Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Of Broken Homes and Broken Children ❯ Prologue – New Chances ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Of Broken Homes and Broken Children

Prologue – New Chances

'Man, I hate school, it’s just another way to bore me to death!' thought the young teenage girl as she sighed. She was sitting at her desk in English class listening to the god-awful music her teacher was playing as they wrote journals.

As the teacher went back to her desk the girl quickly pulled out her phone to check the time and almost wanted to scream, it was 11:12 am and her class didn't get out until 11:45.

Grumbling under her breath she put the phone away and pulled out her sketchpad and began to draw lightly on the pad making the line of a woman. It slowly began to take shape, first the hair then the body, the everything else like clothes, wings, and some small things like tattoos or a piercing or two.

She never drew real people anymore they just wanted her to make them look perfect when they weren't so she didn't draw them anymore. She became tired after a while and put her head on her desk, after putting her stuff away, closing her eyes she laid there waiting for the bell to ring.

The sound of the bell going off made her open her sky blue eyes. She got up and began to put her stuff away in her bag as she got ready to leave. Once all her personal items where packed away she took off the small silver framed glasses, closing them she put them in her shirt pocket over her heart. Picking up her satchel she threw it over her shoulder before reaching down to pick up her gym bag and her schoolbooks.

Walking out of the room her worn shoes gliding across the old hallways as she dodged away from people in the hall not wanting to bump into any of them. Upon reach her locker she let out a sad whimper looking up at the sign on it, GO BACK WHERE YOU BELONG BITCH, she ripped it off and tossed it away.

Being smart sucked it was why she was here, because she just had to be what her dad wanted, that and begin an only child didn’t help matters. Her father wanted a boy so he took his rage out on his daughter, physically and mentally. She was a born genius, always excelling at what she did passing everything with scores way above average. Which had sent her here to a very rich high school, where she pretended to be a boy for her father. She had skipped a good number of grades it was what made them hate her so, plus there was the fact most every girl thought she was cute.

Sighing she put her books away and headed to the gym making sure no one was around, she head to the boys locker room where she began to get undress and put on her gym clothes. Black shorts, white wraps to make sure her small a-cup breast weren’t noticed, over that was a blue pair of sweats pants and shirt both, pulling on her black and gold sneakers once more she put her stuff away and got in her spot.

Slowly but surly girls and boys filled the room, both heading to its own separate locker room going to get changed which gave her time to look at herself in the mirror that was near the front of the room. She was about 13, blue eyes, shaggy blond hair, thin muscled body, about 4 feet and 4 inches. Smiling she saw her perfect straight teeth, shaking her head she looked at her ears, her bottom left was pierced once with a silver cross hanging from it. She had her gym clothes and looked like a little kid playing dress up, also across her body, hidden by her clothes she knew where beating marks from her father and some of the older boys.

Looking up as the room once more filled as she, waited for the gym instructions. Once the coach had come in they where ordered to run laps around the school gym floor. Smirking a little she knew she had this in the bag she was a great runner, taking off at the sound of the whistle she moved her body in rhythm with her pounding heart.

Not long after a run, and a few shoves from the boys, she was doing sit ups. Which where soon fallowed by push ups and pull ups, before the whistle below once more signaling the free time. Moving to the stands she sat down and grabbed her water taking a sip when “Leo-san” startled by the voice she choked on her water a bit before turning to see the concerned gaze of their new female coach looking at her.

Leo smiled and looked at the woman before saying “Yes, Tara-sempai”

Tara, looked at Leo as she always did taking in the new purple and blue marks that could be seen a little from younger charges lose shirt collar. Smiling sadly at the boy she put her hand on his head and ruffled his silky hair, it was so soft, pulling her hand back she said “Just checking on you squirt” she then walked off.

Leo looked at the woman blushing staining her checks, the woman was a goddess in Leo’s eyes she had all the right curves and dirty blond hair with baby blue eyes. Shaking her head she went back out on the gym floor and began to play some basketball.


Lunch was finally here, walking through the lunch lines of Mythological Heaves High. Picking up her tray she went to her table and sat. She threw her blue, gold, and white jacket onto the chair it had her sports number on it.

Leo looked at the jacket and wanted to bang her head into the damn table. Shaking her head she grabbed her fork and began to eat slowly when some of the popular girls came to sit at her table. They asked stupid things as always, like would he date them, or some other nonsense.

Leo glared at the girls but then didn’t seem to care and keep talking to him, some even dared to run their legs against his. Leo ate her lunch quickly and got up and moved to leave quickly throwing her trash away.

Walking through the hallways she got to her locker and got ready for her last class of the day. Pulling out her history books and binder she shut her locker back after making sure nothing was sticking out. Thanking all gods that she was lucky enough to only have three classes before lunch and only one after it.

Walking up the steps to the second floor she went to art room and frowned. Tara was talking to the male art teacher, sure Tara and him were friends but Leo didn’t like the man. Glaring she walked in and sat down, the adults turned to her Tara gave her a smile of relief and left.

The art teacher sighed and looked at her with a small frown for ruining his chances with Tara once again, although Tara had told him no plenty of times he didn’t give up.

Once lunch was over and the rest of the students were in the class most being boys. The teacher brought in a college student who was working for him so she could learn how to model.

Leo whimpered softly she hated drawing real people, giving up a sigh of defeat she began to draw the raven hair girl. Making sure all the curves were right, she looked back up to find the raven her woman looking at her strangely pulling her glasses off and rubbing her eyes she looked back at the woman to see that her stare was elsewhere.

Putting her glasses back on she went back to work, thinking ‘did her eyes just change colors’? Soon class was over and school was out for the day, walking out of the school and over to the grass she made it to her new motorcycle her dad had got she was 13 but only her father and doctor knew that, so here she was a 13 year old driving.

Strapping all her stuff down on the back seat, she was about to put her helmet on when something hit her in the head hard before falling and landing on the ground. “Owie….what the bloody hell” she looked around while rubbing her head.

Looking at the ground she saw the black leather book, it looked really old with a very worn like feel. Picking it up she ran her hand over the smooth back before shrugging and putting it with her other stuff and strapping it down.

Taking off her glasses she put her helmet on and started up her bike, before heading off down the road missing the purple eyes watching her leave the school grounds.