Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Only One, Beautiful Night ❯ One Night ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Only One, Beautiful Night

Beauty... I don't think I've truly seen beauty until I encountered
her. Even now, standing in the darkness, she glowed brilliantly. She
didn't even notice as I opened the door to the top of the tower, where
she was watching her princess and my prince intensively. She's always
doing that, which is why she misses a lot of things that admire her,
me being one of them. To others, I'm one of the strongest, most
strategic generals in the universe. But around her, I was nothing. I
felt completely bare, having her intense blue eyes meet mine.

I don't understand. Yes, the Princess of the Moon obviously radiates
with beauty, but how could it cover the brilliance of her? Was she
merely an ornament amongst the princess' court? No, not to me. She's
one in a million. Asides from the prince, she was my world. Although
she didn't know it, I'd been watching her for a long time. Ever since
that fateful day years ago...


Walking through the forests of the moon in pure daylight was one of
the most amazing things I've ever done. The trees, instead of the
earthly green color, glittered in silver, platinum, copper, and gold.
The metallic feel wasn't there though. Each individual leaf radiated

It was silent. Perhaps too silent. How could a forest be as quiet as
this? That not a single being moved, not a breath a wind rustled a
leaf? Quickly feeling someone's gaze at my back, my instincts made me
turn quickly, ready to take on the invader.

I froze.

There she was, standing behind a glittering golden tree. However, the
tree's glow seemed to disappear among hers. Her innocent blue eyes
stared at me curiously. Her luscious, peach colored lips parted
slightly. It was so inviting. Her old wavy hair reached her waist and
the golden waves reflected off the sun. She was dressed in a peasant's
clothing, in the color of tan. However, her pale skin glowed beneath
the hideous attire. "Miss?" Startled, she turned and ran, quietly and

A dream.

It was a dream. That's what I thought at the time. I stood for a few
minutes, puzzled. The natural sounds came back, the footsteps of
little animals, the rustling of leaves. It wasn't surprising how it
became quiet earlier. Her beauty could make time itself stop to look.
I had to find her.

Of course, a few days later, my fellow generals and I were presented
to the princess' court. I saw her again, full of smiles and innocence.
I've never seen anything so pure in my life.

I needed her.

All of her.

I began watching her from afar to restrain my urges. She was too
young, much too young. But now, she'd matured rapidly. You could see
it in her shapely body with her full, round breasts, thin waist, and
slender and unbelievably long legs.

Still, she was an innocent.

A beginner to the craft, to the nature of all, to the fulfillment of
desires between the opposite sexes. I had wanted to wed her before I
taught it to her, but with the war, I may never get the chance. I
would not want to die knowing she could end up in someone else's

She noticed my approach and turned her attention to me. My breath
caught in my throat, her beauty was astonishing. In her traditional
Venusian dress, she looked like a goddess. "General Kunzite," she said
in a soft, enchanting voice.

"Please, no formalities. Tonight is our night off. The whole world
drowns in the peace tonight," I murmured as I stepped towards her. She
seemed taken back, and backed up against the wall. "There's no need to
be afraid, Minako. Just follow," I whispered the last two words into
her ear.

Finally. I knew.

I knew how her gorgeous lips felt against mine... pure bliss. The soft
kisses turned into passionate ones, not willing to resist any more of
my emotions. I've done that for too long. I thought I heard her groan,
but I just ignored it and slipped my tongue into her mouth. She gasped
to the new sensation and I smiled. I've always wanted to know what
it's like to interact with the goddess of love intimately. Tonight
would be our night.

"Wait," she whispered as she placed her hands on my chest and pushed
me away. I kept my arms solidly around her waist. I couldn't let her
go, not when I just got a taste of a small portion of her. "We can't.
We're opposites," she moaned as she reacted to the kisses I was
planting on the arch of her neck.

"Opposites attract," I murmured. She didn't seem to protest, and gave
herself to me.

I received it completely.

As my kisses trailed down to her collar, She arched her back and my
kisses advanced downwards. Reaching past her, I ripped off the curtain
from the window and placed it behind her back. Gently, I brought her
down to the floor. At first, she was startled, eyes wide with
innocence. "Don't be afraid. I'll teach you everything," I could only
say harshly. She nodded, with complete trust.

