Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Of Demons and Love ❯ Answers ( Chapter 6 )
Of Demons and Love
Author: Quintyss
Chapter 6 (M)
Usagi took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I guess I'll begin with when Setsuna's daughter suddenly stepped into our timeline through a portal near the Senshi training grounds. When Makaria gave Mamoru the kinsuishou, both the Earth's powers from King Endymion and Pluto's powers of time and order from Setsuna were given to him during the transfer. While Mamoru's soul readily accepted Earth's power his soul had to change in order to accept powers from Pluto or die. Well, Mamoru's soul *did* change, along with his personality and his bond to me.
The Moirai have predetermined which two soul types would be well-matched as soulmates. Your soul and Mamoru's original soul were very similar. As a result of the taint, Mamoru's soul and my own became no longer compatible as soulmates." Usagi turned away from Rei as she swallowed the lump down that had formed in her throat. She felt so nervous.
"According to my Mother, Gaea had predestined by oath, that the Moon would be forever linked with the Earth. The oath included our powers; the ginsuishou and the kinsuishou are linked similarly. So Mamo-chan and I are destined to rule Crystal Tokyo over the next millennia... with our souls seeking to bond with another." Usagi took a deep, shuddered breath. "When I began to despair, my mother then told me that a destiny link between kingdoms did not necessarily mean 'rule together by marriage', although that is the only way Crystal Tokyo can come about on Earth."
Usagi glanced over at Rei who seemed to be staring at the senbazuru across the room. She anxiously wondered what her friend's stony countenance meant, but continued to give an account of the facts as she understood them. "My mother pointed out that I *could* rule the Moon Kingdom alone, just she had done when her soulmate, Apollo, had been forbidden her. I would then resume rule over the Silver Millennium just as it was before everything was destroyed. The Golden Kingdom of Earth and Moon kingdoms would be aligned politically and defensively by divined law. There would be no Crystal Tokyo."
Usagi touched Rei's cheek with a long delicate finger. "Because I do love Mamoru, and because I believe everyone deserves a chance for lasting happiness, I feel it is in everyone's best interest if I rule alone. I hope I've helped to assuage some of your worries now, Rei-chan."
Rei turned to scrutinize Usagi's face for a few moments, then turned away and responded bitterly, "So, everything is all neat and tidy, hmmm? Since Mamoru-san is no longer an option, you felt my attraction for you and thought you could come to me as your *own* last resort for... oh, how did you put it... 'lasting happiness'? Is that it? You would actually try to take advantage of my latest heartbreak with a man and try to seduce me? Maybe you thought that, in my weakness and abjection, you could just waltz in here and I would throw myself at your feet in gratitude?
What kind of a fool do you take me for?! As a Shinto Priestess, what makes you think I could love another woman anyway, even if she is my soulmate and Moon Queen! Miko-san indeed! Beyond what the Order might think, explain why being someone's second choice would be emotionally healthy?" Rei asked with harsh indignation.
Usagi was stunned. Her throat constricted painfully and she struggled to get air into her lungs. She could barely whisper her reply, "Rei-chan, it's not like that! Mamoru has been my destiny, my duty, and is someone I love. With the bond in place, Crystal Tokyo could have worked, but he was not my *preference* as a mate and lover. I am well aware of societal disdain for same-sex relationships and I don't care. I have never considered for an instant that love between two souls could be construed as perverse. I shall not shame myself, or you, another moment! I can assure you, what has happened here today, will never be repeated if that is truly your desire."
Usagi blinked back her tears. She was confused. Rei had definitely responded desirously to her ardor! But then, she could see the logic in what Rei had concluded and decided that perhaps an apology might be in order, so she said penitently, "Please forgive me for my forwardness, I never intended to insult you! I should not have tried to kiss you, Rei-chan, I am so sorry. I was just so overcome with happiness," she owned. "I don't want a relationship that makes you uncomfortable. As for myself, I'm afraid the desire for fulfillment with my soulmate will always burn within." She took a deep breath and sighed heavily.
Usagi straightened her shoulders and faced her friend. "That said, since you seem to be on the mend, Miko-san, I should probably go now." Usagi slid out from under the warm quilt and stood unsteadily. As she turned to leave, her knees betrayed her and buckled. She crumpled to the floor in exhaustion and managed to only struggle to her hands and knees.
