Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One True Love ❯ One True Love chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hello everyone, I forgot to explain in the original that each paragraph is a different view. They are in veiws of Serena and Darien. The first paragraph starts off as Darien and the next as Serena, and so on... In the original version this did not have the disclamer so now i'm puttig it in. I don not own Sailor Moon or any of the Characters, the only character in this story that is mine is Travis, yes i know he's in another story i wrote and he's evil, but no big deal. Anyway Sailor Moon is the intellectuall prorperty of Nako Takiuchi/Kodinosha (sp??) Have fun and remember my stories are HENTAI FREE! However one day i may wright one if i can. I can be reached at or Please enjoy the story.
Serenity Darkness

One True Love
Part 1
By: Serenity Darkness

"Prince Endymion, please help me find the crystal. Please my love you're the only one who can set me free" The princess in my dream said again tonight. "What is your name?" I asked her as I pulled her into my embrace and look down into her crystal blue eyes. " My name is Serenity but you can call me Sailor Moon." She said as she kissed me softly on the cheek before she disappeared. I woke up a few moments later repeating her name. "Serenity." *She looks like Serena. Could she mean that she's Serena. I have been feeling stranger towards her every time I see her, and if I dont see her I feel so down. I wonder why* I walked out onto the balcony to look up at the moon like she held the answers I was looking for. *Who is Princess Serenity and why does she look so much like Serena? Could she be Serena? What crystal is she talking about? How can I set her free?* I walked back inside with my questions still unanswered. *Good night Serenity*

"Princess Serenity, please be careful my love it's not safe." The prince in my dream said again. "What is your name?" I asked him. "My name is Endymion, but you can call me Tuxedo Mask." He said as I kissed his cheek softly before he disappears. I awoke a few minuets later repeating his name, "Endymion." "Is something wrong?" Luna asks me. "Nothing Luna. I just needed some thing to drink that's all" I told her as I got up to go to the kitchen. *Endymion I will be careful for you... Why do you look so much like Darien? Your eyes haunt me everyday until I see him, it's like your both the same person.* I got something to drink and walked back to my room. "Is everything Ok now Serena?" Luna asks me again. "Yes I'm fine Luna. Good night." I said to her as I got back into bed and stared at the moon. *Oh Goddess please tell me are Endymion and Darien one in the same person? Oh Goddess Selene please tell me... Good night Endymion...*

I jogged around the corner and right into somebody because I wasn't paying attention. I tried to catch the person before they fell and hit the ground, and I succeeded. *Why does this feel so right?* I thought and felt a shudder run deep through my body. " I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I said as I helped her up. "It's Ok Darien." Serena said as I looked deep into her blue eyes."Are you sure Serena? I ran into you pretty hard this morning." I asked her. *What's going on, I feel so strange right now... could it be those eyes? They look so much like Serenity's.* I thought. "Yeah I'm sure." She said as she broke eye contact with me. *Did I just see fear in her eyes, or was that something else?* She stood up and I let my arms fall to my side, they felt so empty once she had left. "If you'll excuse me Darien I have to go." She said as she ran off toward the arcade. I shook my head to ward off the feeling that rushed through me when I held her in my arms. I continued jogging till I got to the arcade. When I walked into the arcade I saw Serena sitting in a booth with another guy who looked like he was yelling at her. *That guy looks familiar.*

"Serena I can't take it anymore. You keep your hair in that ridiculous style, your never on time and your a klutz. That's it I'm through and so is this relationship! Good bye forever Serena." Travis said to me as I began to cry. I thought I was in love, and I thought he loved me, but I guess I was wrong... so terrably wrong. "What's wrong Serena?" I heard Darien's voice as he came and sat down next to me. *Why do I feel so safe when I'm with Darien?* "I don't think I should tell you Darien it really doesn't have anything to do with you." I said to him as I whiped my face. He pulled me into his arms to for a hug, and that surpised me more than anything, as i relaxed in his arms and cried more. "Serena I'm worried about you that's why I asked you what's wrong. Now tell me what happened." He said. "Ok Darien." I said and began to tell him what had happend.

