Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, I Miss You ❯ Chapter 5- Helios and Usa ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh, I Miss You
By Sailor DKC

Rated: NC-17

Happy 25th Story!
Chapter 5- Helios and Usa


Princess Lady Serenity, a.k.a. Chibi Usa, or Usa, sat by the window,
in her room. Gazing up at the stars, she sighed and cupped her chin
with her hands as her elbows rested on the window sill. ‘Mother and
Father will be home tomorrow,’ she thought, happily. ‘How I missed
them! It hasn’t been the same since they left along with the
Generals.’ Standing up, she leaned forward with her hands on the
sill. ‘The poor girls. I know they’re putting up a brave front, but
they missed their husbands. I miss them, too. They’re like big
brothers to me.’
The teen princess shivered as a slight breeze whisked into her room.
Rubbing her arms, she smiled. ‘Of course, I haven’t been lonely. I
have the girls to keep me company and also…’
The breeze came through again, and she raised her head, suddenly, at
a whinnying sound. “Pegasus!” she said, softly.

From the center of the moon, she could see the familiar shape of the
winged horse, flying towards the palace. Tingling all over, Usa
thrilled in seeing him again. He had been visiting her since her
parents and the Generals left for their diplomatic mission of peace.
She looked forward to his visits, but this would be the first time he
would visit her in her bedroom. During the invasion of the Dead Moon
Circus, he would visit her in her bedroom, but she was then a child,
training to be a Sailor Soldier. Now, she’s all grown up, and she
feels nervous about him now. How would he see her now that they will
talk in a place considered not just for rest, but also intimacy and
Stepping back, she watched Pegasus fly through the window and land
perfectly before her. Whinnying again, the horse raised his wings and
glowed all over until he transformed into his true human form. He
then smiled at her and opened his arms and spoke, “My precious girl.”

Laughing in joy, Usa flew into his arms. “Helios!” she exclaimed.
“Oh, I miss you!”
Chuckling, the guardian of Elysion held her close to him. “Usa, I saw
you this morning in the gardens.”
“I know, but the last few hours were like forever.” She snuggled her
head against his chest, her hands clutching at his shoulders.
“Oh, I miss you, too.” Raising his hands, Helios caressed her hair,
smoothing over her cone-shaped odangoes. Looking up into his eyes,
the princess smiled at him. Smiling back, he bent his head down and
kissed her. His lips felt so warm and firm against hers. Sighing into
his kiss, she slid her hands down to his waist. He slid his hands
from her hair to caress her back. Helios loved the way her soft lips
move against his. Feeling the soft silky texture of her robe as he
touched her, he realized that it was very thin. It felt like he was
almost caressing her bare skin. Intrigued, he slid one hand to smooth
over a hip, then across her stomach, then slowly upwards.

Usa shivered as she felt his hand touching her the way she wanted so
long from him. It was when she felt him tenderly cup her breast that
she gave a little sighing squeal. This broke the spell, and Helios
snapped his head back as he stared in bewilderment at the princess. Reluctantly, he pushed her gently away at a respectable distance. “I,
uh, um,- I’m sorry,” he said, looking down in shame.
Stunned, Usa looked at him. “For what? Kissing me?”
“Oh, no! Never! Never about that!” Getting down on one knee, he bowed
his head. “I feel that I have taken advantage of you. You are not
allowed to be touched until your wedding night!”

Usa let out a deep breath of exasperation. “Oh, Helios, you don’t
really believe that law my parents made up, didn’t you?”
“Well,” he replied, looking up at her, sheepishly. “before your
parents left, your father entrusted me to look after you. I know we
have grown more fonder to each other, and we can be more than
friends. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
The princess was disappointed and looked down, sadly. “I see.” She
thought to herself, ‘He doesn’t want to touch me.’
“At least not until we are married.”
Usa’s head snapped up. “What?” She made a slight astonishing gasp.
“Until we are married?”
Helios smiled. “Yes, if you’ll have me? Usa, my precious girl and my
love, will you marry me?”
Princess Lady Serenity teared up, laughing breathlessly. “Oh, yes,
Helios! Yes! I will marry you!”

Standing up, he held out his arms again, and she went into them
again, placing her hands on his chest. “I love you, Helios.”
“And I love you, Usa.”
As they kissed, they murmured over their lips. “My precious girl.”
“My sweet prince.”
They continued kissing, and their breathing intensified. Usa breathed
hard as she felt Helios break from his kiss to caress her cheek and
alongside her face before he started nibbling on her ear. As he
gripped her tighter and she clung on to him, there was a knock on the
door. They both froze and looked at each other.
“Princess Lady Serenity? Is everything all right?” It was the voice
of Lady Mina of the Sailor Soldiers!
“Um, yes!” Usa replied, loudly. “Just doing some breathing exercises
before going to sleep!”
“Don’t be long! Your parents are returning home tomorrow, and you
need a good night’s rest.”
“I know, Lady Mina. Thank you. Good night!”
“Good night!”

As they hear the footsteps fade, Usa giggled and Helios chuckled.
“Breathing exercises?” he asked.
“What was I suppose to say? That the guardian of Elysion left me
They both laughed again, until they calmed down as they stare at each
other, the longing growing again. Helios cupped her chin and raised
it up to kiss her, but hovered over her lips. “I know that we are now
engaged, and we can’t have our wedding night yet, but-“
“Would it be all right if I just touch you?”
Her heart pounding, Usa licked her lips quickly. “Yes, please,” she
whispered softly. As he took her mouth again, she wrapped her arms
around his neck, thrusting her hands into his short, wavy pure white
hair. As she caressed his head, his hands caressed her shoulders, her
arms, her hands until he reached up and pulled her robe off. She was
wearing a spaghetti-strap pink nightie which came up to her knees. He
touched her breasts with her hands, gently squeezing them. As he
broke from the kiss to stare at his caressing her bosom, she also
pulled off his guardian robes to reveal his strong, smooth chest. As
she placed his hands to caress his torso and bent her head to kiss
all over his chest, Helios then moved his hands to touch her back.
Feeling her kissing his body, he moaned as he leaned his head over
her shoulder.

