Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Of Demons and Love ❯ Makaria ( Chapter 20 )
Of Demons and Love
Author: Quintyss
Chapter 20 (T)
The two girls were dead to the world when Luna padded over the entangled bodies and began licking Usagi's face and purring. Usagi's nose twitched and she batted lamely at the intrusion with her left hand. "Stop Rei," she muttered, "already can't walk."
Luna's whiskers twitched. "How awful for you! Puu's here to see you."
Usagi opened one eye groggily. "Luna?"
"Yes. Setsuna is here to see you. She says it's important." Luna reiterated patiently.
Usagi groaned. "Alright. Give me a minute." She donned a dark blue yukata, tied the obi tight, then gave her partner a nudge. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead, we have company!" Her bare feet were noiseless on the wooden floors as she made her way to the kitchen. She put a kettle of water on the stove to heat then went to let her friend in.
"Good morning, Usagi-chan," Setsuna greeted pleasantly.
"Good morning, Sets-chan. Come in! I'm making us some tea."
Setsuna looked around. It had been a long while since she had been inside Rei Hino's home. "Is Rei asleep?"
"Hopefully not. I told her we had company." Usagi answered. She spotted a purple-robed Rei putting another log on the fire, then turn to come towards their guest.
"Good morning, Setsuna-sama." Rei greeted with a bow.
Setsuna smiled and bowed back. "I hope I am not being too intrusive."
"Sleep is for the weak," Rei replied with a small smile, not at all believing her own words.
As it was a bit chilly, the priestess headed towards the sunken dining area covered with tatami mats. Rei set an earthen pot with parially burnt coals in it on one of the mats centered in the room. She lit the coals and moved a wooden rectagle kotatsu that would comfortably seat six over the pot. The Miko went to fetch a fall-themed heavy quilt and three rust-colored zebuton throw cusions from the changing room linen closet. She placed the colorful leaf and nut patterned quilt over the low table, and on top of that, a beautiful cherrywood tabletop for tea. She arranged three place mats and the cusions so Usagi and herself were on one side and Setsuna across from them.
Usagi set cups and their matching teapot onto a silver serving tray, then carried it into the dining room and set it on the tabletop. "What's on your mind, Setsuna?" Usagi asked as they all settled onto cusions. Rei poured tea for everyone.
"I finally found my daughter. When Briareus slipped into our timeline, I knew *where* Makaria opened the dimension door, just not the exact *when*. I do have a timeline to begin my search. With a little trial and error, I think I can be there right before she warps in. Until I can pull her out, Makaria is trapped in the Titan's timeline without powers."
Usagi's brow furrowed. "Briareus, the Hecatoncheires, entered a dimension portal in our timeline? When did this happen?"
Rei looked a bit guilty. "I'm sorry, Usagi. It completely slipped my mind to tell you about that incident. We were called to battle around 2 am the night you were very ill."
She turned to Setsuna. "Like you, Setsuna, my last sacred flame reading showed a vision of your daughter at Castle Charon, but not the *when*," Rei supplied. "Would it be too forward of me to ask why the dimension gate was opened?"
The Senshi of Pluto sighed. "My daughter opened the portal when she realized my attack would not kill her as requested. She did the next best thing. Hotaru felt betrayed after she stopped me and we lost Makaria anyway."
"I don't understand, Setsuna," Usagi interrupted. "Makaria opened that portal at least a month ago. Briareus showed up weeks after that."
Setsuna smiled at her princess. "You begin to understand how tricky time travel really is. The portal in Briareus' time was only open a mere 10 seconds, but a few seconds in time after entry becomes far more disparate upon exit. In this case a few weeks, but it could have been months later."
"How can we help you, Setsuna," Rei asked gently.
Setsuna studied Rei a moment or two. There was something more... content about her. Softer. "It's a very big favor and I am unsure if it can be done. I would like Makaria to be reunited with her soulmate. But not in Briareus' time. That was before Goddess Selene ever met King Endymion as a shepherd boy. The paradox in time would be far too great. She must be restored in this timeline."
Usagi looked pained. "My mother is in the Elysian Fields now, Setsuna."
"I know, Hime-sama." The beautiful garnet eyes swam. "It... it is what my daughter desires most, though. I personally wish for the powers of Pluto to be returned to her, if at all possible, Rei-san."
