Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One Night in the Rain ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Night in the Rain

By: The Firefaery

NC-17 You have been warned.


Usagi sat in the all too familiar park on a bench by the lake, lost in deep, tortuous thoughts. The shadows of thunderclouds rolled across the reflective water, but the distraught girl didn't notice. She was buried deep in her own mind, barely holding back tears as she berated herself mentally, an occurrence that had been happening more often then it should.

"You're so clumsy and stupid, Usagi! You never do anything right, you're always late, and you can't walk ten feet without tripping. You're a crybaby and a coward!" she yelled in her mind. Today had been one of the worst in her life. She had failed a major test, tripped and bloodied her knees, and to top it all off, when a youma had attacked, she had lost her nerve. Standing there in front of the awful monstrosity, her mind froze, but the youma did now. As she stood immobile, it let off a beam of raw energy that almost buried itself in Mercury's chest, save for the quick action of Mars. She managed to snap herself out of it, then, and take care of it, but she could feel their angry stares and mute disapproval like a heat wave off the sun. They hadn't said a word against her when the battle was over, but if anything that made it worse. They expected this of her.

" Mercury could have died! If it wasn't for Mars, she'd have been toast for sure. What was wrong with me? It was only a baka lightning demon!" She shivered softly at the memory; thunder and lightning were her worst weaknesses. "And Mamoru deserves someone better than you. Someone smart, and pretty, and graceful. Someone who's not me," she thought sorrowfully to herself, her body wracked with depression and guilt. Just then, a flash of lightning split the sky, making her jump in fright. She hated thunderstorms!

She looked up apprehensively at the sky, wondering if she had time to make it home before it broke. As if to mock her, the sky tore open and a deluge began pouring down on the frightened young girl. She jumped up and began running for home, not really noticing where she was heading. It was hard to tell in the thundershower. Soon, though, she looked up and realized she had entirely no idea where she was. She became very scared, then. The water running down her face was only partly caused by the rain.


Mamoru had been driving around now for an hour, looking for Usagi. She hadn't made it home from the fight, and when the rain started, her parents had called Ami to see if she was there. Ami had assured them she was fine, immediately afterwards calling the other Senshi and Mamoru, telling them Usagi was somewhere out in the downpour.

Mamoru had jumped in his car and begun looking for her, to no avail. He was on a smaller side-street, not really looking anymore, just worrying, when a wet figure in a school uniform came into focus, huddled under an awning in the front of one of the darkened shops. He recognized the girl as his Usako, and immediately stopped the car. He hopped out and ran to her. Wrapped in his green jacket, he led her to his car, and got her into the passenger seat. He drove them to his apartment, and took her inside, first calling and reassuring the others.

She was now shivering under several blankets, sitting on his sofa. He knew she needed to get warm, so he sat down next to her and rearranged the blankets so that they were both shrouded in them, with him cradling her in his arms. After she recovered somewhat, he questioned her.

"Usako, what were you doing out in the rain? You hate thunderstorms, and you could also have gotten sick. What were you thinking?" he remonstrated her gently. Suddenly, she burst in to tears. Her reaction completely bewildered him.

"Well, I guess I wasn't thinking at all, like I always do. That's me, ditzy, scatterbrained Usagi. Doesn't know when to come in out of the rain," she sobbed into her hands. He was shocked. "Can't do anything right, dumb as a rock, trips over air Usagi," she continued, her shoulders shaking with the force of her crying. "I'm not a Senshi, I'm just a tag along! All I do is get in the way, I can't even fight well!"

"Oh, Usako…it's not like that at all! You're the leader of the Senshi. They all love you. You're smart, you just don't apply yourself. And you don't trip very often at all anymore," he said, trying to give her comfort. She calmed down a little, but not much.

"Oh yeah, I forgot lazy and forgetful. You deserve someone better then me, Mamo-chan. How could you love someone so inadequate?" she cried, attempting to pull away from him and leave. He grabbed her and pulled her body against his. He tilted her tear stained face up to meet his gaze, then leaned down and kissed her softly. Her lips tasted salty, and were a little chilly. He pulled away after a moment.

"Usako, I love you more than anything in this world. How could you think that I wouldn't? You are life itself to me. For me, you could never be inadequate," he whispered softly, looking into her watery blue eyes, and noting the flush now covering her recently pale cheeks. Now there was an idea…she needed to be warm, right? This way was as good as any, actually better than most.