Rei's head reeled as she sat up and silently extended a trembling hand. She felt hot tears plip onto her arm. "Wait," she entreated softly in disbelief, "was I your first 'preference'? Have I always been first in your heart, Usagi-chan?"
Usagi answered her with the barest of whispers, "always."
The electricity from the slight pressure of Rei's fingers as they brushed against her forearm, caused her to pause in her effort to leave. Usagi turned on her knees to face the futon so she could see Rei's beautiful, royal amethyst eyes. Through those windows, she sought the soul she had loved, since their first encounter on Mars, and still did with all of her heart.
Rei saw genuine hurt from spurned love in her friend's eyes and felt rebuked. Rei took Usagi's hands into her own and entwined her fingers to steady them. "Kami, Usagi-chan." Rei murmured hoarsely. "What a mess," she said miserably. She let go of Usagi's hands and lifted the quilt. "Come get warm."
Usagi complied and swallowed hard to clear her tight throat. "Please understand, Rei-san, I came here alone because I felt your soul draw me here. I felt your pain, not your attraction. I didn't come to seduce you! I have been just as confused as you are now. Perhaps more so. From the day Luna appeared, it has been nothing but destiny, duty, and Queen. After my mother left me this evening, memories of the Silver Millennium flooded back to complete my torture. I felt your attraction for me *after* my memories returned and only then was I able to sort things out." Usagi sighed shakily.
"I remembered being nothing more than an envoy to my Queen mother when I rescued the huntress Diana from the planet Mars to be my Senshi. I remembered at what point I fell in love with her and the circumstances surrounding it. I remembered how it felt to make love to her for the first time during the long flight to gather all my senshi for the Moon Kingdom. All of it happened before I was ever introduced to Prince Endymion and told of my destiny.
Usagi's voice softened, "*You*, were my first love, Rei, and I would like to have what we had back. I have gotten through separations with Mamo-chan many times... mostly because my Senshi were there for me... but you always seemed like a missing puzzle piece in this timeline," her voice quavered slightly. "The despair I felt each time my Senshi died was most acute at your loss. And in the darkest moments before my own death, it was your image, your strength, I clung to most. I wanted to die when you died, Rei-san, because I didn't want a life without *you*!" Usagi openly wept, then controlled herself as she reached for a tissue and blew her nose.
"I-I needed to hear, from your own lips, that you loved me for my soul's sake. I never meant to toy with your affections! That's the truth. Believe me when I say that I need you. Indeed, I am going to need the strength, wisdom, and instincts of *all* my Senshi to help me rule as Moon Queen. But I especially need you, Rei-san."
She looked hopefully into Rei's face. "I want you to understand that my desire to love you, care for you, and make you happy, is real if you'll have me." Usagi then softly, with utter devotion, "I want you as my beloved, not because you are my last option for a soulmate, but because... Kami help me... I love you with all that I am as my first choice." Usagi lay her head on Rei's shoulder wearily and clutched the fabric of Rei's gown. "If in this life, you can not physically love me as a woman, I'll understand. I do respect your position as a Shinto Priestess, Miko-san, and know there are certain guidelines you must adhere to."
Rei's eyes swam with unshed tears as she listened to Usagi's declaration of love in silent introspection. When her Princess unlocked her old Silver Millennium identity, the Miko's own clouded memories of that time period slowly manifested. 'I am Princess Diana, raised in the Castle Phobos-Deimos and revered as a noble in Her Majesty's royal Martian Hunt! Princess Serenity was my first love. My only love.' Rei slid an arm around Usagi's torso. When she found her voice, at last, it was whispery soft. "I remember, Princess Serenity."
Rei fell silent for a few moments. She took a deep, steadying breath and let it out slowly. "I remember both the ecstasy of our love and the agony of what transpired after you met Prince Endymion. I remember watching as a hunger grew and your desire blossomed into a passion for the Earth Prince. I ached for you and wished I could trade places with him. I longed for you to look into my eyes with the same passion as you had before you met him. But it seemed you had forgotten me, and what we had shared. I didn't think there was any hope for a relationship so I gave it up and kept you in my dreams. When I met Earth Guardian Jadeite, I let him pursue me, though my heart still belonged to my Serenity. Having known your touch and losing it is a far greater pain than never knowing it at all, Usagi. I never want to experience that again."
