Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One Day ❯ One Day ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Konichiwa minna-chan. Dajabou?. You see I have returned once again. This is a short story so It's something new from me. I hope you can understand what this story is trying to say because I know I do. Now that I am finally realizing something that might help me not to hide behind my many faces that I have for protection...
Serenity Darkness

One Day
By: Serenity Darkness

On a day much like this one a year ago lived a young girl. Her name was Serena, she was very smart even though none of her friends thought so or woudl even beleive it because she didn't really get good grades in school. She was also very cute. If you had seen her from a distance you would have thought she was a doll. She had the clearest blue eyes that anyone had ever seen and she had the longest honey blond hair that everyone was jealous of, including some of her friends. All the guys tried to talk to her but she wouldn't pay attention to them since her heart was set on her one and only love Darien.
To everyone they thought she was a happy carefree teenage girl who you could talk to about anything and everything, and she was never shy or to herself about anything when around other people, but no one, not a single one of her friends knew what was going on inside her mind. And when they found out it was already to late...
On that day everything went went like clockwork. Serena sat with her friends at lunch and they talked about nothing in general, only one of the girls knew something was bothering Serena. Raye was Serena's best friend, even though neither of them would admit it. Raye had a pair of hypnotising violet eyes, and waist length raven black hair. She walked over to Serena to see if she was ready to go to class. "Serena you seem to be acting different today, mind telling me what's bothering your?" Raye asked her. "Nothing Raye, everything's fine." Serena told her. "Serena please tell me. I want to help you and you know I do but I can't help if you wont let me in on whats bugging you." Raye said. "I'm serious Raye, nothing is wrong. Now come on before we're late for class." Serena said as she walked to the classroom. However Raye was still worried but followed Serena anyway.
Serena sat down at her desk and began to write letters for each one of her friends and one for Darien. The last bell sounded and everyone walked outside and around the school. Serena met up with Mina, Lita, Raye, Ami and Darien. They walked down to the temple Serena was hooked onto Darien's arm and Raye walked behind them still worried. Once they made it to the temple they all went into the fire room. Serena instead of Rei sat infront of the fire to ask for it's blessings in the task she was about to undertake. Once she was done Serena stood up and gave them all the letters. "Now I'm giving you these but you must not open them until 10 tonight." She told them. They all nodded and put them away. Raye was still feeling something was wrong, and when she looked at Darien she noticed the worry on his face as well.
At around 9pm everyone decied it was time to go home. Darien offered Serena a ride home but she refusing it saying she wanted to walk home. Serena arrived home at around 9:30pm and was not surprised to see that no one was at home. So she went on with her daily routine.
At 9:55 that night Raye opened her letter, She read through the letter in a rush and realizing what was going on she rushed over to Serena's place. On the way there she saw Darien driving down as well "You on your way to Serena's? Darien asked as he pulled up next to her with panic written on his face, he noticed she had panic all over her's as well. "Yeah, lets go..." Raye said as she got into teh car and drove off.
Raye noticed that Serena's parents where home and rang the door bell. "Who is it?" Her mother asked. "It's Raye and Darien." Raye replied. Serena's mother opened the door. When she saw the look on the two's face she knew something was wrong. "What's wrong Raye, Darien? You two never come by hear this late." Ms. Tsukino asked. Raye just simply asked to come in as she handed Ms. Tsukino the letter she had read. Serena's mom let them in the house and they thanked her as they ran up the stairs to Serena's room.

Serena heard the steps coming to her room and knew she had to hurry. So she opened her mouth and put the beryl of the the gun inside and with tears streaming down her cheeks, she pulled the trigger. Raye, Darien, and Ms. Tsukino had just made it to Serena's door when they heard the gun go off. Darien fell to the ground from the pain he began to feel. "NOOOOOO!!!" he cried out as he burst into the room to find Serena surrounded in a pool of blood, the gun held limply in her hand. Ms. Tsukino stood their shocked and then she screamed. Darien and Raye on the other hand could not move one bit. When Darien finally got himself together he walked calmly into the room and picked up the gun. Raye and Ms. Tsukino just stood there and watched as Darien pulled the trigger and he too fell to the ground next to Serena. When Raye realized what she just saw she fell to the ground and cried as much as she could. Mr. Tsukino heard the second shot as he came up the stairs, he had just came in from the car were he was trying to fix the altenator. He ran up the stairs as quickly as he cloud and was surprised to find Raye sitting on the floor crying and his wife also in tears trying to comfort Raye. But he was heartbroken at the site that lay before him in his daughters room. The bloody bodies of both Serena and Darien laying next to each other in peaceful silence. He went over and pulled his wife and Raye away from the door and into Sammy's bedroom. "Raye do you think you could call the other girls?" He asked. All Raye could do was shake her head. Mr. Tsukino looked at her and then deiced he would call them after he called the cops.

After Mr. Tsukino called the girls he told them all to come over. They all arrived one right after the other, and each one of them was a mess. They could hardly talk they were all in such bad shape. Raye still had the letter on it and gave it to Mr. Tsukino. He took the letter and began to read it out loud.
"To all of my friends and to Darien, I'm sorry to do this to you but it must be done. You see I couldn't take much more of everything I have been dealing withi. The pain the suffering the grief, I just cant take it anymore. The things that I have seen over this past year none of you would be able to understand. You see, you never thought much of me in terms of smarts or anything like that. I know you didn't, the reason for that is because I thought that you guys wouldnt like me if I was smart. You see I couldn't be myself because everyone wanted me to be something I wasn't and that's what I did. I couldn't take much more of it and I just deiced to end it the best way I knew how. I know how much this is going to hurt you all but it had to be done. For me it was to late to turn it around and be just myself simply because i forgot who I was, and I was miserable. I know you all think that I was a happy carefree person. But I wasn't. No one knew because I was expected to be something I wasn't and now I have to end it. Please don't follow me cause you all have so much to live for. Right now I know it's too late for me and for Darien cause he'll probably be laying right next to me by the time you all read this later. I know because Raye, you never did what I asked you too and I know you wanted to help me and I thank you for trying, but it was already beyond help. I'm sorry everyone but I can no longer be someone I'm not and I have no way of changing it anymore. This was the only way I could get out and I'm sorry to hurt you all. Please remember I love you all.
Serena U. Tsukino"
Mr. Tsukino finished reading the letter with tears in his eyes when he realized that he, and his wife had continued this trend on with her as well, and were just as much to blame for their daughters death as anyone. Raye sat there and cried more the other girls looked at her in shock as the reality set in on why Serena did this. No one slept a wink in that house that night.
Two weeks after the day Serena and Darien died a service was held for both. "Two young people full of life and promises, left this world two weeks ago. They left this world by their own hand. Why they did it we will never know, but we will know that God will take care of them in Heaven and see them through together. Together will they be forever in bliss and happiness."

After the service Raye sat in her temple and prayed in front of the sacred fire. When she looked up she saw a picture of the blond hared blue eyed doll and her blue eyed black hared counter part that she would never see again. And she cried at the lost of her two best friends. She knew Serena was right and that she had so much to live for. "I will never forget either of you Serena, Darien you're both always in my heart you were my best friends." Raye said as she wiped the last tear from her eye and looked out of the window in the fire room. She thought she saw two Angels playing in the trees. Those Angels she knew were the sprits of Serena and Darien and they were never far away from her as long as she kept their memory in her heart.