Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Only A Memory Away ❯ Return of the Three O'Clock Fairy ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 5
Return of the Three O'Clock Fairy

It's been a few days since Helios and Chibiusa talked in the forest. Chibiusa is hanging out with Momoko and Kyusuke at Azabu Juuban Park.
“Where is your boyfriend?” Momoko asked.
“I'm not sure.” Chibiusa answered.
Kyusuke put his arm around Momoko.
“Stop that.” Momoko said.
“Is something going between the two of you?” Chibiusa asked.
“Yes there is because we're dating.” Kyusuke answered.
Chibiusa can't believe her ears.
“I never thought that you two end up together.” Chibiusa said.
All of sudden a boy a few years older than Chibiusa appeared.
“Chibiusa?” the boy asked.
“Yes that's me.” Chibiusa answered.
Chibiusa looked at the boy and her eyes widen in shock.
“Do you remember me?” the boy asked.
“Yes I do. It's nice to see you again.” Chibiusa answered.
Momoko looked the young boy than at Chibiusa.
“Who is he?” Momoko asked.
“This is Peruru. I met him a long time when I was younger.” Chibiusa answered.
“How have you been?” Peruru asked.
“I've been good.” Chibiusa answered.
Helios suddenly walked over.
“Where did you come from?” Momoko asked.
“I was at Chibiusa's house talking to her father.” Helios answered.
Chibiusa looked at Helios.
“What were talking to my dad for?” Chibiusa asked.
“That my dear beautiful little one is a secret.” Helios answered.
Chibiusa rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“You can stop the sweet talk anytime.” Chibiusa said.
“Why?” Helios asked.
“It's embarrassing that's why.” Chibiusa answered.
Helios wrapped his arms around Chibiusa. Peruru got an angry look on his face. Chibiusa looked up into Helios's golden eyes. Helios looked down into Chibiusa's red eyes. Chibiusa cuddled up to Helios. Momoko looked at Chibiusa and noticed that she's pale. Momoko's eyes widened in shock.
“Is just me or she a little pale?” Momoko asked.
Helios looked at Chibiusa and he noticed it too.
“You're right she is.” Helios answered.
Helios put his hand on Chibiusa's forehead than pulled it away. Chibiusa looked up at Helios.
“I want go home.” Chibiusa said.
Helios got a worried look on his face and so does Peruru. All of a sudden Chibiusa fainted. Helios gasped than looks Momoko.
“What?” Momoko asked.
“Go get her father right away.” Helios answered as he picked up Chibiusa in his arms and laid on her bench under a tree.
Momoko nodded her head. Helios than sat on the ground beside the bench and took Chibiusa's hand in his. Momoko took off towards Chibiusa's house. A few minutes later Momoko arrived at Chibiusa's house and knocked on the door. Usagi answered the door.
“How can I help you Momoko?” Usagi asked.
“I need to talk with Mamoru because it's very important.” Momoko answered.
Mamoru came to the door.
“What's wrong?” Mamoru asked.
“It's Chibiusa.” Momoko answered.
“What about her?” Mamoru asked.
“She's sick.” Momoko answered.
Mamoru got a very worried fatherly look on his face.
“Where is she?” Mamoru asked.
“She's at Azabu Juuban Park with Helios, Kyusuke and some other guy named Peruru.” Momoko answered.
Mamoru started to get ready than he followed Momoko to Azabu Juuban Park. Chibiusa is still lying on the bench and Helios is still holding her hand in his. Mamoru walked over to where Chibiusa is and picked her up his arms. Helios got to his feet and looked at Mamoru. Mamoru started heading back to the house carrying Chibiusa. Helios followed Mamoru and so does Peruru. Helios turned around and noticed Peruru following them.
“Why are you following us?” Helios asked.
“I'm just as worried about her as you are.” Peruru answered.
“Who are you anyway?” Helios asked.
“My name is Peruru and I'm dream fairy. I met Chibiusa when she was younger.” Peruru answered.
“How do you feel about her?” Helios asked.
“She's the most wonderful girl I've ever met and I'm been madly in love with her since we first met so I came back to see her.” Peruru answered.
“Well I'm sorry to burst you bubble Peruru but she's with me now.” Helios said.
“Who are you?” Peruru asked.