Usagi forced her head up to address her Senshi, "Oh Rei-san, I hadn't forgotten about you. I could never! My mother knew about us. Even though it pained her, she forbade me to see you as a lover, nor would she grant me permission to bond with you in any way. So I served my Kingdom, bowed to destiny, and slept alone. In the eyes of the Moon Kingdom, you were as all of my honored Senshi... except in my heart and in my dreams. There, I dreamt of a ship en-route to the Moon Kingdom and a bed I shared with my beloved Diana. I hurt inside every time I looked into your beautiful eyes and saw my betrayal written there." Usagi interjected as tears clouded her eyes once more.
"I was never aware, though, that Endymion and I were ever observed by anyone. I thought we were fairly discreet. I would never knowingly hurt you with a public display of affection. I am so sorry if we did, Rei-san." Usagi swallowed awkwardly.
Rei grunted, "Usagi, stop with the -san honorific, please." Rei squeezed the hands she still held in her own. Usagi nodded. "Good... now regarding the past," Rei began, "as your bodyguard on duty I followed you. As a huntress by instinct, I hid in the trees with a bow. I shouldn't have spied on you, but I had an opportunity and took it. I deserved the hurt I got. But that's ancient history, now isn't it? What matters now, is what to do about the present."
Rei cleared her dry throat and continued, "Look, Usagi-chan, I'm a little relationship-shy right now. I want to believe you, but I can't. I think if your bond was restored to Mamoru, you would run straight back to him... and you should. I would continue to be as I have always been for you. I also think you will do exactly as you are expected to do, soul mated or not," Rei remarked in all seriousness.
"I have no future with you... no matter how real our love has been or might be. Had you come to me at any point in time before your bond with Mamoru was broken, I would have felt more inclined to believe you. But you didn't," she reproached Usagi gently. "Action, or inaction, will always speak louder than words. No matter how much sincerity is meant behind them."
Her tone softened somewhat then, "I am very sorry I tried a lame attempt to end my life today. It was weak and it won't happen again, I promise. Even if it were possible for me to stop being your Senshi, I wouldn't want to, Usagi-chan. Your friendship has been one of the few bright spots in my life. Because we are soulmates shouldn't change anything." Rei heaved a slow sigh.
Usagi was rapidly losing her battle against fatigue. "Rei-chan, the re-discovery of our soulbond does make a difference for me. I will rule the Moon Kingdom as Queen Serenity, even if there *is* a way for the powers of Pluto to be restored to Makaria, and Mamoru's bond is reinstated. I needed the truth, not only for my own happiness but for the right destiny for all of us. What conclusions you come to about my love for you are your own. If you can't trust me, there is no hope for a closer relationship, anyway," Usagi stated wearily.
"I really need to get some rest, now, Rei-chan. If there is a way for me to ease your burdens, tell me. I am here for you in whatever capacity you need me." Usagi rolled away from Rei, closed her eyes, and shivered hard. Her nerves were completely shot and she felt awful.
The room was pregnant with silence while Rei reflected on troublesome thoughts, past and present. Usagi had bared her soul. Bonds that had ordered her destiny for millennia had been shattered and, in its wake, the denied love she'd held for a Martian huntress was exposed. Rei had crushed her Princess and knew it. She began to feel claustrophobic as the walls of remorse closed in around her.
At length, Rei spoke softly, "Usagi-chan, are you asleep?"
"No," the girl muttered groggily.
"Do you still love me?" Rei's voice sounded small and tense.
Usagi sighed heavily. "Yes," came the murmured reply.
"Usa-chan?" Rei began again.
"Hmmm?" Usagi could feel Rei's presence move closer and rolled onto her back.
"I can scarcely believe you would choose to rule the Moon Kingdom by yourself! If that choice was based on my soul being mated to yours and love from the past, I think maybe I ought to reconsider your future with me.
I, um, have a lot of pride to swallow and even more, forgiveness to ask for. I've gone out of my way to alienate you in every way I know how in this timeline. And through it all, there has never been another soul who has shown me as much unconditional love as you have. Nor has there been any other who has taught me more about what true sacrifice is or what real forgiveness is all about. You truly do live what you believe.
Believe me, you have given me far more joy over these past years than I have earned," she brushed through Usagi's bangs with the fingertips of her left hand. "While I have been busy wallowing in my own self-pity over matters of the past that are of no consequence, you've been wrestling with the fate of a future kingdom! Yet despite your own problems, you poured your whole heart and soul into *my* well being and I have lashed out at you to protect myself. I may have your love, Usagi-chan, but I don't deserve it." Rei said earnestly as she reached over to wipe off tears that still clung to Usagi's lashes.
