Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, So Pretty ❯ Oh, So Pretty ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Story #26! Hi, Sailor DKC here! Hope everyone’s enjoyed my 25th
story, Oh, I Miss You. Now, I return to the short stories, and I hope
you like this one. It is inspired by a drawing from the Generals Love
site. The artist is Kim Nguyen, and the couple is Raye and Jedite.

This new short story is the sequel to “I Am Pretty”. Rated PG-13 and
it is entertainment only. There will be a conclusion. When you see
this *, I am describing the picture in a scene. Have fun reading!

Dedicated to Kim Nguyen. What a touching picture! (sniff!)
I don’t own Sailor Moon. Naoko Takeuchi does!

Check out the other sites for my other stories: A Sailor Moon
Romance, Lalala Land, Untold Legends of the Crystal Archive, Lovers
That Never Were, and Generals Love.

Please e-mail me at for comments!


By Sailor DKC

Jedite returned to the Moon Palace, muttering as he entered the
throne room to await his other guardian companions. “The nerve of
her- calling me a ‘waste of her time’. Me being lucky to be with
Princess Raye? Ha! Do good looks only matter to her?”
Stopping by the queen’s throne, he assumed his post and waited. “Who
does she think she is? Miss Prettiness? Huh, more like Miss Vainess!
I can’t believe she acts that way with guys in public!” Then he
recalled how he left her, speechless and shocked after the kiss.
Chuckling wickedly, he touched his mouth. “She is a good kisser,
though. The way her mouth trembled under mine.” Closing his eyes, he
remembered how good she felt against him. “So soft, so firm. Mmm, I’m
getting really hot just thinking about it!”

His concentration dissolved when he heard Queen Serenity, her
daughter Princess Serena and Prince Darien enter the throne room.
“Jedite!” Darien said. “You’re the first back! Where is your princess
“Well, Princess Raye had to stay behind at the concert to clear up a
few things with someone she knew, but she’ll be along, I’m sure!”
Jedite offered. On cue, Raye entered the room.
“Oh, Raye, there you are!” Serena said. “I hope you and Lord Jedite
had a nice time.”
Wearing a calm, straight face, Raye walked over to where Jedite is
and stood next to him. “I only did my duty, my Princess, and I did
my best to be entertaining.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Jedite muttered to himself. Raye flashed him
an angry glare, and he looked away innocently.
The Queen stepped up to Raye and quietly said in her ear, “My dear,
is there a wet spot on the back of your dress?”
Blushing furiously, Raye explained softly, “I had a little food
accident, and I had to wash it off.”
“Ah, well then.” The Queen shrugged, then turned when she heard the
other guardians and princesses returning.

As the queen, Serena and Darien welcomed them back, Raye leaned over
to furiously whisper to Jedite, “You are the most corrupting man I
have ever met!”
“Corrupting, me?” Jedite whispered back, innocently. “All I did was
put you in your place.”
“There was no need to kiss me like that!”
“Oh, was the kiss all that bothered you?”
“That and more!”
Jedite looked at her seriously. “I stopped when you told me to.”
“You took your sweet time in stopping!”
“You didn’t seem to be in a rush to push me off at all.” He was
giving her the stare again when they first met. “You liked it?”
Raye was at a loss for words as her eyes widened and her mouth opened
and shut rapidly. Luckily, the queen spoke up. “I am so glad everyone
had a good time. I hope we can make another visit from you gentlemen
in the future. But, please, you are free to come visit here
The prince and the guardians thanked the queen, and bade farewell to
the princess and her ladies of the court as they left. As Jedite
passed Raye, he whispered to her, “You didn’t answer my question
earlier, but I can wait until you tell me yourself. And we both know
what the answer will be.” And he smirked as he continued on leaving.
Gasping, Raye whispered at his retreating back, “Never!”
Turning, he gave her a kissing gesture, licked his lips and walked
away, following his friends. Raye turned a beet red, before stomping
off to her room.

“The nerve of that man!” Raye exclaimed as she flung on her
nightgown. “Taking advantage of me like that. How dare he!” Plopping
in a sitting position on the bed, she crossed her arms and huffed.
After taking several deep breaths, she finally calmed down. Then her
face became one of concern. “He is right about putting me in my
place. The way I treated Chadlore was cruel. Am I really that
shallow? I mean, I like going out with a lot of guys, and I thought
being pretty for them is enough reward.” Sighing, she laid back on
her pillows. “What kind of person am I? Am I really a heartbreaker?”
There was a knock on her door. “Come in.”
Lita, Amy, and Mina came in wearing their sleeping robes. “Hey,
Raye,” Lita chirped, happily. “Feel up to a girl talk over how our
evening went with the Guardians of the Earth?”

