Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: Lovers ❯ The Plan ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ello everyone. Thanks for the reviews much appreciated. Eva C, kiba-queen, ChramedSerenity3, sailorstars16, and roxyauthor2b. This chapter is going to be really short, but it has some meaning towards the story within the near future.
Later that evening the girls gathered in Mina's room for a very important meeting. Ami wearing a pair of blue shorts with a sky-blue tee. One her right was Lita having on a green tank top with a long forest color pants. To the other side Rei had on a red sleeveless shirt with a pair of denim skirt, and Mina had on a long orange dress with a flower on her bow.
Mina started, “The first order of business is whatever goes in this room does not come out of here. Got it.”
Everyone agreed, “Yeah, we'll keep it a secret, but why did you gather us all up in your room without Serena? She will get suspicious.”
“Good point, Lita. The reason that I brought all of you is that we need to find a way to get Serena and Darien together.”
“They are already friends. They are already together,” Ami said.
“No. That's not what I meant. I mean together if you know what I mean,” as Mina emphasized.
“Ohh,” Ami blushed.
“The only problem is that they can not suspect a thing. I know that Serena can sense us plotting something, and not tell us till the end. So it's a mega secret.”
“Do you even know what the plan is yet?”
Everyone stared at Mina, “That's why I needed you here. That way all of us know what is going on. Now let's get started.”
The girls started to think on what they can do for the plan. Almost every detail was in place. Hours of scheduling and preparing and now they are ready to put it into a close.
Mina replied, “Does everyone know what their job is?” they nodded no, “Here's the deal. Rei, you are in charge of watching them in a distance, but don't let them see you. Lita and Ami, both of you are going to watch for any yoma within the area. I will be in the distance, but not too far from the two and I will be working with the video camera. The time we leave is after Serena's birthday, we'll go sight seeing, and until we go to the Navy Pier on that Friday night. I think that's everything.”
“I don't know that this is going to work?” Ami said.
“Of course it will work. The plan is 100% fool proof. If everything is in place, and then I officially claim Operation: Lovers open.”
The girls got up, and walked downstairs to where one certain meatball head was sitting on the couch. They hung out like they do everyday, and did some games to entertain themselves. For what Serena doesn't know there will be something that will happen to her in the near future.