"Your love seems completely blind. As though you only see souls and not flawed people. You truly are an Angel here on Earth and you'll never ever understand how different you are!" Rei rasped out. "You are so caring and compassionate how could I not, how could *anyone* not, love you! And only a fool would not desire you!"
Feeling awkward, Usagi remained silent. She never thought of herself as any of those things Rei mentioned...
Rei's tone softened, but her voice was raw with emotion when she spoke again, "Usagi-chan, I do love and need you. I also want you physically. I'm sorry for what I implied earlier. I have a thing for self-preservation. It has always been about emotionally protecting myself first; and it's a habit I'm not sure I can break easily. I have been called 'strange' all my life, Usa-chan, and to love another woman in this current cultural climate only exacerbates matters. I really have no idea what the Order might think. But it's something I'm willing to work through." Rei flashed her princess a shy smile. "Usagi-chan, I don't know if you can ever forgive me for today, but if you can find it in your heart to do so, I'd like to be given a chance to make amends, even if it's inadequate." Rei watched as Usagi totally broke down then.
"You know I forgive you, Rei, and... you could never be inadequate!" She smiled tremulously at the raven-haired beauty through her tears then sniffled. "You are the deepest desire of my heart and my passion," Usagi cast her eyes down as her cheeks reddened, "trust me, Rei-chan, if you knew the things that go through my mind when I look at you, 'Angel' would hardly be on your list of descriptions for me."
Rei's eyes held a glimmer of mirth in them, as she shook her head in wonderment. Her voice was gruff as she lifted her princess' chin to regard dewy sapphire eyes and said, "I honestly can't comprehend how, or why, you can still love me after all these years, Usagi! You asked me how you could help to ease my pain earlier," Rei hesitated, "would you consider joining me in marriage as you did Mamoru? Is your love for me strong enough to make that kind of commitment?" She waited tensely a moment then whispered, "I don't ever want to lose my Serenity again."
Usagi's tears turned to elation as Rei slipped an arm around her to gather her close. Nestled in the embrace of Rei's muscled arms, she found comfort there at long last. After a few soft breaths, Usagi's muffled voice answered her Miko back, "And I never want to lose my Diana ever again. I love you enough to join with you in the highest order of oaths; the eternal Blood Bond oath."
A sharp intake of breath from Rei made Usagi smile. "I would need to ask Mamoru's permission first, but I don't think he would ever stand in the way of my happiness. No more than I would his. We need to ask my Mother and your Mother's permission as well because they are needed to perform the ceremony. I know my Mother will consent and give us her blessing, but I don't know if Artemis will. And, yes, you are a Goddess, too... all of my Senshi are. It is the Star Seeds given to us that bind us to planet powers and my crystal." Usagi smiled, though she did notice the small frown of confusion that passed briefly across Rei's face at the mention of 'mother'. The moment was gone within the second, though.
"If we are meant to be, then everything will work out, Angel," Rei assured her. 'Angel' was emphasized with a twinkle in her eyes. "Are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life bound to someone as focused, stubborn, and abrasive as I am?" Rei teased.
"I'm sure, oh Aberrant one!" Usagi teased back.
"Oh, Hime-sama, you have made me so happy! I feel a whole lot better about myself and life now." Rei kissed each beautiful sapphire eye. "You know, I have loved you for so long from afar as forbidden fruit, now that I have you close I haven't a clue what to do with you!" Rei laughed.
Joy filled Usagi's heart. She loved to hear the rich melodic peal of Rei's seldom heard laughter. "Your past self certainly did. I'm sure you'll think of something. Besides, it doesn't matter right now. I just want to rest in your warm closeness." Usagi's eyes sparkled like gems in the now moonlit, cloudless sky.
Rei studied Usagi's delicate features and beheld eyes that mirrored windows into a guileless soul. Rei leaned into her and began to softly kiss those beautiful lips that smiled so readily, so genuinely.
Exhaustion forgotten, Usagi responded with fervor and her heart began to fly. When Rei's tongue flicked rhythmically down her throat, she felt a throb between her legs that pulsed in response and a peculiar ache in her lower parts. Usagi's soft voice was husky with pleasure.
Rei trailed moist butterfly kisses from Usagi's wet cheeks down to her throat. She pressed her tongue against the carotid and felt its strong, rapid beat. As the quilt fell partially away Rei noticed the bruises on her Hime's upper arms for the first time. They were much too regular, almost as if...
