Diamond then that must mean the Doom Phantom could have been in her this whole time. The death of Darien could of triggered the dark soul in all of us but hit her strong enough to make her do this." Ami said soundly again all the girls fell and got one of those teardrops.
"We should get some sleep then we'll find out more on Serena" Lita suggested all the girls nodded their heads and went to their rooms.
"Hey girls did anyone else notice something odd about Rini's face when she came here" Rei asked
"Yeah her eyes they looked normal again" Mina whispered
"And it looked like she was crying" Lita pondered
"Maybe Rini isn't all darkness yet either but we'll find out tomorrow now we must rest night girls"
"Night Ami" all the girls said good night and fell asleep. Ami fell asleep after she knew all others had fallen asleep when she finally did she dreamt of Greg. Greg had made a lunch for Ami and him to enjoy on the beach and just as Ami sat to eat the ground started to quake spilling out all the food. As Ami went to grab Greg he turned to flames and disappeared to show Black lady behind him. Ami rose her hand to call out but then noticed something; she looked down to see...
(Gasp) Ami woke up sweat over her face she looked at her clock to see that it was already 7 so she got into the shower.
Mina had fell into her dream world right when she had lain down. She was on a stage in a short yellow dress assuming she was supposed to sing she lifted her microphone and opened her mouth. Mina tried to sing but when she did bees flew out of her mouth and started to stab her audience Mina lifted her hand to call out but when she tried she looked down and to her amazement saw...
(Gasp) Mina woke with a small eep! And had sweat dripping down her back she glanced at her idol clock to see 7 30 she got up and started her bath.
Rei took only a few minuets to fall asleep and when she did she found herself at the old temple. Her father and Chad were sweeping and taking care Rei started to walk to Chad and her Father but when she did the temple started to burn Rei ran to the temple with water but when she threw the water onto the fire it grew bigger. Once the fire stopped Rei looked around crying at the sight of the ruins. Rei looked down when she heard Chad under her but as she did she saw a horrifying sight...
(Gasp) Rei choked when she tried to scream then when she finally cleared her throat she looked at her clock to see 7 46. Rei got up and started a cold bath.
Before Lita had gotten to her room she saw Hotaru and Trista walking her way. She stopped talked to them then fell asleep in her bed. Lita was in her apron and saw a timer she looked around to find herself in a cook off. She looked down at her batter and started to mix when her cake was done she pulled it out and started to spread frosting. Suddenly a scream was heard from the audience Lita looked up to see that another opponent had created a monster from her baking. It was throwing around innocent people. Lita raised her hand to call out but felt something at her feet she looked down and screamed when she saw...
(Gasp) Lita woke up and jumped to pull off her covers to feel sweat drop off her body. She got up and started a nice warm shower after immediately checking her legs.
Lita, Mina, Rei, and Ami all finished their showers quickly and met down in the kitchen for breakfast. After Mina finally came in they all sat and ate.
"So did everyone sleep well last night" Ami asked
"Not really" Rei said looking down at her food
"The food's fine right" Lita said alarmed about her cooking
"Yeah it's fine just last night I had a really weird dream"
"No not a dream a nightmare" Mina cut in
"Yeah me to" Lita and Ami agreed
"At the end of mine I looked" Lita said
"Down" Mina said after
"And saw" before Rei could finish a maid came in so the girls didn't want to say it. The girls got up and helped the maid bring Serenity her breakfast then went on with their duties.
~~~ At the shadow castle ~~~
Serena slept in her bed dreaming. "WHY, WHY" Serena was in the sky wearing black ribbons and black wings looking down she saw. "(Gasp)" Serena woke up. "Rini can you get me some water" Serena asked while getting up and sitting on her black stone throne.
"Okay mommy"
"Oh Rini don't call me mommy anymore"
"Okay my Queen"
"Thank you now off you go" Serena scooted her hand for Rini to get her water then Diamond came into the room. "Hello Diamond"
"Serena you should be in bed"
"I know but I'm starting to feel better" she replied in a low evil voice
"Here's your water" Rini handed Serena her water when Diamond hit it to the ground
"Yuck no dark Queen should drink this filth only wine and"
"My king my Queen we have news on the crystal" a guard came in interrupting
"Yes well what is it" Serena asked impatiently
"The sailor scouts and knights are planning to fight back if we trespass and the Queen Serenity has taken the crystal and made a fake one to give to you"
"Oh so they are trying to trick me their own Princess of the moon well so be it" Serena walked off to the doors and opened them to reveal an army of demons and warriors of the dark and Negaverse if you will.