Rei reached across the tea table to take Setsuna's hand into her own. "It is possible and the very least I can do for you and her. I have regained much knowledge of Diana's magic when my shrouded memories were unveiled. I can also summon the Goddess Diana herself, which might be the safer route."
Usagi nodded slowly. "Small Lady would receive the kinsuishou in the form it was intended to be. With Rei's eternal blood bond in place, restoring the golden crystal will have no effect on me now, Setsuna, if that is what you are most worried about." Usagi reached for Rei's other hand and her lover took it and gently squeezed. "I will gladly summon my mother for Makaria whenever it is wished, Setsuna." She turned to engage her beloved, "Rei, would sacred flames be possible in Castle Charon? Grandpa is due back here very soon."
Rei's eyes twinkled. "The fire is only a focal point for me. A powerful one, yes, but I am the one who has the actual spiritual magic. The visions come from me. The flame was also your focal point when you summoned the gods. If Castle Charon has a fire pit we should be fine. I can bless and sanctify it."
"Speaking of blessing and sanctifying, did you do something about the kitty door to keep undesirable fauna out of the house as I asked you to?" There was a barely hidden threat in Usagi's inquiry.
"Yes, dear," Rei answered meekly. "Only Luna, Artemis, Phobos, and Deimos may use it."
Usagi smiled sweetly. "Thank you, darling. Setsuna, I'm starving. Would you stay and have breakfast with us?"
Setsuna looked between the two Senshi and chuckled as she wiped away the few stray tears that had managed to escape and roll down her cheeks. "I would love to. It would appear you two have a lot of explaining to do when Guji-san comes home!"
Breakfast became a festive affair as the event evolved into a full-blown Senshi meeting. Makoto, thankfully, helped Usagi cope by bringing eggs, sausages, and lean ham from her workplace then helped to prepare it. Usagi made yeast rolls and baked them. The small kitchen smelled heavenly. There were jams put out, too. Usagi made a note to buy more from Mako's store later as this seemed to be the end of them. Rei added another clay oki-gokatstu and wooden rectangular kotatsu, forming a large square. The new futon and cusions were rather mismatched, but the tabletop put over it was cherrywood.
Usagi began the meeting. "I brought all of you here together to help put recent events into perspective. The first issue of import is that Chaos, like ourselves, has been reborn from the Galaxy Cauldron. A small essence of him was in the Tokyo Sewer system and was the origin of the epidemic here. Anyone entering the sewers was infected, not only with the disease but a small part of Chaos' energy as well. That corruption was key in spreading the inexplicable rise in mayhem and crime in the city. Mina was infected by him in this manner."
Mamoru scratched morning stubble on his chin having just thrown clothes on to be there. "Now that you mention it, I went down there about a month ago. It was the funniest thing. I was walking past a cordoned off maintenance area downtown and heard shouts from the workers. When I approached the area, there was a little boy crying on the sidewalk in the vicinity of an open manhole. When I asked what was wrong, he pointed and said his puppy had run barking over to the workmen and fell into the big hole.
When I asked the crew leader if they needed help, he said they were waiting on animal control. The dog was just too fast and frightened for them to catch. I volunteered to go down and try. They gave me a hard hat with a flashlight on it and I descended the ladder. When I got to the bottom, I turned into Mask. The air was almost like breathing green soup and when I spotted the puppy, she was in bad shape. I changed back before climbing out myself with the pup. I explained to the little boy his dog was going to need a vet right away or she would die. Luckily, when animal control showed up a few minutes later they said they could help, but would need parental consent. The boy called his mom and I ended up a bit poorer," he chuckled. "I had the 'flu' myself before nightfall." Mamoru had been the first to get it, followed by Usagi.
Usagi now knew for certain her Prince's strange behavior had been inflicted upon him by Chaos, and when. "That explains a lot," she replied candidly. "We had *such* a good time being sick together, didn't we, Mamo?"
Mamoru grimaced, "Speak for yourself. I was miserable! On the bright side, my mental state cleared up recently. I feel more like myself, now."
"That makes sense, Mamoru. Because of Mina's dad and her good instincts, we were able to put a stop to Chaos. At present, he seems very weak, but that can escalate in a hurry." Usagi said ruefully.
Mina laughed. "Chaos is definitely not a good time."
"Setsuna, would you like to go next?" Usagi asked.