The sight of her shapely derriere was very tempting so he slid his
hands down to squeeze and smooth her bottom. He heard her making soft
cries of ecstasy. The more he groped her, the more she pressed her
body against him. He felt her move her hands to his back to hook over
his shoulders to support herself. He started kissing all over her
shoulder as she cried out again.
Just then, a rapid knocking came on the door. Again, they both froze
and stared at the door. “Princess!” a voice called out. “Are you all
right? Should I come in?”
“Oh!” Usa whispered. “It’s Lady Ami!”
“What do we do?” Helios whispered back. Usa then quickly picked up
her robe and placed it on. Making a gesture of silence to him, she
walked over to the door.
“Oh, no! No, no! It’s just a stomachache. I’ll be fine in the
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, yes! I’m fine!”
“Well, all right. If you need me, do not hesitate to call for me, my
Princess. Good night!”
“OK! Good night!”

Helios watched Usa as she opened the door to peek out. ‘How beautiful
she looks,’ he thought. Then he strode up behind her as she sighed in
relief. He bent his head down as she was talking, “I don’t think she
suspects anything- Oh!” and kissed all over the back of her neck
lovingly. Pulling the robe down, he caressed her bare shoulder with
his finger.
“Shall we resume?” he murmured into her skin. “Let’s hope we won’t
have anymore interruptions.”
“Mmmm,” Usa moaned as she closed the door. Turning her in his arms,
he picked her up in his arms and walked to her bed. Gently lowering
her down, he laid on his side, leaning over to look into her bright
red eyes. As he caressed her cheek, she said, “I never knew it would
be like this. I guess this is how Mother felt about Father and the
way he would look at her. I have seen the same way they look at each
other when they were Mamoru and Usagi before Crystal Tokyo.”
“They loved each other so much that they shared a special bond when
they found each other,” Helios said, as he slipped a strap down to
lower her nightie to bare her breast to him, then he bent his head to
rub his forehead against hers. “Were you looking for that bond before
you met me?”
Usa nodded. “I guess that’s why I acted so jealous with Usagi over
Mamoru. She already has someone to bond with. I always felt alone
even when I hung out with them.” She raised her hand to caress his
face and stare into his soft golden brown eyes. “Then I met you.”

“We met in your beautiful dream. And as I got to know you as Pegasus,
I knew that you were more than just a keeper of a beautiful dream.”
Helios trailed his finger from caressing her cheek all the way down
over her chin, down her throat, lingered on her collarbone, then
tracing big circles on her breast until he dwindled to her nipple.
Usa arched slightly off the bed and hissed softly as he teased her
with his finger. Bringing his head down, he started playfully licking
on her pale brownish nub while he talked sensually, “When you were…a
grown-up under the spell…of one of the…Amazoness quartet,…I always
wondered…if that was what you…were going to look like…when you are
truly…grown up.”
Usa groaned as she pressed herself more against him. “I was right…,”
Helios continued. “…only more…beautiful.” Then he suckled her nipple.
In response, Usa cried out and slid her hand down his shoulder until
she came to his growing manhood which was bulging in pants. She
caressed as he groaned and suckled her harder. It was when she
managed to loosen his pants to slip in and touch him intimately that
he released her breast and looked in her eyes and panted hard as she
touched him.

Helios then slid his hand down until he slipped under her nightie and
into her panties and caressed her intimately as well. Gasping, Usa
blushed and so did he as they both caressed and stared at one
another. Finally, the release came for both of them, and they both
cried out in passion. Usa clasped Helios to her as he fell forward
over her. He smiled as he held her closer. “I guess we should stop
now so we can wait for the wedding night.”
As he moved, Usa grabbed on to him tightly. “You don’t have to go
“Who said I was leaving?” Leaning back on the bed, he gathered her
in his arms, adjusting her to sit on his lap. “We have a lot to
discuss for the wedding.”
Giggling, she snuggled against him. “Of course, since we have done
enough practice for our wedding night.”

Dawn was approaching, but the morning light hasn’t appeared yet. The
couple embraced at the door. “I must go,” Helios whispered.
“Oh, I wish you could stay longer,” Usa whispered back.
“Usa, I must be present at your parents’ side when we greet the
Generals back home.” He kissed her lovingly.
“I know it’s a few hours, but it’ll feel like forever.” She kissed
him back.
“When we meet again, it’ll be forever. I promise.” After one last
kiss, they parted. Helios opened the door and slipped out quietly.
“Till we meet again, my precious girl,” he whispered, staring at her
as he shut the door.
Princess Lady Serenity leaned against the door, her cheek pressed
against it. “Till then, my prince.”

Helios managed to reach the Crystal Palace Gardens so he can easily
slip out without notice. Suddenly, he sensed he was being followed.
He tried to find a way out, but every time he arrived at an exit in
the garden maze, it was blocked off by a figure. As he ran to other
exits and kept getting blocked, he noticed that he was being lured to
the center of the maze. ‘Whoever they are, they got me. I’m sure when
they see who I am, everything will be all right,’ he thought. So he
arrived at the maze’s center and waited. Four figures arrive from a
different entrance to the center. As the morning light began to
brighten the area, Helios eyes widened in surprise as he recognized
them. ‘The Generals!’ he thought.
The Generals were as surprised as he was when they all exclaimed,
Bowing slightly, Helios laughed nervously. “Hi.”


Next: Epilogue

Celebrate Earth Day!