"This is the army they will have to dealt with so if they think I will come back and leave this then they are sadly mistaken". Serena spread her arms and a black and dark purple dress covered her body flowing in the wind, her hair lifted to a very high ponytail wrapped in thorn vines. Vines of sharper thorns covered her arms making her bleed but she didn't seem to notice. Serena walked out and jumped onto a black dragon Rini got up and followed her mother also being entranced by vines, blood, and black armory. Rini jumped onto a black horse with dragon wings and both mother and daughter rode off with the army following them to the moon. Diamond put on his white cape and shadowed to the castle as well.
~~~ Back on the moon ~~~
"My Queen Serena and her army are coming and it's defiantly a bigger army than we thought she must have added on." Ami ran in reporting with the other girls behind her.
"Well then we must prepare scouts transform and I will warn the knights"
"Yes mam" the girls replied
"MAKE-UP" all scouts yelled as they began to transform into Sailor Mars of fire, Sailor Mercury of ice, Sailor Venus of love, Sailor Jupiter of lightning, Sailor Saturn of death, and Sailor Pluto of time.
"It feels so different without Neptune and Uranus" Pluto said bowing her head up. The other scouts agreed nodding their heads
"I don't think I'll be able to fight Rini" Saturn said with her head down
"Neither can I fight with Serena" Rei said all girls agreed again then ran down to the sad war which had already started. By the time the girls got down there were already many dead bodies from the dark side and the light side. Serenity was in a suit made of light metal but was strong enough to take any blow Serenity looked up and saw Serena and Rini who was growing into Black lady once again except she was still sorta small and she had armor on instead of a dress. Serena and now once again Black lady landed on the ground and killed anyone in their way to the queen even their own. Queen Serenity started to fall to the ground breathing hard as the dark crystal in Serena's hand came closer.
"What's a matter mother can't handle something stronger than you"
"Oh Serena you have made a big mistake but I give here is the Silver crystal you can have it even though you do not look very sick"
"Oh I was never sick just in pain as the evil consumed me fully"
"Well then you can have it take it"
"WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR AN IDIOT" Serena smacked the fake crystal from her kneeling mother's hand braking it with her strength
"OW, Serena"
"I know that's a fake I am not as dumb as I youst to be Mother and now since you have tried such a foolish thing and kneeled down you shall DIE AND YOUR KNIGDOM FINALLY MINE PRINCESS OF THE MOON" Serena cackled just like Beryl once did.
"You sound like her too"
"What" Serena stopped her sword, which she had pulled out and was thrusting it to Serenity's neck "Who do I sound like?"
"Your mother"
"You're my mother and I do not sound like you"
"No I am not your mother Serena"
"What!" both Serena and Rini stumbled back "W... Who is my mother"
"(Gasp)" the other scouts had over heard this and well gasped at the news
"Then that means that I killed my own mother already"
"Yes it also means that when I die you will not be Queen of the moon"
"Then who would I'll just kill them too"
"My real Daughter Rini"
"(Gasp)" that time all but the warriors and Serenity gasped. Okay I'll put this clear if anyone doesn't understand yet. Serena was Queen Beryl's daughter of the Negaverse so she was a born darkness. Rini who all thought was Serena's daughter was actually Queen Serenity's real daughter so she was the real princess of the moon but and this is some deep shit here. The only reason why everyone thought Rini was Serena's kid was because when the Negaverse first hit the moon. Serenity took Serena who looked like Rini back then. Changed Rini then put her inside Serena so that in the future it would all come out as Serena being the moon princess and Rini the daughter of the Moon princess.