The Senshi of Time bowed. "When the Silver Millennium was destroyed, Makaria was killed, too. Eventually, she was reborn and the kinsuishou was, once again, in her possession. With her abilities from Pluto restored, she began searching for Endymion the Younger and found him here in Mamoru. She, once again, made the transfer and lost everything of herself, preferring not to rule.
She came to me in askance of Queen Serenity, wanting only to be reunited with her bondmate. I told Makaria her love was, in truth, the Goddess Selene and had gone where she could not follow without the Gods' permission. She begged me for oblivion and when Hotaru stopped my blow, Makaria created a portal to a point in time before the Goddess Selene ever met the shepherd boy Endymion.
I can leave her there as Hades' rumored daughter. Or I can bring her here to have Rei and Mamoru restore her powers of Pluto and let her meet Selene with Usagi's help. To do so, I would need to bring Usagi, Mamoru, and Rei to my floating castle where the gates of space-time are. The rest of the Senshi would have to be extremely vigilant for any sudden enemies during this time and alert for any calls from us."
Minako hugged herself, "Who am I to stand in the way of love! Makaria has my blessing."
Haruka frowned. "I am skeptical of four key Senshi members going off into unknown danger, but Makaria deserves peace."
"Hecatoncheires could be the tip of the iceberg if another portal is opened and we would be missing Sailor Moon's finishers," Ami said quietly.
"True, Ami, but the enemies would not be Chaos' minions. We should be fine." Makoto soothed. "I say we let them go with our blessing and Kami speed."
Michiru nodded. "Go with my blessing, Setsuna."
"Setsuna, give us an hour or so to clean up our house and ourselves. I also need to leave a message for my Grandfather in case he makes it back before we do." Rei said.
Setsuna smiled. "Just come to our home when you are ready. Thank you for indulging me, everyone, and thank you for a lovely breakfast."
It was more like two hours that passed before Usagi finally pulled up to the Kaioh residence in her Subaru. Upon admittance, Sailor Pluto was waiting for them in the living room. I can teleport us if you transform, everyone."
They held each other's hands and Pluto's magenta power winked them into her floating castle above planet Pluto. "Welcome to Castle Charon, everyone!"
The three inner Senshi followed Pluto to her Space-Time Gate where they met another likeness of Setsuna. "This is Guardian Pluto. You must not venture past her but are welcomed to the rest of the castle. Food is stocked and there should be wood for a fire. I hope."
"This reminds me of Castle Phobos-Deimos in opulence," Mars whispered as Sailor Pluto disappeared through the gate. She shivered, "I hope Setsuna doesn't take long, this place is oppressive."
"While we wait, let's go find the royal fire pit." Eternal Moon suggested.
"Mmmm, if all of these castles Queen Serenity gave her Princesses are similar, there should be a fireplace down this hall and then left." Mars directed, still whispering.
"Why are you whispering, Mars," Tuxedo Mask asked in a normal talking voice.
Mars looked a bit sheepish. "It is so dead in here, I'm afraid noise will wake ghosts."
"The atmosphere is a little spooky to me, too. Oh! You were right about the fire room, Mars. I bet those logs are actually petrified wood," she grinned.
"These look recent, almost as though we were expected. That's just bloody scary," Mars laughed. The priestess knelt in front of the pit and closed her eyes, hands together as if praying. Her lips moved noiselessly while she concentrated. Then there was a bright red flash from inside the pit. Mars rose and began to stock the pit with wood.
The pit roared to life and Mars smiled. "Much better! Tuxedo Mask, do you happen to have a deck of cards with you?"
Tuxedo Mask felt as though an enormous burden had rolled off his shoulders. It seemed the fire Senshi had decided to forgive him. That was something he would cherish and, inwardly, vowed never give cause to need her forgiveness again.
He smiled at the priestess, "Always!" the caped man reached into his subspace pocket and delivered the item with a magician's flourish.
Pluto arrived a few meters away from the swamps of Acherusia. Standing before her was the Goddess Hecate, black of hair and midnight blue of eye. She stood with her favored dog, Hekabe, wearing a large ring of keys at her waist sash near a medium gate made of dull gray metal. A flaming torch was on each of its columns. Pluto smiled and gave a gesture of peace as she approached.