He took the back of her head in his left hand, and wrapped his right around her body, pressing her to him. He lowered his mouth slowly onto hers, covering it completely. After a moment of hesitation, she threw herself into the kiss. A low rumble of…something sounded from deep in his chest. He knew what it was…lust.

After a moment of intense lip lock, he reluctantly pulled away. Usagi's eyes were closed, and her breath was coming fast. She slowly opened them, and he met her gaze, to find it a heated one, full of longing. He was surprised, then realized something. `She's sixteen and a half… I was barely sixteen when I first started having serious relationships. She's definitely old enough to understand certain things now…' he mused to himself, wondering…


Usagi looked at her Mamo-chan longingly, trying to sort through the feelings that had begun surfacing of late. She had always loved being with him, but since she had reached sixteen, she had wanted to do more than just reach for his hand. She wanted him to kiss her, touch her, and be able to touch him. When the look of wondering crossed Mamoru's face, her heart began to beat faster.

She reached up a little hesitantly, and ran her fingernail down the side of his face. He shivered, and she took that as a good sign. His eyes took on a darker shade of blue, and all she could do was stare into them, lost in their murky depths, his lust sweeping her away. Another emotion was there as well, and she almost dared not hope for what it was.

"Mamoru, do you love me?" she asked softly, feeling tears sting her eyes for a moment. His answer could kill her, if it were the wrong one. He looked hurt for a moment, then his face softened, and he reached to stroke her cheek.

"Tsukino Usagi, I love you. I love with all my heart, and soul. I've loved you in two lives, and maybe more. I will never stop loving you, even unto death," he whispered seriously directly into her ear. His warm breath on her sensitive skin made her tingle.

"I love you, too, Chiba Mamoru, beyond words," she replied, looking up at him, and then pressing her soft, and now also warm lips against his. He once more pressed her supple young body against his, and slowly deepened the kiss. He ran his tongue over her lips, and she opened for him. He used it to explore the inside of her mouth, running his tongue over the top of hers. After a few breathless seconds, they broke apart, both of them breathing hard now. She hugged herself to his chest, pressing her face into his shirt, the blankets still wrapped around them. She inhaled his scent, and sighed softly, then murmured something to him.


Mamoru heard Usagi murmur something into his chest. He tilted her head back, and looked at her.

"What are you saying? I can't hear you," he said softly, gazing at her with love now fully apparent in his eyes.

"I said, make love to me, Mamo-chan," she replied huskily, poleaxing him. All he could do for a moment was stare at her.

Then he said in a shaky voice, "I don't know, Usako, you're only sixteen…and I'm twenty one. I'm not sure it would be right," was his weak protest. Her demand had already begun to heat his blood, rushing to his groin, and causing him some discomfort as he began to harden.

"I love you, Mamo-chan. I want to be with you forever. Please, this one night in the rain, I need you. All of you," she pleaded softly, looking at him with pain in her eyes. He realized she really did need him, she was hurting badly. None of them had ever realized how bad she felt about herself. `Why were we so blind?' he wondered, looking at this angel he loved so much. Finally, he came to a decision. He slowly nodded his head, and watched in fascination as she turned a bright red, going from her neckline to her whole face. He wondered, idly, how far the blush extended, then realized he was now able to find out. He picked her slight weight up in his strong arms, discarding the blankets, and proceeded to his bedroom.

She relaxed in his arms, her head leaning against his chest, as he walked to his room. Her palms were sweaty, and her heart was beating so fast she was surprised it hadn't burst, but she knew, deep inside her heart, that this was the right time. They reached his room, and crossed the threshold. No lights were on. He gently set her down on the bed. She looked up at him, clearly nervous, though his was hardly visible at all.

Her vulnerable stare made him tremble inside. He was fully erect now, but she hadn't noticed yet the bulge straining against the front of his pants. He debated whether he should really do this, but Mamoru felt this was the right time, and decided to start slow, so as to overcome any nervousness either of them had. `Hell, I know I'm nervous, and she probably is too,' he thought to himself. He kneeled on the floor, and reached for her socks. He had already removed her soaked shoes.

He slowly pulled them off, and dropped them carelessly on the floor, then stood up, leaned down and kissed her deeply. A low moan escaped his lips as he restrained himself from taking her then. He refused to let his lust for her scare her. He untied the bow of her uniform, first removing her broach and laying it on the nightstand. She reached to take off the shirt herself, but he stopped her, wanting to do it himself. He pulled first one arm out, then the other, and lifted the still slightly damp shirt over her head, being careful of her hairstyle, then discarded it on the floor, along with the scarf and socks. He kissed her again, the reached around her for the zipper on her skirt, slowly undoing it, then lifting her up gently and pulling it off her. It reached the floor as well. She now sat in just her modest white bra and panties. He left them for now.