"So all this time all these memories and Darien were all Rini's" Serena let out shocked
"Yes" Serenity, said plainly
"So I just can't believe this you lied for your own good"
"No I lied for Rini's own good and now because of that Rini's changed and she's become evil. Rini please come back to me" Serenity looked at Rini and she fell to the ground as she turned back and forth into Black lady and mini moon.
"Rini no she lied to you don't go to her she lied all this time I didn't I was truthful"
"I don't know it's so confusing then the memories of the Doom phantom are all flushing back and I'm just to confused I... I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE" Rini screamed wiping out everything around them all the warriors and buildings all that was left were the scouts, Rini, Serena, Serenity, Diamond, and the cats. Suddenly Luna P. popped up into Rini's hands and she turned into Mini Moon again but still in her dark armor. Then Mini Moon turned into Chibi Chibi then back to Rini.
"Rini are you okay," Serenity asked still kneeling on the ground. Serena dropped her sword to the ground and just stood their still taking in all this news all the lies the dishonor and then Serena realized she was forced to kill her own mother and never knew but Beryl must have known that's why. Serena's eyes turned white again and she picked up her sword that automatically by touch was engulfed by blue flames (My fav. Part of fire). Rini transformed with pink ribbons covering her naked body and wings grew on her back lifting her to the sky. Serenity backed up now holding the real Silver crystal she called the scouts over to her and they circled her.
"Scout's call out and we can destroy Serena and rebuild the Moon kingdom" Serenity said with an evil look on her face
"I can't" Mercury said putting her face down
"Neither can I" Jupiter and Mars said
"I don't think any of us can" Pluto replied backing away with the other scouts Saturn still the only one standing by Serenity's side.
"Well Saturn you do want Rini back don't you"
"Yes but Serena"
"She's not the real princess Rini is"
"I know that now but"
"Stop" Pluto cut in "Serenity Serena is your daughter and you love her like one too why would you ever want to kill her"
"She is not my daughter"
"You raised her since birth she came out of your womb"
"Yes no I"
"It's just a lie to weaken her but as you can plainly see she has grown stronger and Rini is in the sky confused almost to weak to fly so she could drop and die from the fall soon". Pluto said astonishing the scouts that the queen could lie twice and not seem to care at all. Suddenly Serena lifted her sword and ran towards Serenity slashing the flesh in front of her. A loud sickening sound was heard as the bone sliced through after she ran past and turned she saw that Venus had jumped in front of Serenity and took the cut. Now in half on the ground Mina totally nude was dead.
"Mina" cried the girl's yes including Serenity
"It's her fault for stepping in my way" Serena said wiping her bloody sword and getting ready for another slash. Serena's sword now became a sharp skin piercing icicle
"So Mercury ready to die as well"
"I'm not going to die nobody should die today Serena please"
"Ahh!" Serena yelled as she ran towards Mercury but Mars pushed Mercury aside only getting a small inch deep cut on her side.
"Huh it's so cold" Rei said she looked down and a horrified look appeared on her face as she saw that her lower body was being froze to death by the icy cut in her side.
"An ice blade freezes it's victim with just one scratch killing them either way" Serena simply said once again her sword turning to a jolting lightning bolt in her hands. "Jupiter"
"Serena please don't" Ami whimpered while she walked towards Serena but was pushed out the way as Jupiter called
"Ahh!" both Serena and Jupiter yelled while hitting each other at the same time. Both girls fell to the ground about a mile from each other. Jupiter looked down and gasped at the sight of her body being vaporized by the heat of the lightning. Before Lita could say anything she died and turned to vapor.
"Serena why, why are you killing your friends"
"Because I want to" Serena answered Ami while attempting to stand, still trying to catch her breath. Serena's sword turned into a regular looking sword but it became so sharp that it could kill even the lightest touch. Serena slowly started to walk to Serenity with the sword in hand held tightly.
"Pluto Deadly Scream" Pluto said lowly and hit her staff on the ground aiming her attack at Serena but it was dodged easily
“That was mean”
“Serena you must stop this please” “Why can't you stop telling me what to do! I'm no longer the Serena you all knew now LEAVE HER ALONE!” Serena ran towards Serenity and this time Pluto jumped in the way. The blade easily cut through her. She fell to the ground bleeding. She looked at Serena and tried to get up but was pushed back by Serena and with her last ounce of life Trista looked at Serena and said
"Look down".