“I'm Helios, The dream priest of Elysian and Guardian of the golden crystal.” Helios answered.
Peruru's eyes widened in shock.
“Are you serious?” Peruru asked.
Helios shook his head.
“No I'm dead serious.” Helios answered as he took the necklace off than turns back into his true self.
Peruru can't believe his eyes.
“Whoa, you really are Helios.” Peruru said.
“I told you.” Helios replied.
They reach Mamoru and Usagi's house. Mamoru opened the door than took Chibiusa into the living room and laid her on the couch. Helios walked into the bathroom than came a few minutes later with a damp cloth and put it on Chibiusa's forehead. Helios sat on the floor by the couch. Chibiusa moaned a little open her eyes. Helios let out a sigh of relief. Chibiusa looked at Helios.
“Why did you do that? Where I am?” Chibiusa asked.
“I did it because I was worried that you won't wake up and you are home.” Helios answered.
“How did I get home?” Chibiusa asked.
Mamoru smiled.
“I carried you princess after Momoko came and told me what happen.” Mamoru answered.
Chibiusa noticed Peruru standing by the door coming into the living room. Chibiusa smiled at Peruru. Helios rolled his eyes. Chibiusa suddenly noticed that Helios is in his true forum.
“Why did you take off your necklace?” Chibiusa asked.
“Peruru won't believe me when I told him who I was so I had to take it off to prove to him I was telling the truth.” Helios answered.
Chibiusa got to her feet but suddenly fell backwards onto Helios. Helios smiled and wrapped his arms around Chibiusa. Peruru rolled his eyes. Chibiusa noticed Peruru rolling his eyes.
“Why did you do that?” Chibiusa asked.
“It should be with my arms around you like that.” Peruru answered.
Helios glared at Peruru.
“She's mine now so get use to it.” Helios said.
Chibiusa smiled a little hugged Helios. Peruru looked at Helios than at Chibiusa.
“What's so special about him?” Peruru asked.
“He's really sweet to me. He has protected me time and time again. He's always there when I need someone to talk and he loves me just like I love him.” Chibiusa answered.
Helios smiled.
“She's totally right about everything.” Helios said.
Chibiusa smiled than kissed Helios right in front of Peruru. Peruru got angry look on his face the left. All of a sudden the doorbell rang. Usagi walked over to the door and opened to find the other Senshi on the other side. Usagi let them than noticed the ring on Minako's ring finger.
“Why did get the beautiful ring?” Usagi asked.
“I got it from Kunzite.” Minako answered.
“Do you mean he proposed to you?” Usagi asked.
“Yes that's what I mean.” Minako answered.
Usagi hugged Minako.
“I'm so happy for you.” Usagi said.
Chibiusa looks at Minako.
“Congratulations.” Chibiusa replied.
“Are you feeling better?” Rei asked.
“Yes I am.” Chibiusa answered.
Mamoru looked at Rei.
“How did you know that she was sick?” Mamoru asked.
“We run into Momoko on the way over here and she told us.” Rei answered.
Chibiusa cuddled up to Helios. Helios just smiled. A few hours pass and it's getting really late.
“Well my little maiden I have to get back to Elysian now.” Helios said.
Helios went to leave but Chibiusa grabbed his arm.
“Please don't leave me.” Chibiusa replied.
“I would love to stay my little maiden I have to protect Elysian but I promise I'll come see you tomorrow.” Helios said.
“I love you.” Chibiusa replied.
Helios smiled.
“I know my little maiden and I love you to.” Helios said.
“See you tomorrow.” Chibiusa replied.
Helios nodded his head. Chibiusa hugged Helios than they kissed and Helios left. Chibiusa ran up to her bedroom and falls onto her bed crying. The Clarion started to glow than Helios appeared in it.
“Please don't cry my little maiden because tears don't become you.” Helios said.
Chibiusa looked at Clarion.
“I can't help it because I miss you so much.” Chibiusa replied.
“You'll see me tomorrow.” Helios said.
“I want to see you right now.” Chibiusa replied.
Helios smiled a little. Chibiusa talked with Helios through the Clarion for awhile than she fell asleep so Helios left. The whole night Chibiusa is dreaming of one day marrying Helios and having a family with him.