Something clicked inside and Rei suddenly understood the full scope of her friend's struggle. She kissed each bruise tenderly. "These aren't bruises from passionate kisses, are they Usa-chan? Mamoru has been rough with you, hasn't he?" Rei asked quietly.
To deny her Miko was pointless, so she nodded reluctantly. "He has been less than gentle with me, but it doesn't seem intentional. It's more a mechanical drive and not like him at all. There's nobody home when he looks at me in bed. H-he, umm, isn't exactly the same man he was before," she stammered.
"Why don't you humor me and elaborate on that a little more, Princess. I know what abuse looks like when I see it." Rei said levelly.
Usagi turned away from Rei's burning gaze. "When I struggled and protested against his sexual advances, he would ignore them. He just wordlessly held me down with his hands and entered me hard while I was dry. He wouldn't stop until he was satisfied." Usagi confirmed hoarsely.
Rei had a feeling the ruthlessness hadn't stopped there. She sat up and pulled Usagi with her. Then she began to take the gown she had lent her friend off.
Usagi swallowed with difficulty and closed her eyes so she wouldn't see the expression on Rei's face as she slowly lifted the filmy lavender gown up over her head. She shivered as she felt Rei's warm breath puff in short angry bursts onto her bare shoulder. When she opened her eyes they were met with a pair of amethyst eyes that were dark and seething with anger. They terrified her and she trembled.
"Kami, Usa-chan, how long? Because he was your *destined*, I gave place to him and trusted him with you. All of the Senshi trusted him!" Rei's voice was low and terse. Through clenched teeth she growled, "I want to have a look at you... all of you," her voice was raw, "I can't believe you haven't told anyone, not even me, how much you've been hurting!"
Ashamed, Usagi could not meet the gaze of her furious Senshi. "I just did tell you," Usagi said in a small, quivering voice. "It only started after what Makaria did out of love for her half-brother. Plus, if matters were reversed, you wouldn't say anything, either."
"You told me *only* because I discovered it! You weren't going to say squat to me, or to anyone else to protect him, Usagi-chan!" Rei bit out. "Why?" she demanded.
Usagi's face turned bright red. "I didn't want him confronted, Rei-chan. Just let it go. It's over, now, okay?" she pleaded.
"You bet it's over! If he *ever* touches you like this again, I'll rip his spine out and beat him senseless with it. Tartarus will seem like a bloody picnic!" Rei snarled. "And you are right; I wouldn't have said anything to anyone. Because the minute the monster tried to hurt me, I'd leave his sorry excuse for a husband to be and never go back. When I was Chibi, I had no choice. Now I do," she said pointedly.
"Promise me you won't punish him, Rei-chan," Usagi whispered, frightened by the fire senshi's intensity. "I'll talk to him about what I've learned from my mother of our destiny and discuss the options. It will be alright, I promise."
Rei was silent but then gave a curt nod.
Usagi relaxed somewhat. It was important to trust Rei.
Rei laid the gown aside then tossed the quilt onto the other futon in one swift motion. She sat back on her heels and took in Usagi's physical beauty. She sucked her breath in sharply as she felt her inner fire begin to react and settle in her loins. She felt her face flush. Kami-sama! Usagi was so breathtakingly gorgeous, so gracefully built, like the ice dancer she once was on the Kingdom of the Moon. She was both sinewy and sensuous at once.
"You are so incredibly beautiful and desirable, Usagi-chan! I don't know how Mamoru could..." Rei choked.
Usagi bit her lip self-consciously and lowered her eyes as Rei's darkly impassioned ones swept boldly over her body.
Through sudden tears, Rei could see bruising around Usagi's nipples and firm breasts, that were smaller than her own, but oh so round and perfect! She leaned forward and brushed each bruise softly with her lips, then, touched her tongue tip lightly against tooth-sore nipples.
Usagi stroked Rei's silken ebony hair. She thought she had never felt anything more delicate or full of care, than Rei's feather-soft touch. It thrilled her to the very core of her being.
Rei put her hands on Usagi's alabaster shoulders and held her at arm's length. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, Angel, especially from someone you loved and trusted so much," she said softly. "I would understand, more than you know, if you found it hard to trust anyone who wanted to be physically close to you, right now. But I need you to trust me as I trusted you with Chibi-Rei. I want to remove your underwear and have a look. I promise I won't hurt you, alright?" Rei looked compassionately into the blonde's haunted blue orbs.