"What" Serena said confused then watched Trista die from blood loss. Serena pulled out two daggers and threw them at Ami's ankles
"OW" Ami screamed in pain as the knives cut threw her bone. Ami looked down and screamed as she saw snakes with Greg's face start crawling up her body squeezing the life from her. (Scary). With all her strength she tried pulling them off breathing desperately for air but when she touched the things on her they bit back and in seconds Ami died from the poison. Serenity fell to the ground after watching this entire killing happen. 'They were angry at me almost hating me but still they died saving me' she thought as the normal look came back to her face and she grew her fairy wings. Saturn turned into a light purple gown and had a different staff in her hands it was made of silver and had Amethysts wrapped around it with a large Diamond on the top. Prince Diamond who had passed out from Rini's blow had just woken up and watched as Serenity stood and held up the Silver crystal.
"Serena the Crystal capture it before Serenity uses it to" Hotaru Princess of Saturn knocked Diamond on the head with her staff then said "sorry" and laid his head down kindly.
"Queen Serenity you lied to me and tried to kill me with your pathetic scouts my friends and now look all you have by your side is a weak Silver crystal against my Dark Crystal, and little Hotaru by your side". Serena let out slowly while walking towards Serenity who had a kind smile on her face and a light glow around her now in the air only a couple inches.
"Oh my dear Serena I had to lie for your own good but you knew the truth the whole time I am your mother and you are the true princess Rini being your daughter" she said calmly
"WHY, WHY do you do this. No wait never mind Ahh!" Serena ran to Serenity and stabbed her. With a sickening gulp Serenity's glow faded and she fell to the ground with blood flowing all around except for where Serena stood.
"Serena look down"
"What does that mean I am looking down" before Serenity could explain she laid her head down and died.
"Serena you... you killed Serenity"
"Hotaru I'm sorry but it is your turn now"
"No please Serena"
"SERENA NO DON'T HURT HOTARU SHE'S MY ONLY FRIEND LEFT" Rini yelled while she started to land to the ground. Rini's wings grew wider and wrapped around her when they opened again Rini's ribbons once pink now were just Hott Pink and her hair flowed freely."Rini I must"
"No Hotaru is my best friend in the whole wide world if you kill her you kill me" Rini ran and hugged Hotaru who was petrified by Serena.
"Well you aren't my real daughter so what's to loose." Serena cut both Rini and Hotaru in half their bodies flew apart with their screams still echoing.
Serena dropped her sword and fell to her knees weak from battle. She felt something on her back and looked to find white wings growing and black ribbons wrapping around her making her nude under it all. Serena's wings lifted her in to the sky she looked down and saw it all, all of the dead bodies vanishing and the only things left were just a pile of dust and bolts. The scouts had used that before on Beryl and before they lost memories but this time they did not since they were dead now and gone all vanished only the blood left. I am Serena of the moon I am Sailor Moon the princess of the Imperial Crystal right? Serenity Queen of the Moon my Mother. Everyone's dead and ITS ALL MY FAULT AHH!” Serena screamed as she flew down grabbed her sword thrust it to her heart then.
(Gasp) Serena woke up and found herself in bed on Earth in her home.
"A dream all just a dream Cornelias, Darien dead just a dream" then Serena looked around and saw Darien in bed next to her she got up and looked in the mirror. "I'm Neo Queen Serenity, but I'm on Earth" she opened her blinds and saw Crystal Tokyo.
"Well at least Darien and everyone else isn't dead. Serena went into her bathroom and started the bath water. Darien woke up and opened his eyes but it wasn't Darien. His hair turned silver and the dark moon crescent grew on his forehead.
Hope you liked it and if you don't understand then here's what it was. Serena was just dreaming it all or was she 'cause like that was actually Diamond in her bed not Darien you know. Personally I think the Greg snakes were really scary. Please read and review. It was a nightmare and memory mixed oh ya and the scout's dreams read them and then read where they died if you don't understand after that then your dumb. Oh ya if it seems messed up and doesn't make much sense now it's because my disk messed with the words and I couldn't really remember what I had written in spots.