Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Operation LoveBunny ❯ Just The Same Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Operation LoveBunny
Chapter 1
“What's the matter odango? Failed another test?” Began the snickering voice of none other that Chiba Mamoru or as Usagi preferred to call him, Mamoru-Baka.
“Why don't you just go to hell with the fish! I don't need you mocking me all of the time, it's like you're infatuated with me, geez!” If only she knew, Mamoru had been infatuated with her for a long time. He only teased her because it was the only way he could communicate with her and because of the fact that she was so damn cute when she was mad.
Motoki and the 4 girls, who were Usagi's friends watched on, the girls were known as Rei, the Senshi of Mars with the power of fire. She has deep purple eyes and long raven hair that reached just above her knees, her senshi fuku is red with purple and red bows.
Minako, the Senshi of Venus with the power of love has bright baby blue eyes with long blonde hair tied in bow, which reached below her knees; her senshi fuku is orange with dark blue and orange bows.
Ami, the Senshi of Mercury with the power of water, she has stormy dark blue eyes and neck length blue hair, her senshi fuku is light blue with dark blue bows.
Makoto is the senshi of Jupiter with the power of thunder, she has emerald green eyes and is has brunette hair which is tied into a high pony tail by 2 green balls, she has long tendrils hanging down her face. Her senshi fuku is light green with pink bows.
Each of the senshi protect the moon princess serenity, aka sailor moon, whose real identity is Usagi.
Anyway, continuing with story, this particular set of friends was sick of watching the pair argue. Here is a summary of an everyday conversation with Usagi and Mamoru (if you could call it that).
Door bells jingle, Usagi enters all happy and bubbly, jumps on stool and orders milkshake, tall jerk next to her (Mamoru) makes comment, Usagi attempts to ignore jerk, jerk insults her about a test or various other things, Odango(by this point we are definitely at the name calling stage) calls jerk names such as jerk(no duh) Baka, fish and ruder names that are not suitable this early in the fic, continuous insulting takes place, arcade customers start to leave (don't ya just feel sorry for them?) and now we arrive at the current situation.
“THAT'S IT!” The pair stopped mid-screaming match to glare at Motoki.
“I am SICK of you two arguing, can't you get on like normal people?!”
“Fuck off Motoki, can't you see we're busy” Everyone turned to stare at the, what they thought was innocent Usagi. (So much for not swearing, AN: it's not me, they made me do it, It's true!)
“Odango…I would have never thought, you'd use language like that…it's just not you…” Everyone nodded their heads in agreement with Mamoru.
“Well, say hello to the real me people, `cos the fake Usagi is gone!”
Seconds later the screaming match was back on, the five friends looked at each other and in a somewhat secret agreement, decided it was about time to do something about this stubborn couple.
Hi, tell me what you thought about the starting chapter, I think it should have been a bit longer with maybe a start of the torture. Tell me if I should add extra or not in your reviews. Feel free to flame because as my ff friend, Illusion4eva says we can use them to burn down our French classroom (no disrespect to you French guys out there, it's just we especially don't like our teacher).
P.S.-Illusion you had better review!