He began with a kiss on her lips, then trailed kisses up her jaw line, to her left ear. He licked the edge, then took the lobe into his mouth and sucked gently, feeling her shiver, and hearing a very quiet gasp escape her lips. He returned to her lips and kissed her deeply, once again entering her mouth, then pulled away, and reached to undo her hair, pulling the pins out and watching in fascination as her thick golden locks tumbled down around her, still wet from the rain. He ran his fingers through it, marveling at its softness. Her eyes were closed tight, lips trembling.

She felt his fingers trace her outline, running up her back, over her shoulders, down her arms, across her stomach, and reaching to carefully cup each of her still girlish breasts. Her breath caught as he gently massaged them through her bra. She shivered in anticipation as he reached behind her and undid the clasp, slowly pulling the straps down her arms, and then the cups off her breasts, leaving them exposed as her lingerie joined the growing pile of clothes on the floor. He stopped his explorations for a moment and pulled his own shirt off, leaving his muscular chest bare to her eyes. His hands ran up her thighs and stomach to once again cup her breasts. This time she moaned very softly, liking the feel of him touching her there.

He rubbed his thumbs over her hard nipples, and she felt an unfamiliar wetness between her legs. She cried out when he took the right nipple in his mouth and gently sucked. She gripped the quilt on his bed as he continued his ministrations. His right hand rubbed her left breast, as he used his mouth to tantalize and stimulate the other. He shifted his mouth to her other breast, and sucked on that nipple as well. She was overwhelmed now by the feelings and sensations rushing through her inexperienced body. Her panties were soaked in the middle, but not from the recent rain shower she took. Her hands were now locked in fists, and little cries came from her mouth every time he increased the suction on her nipple.

He was being driven wild by her whimpers of pleasure, and he continued to attend to her breasts for a moment longer, dragging the sensations out. Upon stopping he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her into a heated kiss. He took her bottom lip in his mouth, and sucked, bringing blood to the surface and making it hypersensitive, as with her breasts. He then kissed her, hard, pushing her back onto the bed, and positioning his body so that he was lying beside her, still locked in the bruising kiss. She let go of the covers, and ran her nails up his back, making him shiver, then entwined her fingers in his midnight hair. His scalp tingled from her touch. He pulled away and sat back.

She had only her panties on now, and he decided that it was time for them to come off as well. He ran his hands down her sides, bringing the right one down the center of her stomach, then reached the band of her panties, but kept going down. She lay there, just enjoying all his touch could bring her. He reached between her legs, and felt her juices dampening the white cloth, then proceeded to rub her mound gently, causing her to stiffen in surprise that touching her *there* could cause such good feelings. He hooked his fingers in the elastic band, and slowly pulled them off, revealing curling golden hair, and soft pink lips of sensitive flesh.

He was now kneeling on the floor, with her legs hanging of the bed and her sex inches away from his face. He kissed the inside of each thigh, then rubbed her now bare mound with his thumb. She arched her back slightly, crying out at his touch. He removed his hand, leaned forward, and licked her wet lips, already loving the taste of her arousal. She moaned as the sensation of his tongue stroking her secret area filled her with pleasure. He found the node of nerves above her lips with his tongue, and worked it slowly at first, than faster, feeling the dampness increase as she began to climb to a peak. He carefully inserted one finger, then two, into her depths, but not too far.

Her smoothness enveloped his questing fingers, and he gently moved them in and out of her, while still working her node with his tongue. She began to pant, wondering what this gathering force building within her was. Then she was lost in the pleasure of his caresses. He moved his fingers inside her faster and faster, while roughly stroking her with his tongue. He felt her muscles begin to tense, and continued with his movements. She suddenly reached her peak, and cried out his name. Her inner muscles convulsed around his fingers, and her sweat streaked breasts heaved with her ragged breathing. She lay on his bed, basking in the afterglow of her first orgasm.

He removed his fingers gently, and stood up. She looked up at his shadowed figure, and smiled. He leaned down and kissed her softly, then stood straight again and reached down to begin unbuttoning his slacks. It was then that she noticed the large bulge in his pants. Unzipped, he pulled his pants down and stepped out of them, revealing his navy blue boxers. He met her eyes.