Raye nodded, and sat up as the girls joined her on the bed. The talk
lasted pretty late with each of the girls, except Raye, talking.
“Malachite is so strict all the time, but I think I loosened him up a
bit,” Mina said, excitedly. “He laughed at all my jokes!”
“I have never met a man who is so charming and intelligent as
Zoicite,” Amy murmured, blushing. “He actually gave me a run for my
money playing chess.”
“Well, Nephlite is such a wonderful dancer!” Lita sighed, dreamily.
“At the gardens, there was a band playing nearby. He showed me some
dancing steps he learned from Earth.”
Mina noticed that Raye had not spoken at all. “Raye, what about you?
You didn’t describe your evening at all with Jedite.”
Raye looked at her friends and spoke. “Am I vain, girls?” It got
quiet in the room. She spoke again, after letting out a frustrated
breath. “I want the truth. Am I?”

“Well,” Mina began. “I guess you do spend too much time in the
mirror, perfecting yourself.”
“And you go out with a lot of guys, but you never seem to be
interested in any of them,” Lita noted.
“Plus there is Sir Chadlore. You must know by now that he has fallen
for you hard,” Amy pointed out.
Groaning, Raye drew her knees up, folded her arms on top of them, and
lowered her head to rest on them. “I am vain,” she muffled, but they
heard her.
“What happened?” Mina asked. So the vain princess told her friends of
her encounter with Chadlore, but she did not mention the incident
with Jedite afterwards. It was something she wanted to keep for
“So what are you going to do about it?” Lita asked.
“I have to tell Chadlore how sorry I am for the way I used him. I
didn’t mean to hurt him. I thought we were just friends.”
“I must say,” Amy said. “something must have happened to help you
trigger this guilty conscience.”
“I guess you could say it was more than that,” Raye replied as she
recalled Jedite’s holding her tightly to him and kissing her
passionately. ‘It was more like a guilty pleasure,’ she thought to

A few days later, Raye met up with Chadlore at a meeting in a temple
on Earth. Sitting on a bench, they were both quiet for a while. Then
she began. “Chadlore, when we first met, I needed a date to go to a
party. You quickly accepted my request to accompany me. Remember?”
He nodded. “Yes, and I fell in love with you immediately because of
your beauty. As I got to know you more when we courted, I fell more
in love with you.”
Closing her eyes in guilt, Raye continued, “I didn’t mean to lead you
on like that. I assumed we were just friends, nothing more. I always
felt I can always count on you to keep me company.”
Bending his head in sorrow, he replied, “I know that now. I’m sorry
that I was just a nuisance before.”
“Oh, no!” she blurted out and took his hands in hers. As they stared
at each other, she went on. “You are not a nuisance. You’re sweet,
great to talk to, and so cute! Why else did I go out with you? Any
girl would fall madly in love with you!”
“You didn’t.”
Silence loomed between them for a while. “I don’t know what else to
say,” she said, sadly. “I only see you as a friend.”
Chadlore sighed. “Well, at least you are being honest with me. I got
to get going.” As he stood up, Raye held onto his hand.
“Chadlore, you’ll always be special to me, no matter what. I’ll
always be your friend.”
Managing a small smile, he lifted her hand to kiss it. “Thank you.
It’s a start to helping me feel better.” He walked off, leaving the
temple grounds. Then Raye got up and walked to the shrine. After
ringing the bells, she offered a prayer.
“If one day in another life, if I can make others happy, then let me
be a priestess in a temple.” She paused, then continued. “And if
Chadlore does become part of my other life, I want him to be part of
it as my special friend. No matter how I treat him I want him in my
life. Not many have people like him.” Bowing to end her prayer, Raye
turned and left the temple.

In the days that followed after that, everyone in the Moon Kingdom
noticed a new change in Princess Raye. She lessoned her dating to a
few men as possible, trying to get to know them better. Some liked
her new attitude, but others still just want to be seen with her.
Raye managed to avoid the latter. Although she is feeling more better
about herself, she cannot help but think how would the guardian
Jedite would react to her new attitude. “I’ll bet he’ll be stunned,”
she said to herself one night in her room as she brushed her hair,
sitting at her dresser table. “I think I’ll soon ask Chadlore to go
with me to see a play we both wanted to see for a long time. I do
miss his companionship and his friendship.” She stopped brushing and
smiled at herself in the mirror. “I do feel good about myself. In
fact, I feel pretty inside.” So she started singing, using the brush
as a microphone. “See the pretty girl in that mirror there. Who can
that attractive girl be? Such a pretty face, such a pretty dress,
such a pretty smile, such a pretty meeeeeeeeeee!”