Once again, we entangled in a passionate kiss. There's no turning
back. I slid the gold ribbon out of her hair and it fanned out around
her. The golden glow formed a halo, creating the image of an angel.
She's an angel, my angel, mine forever. Moans of desire escaped from
my lips as her hands wrapped around the back of my neck. We've both
wanted this for so long.

Reaching for her back, I undid her waist band, which practically held
the whole dress together. After undoing that, I just unfolded the
material, creating another layer of fabric for us to lay on instead of
the hard cold floor. "You're beautiful," I whispered as my lips
traveled down her body.

I must say, I'm quite experienced in this. Although my heart belongs
to Minako only, I've had quite a few... gatherings with other females.
But she... she aroused something in me, a beast. I want to give my
whole to her also, at least for tonight. Tonight is everything, for
tomorrow, our priorities will once again alter towards our lieges.

I could feel her cold hands running up and down my chest and realized
that she'd undressed me as I drowned in her beauty. Teasingly, her
tongue caressed my ear as my hands roamed along her body, exploring
every curve, taking in every part of her. My lips moved down to her
cleavage. Her once cream-colored neck had been turned red already
because of my passionate outburst.

Taking her left, perfect breast in one hand, I began sucking the other
one. I felt like a child, always wanting more. But Minako was my
candy, my forbidden fruit. I enjoyed the touch between my tongue and
her nipple until it hardened, and I moved to the other. She's perfect
in every way.

My finger brushed against her petals and she shivered in delight.
Fluid immediately began to flow out of her opening. Wanting
everything, my tongue smoothed all around the area. "KUNZITE!" She'd
screamed. I loved how she made my name sound.

I moved back up until we're face to face again. There's a glint in her
eyes I haven't seen before, a glint of lust, perhaps? Her swollen lips
gently pressed against my cheek as her hands held my face in place.
I've never felt heaven before, now I won't mind if I burned eternally
in hell, as long as I had this moment.

With her hands on my shoulders, she pushed me gently onto our love
nest. Just as if she was experienced herself, her tongue traced down
my body until she touched the tip of my member. I shivered in delight
as she fully received the cum that was coming from her erotic actions.
When she was through, she came back up with me.

It was time.

Now I'll truly have her.

I took my position on top. Giving butterfly kisses over her face, I
gently pushed my finger between her petals. She gasped loudly and shut
her eyes tight. This was definitely proof this is her first time.

"This is it, Minako. Are you sure about this? All you have to do is
say no?" I asked, my breath ragged. That's a lie. I don't know if I'd
have the strength to go this far and just creep back.

To my relief, she nodded. I wanted to cry. She was willing to give
herself completely to me, even if it was for only one night. But I
ignored my inner cries, and with a push, penetrated her. Her
blood-chilling scream made me pull back immediately. Tears spilled
from the corners of her tightly shut eyes. "I am so sorry, Minako. I
didn't mean for it to be that painful," I quickly apologize. Seeing
her like that, my heart wrenched.

"I know," she said softly as she opened her eyes again and smiled at
me. "And don't stop. I want this," she said seriously. I forced a
smile on my face also. I didn't want to hurt her, but...

Once again, I penetrated her. I could feel her shift beneath me and
pain went through my own body. I shouldn't do this. I'm hurting her.
But she wouldn't let me go. I could barely let myself go. I loved the
feeling of having her enclose around me, being inside her. So I kept
going. Thrust after thrust, it became easier for her. And soon her
cries of pain became screams of pleasure.

Together, we reached our orgasms and collapsed, both breathing
heavily. We cuddled against each other as we stared at the Earth. "You
know we may never do this again," I said painfully. I wanted this so
much, but I knew that the prince is my priority, and the princess was
hers. I wanted desperately to be with her though. To live with her, to
wake up everyday with her, to have children with her... But those
things are so far from reality.

"I know," she whispered. "But I'm glad... that you're my first time."
With that, I broke down. Sobs escaped from my lips. No one had ever
given me something so pure, so... warm. I've just found it, and now I
have to let it go. "And, this has been the most magical night of my
life," she whispered softly and smiled up at me.

Kissing the tip of her nose, we decided to savor the time we have now.
We made love to each other like there's no tomorrow. For us, there IS
no tomorrow...