"Are you sure, Usako? I can stop now, if you want me to," he whispered quietly into the darkness of the bedroom. He saw her nod, and deliberately pulled his boxers down, revealing his fully engorged member. It stood away from his heated body, and was crowned by curling dark hair. He stepped out of them as well, and lay on his side next to Usagi. She couldn't take her eyes of the shaft of flesh that lay stiff between them.

"Does it hurt? When its…hard, like that?" she asked tentatively. He chuckled, pleased by her curiosity.

"Well, it starts to, if it's not relieved soon, or is confined to pants. Are you afraid, Usako? I would never hurt you if I could help it, you know that," he assured her, brushing a stray strand of hair away from her face. "I love you."

"I know," she replied, and kissed him. He took that as a sign she was ready to begin. He positioned her so that her legs were no longer hanging off the bed, and pillows supported her head. He gently spread her legs apart, and lay down between them. He kissed her mouth, then moved down and sucked each nipple, then nipped them, causing her to gasp. He reached down and rubbed her now very sensitive mound, loving the sound of her crying out in pleasure, then scooted himself up farther. He braced his left arm, reaching down to cup his hot manhood with his right hand, and looked up to meet her gaze.

At the moment of truth, she was more apprehensive now then ever before in her life. If she gave her virginity to him, she could never reclaim it. She knew she loved him, and that they were destined to be together forever, but still… She reached a decision, and nodded at him, giving him a weak smile. He kissed her once more, then steadied his arm.

He rubbed the head of his manhood against her wet opening, making her tremble in anticipation, then slowly eased his length inside of her. She felt a stretching sensation, and grimaced at the pain. The wet velvet feeling of her walls around him made him moan. He pushed himself in deeper, loving the feeling of her tightness. He reached a slight barrier, and backed up a little, then quickly thrust himself through. He felt her flinch beneath him, and leaned down to kiss a stray tear away from her closed eyes. The pain had been quick, and not overwhelming, but it still hurt a little. He was so big inside her.

He backed up again and thrust into her once more, filling her as far as he could go. The pain was minimal this time, and as he began to move into a rhythm of thrust and pull back, thrust and pull back, it soon faded away, leaving her only with a memory.

Both his arms braced him now, and he plunged into her with fervor. He was still gentle, just demanding. He pumped his hips, and she cried out in pleasure, feeling the same building of heat within her body as before. She soon reached climax, and he determinedly rode out the convulsions of her inner muscles gripping his member with each wave of pleasure that flowed through her. When she had recovered, he began his motions again. Her hands were tangled in his hair again, gripping tightly with each movement of his hips. Thrusting and pumping, he filled her with himself, reveling in the feeling of completion that brimmed in him. A roaring sound filled his ears as he began climbing to his peak. He could feel hers building again as well. He drove his full length into her depths, and she began climaxing. This time, he couldn't bear to ride it out, and cried out her name as he released himself into her.

She felt and heard his release in the euphoria of her own, and felt like laughing, if she could have caught her breath. She had never felt such pleasure, never felt so complete, as when he was inside her. She had felt his true love for her, and knew she had never had anything to fear from him, or her friends. He lay down on top of her, still spent inside her, and she enjoyed the feeling of his weight pressing her into the bed. As they resting, breath slowly returning to normal, she whispered in his ear. "I love you, Mamoru."

And he replied, "I know, Usagi."

She mused to herself as she lay beside him, `I might even start to like thunderstorms. After all, one night in the rain…'

They lay curled together in the dim room, rain drops pattering against the windows, wrapped in cocoon of love and the smell of sex. Neither knew what tomorrow would bring to bear, but Usagi knew that he would always be by her side. Trailing her hand down the curve of his shoulder, she sighed contentedly, depression the farthest thing from her mind.


Minako turned to look at Rei where they lay sprawled in the temple, listening to the rain outside. The golden-haired Senshi of Love propped herself up on one arm, blue eyes meeting amethyst in thought. Both beings psychics, and deeply connected with the two leaders of the Senshi, the emotions of the evening and the feelings of satisfaction were not lost on them.

"What do you think will happen now, Rei-chan?" Minako whispered in the still air of Rei's room. Rei rolled onto her stomach to better look at her friend.

"I don't know, Minako, but I think it will be all right," the miko answered, smiling slightly. Minako grinned in response, thunder booming over their heads. "I didn't realize how much she was dealing with until tonight, but now we know, and we can help her," she added, brushing a stray dark lock of hair from her thoughtful eyes.

"I love the rain, don't you?"