All of a sudden, there was a knock on her door, and Raye answered it.
“Your Majesty.” She went down on one knee as Princess Serena entered
the room.
“Raye, please get up!” Serena chuckled as she sat at the dresser
chair. Raye stood before her. “I’ll make this brief. The prince and
his Guardians of Earth are returning again. They’ll be arriving
tomorrow. The other girls are notified so you know what to do.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Serena then stood up and took her friend’s hands in hers. “Oh, Raye,
I have noticed the change in you, and I want to say how proud I am of
“I’m proud of myself, too.”
“However, I also noticed that there is no one who you want to see
seriously. Not since the guardians were last here.”
“Well, you could say that I was expecting someone to see the new me.”
Letting go of her hands, Serena clasped her own together as her face
brightened up in glee. “Is it the guardian who escorted you, the Lord
Nodding her head, Raye replied, “I just want to show him that I’m not
just a pretty face.”
“Oooo! You like him that much?” squealed the Moon Princess, making
the dark-haired princess gawk, her eyes and mouth gaping open.
“I do not! I just want to show him who I really am, that’s all!”
Giggling, Serena proceeded to leave. “Hmmm, we’ll see. Good night,
“Good night,” Raye replied as she closed the door after her. As she
went to prepare for bed, she kept telling herself, “I don’t like him.
I don’t!”

The second visit went the same as the first one, and each guardian
escorted the same princesses again while the queen and her daughter
and Prince Darien again went to the conference room. For their
evening, Raye suggested that they would go to a ribbon dancing
festival in one of the cities near the Moon Palace, and Jedite
agreed. Not a word passed between them as they went there. Only when
they were admiring the decorations, browsing the display booths,
trying out some sampling dishes, and watching the ribbon dancing did
they talk.
Jedite was surprised to see the new change in Raye. She did not
respond at all to the male admirers passing by, but would only give a
polite greeting or smile to familiar ones. ‘She really seem more into
having fun than being seen,’ he thought. As they rested on a bench,
Jedite said, “Well, Princess Raye, I must admit. You surprised me.”
“Oh, did I, Lord Jedite?” she replied with a smirking smile.
“Yeah, now you seem to be more into having a good time than just
being a viewing spectacle.”
“So now I’m more than just a pretty face, huh?”
“Uh-huh. By the way, how did it go with Sir Chadlore?”
Raye was silent for a moment. Then she responded, “Um, I told him the
truth. That he was only a friend, but he’s very special to me.”
“No matter how badly you treat him?” he snorted, disbelievingly.
“Hey, I apologized to him for that!” Raye angrily said in defense. “I
just couldn’t see him as a boyfriend, and he took it the wrong way.”
“Well, if that’s the way you treat a guy as a friend, I’d hate to see
the way you treat a guy as a boyfriend! If you ever get one!” he
huffed, crossing his arms and looking the other way.

Tears started to fill in Raye’s eyes, but she held them back from
spilling down her cheeks. Getting up, she walked off. Jedite then
turned to see her disappearing into the crowd. “Hey, where are you
going?” he shouted, jumping up and running after her. He nearly lost
her but managed to see her and caught up with her. Grabbing her arm,
he dragged her behind a display booth and whirled her to face him.
She kept her head down. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked.
“YOU!” she cried out, and proceeded to beat his chest with her fists.
“Apparently, you seem to enjoy pointing out what’s wrong with me and
making me feel that I’ll never be anything but just a pretty face. So
just leave me alone and good-bye!” She turned to leave, but he took
hold of her again and made her look up at him.
As she did, Jedite was startled to see tears nearly leaking out of
her eyes. Guilt consumed all over the short-haired blond guardian. “I
hurt your feelings,” he murmured, softly, as he held her closer. “I’m

* Closing his eyes, Jedite placed his chin to gently rest on top of
Raye’s head. “Don’t say good-bye,” he said. Raye closed her eyes,
letting a tear slid out down her right cheek. *

She felt her heart pounding as he embraced her gently. Feeling him
place a kiss on her head, she drew in a silent breath. She turned her
head to lay on his chest, and she heard his heart beat just as fast
as hers. “You never answered my question,” he whispered into her
hair. “Did you like it when I held you the last time?”
Raye was dumbstruck, not knowing what to say, until he lifted her
chin to look into his penetrating purple eyes. His lips were hovering
so close to hers. She remembered how hard his kiss was, and how it
consumed her wholly. She longed for him to kiss her again. “Well?”
he pressed urgently, his hot breath against her mouth.
Her insides melted. “Yes,” she whispered, feeling her mouth move
against his.
Losing himself in her passionate, violet eyes, he groaned, “You’re so
pretty. Oh, so pretty.” And he took her lips in his.