"I am Setsuna, daughter of Chronos and Themis, guardian over the space-time continuum. I mean you no harm as I have come to correct a wrong. I believe my daughter will open a dimensional portal near the Bronze Gate, where many creatures reside, within a few hours. Briareus will step through it and be killed if I don't stop it. Can you assist in getting me there quickly?" Pluto paused and gestured. "Also, hiding this portal I came through would be prudent."
"It is fortunate that I happened to be at this gate when you arrived, time traveler. Others may have reacted poorly to your sudden appearance." The Goddess's eyes twinkled. "I can summon Hermes to guide you through the swamps and bring you to the next gate at Taenarum. Beyond Taenarum lies the underground caves, the river Acheron and the Bronze Gates. I will go with you, for expediency." Hecate paused to cast a hiding spell on Setsuna's portal with a few gestures and the time dimension gate shimmered out of sight.
"Why would your daughter come here, Setsuna?" Hecate asked as she opened the gray gates and summoned Hermes."
"I believe Makaria seeks oblivion in the waters of Lethe, due to an unmendable broken heart." Setsuna's garnet eyes glistened, voice thick with grief. "I am hoping to avoid that if I can, and take her with me."
"I hope you succeed in this noble quest, daughter of Chronos." Hecate's expression was one of great sadness. "Before we go, let me disguise you. The future appears to lack Our grace." A slight smile twitched as she robed Setsuna more appropriately.
Hermes, being fleet of foot, arrived within minutes. "Bring us to the entrance of Taenarum, my good Hermes." Hecate entreated. The handsome god swooped each goddess up, one under each arm, and ran. His feet skimmed over the surfaces of a pond, mossy bogs, mud, and swamps that smelled of composting vegetation. The distance was great but took Hermes a mere 28 minutes to reach Taenarum, in Setsuna's estimation.
Hecate opened the green marbled gates. "I bid you luck on your mission, Goddess of Space-Time. I shall remain here until your return, as there are no more gates to unlock."
Setsuna was gathered, once more, into the arms of Hermes. They entered a dungeon of labyrinthine underground tunnels that eventually led to where the Bronze Gate loomed. Close to the gated front were Centaurs, Scylla, Gorgons, the Lernaean Hydra, Geryon, the Chimera, Harpies... and Briareus. Setsuna felt both relief and horror.
The god, Hermes, smiled winsomely at his charge as he placed her on the marbled floor. "Just call my name when you need me, noble traveler."
Setsuna thanked the Golden God of winged feet profusely for his expedient service. Pulling out her garnet rod, she waited vigilantly far enough away from Briareus to not attract attention, but close enough to capture as many beings as she could in a garnet ball.
Before long, the slight distortion in the air Setsuna had been waiting for, began to manifest. Setsuna whispered forcefully.
Creatures large and small were enveloped in a massive magenta ball of energy and lifted out of the way of the forming dimensional portal. Makaria stepped through the dark portal and, a few seconds later it winked out. Setsuna gently set her prisoners down and released them. Confused, pandemonium ensued. In the madness, Setsuna grasped her daughter firmly and ran for the underground caves.
"What is the meaning of this, Mother?" Makaria sobbed as they ran.
"Not here. HERMES!" Setsuna shouted. The two were whisked away and arrived at Setsuna's undetectable gateway in record time. Hecate unveiled it with a swish of a hand.
The goddess of magic scrutinized Makaria, who closely resembled her mother's coloring, but not her style. "I trust you were completely successful?"
"Indeed I was, your Briareus shall live. I left a bit of panicked confusion behind at the Bronze Gates, I'm afraid." Setsuna was radiant as she handed Hecate the borrowed robes. "Thank you for everything, kind Hecate, may the Fates always smile upon you."
Many hands of cards and a few meals later, Setsuna walked, at last, into the fire room with an arm around Makaria's slender waist. There was not a dry eye amongst the inner Senshi.
Usagi spoke first. "I'm glad you are here, Makaria. You have suffered much, but I believe we now have the means to help you. My mother, Goddess Selene, mourns you. She no longer has the role of Queen Serenity, as I shall be taking up those responsibilities in due time, but she is still the same person and bound to you. I will summon her here for both of your sake's but, first, we would like to restore your powers of Pluto and revert the kinsuishou back to what the Goddess Gaea intended."
Makaria was overjoyed and positively vibrated. "Even without my powers, to see my bond-mate will be my sweetest joy. I thank you, Serenity, Mars, and Tuxedo Mask, it is good to see you all."