"My now ex-boyfriend, Travis, just dumped me. He said i was stupid and a klutz and that my hair style was redicoulus." She was able to sob out before she started crying again. *If I ever get my hands on him I'll kill him... hey why do I feel so protective over Serena all of a sudden?* "Why do I feel safe whenever I'm with you Darien?" Serena asked me out of the clear blue and that surprised me. "I don't know. But I will promise not to let him hurt you again." I told her as I looked down into her blue eyes. "Thanks Darien, coming from you that means a lot to me." She said to me softly in a voice I've never heard her use before. "Hey it's getting late and you'll be late to school. Do you want a ride since it's on my way to work?" I asked her. "Sure. I don't feel up to walking at the moment." She said as we walked out to my car.

"Thanks again Darien." I said as I kissed his cheek before I got out of the car. "I owe you big time." I said as I got out of the car and closed the door behind me. "No problem Serena I don't mind helping you out at a time like this." He said to me as I saw a small smile crossed his lips. That was something I normaly didn't see unless he was making fun of me, and this time he wasnt, which made me happy. I walked up the steps of the school and waved as he drove off. "Hey Serena what where you doing in Darien's car?" Lita asked me. "Oh he just gave me a ride to school since I was late." I said while Lita and I walked into the school building. "Now that was something different. How did you manage that?" She asked me as we walked down the hall to our lockers. "I really dont want to talk about that Lita." I said as we closed our lockers and went on our way to our different classes "Ok then, I'll see you at lunch. Bye!" Lita said as we spilt up to go to our classes. "So you've been cheating on me with that college guy?" Travis asked me after he saw Lita leave. "No, he's a friend of mine who happend to see me crying after you broke up with me. So just leave me alone Travis I'm not in the mood for your stupid shit." I yelled at him as I walked on. I turned my head and walked on when I almost walked right smack into him. "I'll never leave you alone. I'm going to make your life hell you little bitch." Travis said in a low evil whisper into my ear before he disappeared. *I've been dating the enemy!* "Serena come-on or we're gonna be late!" Mina said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the scene. "So now how are things with you and Travis. You two make such a cute couple, you know everyone in school is jealous because you hooked him." Mina said as we went into the class room. "Lets see first we are not together and second I just found out Travis is one of those Nega-Creeps." I said with tears in my eyes. "You've been dating the enemy!" Ray said as she heard the rest of our conversation. "I always felt an evil presence whenever he was around" Ray said as she thought about it. "Serena I would be careful today Travis is spreading nasty rumors around school about you." Amy told me. That's when I noticed all the looks I was getting form the students in class. *What did he say about me?*

*If I ever find that guy I'll hurt him. Serena does not deserve to be hurt like that* I thought as I walked down the street into the arcade. "Hey Darien I thought you where at work." Andrew said to me as I walked up to the counter. "I was, but I couldn't concentrate after seeing Serena like that. Did you see what happened to her this morning?" I asked him. He nodded and shook his head "It was terrible, I can understand how you couldn't concentrate, I wasn't able to either, untill you came in." He said and I sighed. "I want to know who that guy was." I continued. "Yeah that was wrong what that guy did to her she doesn't deserve something as bad as that. That kids name is Travis, " Andrew said. "Thanks." I said as I was about to leave. "Why the sudden concern Darien? Is Serena more than just a friend to you?" Andrew asked me when he saw the anger in my eyes, "I don't know Andrew to tell you the truth I don't know." I said and sighed before I looked at Andrew again. "Well something in your eyes says that she's more than a friend and if she's not than you want more than just friendship from her." Andrew said as he looked into my eyes which at the moment where betraying me. *He's right I do want something more form her but what?* "Well I have to go Andrew I'll see you later." I said as I walked out of the arcade. *So Travis is his name. He feels awfully familiar to me but why could he be one of those Negaverse generals?* I walked down the street and too the park to do some thinking.