Usagi nodded, then trembled as Rei's fingers began to trace a path down the sides of her rib cage, barely touching. Rei laid a train of delicate butterfly kisses in the valley between her breasts. Then, inch by inch, the dark head moved downward. Usagi could barely breathe and tears of shame slowly trickled down her cheeks. Not for her nakedness, but for what she had hidden.
Rei savored each kiss. She loved Usagi's light floral scent and the clean taste of her skin. Her princess' flesh was so incredibly smooth and soft... like rose petals stretched taut over sculpted musculature. Rei ran her tongue around Usagi's navel, then gently sucked on it as she lightly caressed firm hips.
Usagi moaned Rei's name softly as her desire began to simmer and override any other thought processes. She sucked her breath in as Rei's fingers captured the waistband of her white lace underwear then drew them slowly down her legs. Rei's hard, fast breaths tickled her as she paused above the tight silver-blonde curls between her legs and sent ripples of goosebumps all over her body. Rei could smell Usagi's odor and felt herself respond in kind, but she kept control of her want. Usagi didn't need lust right now. She needed to be treated with reverence and respected as a Queen. The Queen *He* should have remembered she was to be.
Usagi's brain engaged. She whimpered and clutched at Rei's hands, as they sought to part her legs. "No."
Rei immediately stopped at the small noise and gesture. She looked up to lock her gaze upon Usagi's dark, frightened eyes. She cursed Mamoru from the bottom of her heart. Kami, how he must have hurt her Angel! Rei wanted to cry but reined in her emotion so she could soothe and reassure her friend.
"I would rather die than hurt you, Serenity," her voice thick with unshed tears, "I can promise you, I will never ever hurt you sexually. I know what that feels like, and I won't ever touch you there if you don't want me to. But for this once, I do need to see if you need some help, Hime-sama. Can you trust me enough to let me see if you are alright?" Rei implored.
Usagi chewed on her lip hard, then finally nodded her assent.
Rei parted Usagi's thighs and knelt carefully between them. Rei's fingers roved lightly over teeth marks and inadvertently raised more goosebumps on the supple flesh.
She lifted her friend's long, slender legs up and slightly farther apart and wanted to curse some more as she let her eyes rest upon Usagi's femaleness. Rei felt sick. She took some deep breaths, then bent forward and very softly touched her lips to her princess' flower. She laid a single feather-light kiss there.
Usagi trembled in need and profound shame all at once, but Rei gently let her legs down.
Wordlessly, Rei replaced the underwear, then slipped the gown over Usagi's head. Usagi probably hadn't felt well for a while and never said a thing about it. Rei felt angry and betrayed. She lay down alongside her love then gathered her princess close and kissed her forehead tenderly.
"Before we go to sleep, Usa-chan, I have a few requests I'd like to make. Number one; tomorrow you go see a gynecologist, no arguments. Number two; I want you to promise me you won't see Mamoru again until he gets some help. Number three; and most importantly to me, I would like for you to consider life here with me. We seem to suddenly be a little short-handed at the Jinja right now."
Usagi lifted her head to face Rei. "Okay, no arguments, I promise, and I thought you would never ask!" She gave Rei a watery smile.
Rei's eyes widened and she smiled back. Rei rolled close to Usagi, kissed her lips a few times, and flipped off of the bed to head for the bathroom on unsteady legs.
When Rei came back, Usagi had fallen asleep and a gentle smile graced her lips. She had managed to take up the entire bed in a tangle of lanky arms, legs, and blanket. Rei smiled fondly. Her princess wasn't so small anymore at 5'9". She had finally achieved Queen Serenity's height. Rei herself was now only an inch taller, instead of several.
Rei slipped on her yukata, bent to pick up the tray of finished tea and food near her futon, then noiselessly headed for the kitchen to set the tray on the countertop. She phoned Dr. Wakai's office, the OBGYN who had seen her as a child and left a brief message on the answering machine. Padding back to her room, she glanced at the empty futon and then turned her gaze back to the unconscious goddess.
Rei switched the desk lamp off, re-arranged Usagi, and curled up next to her. She pulled all of the blankets over both of them and sighed. It seemed each of them had their own personal demons to deal with. But despite everything, they had finally found love. That was Rei's last coherent thought as sleep overwhelmed her.
To be continued...
Japanese Terms
Wakai- young