Mars beamed. "Forgive me, I need to summon Diana and she may be a little intimidating. I assure you she is me and means no harm." Mars concentrated, sigil flaring brightly as lips moved soundlessly. The air shimmered and Mars' form grew, the fuku and heals slowly replaced by molten armor over wyrm trappings.
Setsuna dropped to her knees. "Goddess Diana," she breathed. "I've not seen you for two millennia! Your mother helped Makaria and me in the underworld. It was so hard not to tell her she will be blessed with raising you one day."
"I am not sure raising me could ever be construed as a 'blessing'. I was quite the handful." Diana responded with a small laugh. "Because of Hecate's tutelage, I believe I can help all of you with Gaea's instilled magics, as it was from my surrogate mothers' magic she drew upon." Diana turned to Mask, "Prince Endymion, I need for you to bring the golden crystal forth, please."
Much like Eternal Moon's 'Holy Grail' chalice, the kinsuishou hovered above Tuxedo Mask's upturned palms, which he held before Diana. "Thank you. I don't need to touch the crystal. I do need to touch you, Makaria, if you would come closer to me, sweetheart."
Makaria advanced timidly and knelt before the fearsome Goddess. Diana bent to kiss the girl's forehead where the sigil would be briefly, then placed her left hand over it. Straightening, she stretched her right hand out to touch the golden corona of energy emitting from the crystal within.
Closing her eyes, Diana spoke whispered words in the tongue of the Gods. Diana hummed with energy, lips never ceasing their incant. The kinsuishou responded and grew ever brighter. Under Diana's left palm, dark motes of magenta energy began to glow. The process took several minutes to complete, but Diana finally dropped her arms to her sides. The sigil of Pluto blazed on Makaria's forehead and the golden crystal's aura returned to its natural state.
"It is done." Diana smiled wearily. "Are you both okay, Makaria? Endymion?"
Mamoru was elated. "My powers of Earth have almost doubled. It feels so strong now! I'm guessing this is the power required to recreate the Golden Kingdom of Earth. Thank you so much, Diana."
"I can't feel the Earth's power at all, only that of Pluto's. The strength is the same as if both powers were combined, only now it is just one. I wonder what powers of Pluto I have now." Makaria looked to her mother in askance.
"We can go to the training hall if you like. I'd be happy to guide you through each power I have, excepting the ones we are forbidden to use. Those I will instruct to you with extreme prejudice." Setsuna answered. "We have provided you with a choice by returning your Senshi powers of Pluto. Serenity, if you would, please bring your mother to my daughter."
Eternal Moon faced the holy fire of Mars and drew the chalice out. She concentrated on the image of her mother. "Mother, I need you," she whispered. The ginsuishou flashed above her palms and Selene stepped through the holy flames unscathed.
The Goddess Selene folded Serenity into her arms and squeezed her tight. She then kissed her. "What can I help you with? Not bond problems already, I hope!"
"In a manner of speaking, yes." Serenity grinned and stepped aside so her mother could take in the vision of Makaria who was literally trembling. The shocked 'O' on Selene's countenance was replaced by a brilliant smile.
"Makaria! My beloved! Oh, Serenity, you have made me so very happy this day!" Selene cried shamelessly and slowly stepped towards her soulmate and waited for her love to come to her with outstretched arms.
And Makaria went. The reunion was tender and tearful. At length, Selene asked, "Will you stay here for a spell, or do you wish to come with me now to the realm of Spirits, my love? Should you choose to stay, my daughter can always summon me to you when you are ready to be with me."
Makaria glanced at her mother regretfully, then slowly shook her head. "No, I have been without you for far too long. You are my home... Selene," she blushed, "your name will take some getting used to."
Selene laughed. "You may call my daughter Goddess Serenity now." She took her soulmate's hand. "Shall we go then, beloved?"
"We shall. Please forgive me, mother."
Eternal Moon, Eternal Mars, Eternal Pluto, and Tuxedo Mask all watched as Selene and Makaria faded hand in hand into the holy flames of Mars.
Falling to her knees, Pluto wept bitterly.
Japanese Terms
Yukata- unlined cotton summer kimono
Obi- belt
Oki-gotatsu- earthen pot for transporting coals
Tatami- mats of rice straw covered by soft, woven, rush straw.
Kotatsu- Low wooden table covered by a futon or heavy blanket.
Zebuton- cushion for sitting